How to draw a simple line without using Interface Builder? - objective-c

I'm a beginner. I just want to draw a simple line without using IB .
code I used is
if(self = [super init])
myView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,440)];
myView.backgroundColor = [UIColor grayColor];
mView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,200,200)];
self.view = myView;
[myView addSubView:mView];
return self;
line = [[MyView alloc]init];
[line setNeedsDisplay];
#import "MyView.h"
#implementation MyView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
// Initialization code
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGFloat red[4] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
CGContextSetStrokeColor(c, red);
CGContextMoveToPoint(c, 150.0f, 200.0f);
CGContextSetLineWidth(c, 5.0f);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, 50,300);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, 260,300);
But I'm not able to draw. Can you please help me.
Thanks in advance.

The code in viewWillAppear doesn't do anything because line is never added to the view hierarchy. MyView drawRect is never called because of the above and "myView" is allocated as a UIView instead of a MyView. Try changing the alloc in the view controller init.
myView = [[MyView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,440)];
Also the code will leak as written. Look into retain & release memory management.


How to display animated GIF in Objective C on top of the layered View?

I am trying to draw animated gif on my screen in mac OSX app .
I used this code to insert the gif: I can see the Gif as 1 picture it doesn't animates
only static picture :( what should I add to make it animated ?
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <Quartz/Quartz.h>//for drawing circle
#import "sharedPrefferences.h"
#interface GenericFanSubView : NSView
NSColor * _backgroundColor;
NSImageView* imageView;
- (void)setBackgroundColor :(NSColor*)color;
- (void)insertGif1;
- (void)insertGif2;
- (void)insertGif3;
#import "GenericFanSubView.h"
#define PI 3.14285714285714
#implementation GenericFanSubView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
imageView = [[NSImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0,self.frame.size.width,self.frame.size.height)];
[imageView setAnimates: YES];
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
// Drawing code here.
[self drawCircleInRect];
_backgroundColor = [NSColor whiteColor];
[self insertGif1];
//draw colored circle here
CGContextRef context = [[NSGraphicsContext // 1
currentContext] graphicsPort];
// ********** Your drawing code here ********** // 2
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context,[self NSColorToCGColor:(_backgroundColor)]);
float radius1 = self.frame.size.height/2;
float startAngle = 0;
float endAngle = endAngle = PI*2;
CGPoint position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.height/2,self.frame.size.height/2);//center of the view
CGContextAddArc(context, position.x, position.y, radius1, startAngle, endAngle, 1);
CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFill); // Or kCGPathFill
- (void)setBackgroundColor :(NSColor*)color
_backgroundColor = color;
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (CGColorRef)NSColorToCGColor:(NSColor *)color
NSInteger numberOfComponents = [color numberOfComponents];
CGFloat components[numberOfComponents];
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = [[color colorSpace] CGColorSpace];
[color getComponents:(CGFloat *)&components];
CGColorRef cgColor = CGColorCreate(colorSpace, components);
return cgColor;
//curentlly calling only this 1
- (void)insertGif1
[imageView removeFromSuperview];
[imageView setImageScaling:NSImageScaleNone];
[imageView setAnimates: YES];
imageView.image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"FanBlades11.gif"];
[self addSubview:imageView];
Edit: I discovered the source of the problem:
I was adding my class (that represents gif inside the circle) on top of RMBlurredView
and the animations doesn't work when I adding it as subview ,However it works on all the other views I added.
Any ideas what could be the reason inside the RMBlurredView to stop my NSImageView from animating ?
I think [self setWantsLayer:YES]; is the reason I am not getting animations
how can I still get the animation with this feature enabled?
Here is a simple sample with my problem
my gif:This is my gif it is invisible on white background color
"You must disable the autoscaling feature of the NSImageView for the
animation playback to function. After you've done that, no extra
programming required. It works like a charm!"
imageView.imageScaling = NSImageScaleNone;
imageView.animates = YES;
needed for layer backed views:
if the image view is in a layer backed view or is layer backed itself:
imageView.canDrawSubviewsIntoLayer = YES;
working example using the question's own gif:
NSImageView *view = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 10, 50, 50)];
view.imageScaling = NSImageScaleNone;
view.animates = YES;
view.image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"FanBlades2_42x42.gif"];
view.canDrawSubviewsIntoLayer = YES;
NSView *layerview = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 60, 60)];
layerview.wantsLayer = YES;
[layerview addSubview:view];
[self.window.contentView addSubview:layerview];

how to add lines in UITextView programmatically [duplicate]

