Solr Index slow after a while - lucene

I use SolrJ to send data to my Solr server.
When I start my program off, it indexes stuff at the rate of about 1000 docs per sec(I commit every 250,000 docs)
I have noticed that when my index is filled up with about 5 million docs, it starts crawling, not just at commit time, add time too.
My Solr server and indexing program run on the same machine
Here are some of the relevant portions from my solrconfig:
Any suggestions about how to fix this?

that merge factor seems really, really (really) high.
Do you really want that?
If you aren't using compound files that could easily lead to a ulimit problem (if you are linux).


Solr tlog extremely large, not merging with index after commits

I am in the process of a bulk indexing operation into a solr 5.0 collection with approx 200m documents now. I am noticing that the tlog is building up and is not being deleted, additionally, indexing performance has gotten really slow. I am wondering why the tlog is not being removed. This is what the data directory looks like:
du -sh *
4.0K data
69G index
109G tlog
I've tried multiple variations of:
I see in the log file that Solr is picking it up, but there are no changes.
The commit settings in solrconfig are:
One thing to keep in mind is that I had soft commit commented out during the indexing process. Also, these values are pretty high because this is relatively index heavy collection, with pretty controlled querying, so the commit strategy is pretty relaxed.
I restarted Solr and naturally it is taking forever to start because it is replaying the tlog, not sure if it will clear this up once fully started. Now, I am under impression that Solr keeps some tlogs around in case it needs to replica the data to another collection, but this is a standalone instance and is not really necessary, additionally, since it is larger than the index folder, I am assuming there are items not commited to the main index yet. Is that right?
Any idea what's happening here?
So I thought I'd pass along an update, even though it's a bit late.
I restarted Solr instance, naturally it took about 4 hours to start up since tlogs had to be replayed. Then they were purged after a commit.

how can I use Solr to do real-time search

now we use deltaImport to update data from db to index.
but we have some information need a real-time search or near real-time search.
what should I do if I use solr to solve this?
to generate near real-time-search i would update the data in small packages and also update the index in small packages every minute (index update needs only some seconds - depending on the size of new data)
don't forget to optimize the index regularly
This post could be useful for you: Solr and Near Real-Time Search
You should take a look at Solr 3.3 with RankingAlgorithm 1.2. It supports NRT and can update 10,000 docs / sec. You can search concurrently during the updates. You can get more information from here:

Best way to keep index real time?

I have a Solr/Lucene index file of approximately 700 Gb. The documents that I need to index are being read in real-time, roughly 1000 docs every 30 minutes are submitted and need to be indexed. In my scenario a script is run every 30 mins that indexes the documents that are not yet indexed, since it is a requirement that new documents should be searchable as soon as possible, but this process slow down the searching.
Is this the best way i can index latest documents or there is some other better way!
First, remember that Solr is not a real-time search engine (yet). There is still work to be done.
You can use a master/slave setup, where the indexation are done on the master and the search on the slave. With this, indexation does not affect search performance. After the commit is done on the master, force the slave to fetch the latest index from the master. While the new index is being replicated on the slave, it is still processing queries with the previous index.
Also, check you cache warming settings. Remember that this might slow down the searches if those settings are too aggressive. Also check the queries launched on the new searcher event.
You can do this with Lucene easily. Split the indexes in multiple parts (or to be precise, while building indexes, create "smaller" parts.) Create searcher for each of the part and store a reference to them. You can create a MultiSearcher on top of these individual parts.
Now, there will be only one index that will get the new documents. At regular intervals, add documents to this index, commit and re-open this searcher.
After the last index is updated, you can create a new multi-searcher again, using the previously opened searchers.
Thus, at any point, you will be re-opening only one searcher and that will be quite fast.
Check wrapper around Lucene to make it real time - code donated from Linkedin.
^^i do this, with normal lucene, non solr, and it works really nice. however not sure if there is a solr way to do that at the moment. twitter recently went with lucene for searching and has effectively real time searching by just writing to their index at any update. their index resides completely in memory, so updating/reading the index is of no consequence and happens instantly, a lucene index can always be read while being written to, as long as there is only one writer at a time.
Check out this wiki page

What's the easiest way to add an index on a live myISAM table?

