Dynamic Magento Grid built with database query - sql

This is my first time asking a question here so, be nice;p .. I'm working with Magento (and Zend Framework) for the first time and I'm trying to build a custom grid that will populate based off of a manually written query. I'm trying to extend the Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Collection_Abstract to allow a query to be loaded into it and then parse the select fields in the extended Grid class to make it dynamic... Is this even possible or am I beating a dead horse? I've been at it for a week now and I'm not getting anywhere. The problem seems to be that inside the __Model_mysql4_Collection class has to be initialized with a resource model using _init() in the constuct

As a learning exercise use the module creator to make an admin grid page and see how that is done. Or even modify it's output to get what you need.
There will be a grid container block, a grid block (with _prepareCollection and _prepareColumns methods), a model, a resource model (representing a single record) and a collection resource model (representing several records).
Providing your own _init methods shouldn't be any sort of problem. Perhaps you'd like to post your config.xml and code so far as a pastebin or something.


Is Cmd.map the right way to split an Elm SPA into modules?

I'm building a single page application in Elm and was having difficulty deciding how to split my code in files.
I ended up splitting it using 1 module per page and have Main.elm convert the Html and Cmd emitted by each page using Cmd.map and Html.map.
My issue is that the documentation for both Cmd.map and Html.map says that :
This is very rarely useful in well-structured Elm code, so definitely read the section on structure in the guide before reaching for this!
I checked the only 2 large apps I'm aware of :
elm-spa-example uses Cmd.map (https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-spa-example/blob/cb32acd73c3d346d0064e7923049867d8ce67193/src/Main.elm#L279)
I was not able to figure out how https://github.com/elm/elm-lang.org
deals with the issue.
Also, both answers to this stackoverflow question suggest using Cmd.map without second thoughts.
Is Cmd.map the "right" way to split a single page application in modules ?
I think sometimes you just have to do what's right for you. I used the Cmd.map/Sub.map/Html.map approach for an application I wrote that had 3 "pages" - Initializing, Editing and Reporting.
I wanted to make each of these pages its own module as they were relatively complicated, each had a fair number of messages that are only relevant to each page, and it's easier to reason about each page independently in its own context.
The downside is that the compiler won't prevent you from receiving the wrong message for a given page, leading to a runtime error (e.g., if the application receives an Editing.Save when it is in the Reporting page, what is the correct behavior? For my specific implementation, I just log it to the console and move on - this was good enough for me (and it never happened anyway); Other options I've considered include displaying a nasty error page to indicate that something horrible has happened - a BSOD if you will; Or to simply reset/reinitialize the entire application).
An alternative is to use the effect pattern as described extensively in this discourse post.
The core of this approach is that :
The extended Effect pattern used in this application consists in definining an Effect custom type that can represent all the effects that init and update functions want to produce.
And the main benefits :
All the effects are defined in a single Effect module, which acts as an internal API for the whole application that is guaranteed to list every possible effect.
Effects can be inspected and tested, not like Cmd values. This allows to test all the application effects, including simulated HTTP requests.
Effects can represent a modification of top level model data, like the Session 3 when logging in 3, or the current page when an URL change is wanted by a subpage update function.
All the update functions keep a clean and concise Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) 2 signature.
Because Effect values carry the minimum information required, some parameters like the Browser.Navigation.key are needed only in the effects perform 3 function, which frees the developer from passing them to functions all over the application.
A single NoOp or Ignored String 25 can be used for the whole application.

Organising data and code across modules in Prolog

I'm developing a simple web service which is going to add user provided facts to my Prolog database (using assert). I thought it's better to keep these dynamic facts ("data") separate from my service rules that operate on these facts ("code"), hence split them into two different modules. Main reason was that I wanted to persist the dynamic facts to disk periodically, while being able to develop the code with no issues and independently of user data.
I've been using assert(my_store:fact(...)) to add user data to the my_store module and then in the code module I started coding rules like
:- module (my_code, [a_rule/1, ...]).
a_rule(Term) :-
my_store:fact(...), ...
All seems ok but with this approach my_store is hard-coded in the code module, which is a little worrying. For example, what if after some time I decide to change data module name or, perhaps, I'll need two separate data modules one with frequent persistence, another with persistence done only sporadically?
Can anyone advise what are the best practices in code and data organisation? Perhaps separation of code and data is against "the Prolog way"? Are there any good books that cover these issues in depth?
That's a good question, touching on several very important topics.
I hope that the following comments help you to sort out most of your questions, possibly more so if you follow up on the points that interest you most with new questions that address the specific question in isolation.
First, when accepting user code as input, make sure you only allow safe code to be added to your programs. In SWI-Prolog, there is safe_goal/1, which helps you to ensure some safety properties. It's not perfect, but better than nothing.
Again in SWI-Prolog, there is library(persistency). Please carefully study the documentation to see how it works, and how you can use it to store dynamic data on disk.
Regarding the module names, I have two comments:
Explicit module qualifications of goals are very rare. Simply load the module and use its clauses.
Note that you can load modules dynamically. That is, nothing prevents you from using use_module/1 with a parameter that was obtained from somewhere else. This allows you more flexibility to specify the module from which you want to fetch your definitions, without having to change and recompile your code.
Regarding separation of code and data: In Prolog, there is no such separation.
All Prolog clauses are Prolog terms.
Thanks to #mat for his suggestions which made me to read and think a little more. Now, I can post a potential solution to my issue; not ideal, not using the persistency library but a simple, first attempt.
As mentioned, user data are stored with assert(my_store:fact(...)). That means module my_store is created dynamically and there's no file which would allow use_module to be used. There's, however, the import/1 predicate which I can use to import dynamically asserted facts, and so my solution looks like this:
:- module(my_code, [a_rule/1, ...]).
:- initialization import_my_store.
import_my_store :-
a_rule(Term) :-
fact(...), ...
Note that I can use fact/1 without explicit specification of the my_store module. And I can also easily dump the user data to a file.
save_db(File) :-
The downside is that on initialization the import/1 calls generate warnings such as: import/1: my_store:fact/1 is not exported (still imported into my_code). But that's not a big issue because they are still imported into my_code and I can use the user facts without explicit module specification.
Looking forward to hearing any comments. Cheers,
A solution using Logtalk, which provides an alternative to modules. First define an object with your code:
:- object(my_code).
:- public([a_rule/1, ...]).
:- private([fact/1, another_fact/1, ...]).
:- dynamic([fact/1, another_fact/1, ...]).
a_rule(Term) :-
::fact(...), ...
:- end_object.
Then, dynamically create any number of data stores as necessary as extensions (derived prototypes) of the my_code object:
?- create_object(my_store, [extends(my_code)], [], []).
To query a data store, simply send it a message:
?- my_store::a_rule(Term).
The create_object/4 built-in predicate can load the persistency file for the store if necessary (so that you resume where you left):
?- create_object(my_store, [extends(my_code)], [include('my_store.pl'))], []).
User data can by saved in a data store by asserting it as expected:
?- my_store::assertz(fact(...)).
You will need a predicate to dump a data store to a file as a public predicate in the my_code object. For example:
:- public(dump/0).
dump :-
atom_concat(Self, '.pl', File),
dump_dynamic_predicates :-
functor(Template, Functor, Arity),
predicate_property(Template, (dynamic)),
write_canonical(Template), write('.\n'),
now you can dump a data store, by typing:
?- my_store::dump.
Note that with this solution is trivial to have concurrently any number of data stores. If a data store requires a specialized version of the code, then you can simply extend the code object and then create the specialized data store as an extension of that specialized object.