I have a UITextView where the user can create notes and save into a plist file.
I want to be able to show lines just like a normal notebook. The problem I have is
that the text won't align properly.
The image below explains the problem quite well.
This is the background I use to create the lines like the
This is my code for creating the background for my UITextView:
textView.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"MarkerFelt-Thin" size:19.0];
textView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage: [UIImage imageNamed: #"Notes.png"]];
I know that the UIFont.lineHeight property is only available in > iOS 4.x.
So I wonder if there is another solution to my problem?
You should try and draw your lines programmatically rather than using an image. Here's some sample code of how you could accomplish that. You can subclass UITextView and override it's drawRect: method.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface NoteView : UITextView <UITextViewDelegate> {
#import "NoteView.h"
#implementation NoteView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:1.0f green:1.0f blue:0.6f alpha:1.0f];
self.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"MarkerFelt-Thin" size:19];
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
//Get the current drawing context
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
//Set the line color and width
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0f green:0.0f blue:0.0f alpha:0.2f].CGColor);
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 1.0f);
//Start a new Path
//Find the number of lines in our textView + add a bit more height to draw lines in the empty part of the view
NSUInteger numberOfLines = (self.contentSize.height + self.bounds.size.height) / self.font.leading;
//Set the line offset from the baseline. (I'm sure there's a concrete way to calculate this.)
CGFloat baselineOffset = 6.0f;
//iterate over numberOfLines and draw each line
for (int x = 0; x < numberOfLines; x++) {
//0.5f offset lines up line with pixel boundary
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, self.bounds.origin.x, self.font.leading*x + 0.5f + baselineOffset);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, self.bounds.size.width, self.font.leading*x + 0.5f + baselineOffset);
//Close our Path and Stroke (draw) it
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "NoteView.h"
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <UITextViewDelegate> {
NoteView *note;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NoteView *note;
#import "MyViewController.h"
#import "NoteView.h"
#implementation MyViewController
#synthesize note;
- (void)loadView {
[super loadView];
self.note = [[[NoteView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds] autorelease];
[self.view addSubview:note];
note.delegate = self;
note.text = #"This is the first line.\nThis is the second line.\nThis is the ... line.\nThis is the ... line.\nThis is the ... line.\nThis is the ... line.\nThis is the ... line.\n";
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
[note setNeedsDisplay];
- (void)textViewDidBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView {
CGRect frame = self.view.bounds;
frame.size.height -= KEYBOARD_HEIGHT;
note.frame = frame;
- (void)textViewDidEndEditing:(UITextView *)textView {
note.frame = self.view.bounds;
- (void)dealloc {
[note release];
[super dealloc];
Take a look at Apple's documentation for Managing the Keyboard, specifically "Moving Content That Is Located Under the Keyboard". It explains how to listen for NSNotifcations and adjust your views properly.
I think the problem is with your image, the yellow space over the line is creating the problem.
You should edit the image.
And nice work.

Saving UIImageView and overlayed UIView as an image (xcode/iOS)

I have an image loaded into a UIImageView, which has a UIView overlayed (with a CGRect drawn inside it), I am looking for a way to save what is displayed on the screen as a new image. I am using storyboards and ARC.
I have a UIViewController, which contains UIImageView. The UIView is displayed on top of this, and a circle is drawn where the user touches the screen. This all works fine, but now I want to save what is displayed as an image (JPG).
Screenshot of my storyboard:
Below is the code from my PhotoEditViewController so far. passedPhoto is the photo that is loaded into the UIImageView.
#import "PhotoEditViewController.h"
#interface PhotoEditViewController ()
#implementation PhotoEditViewController
#synthesize selectedPhoto = _selectedPhoto;
#synthesize backButton;
#synthesize savePhoto;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[passedPhoto setImage:_selectedPhoto];
- (void)viewDidUnload {
[self setBackButton:nil];
[self setSavePhoto:nil];
[super viewDidUnload];
- (IBAction)savePhoto:(id)sender{
NSLog(#"save photo");
// this is where it needs to happen!
Below is the code from my PhotoEditView which handles the creation of the circle overlay:
#import "PhotoEditView.h"
#implementation PhotoEditView
#synthesize myPoint = _myPoint;
- (void)setMyPoint:(CGPoint)myPoint {
_myPoint = myPoint;
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.01];
[self setNeedsDisplay];
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
return self;
-(void) touchesBegan: (NSSet *) touches withEvent: (UIEvent *) event {
NSSet *allTouches = [event allTouches];
switch ([allTouches count]){
case 1: {
UITouch *touch = [[allTouches allObjects] objectAtIndex:0];
CGPoint point = [touch locationInView:self];
NSLog(#"x=%f", point.x);
NSLog(#"y=%f", point.y);
self.myPoint = point;
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 4.0);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0.5);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1);
CGRect circlePoint = CGRectMake(self.myPoint.x - 50, self.myPoint.y - 50, 100.0, 100.0);
CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect(ctx, circlePoint);
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried this:
[imageView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
[customView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
UIImageView *imgView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:viewImage];
This is just the same approach as for getting an UIImage from a UIView, only you draw two views in the same context.