I have a myISAM table running in production on mySQL, and by doing a few tests, we've found we can tremendously speed up a query by adding a certain compound index. So far so good. However, I am not really about the best way to add this index in a production environment without locking the table for a long time (it's got 27GBs of data, so not so much, but it does take a while).
Do you have any tips? If this was a more sophisticated setup of course we'd have a live replica of all of the data on another machine, and we could safely switch. Unfortunately, we're not there yet, and I would like to speed up this query as soon as possible (it's causing big customer headaches). Is there some simple way to replicate the data and then do a swap-out trick? Some other tricks that I am missing?
UPDATE: Reading about "Online Index Operations" in SQL Server makes me very jealous :)
you can use replication to get downtime on the order of a couple minutes, instead of the hours it might take to create an index on that table.
to set up the slave, see
a recommendation i can make to help speed up the process is in step 2 follow the "Creating a Data Snapshot Using Raw Data Files" method. but instead of copying over the wire to the slave, copy to a different location on the master. and bring the master back up as soon at the copy is done and you've made the necessary changes to the config file (set server-id and enabled binary logging). this will minimize your downtime to just a minute or two. once the server is back up, you can copy the copied files to the slave box.
once you have the slave up and running and you have verified everything is replicating properly, you can pause the slave. create the index on the salve. when the index creation is complete, resume the slave. this will catch the slave up to the master. on the master, use FLUSH TABLE WITH READ LOCK. check the slave status to make sure the log position on the master and the slave match. if they do, shut down the slave and copy the files for that table back to the master.
I'm with Randy. We've been in a similar situation, and there are two ways in MySQL to accomplish something like this:
Take down the server while it runs. This is what you'll probably do. It's simple, it's easy, it works. Time to do? Maybe a half hour/45 minutes, dependent on disk bandwidth. See below.
Make a new table with the new index, copy all the data over, pause the server delete the first table, alter the new one to the old name, start the server. Downtime? 10 minutes, maybe, but really complicated.
Option two works, and saves you the downtime of creating the index (if it takes a long time). But it takes more space, it's more complicated (since you have to deal with the new records inserted off the main table, and it will probably lock on MyISAM while copying the data out. Deleting a table will take some time, altering the table to the new name will take some time. It's just really complicated. If you had a 2TB table this might be useful, but for 27G it's probably overkill.
Do you have a second server that is close in specifications to your production server? Load up your most recent backup and do the index there, so you know about how long it will take to add. Then plan for downtime.
InnoDB is better about many things, but new indexes still lock the table. Those abilities that MSSQL (and I think PostgreSQL) have to do those kind of things without locking would be great.
Find your low usage window and take your application offline during the index build. Since you don't have replication or a multimaster or whatever, you're just going to have to bite the bullet on this one. See you at 1am. :-)
Not much you can do with one server here.
If you copy the table and do a dry run, at least you'll find out how long it's going to take without locking the live table, so you can schedule some maintenance time if necessary, or make a decision whether you can just push the button and leave users hanging for a couple of minutes :)
Or schedule it for a quiet time...
at 04:00 /usr/bin/mysql -uXXX -pXXX -e 'alter table mytable add key(col1, col2)'

mysql slow on first query, then fast for related queries

I have been struggling with a problem that only happens when the database has been idle for a period of time for the data queried. The first query will be extremely slow, on the order of 30 seconds and then related queries will be fast like 0.1 seconds. I am assuming this is related to caching, but I have been unable to find the cause of it.
Changing the mysql variables tmp_table_size, max_heap_table_size to a larger size had no effect except to create the temp tables in memory.
I do not think this is related to the query itself as it is well indexed and after the first slow query, variants of the same query do not show up in the slow query log. I am most interested in trying to determine the cause of this or a way to reset the offending cache so I can troubleshoot the issue.
Pages of the innodb data files get cached in the innodb buffer pool. This is what you'd expect. Reading files is slow, even on good hard drives, especially random reads which is mostly what databases see.
It may be that your first query is doing some kind of table scan which pulls a lot of pages into the buffer pool, then accessing them is fast. Or something similar.
This is what I'd expect.
Ideally, use the same engine for all tables (exceptions: system tables, temporary tables (perhaps) and very small tables or short-lived ones). If you don't do this then they have to fight for ram.
Assuming all your tables are innodb, make the buffer pool use up to 75% of the server's physical ram (assuming you don't run too many other tasks on the machine).
Then you will be able to fit around 12G of your database into ram, so once it's "warmed up", the "most used" 12G of your database will be in ram, where accessing it is nice and fast.
Some users of mysql tend to "warm up" production servers following a restart by sending them queries copied from another machine for a while (these will be replication slaves) until they add them into their production pool. This avoids the extreme slowness seen while the cache is cold. For example, Youtube does this (or at least it used to; Google bought them and they may now use Google-fu)
MySQL Workbench:
The below isn't 100% related to this SO question, but the symptoms are very related and this is the first SO result when searching for "mysql workbench slow" or related terms, so hopefully it's useful for others.
Clear the query history! - following the process at MySql workbench query history ( last executed query / queries ) i.e. create / alter table, select, insert update queries to clear MySQL Workbench's query history really sped up the program for me.
In summary: change the Output pane to History Output, right click on a Date and select Delete All Logs.
The issue I was experiencing was "slow first query" in that it would take a few seconds to load the results even though the duration/fetch were well under 1 second. After clearing my query history, the duration/fetch times stayed the same (well under 1 second, so no DB behavior actually changed), but now the results loaded instantly rather than after a few second delay.
Is anything else running on your mysql server? My thought is that maybe after the first query, your table is still cached in memory. Once it's idle, another process is causing it to be de-cached. Just a guess though.
How much memory do you have any what else is running?
I had an SSIS package that was timing out. The query was very simple, from a single MySQL table, but it sometimes returned a lot of records and would sometimes take a few minutes initially to execute, then only a few milliseconds afterwards if I wanted to query it again. We were stuck with the ADO connection, which meant it would time out after 30 seconds, so about half the databases we were trying to load were failing.
After beating my head against the wall I tried performing an initial query first; very simple and only returning a few rows. Since it was so simple it executed fast and set the table in the cache for faster querying. In the next step of the package I would do the more complex query which returned the large data set that kept timing out. Problem solved - all tables loaded. I may start doing this on a regular basis, the complex queries execute much faster by doing a simple query first.
Ttry and compare the output of "vmstat 1" on the linux command line when running the query after a period of time, vs when you re-run it and get results fast. Specifically check the "bi" column (that's the kb read from disk per second).
You may find the operating system is caching the disk blocks in the fast case (and thus a low "bi" figure), but not in the slow case (and hence a large "bi" figure).
You might also find that vmstat shows high/low cpu usage in either case. If it's low when fast, and disk throughput is also low, then your system may still be returning a cached query, even though you've indicated the relevant config value is set to zero. Perhaps check the output of show engine innodb status and SHOW VARIABLES and confirm.
innodb_buffer_pool_size may also be set high (it should be...), which would cache the blocks even before the OS can return them.
You might also find that "key_buffer" is set high - this would cache the keys in the indexes, which could make your select blindingly fast.
Try check the mysql performance blog site for lots of useful info.
I had issue when MySQL 5.6 was slow on first query after idle period. This was a connection problem, not MySQL instance problem, e.g. if you run MYSQL Query Browser execute "select * from some_queue", leave it alone for a couple of hours, then execute any query, it runs slow, while at the same time processes on server or new instance of Browser will select from same tables instantly.
Adding skip-host-cache, skip-name-resolve to my.ini file solved this problem.
I don't know why is that. Why I tried this: MySQL 5.1 without those options was slowly establishing connections from other networks (e.g. server is, connects fast, connects slow), MySQL 5.6 didn't have such problem to start with so we didn't add these to my.ini initially.
UPD: Solved half the cases, actually. Setting wait_timeout to maximum integer fixed the other half. Maybe I even now can remove skip-host-cache, skip-name-resolve and it won't slow down in 100% of the cases