What's the difference between getService() and createInstance()? - xul

I realized that both:
works the same way to get a xul component. So, what's the difference of using one or another?

getService will create a singleton, whereas createInstance creates a new instance each time you call it. getService will return the same object every time.


Project Job Scheduling: Where are resetPanel and createChart called?

I am working on a Class that takes data from a csv, works with a Scheduler Object, and associates the data with the scheduler's attributes(Project, Job, Allocation, Resource, etc). I was thinking after I got everything down(ProjectList, JobList, AllocationList, ExecutionModeList, Resources) I could just pass the scheduler object into createChart.
However, I am still unsure as to where resetPanel and createChart are called( I understand that the ProjectJobPanel has these functions).
So my 2 questions are:
Where are these functions called?( I couldn't find this information in the documentation)
If i want to display my data, do I need to do anything else other than pass in the scheduler object into the "createChart" function?
resetPanel() is called by the example swing dialog when a new dataset is loaded. If updatePanel() isn't overwritten, it's also called when a new best solution is found (so for every best solution changed event).

Passing an ADO SQL connection ByVal

I have an existing application written in Visual Basic. It's a web application build on ASP.NET and WCF that we use for reporting.
The result is a page that refreshes it's data every set amount of time. Usually after a day or so, this particular page crashes and the service must be reset, however other pages work. My working theory has to do with connections.
Connections to SQL Server are made through the class SQLDataAccess. This class creates a new connection when it is instantiated, the connection can be closed by calling a method on the class.
Most calls look like this:
existingConnection.DataRequest.CommandText = "dbo.p_Select_Table"
If(existingConnection IsNot Nothign) Then
End If
End Try
However two connections are initially made, then both connections are passed around more than this bug report was. They get passed ByVal.
Will this create new connections and neglect to close the old one?
When you pass any reference type by value, what you are passing is a reference. No object is copied. Passing a method parameter by value is basically just the same as assigning one variable to another. If the type is a value type then the object is copied and both variables contain different objects. For reference types, both variables refer to the same object. It's just like objects in the real world. If I lend you my car, does that mean there are two cars? No it doesn't, and it's the same when you pass a reference type object by value.

WebDriver / Read elements into variables and re-use them

I have a big issue With Webdriver (Selenium 2).
In my test code, I find all the elements in the beginning of my test, and do some actions on them (like click(), checking attributes, etc.). My problem is that my page is refreshed and re-load my elements, and Webdriver don't know to recognize the elements again.
I know that I can find my elements again, but in some functions I don't know my XPath/ids, and I get just the WebElements, not XPath/IDs.
Am I right in saying that it's no possible to read elements into variables and re-use them?
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("xyz"));
The above line will store the element object in element. You can certainly pass this element to other functions to make use of it over there.
We generally follow a pattern called PageObject patterns where we create all objects of a page as members of a class and instantiate them at once. This way we can use them any where in our project. For example all objects in Login page will be created as public static variables in a class called LoginPage. The constructor of LoginPage class will find elements and store them.
Next time any where you want to access an object of LoginPage, we access them as below(asuming that you have created elements userName and submit)...
However as Robie mentioned there is a chance for this objects to become unaccessible using the previously created object after page refresh. You can use the below modified approach for ensuring these objects are always found.
Instead of creating the objects as a member variable, create a getmethod for each object that you may need to use.
class LoginPage
public static WebElement getUserName()
return driver.findElement(By.id("xyz"));
Once LoginPage is defined that way, next time you want to use userName, you use below syntax.This way you don't have to give locators to the functions that needs to use these objects.
By using this approach, you can ensure that the objects are always accessible.
Buddha is incorrect in the following statement:
You can reuse it any number of times, however, it only works as long as the id doesn't change.
As you have correctly observed, if the page reloads, then elements become stale, even if the original object is still displayed on screen. In fact, refreshing of HTML via AJAX calls can also make objects stale even if the URL has not changed.
This is how Selenium works, and you have to understand this when deciding how to implement a test framework.
You can store elements, reuse them and pass them to functions, but understand when they will become stale and need to be refound.
In my current project, I have a very AJAX heavy application in which objects are continually becoming stale, so have extended WebElement to find and store it's HTML Id when constructed, then refinds by id if a stale element exception occurs and re performs the method that failed. However, this was achieved using Ruby and very specific to my application as I know every object has a unique HTML Id. I do not believe this approach would work for most applications under test.
I would also question whether storing elements in public static variables populated on construction, is actually following the Page Object pattern. I have never seen it implemented this way before, and can see lots of potential pitfalls. Lazy instantiation may be a better approach when following the Page Object pattern.

Storing variable within controller on rails

I know there is a lot of information available for passing variables between one controller action and another, both within the same controller and to other controllers.
But what I am trying to do, which I have been unable to find any documentation on, is temporarily store a variable in one controller action, so that it is available when another controller action(within the same controller) is called shortly after.
I tried using an instance variable but it didn't work.
I don't believe I can use flash because that is only for the very next action.
A class variable wouldn't be suitable because it would lead to conflicts if users were doing things simultaneously.
Any other ideas?
You likely want to use the session for this in your controller during first pass:
session[:save_me] = "for next time"
then on the next time in there
if( session[:save_me] )
#do cool stuff here
session[:save_me] = nil
Http is stateless so we use a session to pass information from request to request.

Method Interception, replace return value

We’re using Ninject.Extensions.Interception (LinFu if it matters) to do a few things and I want to know if its possible to return a value form the method being intercepted.
A Call is made into one of our repository methods
Our Interceptor gets the BeforeInvoke event, we use this to look into the ASP.NET Cache to see if there is any relevant data
- Return the relevant data (this would cause the method to return immediately and NOT execute the body of the method
- Or Allow the method to run as per normal
Extra points if in the AfterInvoke method we take a peek at the data being returned and add it to the cache.
Has anybody done something similar before?
From your question I assume that you derive from SimpleInterceptor. This will not allow to return imediately. Instead you have to implement the Iinterceptor interface. You can decide to call the intercepted method by calling the Proceed method on the invocation or not.