iOS subview displayed as a black rectangle if drawRect is overwritten

I have a storyboard which loads loads a custom UIView. Also a sub view is added to the view in the storyboard. It worked fine until I overwrote the drawRect method of the sub view, then I just saw a black rectangle instead of the subview. Here is the code:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "MySubview.h"
#interface MyView : UIView
#import "MyView.h"
#implementation MyView
- (void) awakeFromNib
CGRect frame = [self frame];
MySubview* sv = [[MySubview alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[self addSubview:sv];
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
return self;
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface MySubview : UIView
#property (retain, nonatomic) NSString* text;
#property (retain, nonatomic) UILabel* label;
#import "MySubview.h"
#implementation MySubview
#synthesize text, label;
- (void)attachLabel
text = #"Hello";
label = [[UILabel alloc] init];
[label setText:text];
[label setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"Futura" size:18]];
[label setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[label sizeToFit];
CGRect labelFrame = label.frame;
labelFrame.origin.x = (self.frame.size.width - labelFrame.size.width) / 2;
labelFrame.origin.y = (self.frame.size.height - labelFrame.size.height) / 2;
label.frame = labelFrame;
[self addSubview:label];
- (void)awakeFromNib
[self attachLabel];
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
[self attachLabel];
return self;
// Works if I comment this out!
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
Update - Added drawing code below:
- (void)drawRectWithRoundBorders:(CGRect)rect
[super drawRect:rect];
// Parameters used for drawing.
const CGFloat lineWidth = 5;
const CGFloat shadowOffset = 3;
const CGFloat shadowBlur = 4;
const CGFloat spaceToBB = 10; // Space to the bounding box of this view.
const CGFloat cornerRadii = 5;
const CGFloat lineColor[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, lineWidth);
CGContextSetStrokeColor(ctx, lineColor);
CGContextSetShadow(ctx, CGSizeMake(shadowOffset, shadowOffset), shadowBlur);
CGRect innerRect = rect;
innerRect.size.width -= 2*spaceToBB;
innerRect.size.height -= 2*spaceToBB;
innerRect.origin.x += spaceToBB;
innerRect.origin.y += spaceToBB;
UIBezierPath *path =
[UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:innerRect
cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(cornerRadii, cornerRadii)
CGContextAddPath(ctx, path.CGPath);
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
[self drawRectWithRoundBorders:rect];
It seems to work when I fill the bounding box of the sub view with some color first.
CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGFloat white[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5};
CGContextSetFillColor(ctx, white);
CGContextAddRect(ctx, rect);
Just add [self setOpaque:NO] in your initWithFrame: method.
That's because your drawRect is doing nothing. You override drawRect if you want to do custom drawing. So:
If you don't want to do custom drawing then don't override drawRect.
If you do want to do custom drawing then actually do something in drawRect.

NSScrollview with NSGradient

I have a nsscroll view in my application and i made a subclass of nsscrollview to add a nsgradient but it doesn't work this is my code in my implementation file:
#import "scrollview.h"
#implementation scrollview
#synthesize startingColor;
#synthesize endingColor;
#synthesize angle;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
[self setStartingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.941 green:0.941 blue:0.941 alpha:1]];
[self setEndingColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.6588 green:0.6588 blue:0.6588 alpha:1]];
[self setAngle:90];
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
NSBezierPath* roundRectPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect: [self bounds] xRadius:10 yRadius:10];
[roundRectPath addClip];
if (endingColor == nil || [startingColor isEqual:endingColor]) {
// Fill view with a standard background color
[startingColor set];
else {
// Fill view with a top-down gradient
// from startingColor to endingColor
NSGradient* aGradient = [[NSGradient alloc]
[aGradient drawInRect:[self bounds] angle:angle];
The first step is to create a custom NSView subclass that draws a gradient:
#interface GradientBackgroundView : NSView
#import "GradientBackgroundView.h"
#implementation GradientBackgroundView
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
NSGradient *gradient = [[[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:[NSColor redColor] endingColor:[NSColor greenColor]] autorelease];
[gradient drawInRect:[self bounds] angle:90];
The next step is to make the scroll view's document view an instance of this class (instead of plain NSView).
In IB, double-click your scroll view, and in the Identity pane set the Class to GradientBackgroundView.
From this point on, things are handled pretty much in the standard way. You can add subviews to the document view, resize it, etc. Here's a screenshot: