ADO Connection Timeout problem - sql-server-2005

Using TADOConnection class to connect to SQL server 2005 db.
Having ConnectionTimeOut := 5; // seconds.
Trying to open the connection synchronously.
When the server is available and running, the connection time out works fine. If the server is not available or network connection is lost, then attempting to open a connection waits for more than 5 seconds (may be 20 secs).
Is there any property or method that needs to be set to influence this behavior?

No, it's enough to set the ConnectionTimeout property
I've had the exact problem (D2009, MSSQL2005), but TADOConnection.ConnectionTimeout works fine for me (btw. the deafult value for this property is 15 seconds). Note, that the timeout dispersion is quite wide, so once you'll be timed out after 5 seconds and later on e.g. after 10 seconds, but 20 seconds is really too much for the connection attempt.
Probably you have a problem with CommandTimeout (if you are trying to execute a query with the associated ADO data set component). You need to remember, that if you set TADOConnection.ConnectionTimeout := 5 and in your data set component e.g. TADOQuery.CommandTimeout := 15, and you're trying to execute query, then you will get timeout after 20 seconds.
If you really have a problem with query execution, not only connection attempt, this post may help you
ADO components CommandTimeout

TADOConnection.ConnectionTimeout - Timeout in milliseconds to connect to data source
TADOConnection.CommandTimeout - Timeout in milliseconds to execute command
if you getting timeout error on trying to connect, increase value of ConnectionTimeout property, else if you getting an error on executing some query, - increase value of CommandTimeout property.


How do to increase timeout value for DataGrip's connection to Google BigQuery?

I currently connect JetBrain's DataGrip IDE to Google BigQuery to run my queries. I get the following error however: [Simba][BigQueryJDBCDriver](100034) The job has timed out on the server. Try increasing the timeout value. This of course happens when I run a query that may take some time to execute.
I can execute queries that take a short amount of time to complete so the connection does work.
I looked at this question (SQL Workbench/J and BigQuery) but I still did not fully understand how to change the timeout value
The error is seen below in this screenshot:
This works well also:
Datasource Properties | Advanced | Timeout : 3600
Please open up data source properties and add this to the very end of connection URL: ;Timeout=3600; (note it case sensitive). Try to increase the value until error is gone.

How to tell if ADODB CommandTimeout is reached?

I have some VBA that queries a SQL database using ADODB. Currently I have the CommandTimeout set to 30 seconds. If nothing is returned, that can either be because no such record exists in the SQL database, or because the timeout was reached. I would like to be able to distinguish these two cases and display a warning when the timeout is reached. Is there a way to achieve this?
Firstly read this: ADO Event Instantiation: Visual Basic
Check EventStatusEnum for adStatusOK - which should not be set in case TimeOut.
You could also catch up "InfoMessage"
InfoMessage Event to see information like in SSMS when you run query.

Server.ScriptTimeout = 0 Not working

I have an ASP Classic script that has to do a lot of things (admin only) including running a stored proc that takes 4 mins to execute.
However even though I have
Server.ScriptTimeout = 0
Right at the top of the page it seems to ignore it - 2003 and 2012 servers.
I have tried indexing the proc as much as possible but its for a drop down of commonly searched for terms so I have to clean out all the hacks, sex spam and so on.
What I don't understand is why the Server.ScriptTimeout = 0 is being ignored.
The actual error is this and comes just
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'
Script timed out
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You
can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property
Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS
administration tools.
It never used to do this and it should override the default set in IIS of 30 seconds.
I have ensured the command timeout of the proc is 0 so unlimited and it errors AFTER coming back from the proc.
Anybody got any ideas?
0 is an invalid value for Server.ScriptTimeout for 2 reasons:
ASP pages have to have a timeout. They cannot run indefinitely.
ScriptTimeout can never be lower than the AspScriptTimeout set in IIS according to this statement from the MSDN docs:
For example, if NumSeconds is set to 10, and the metabase setting
contains the default value of 90 seconds, scripts will time out after
90 seconds.
The best way to work around this is to set Server.ScriptTimeout to a really high value.

SQL, PHP - Close a sleeping connection

Good day to all. I have a little problem:
How do I close the sleeping connections to a database?
When I issue a query the query is executed then the connection remains on sleep mode for 2-3 seconds. The problem is that I generate queries faster than they are closed.
Is there a way to force a connection to close before entering in the sleep mode? Or any workaround.
Thank you for help.
Note: The connections are not permanent, they close, but just to slow...
Note 2 - for the mysql_close(): The command is issued at the end of the query. Still the query goes into sleep mode before close. I attach a print screen in a min.
Notice the sleeping connections... they will be closed in 1-3 secs... but I generate another queries faster. I need to skip the sleep wasted time.
Are you using mysql_pconnect() ? If not, this should not happen if you properly close every connection made to your database.
Edit : Similar issue ?
Explicitly. For example, if you are using mysql then call mysql_close(). Or the equivalent for whatever database you are using.
my class for dbconnection hast mysqli_close($this->conn);
in its __destruct() so that every connection is closed on destruction of the connection.
Try setting the wait_timeout variable = 1 so they will close after 1 second.

How to reduce timeout period when sql 2005 database unavailable

I have some ASP (Classic) code that queries a SQL 2005 Express database. I'm currently handling programmatically if this DB goes down by handling the error when someone tries to connect and can't. I capture the error and bypass subsequent db queries to this database using a session variable.
My problem is that this first query takes about 20 seconds before it timeouts.
I'd like to reduce this timeout length but can't find which property either in the code or database is the right one to reduce.
I've tried following in the code;
con.CommandTimeout = 5
Any suggestions please?
First off you should investigate why the DB is going down at all. We manage servers for hundreds of clients and have never run into a problem with the DB going down unless it was scheduled maintenance.
Besides that, you're already onto the right properties.
"Connect Timeout" is set in the connection string and controls how long the client waits to establish a connection to the database. It should be safe to lower this value in most cases--connections should never take long to establish.
"CommandTimeout" is a property on the IDbCommand implementation and controls how long the client waits for a particular query to return. You can lower this value if you know your queries will not take longer than the value you're setting.
Ended up using the "Connect Timeout" option within ADODB.Connection string.
Set con = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=databaseserver;User ID=databaseuser;Password=databasepassword;Initial Catalog=databasename;Connect Timeout=5;"
If Err.Number = 0 And con.Errors.Count = 0 Then
'connected to database successfully
'did not connect to database successfully within timeout period specified (5 seconds in this example)
End If