is there any way to prevent a view from being unbound on deactivation?

I find, even when assigning the decorator #singleton(false) to the view-model, that while the view-model does then persist as a singleton across activation/deactivation, the bindings and components, etc do not.
(I assume this is because they are stored in a container that is disposed on deactivation.)
The result is that upon every deactivation/activation of a view with a singleton view-model, the view is un-bound and then re-bound.
Is it possible to cause the bindings to persist across deactivation/activation?
This one stumped me for a good while. It also confused me as to why implementing it was not a higher priority for the Aurelia Team.
This takes a fair amount of code to get working. I have put the code in a Gist here: https://gist.github.com/Vaccano/1e862b9318f4f0a9a8e1176ff4fb727e
All the files are new ones except the last, which is a modification to your main.ts file. Also, all my code is in Typescript. If you are using Javascript you will have to translate it.
The basic idea behind it is that you cache the view and the view model. And your replace the router with a caching router. So when the user navigates back to your page, it checks first to see if there is a view/view model already created and uses that instead of making a new one.
NOTE: This is not "component" level code. That means I have tested that this works for the scenario that I use it for.
I got my start for making this change here: https://github.com/aurelia/router/issues/173 There is another user (Scapal) made something that works for him and posted it there. If what I am posting does not work for you, his may help you out.
i'm also interested in an answer to this.
maybe i'm now making a complete fool out of me but why not use aurelia-history navigate(..) command?

Access closure property names in the content block at runtime

I want to evaluate my content blocks before running my test suite but the closures' property names is in bytecode already. I'm ooking for the cleanest solution (compared with parsing source manually).
Already tried solution outlined in this post (and I'd still wind up doing some RegEx/parsing) but could only get it to work via script execution engine. It failed in IDE and GroovyConsole. Rather than embedding a Groovy script in project's code, I thought I'd try using Geb's native classes.
Is building on the suggestion about extending Geb Navigators here viable for Geb's PageContentSupport class whose contentTemplates contain a LinkedHashMap of exactly what I need? If yes, would someone provide guidance? If no, any suggestions?
It is currently not possible to get hold of all content elements for a given page/module. Feel free to create an issue for this in Geb's bug tracker, but remember that all that Geb can provide is either a list of content element names or a map from these names to closures that create these elements.
Having that information isn't a generic solution to your problem because it's possible for content elements to take parameters and there are situations where your content elements will be available on the page only after some other actions are performed (for example you have to click on button to reveal a section of a page that uses ajax to retrieve it's content). So I'm afraid that simply going over all elements and checking if they don't throw any errors will not cut it.
I'm still struggling to see what would "evaluating" all content elements prior to running the suite buy you. Are you after verifying that your content elements still work to get a faster feedback than running the whole suite? I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to fully automate detection of content definitions that don't work anymore. In my view it will be more effort than it's worth.

Where does Dojo store required modules? Need to investigate if something is loaded

I was wondering if anyone knew how I could get a reference to the actual array or associative array or whatever data structure stores the loaded modules in Dojo.
What I am doing is this: I work in a team. We have a fairly complex page that takes forever to load because it has to wait for some Ajax calls that take a long time. Also, it relies on a lot of required Dojo modules. So my coworker devised a way to load this "template" once, and then refresh the "actual" page I am working on by use of a hashtag listener.
So anyways, in order to speed up development, I need to be able to reload custom Dojo modules I've edited. I mean, when I edit one of our modules, I don't want to have to reload everything else. Just that one module.
I was using require.undef, but that just stopped working. And I'd like to see if I can get a reference to the place where the modules are actually stored, so I can check it out in Firebug.