Clearing check boxes in VB.NET -

I'm doing an assignment for Uni and in my VB.NET form I have some checkboxes, I'm trying to loop through and clear them (I have a button which will clear the form)
My problem is that there seems to be no property I can use to set the state of a checkbox when not explicitly telling VB which checkbox I want to use. for example, I can go
WineCheckBox.Checked = False
That will check the box, but I wand to DRY the code up a bit and not have to repeat this for each check box I have, this is what I was trying to do:
If TypeOf element Is CheckBox Then
element.Checked = False
End If
I've tried using element.CheckState and element.Checked and both times I get "Checked (or CheckState) is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.Control"
I've looked through all the attributes that I can find for this and none of them seem of use to me...
Am I missing something? or is this just not possible to do
this is the whole block of code:
'clear the controls
For Each element As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf element Is TextBox Then
element.Text = ""
End If
If TypeOf element Is CheckBox Then
element.Checked = False
End If

What type have you declared element as? If its just a Control then this is a base type for CheckBox that doesn't have the checked property. Maybe try:
If TypeOf element Is CheckBox Then
DirectCast(element,CheckBox).checked = False
End If

How about:
For Each element As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf element Is TextBox Then
element.Text = ""
End If
If TypeOf element Is CheckBox Then
Dim chk As CheckBox = CType(element, CheckBox)
chk.Checked = False
End If


How can I get the checkbox.checked event to fire when I pass it as a parameter in

I have programmed a long time but I’m relatively new to And I’ve avoided subroutines and functions in which I passed parameters because I always get stuck. I’m trying to write a subroutine to pass information that will fill a TextBox or a checkbox with either the value from a table or clear the field or set to false. The first code below is an example of what I’ve been doing and this works. I trying to write a subroutine to pass 1.the name of the textbox or checkbox control on my form,2.the data row value, and 3.the column name in the table. The problem is when I passed a checkbox I can’t get the checked event to show on my control(CoreCol) that I passed. It knows it’s a checkbox and it will set the text of the checkbox too true or false but it won’t change the box checked.
This is an example of the old way that works. For a TextBox and a checkbox
' A Machine
If Not IsDBNull(r("A Machine")) Or Not IsNothing(r("A Machine")) Then
TbXMachA.Text = r("A Machine")
TbXMachA.Text = ""
End If
If Not IsDBNull(r("A CO2 Box?")) Or Not IsNothing(r("A CO2 Box?")) Then
CkbxCO2BoxA.Checked = r("A CO2 Box?")
CkbxCO2BoxA.Checked = False
End If
This works
LoadData2TextBox(Me. TbXMachA, r, "A Machine ")
This doesn’t
LoadData2TextBox(Me.CkbxCO2BoxA, r, "A CO2 Box?")
this is the sub routine I'm writing
Private Sub LoadData2TextBox(ByRef CoreCol As Control, CoreRow As DataRow, BoxStage As String)
If Not IsDBNull(CoreRow(BoxStage)) Then
If TypeOf CoreCol Is TextBox Then
CoreCol.Text = CoreRow(BoxStage)
End If
If TypeOf CoreCol Is CheckBox Then
CoreCol.??? = CoreRow(BoxStage)
End If
CoreCol.Text = ""
End If
You know that CoreCol is a CheckBox so you can cast it as one then use it as a CheckBox.
If TypeOf CoreCol Is CheckBox Then
Dim myCheckBox = DirectCast(CoreCol, CheckBox)
myCheckBox.Checked = DirectCast(CoreRow(BoxStage), Boolean)
End If
Another cast in getting the boolean value out of CoreRow(BoxStage). The above code assumes this will work, but I am not sure what is in CoreRow(BoxStage). You may need to add some logic based on the value depending on what it is. For example:
myCheckBox.Checked = CoreRow(BoxStage) = "somevalue"

How to determine the Object Type from the field name in a form?

I am trying to generalize this Sub. The sub works, without the test for the checkbox, for text fields. A checkbox has no .BackStyle nor a .ForeColor property.
I tried the code below:
Private Sub EnableEdit(strFieldname As String, Optional bUseRed As Boolean = False)
Me.Controls(strFieldname).Enabled = True
Me.Controls(strFieldname).Locked = False
If Not(TypeOf (Me.Controls(strFieldname)) Is CheckBox) Then
Me.Controls(strFieldname).BackStyle = 1
If bUseRed Then
Me.Controls(strFieldname).ForeColor = vbRed
Me.Controls(strFieldname).ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End If
End Sub
If Not(TypeOf (Me.Controls(strFieldname)) Is CheckBox) Then
is not syntactically correct. TypeOf expects an object and Me.Controls(strFieldname) is the control itself.
I tried alternative ways for Me.Controls(strFieldname).
If you're using standard Access controls, the easiest way is just to access the ControlType property
If Not Me.Controls(strFieldname).ControlType = acCheckbox Then
For special controls, TypeOf can be beneficial. You need to specify the class, which is likely Access.Checkbox (msforms.Checkbox can be used in Access as well but is very unusual).
If Not TypeOf Me.Controls(strFieldname) Is Access.Checkbox Then
The main source of your error, by the way, is the excessive use of parentheses. If you surround an object with parentheses, you get its default property:
Me.Controls("MyCheckbox") 'A checkbox
(Me.Controls("MyCheckbox")) 'The value of a checkbox
The line If Not(TypeOf (Me.Controls(strFieldname)) Is CheckBox) Then has a problem:
The correct syntax would be:
If Not TypeOf Me.Controls(strFieldname) Is CheckBox Then

Loop - set Textboxes to ReadOnly in all Groupboxes

I have groupboxes that contain textboxes and I want to set all of them to ReadOnly=True. Here is what I tried (doesn't work):
EDIT (I forgot about Split container):
For Each SplitCon As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf SplitCon Is SplitContainer Then
For Each GBox As Control In SplitCon.Controls
If TypeOf GBox Is GroupBox Then
For Each ctrl As Control In GBox.Controls
If TypeOf (ctrl) Is TextBox Then
CType(ctrl, TextBox).ReadOnly = True
End If
End If
End If
You can simplify things a great deal. Rather than looking thru all sorts of Control collections, create an array to act as a ToDo list. Then you can get rid of all the TypeOf and CType in the loop used.
' the ToDo list
Dim GrpBoxes = New GroupBox() {Groupbox1, Groupbox2,
Groupbox3, Groupbox4}
For Each grp In GrpBoxes
For Each tb As TextBox In grp.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)()
tb.ReadOnly = True
Your code no longer depends on the form layout of the moment. The only thing you have to remember is to add any new GroupBox items to your list. You can also declare the array once ever for the whole form if you prefer (or even in the For Each statement)
Rather than working with Control objects, Controls.OfType(Of T) filters the collection and returns an object variable of that type, so there is no need to cast it or skip over controls you are not interested in. You can also tack on a Where method to further refine the list to include only do those with a certain name or Tag.

Iterate on available control and check if this are enabled

I want iterate on GroupBox controls and check if the CheckBox are Checked or not. Actually I'm stuck on this:
For Each c In User.GroupBox3.Controls
If c.GetType.Name = "CheckBox" Then
If c.Checked = True ..?
End If
How you can see I can't access to .Checked property, someone know how can I figure out?
Its about Types. CheckBox is a Type, which inherits from Control which is another Type. Since a ControlsCollection holds the items as Control, you have to cast to the specific Type in order to access the more specific properties and methods:
Long Form:
For Each c As Control In TabPage1.Controls
' check if it is the Type we are looking for
If TypeOf c Is CheckBox Then
' convert to desired type, do something
CType(c, CheckBox).Checked = True
End If
CType converts/casts from Control to CheckBox.
Short Form:
For Each c As CheckBox In TabPage1.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)()
c.Checked = True
This version filters to a given Type so the cast isnt needed.

checking a radio button from it's name as a string

So let's say I have 5 radio buttons on my form.
In my code, I want to check RadioButton3.
I have "RadioButton3" stored in a string variable (RadName)
I can already loop through the controls on the form. How do I go about checking (and actually having the radio button filled in), RadioButton3 when the loop gets to it?
For Each RadioButtn As Control In Me.gbWriteXML.Controls
If (TypeOf RadioButtn Is RadioButton) Then
---code here for checking the radio button---
End If
The .gbWriteXML is a groupbox. Just to avoid any confusion. I was thinking something like:
If RadioButtn.Name = RadName Then
RadName.Checked = True (or .PerformClick for that button)
End If
How can I actually get the control associated with the RadName string, via the control's name?
I need this code to be able to take a radiobutton's name as string hardcoded or entered into the program at runtime, loop until it find the radiobutton with a matching name, then actually taking that radiobutton control, and checking it so it's filled in blue.
Don't loop. Just search for it with Controls.Find() like this:
Dim RadName As String = "RadioButton3"
Dim matches() As Control = Me.Controls.Find(RadName, True)
If matches.Length > 0 AndAlso TypeOf matches(0) Is RadioButton Then
Dim rb As RadioButton = DirectCast(matches(0), RadioButton)
rb.Checked = True
End If