Gnu Makefile, compile should fail - testing

I have a collection of examples that I want to make sure they fail to compile. What is the best way to to that with a *GNU Makefile?
test_nocompile: $(NOCOMPILE_CPP)
for cpp in $(NOCOMPILE_CPP) ; do \
echo === $$cpp === ; \
if $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o fail.o $$cpp ; then echo ok ; else exit 1; fi ; \
As you can see, I have several difficulties here:
Accessing the shell-for variable cpp: $cpp, \$cpp and $$cpp both do not work.
Even with my if the make stops after the first g++-compile fails. But thats exactly what I want. I want failing to g++-compile to be considered the correct behaviour.
Shell-for-loops in Makefiles are not the best idea. Is there a better way? I can not think of one, because since I expect the compiles to fail, I do not have a correct target, right?
Advanced and optional:
If I could manage to have the fail-check above working, I could try a second pass of compilation, this time with an additional -DEXCLUDE_FAIL, which takes out the offending line from my examples, and then the code should compile. Any idea?
or should write a Python script for that...? ;-)
I think my "advanced and optional" gave me a very good idea right now. I could use makes dependency checking again. Just a rough sketch here:
NOCOMPILE_CPP := $(wildcard nocompile/ *.cpp)
NOCOMPILE_XFAILS := $(addsuffix .xfail,$(basename $(NOCOMPILE_CPP)))
%.xfail: %.cpp
if $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $# $< ; then exit 1 ; else echo OK ; fi
test_nocompile: $(NOCOMPILE_XFAILS)
Is this elegant? Then I only have to work out how -DEXCLUDE_FAILCODE can make the failing tests work.... Non-trivial, but doable. I think that could do it, right?

Works for me. What do you get in echo?
You need to negate the condition in if then. Right now it quits when the file doesn't compile and AFAIU you need the opposite.
Why it's not a good idea? But you can write a script that will call $(CXX) and return a proper error code (0 if it doesn't compile). Then you may have normal targets with this script. I'm not very good with specifics of GNU make, probably it's possible with the builtin stuff.
Advanced & optional:
1. Let's first make the thing work:)
2. Personally i don't use python, therefore don't see a need here =:P


Why is my Makefile's target specific variable getting set for all targets?

I have a Makefile similar to the following:
target1: DEFAULT_VALUE ?= $(shell bash -c 'read -p "Enter DEFAULT_VALUE to set: " value && echo $$value')
echo "Hello"
echo "World"
I expect that the code to set DEFAULT_VALUE will only execute if I run make target1, however I find that it runs even if I run make target2
Does anyone know why this happens?
Your "similar" makefile is not similar enough. Your example above works fine for me: if I run make target2 then the shell command is not executed. If I run make target1, then it is.
Please check your example before posting it here and provide one that really fails.
My suspicion is that in your real environment, whatever is represented by target2 is a prerequisite of whatever is represented by target1, which means that target2 will inherit all of target1's target-specific variable assignments.
With the above Makefile, the shell command will never run, for any target. That's because that style of variable is a recursively expanding variable, so it will be expanded (and the shell command run) every time the variable is used.
If you change the last action in the Makefile to
then it will run TWICE when you make target1, echoing potentially two different things
If you want the shell command to run only once, you need to use := to set it. But if you do that, it will be run when the Makefile is read (before its even considering which targets to build), so it will run regardless of which target you eventually specify.
If you want something that will only run when a given target is built, you need to put it in the actions for that target. The easiest way to do that is with a recursive make call
read -p "Enter DEFAULT_VALUE to set: " value && \
$(MAKE) real_target1 DEFAULT_VALUE=$$value

Is there a cmake function to update .pot files?

I am migrating a project from autotools to cmake. I have a question about gettext support.
There is an existing FindGettext.cmake modules that provides a nice function :
where you provide a pot file and translated po fil ; the function takes care of turning the po files into gmo files, and add the proper installation targets to make sure the files can be found at runtime. All good and well.
Now comes the question : how do you update your pot files and you po files when you add new messages ?
For this, autotools would generate a "update-po" target, that (from what I understand), reads a with the lists of all files containing translated strings, mixes it with other info, and ends up calling xgetext to generate the po. I think the coresponding Makefile task is the one that contains something like :
case `$(XGETTEXT) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \
'' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-5] | 0.1[0-5].* | 0.16 | 0.16.[0-1]*) \
$(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \
--files-from=$(srcdir)/ \
--copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \
--msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \
;; \
*) \
$(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \
--files-from=$(srcdir)/ \
--copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \
--package-name="$${package_gnu}ube" \
--package-version='0.4.0-dev' \
--msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \
;; \
So, before I reinvent the wheel, is there an existing cmake function to do the same thing ?
Or do I have to find the xgettext executable, lists the files, and do this by hand ? THe makefile version seems quite complicated (although it seems to handle lots of cases) ; I would not mind not having to write the cmake equivalent ;)
Don't let the autotool bloat scare you. :-)
You can use the following code:
SET(_potFile ${PROJECT_NAME}.pot)
COMMAND ${XGETTEXT_CMD} ${_xgettext_option_list} -o ${_potFile} ${_src_list}
DEPENDS ${_src_list}
COMMENT "Extract translatable messages to ${_potFile}"
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(pot_file ${_all}
DEPENDS ${_potFile}
For C programs, I am using following as _xgettext_option_list
--language=C --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ --keyword=C_:1c,2 --keyword=NC_:1c,2 -s
--package-name=${PROJECT_NAME} --package-version=${PRJ_VER}
I did reinvented the wheel when the FindGettext did not have the option ALL (when it was cmake-2.4) :-)
According to this kde wiki page, using cmake for editing sources is not a good idea. Better use standalone script for updating translations.
In fact, the extraction and merging of messages does not map well onto the CMake concept of out-of-source builds, and CMake can't
provide too much help for this step, either.
Hence, in this tutorial, we will handle the first step with a
standalone shell script, and only the second step will be handled by

Automake pattern expansion

I'd like to include many files in one file in the xxx_SOURCES = ... part. Is there any way to use a typical shell expansions there? What I'm looking for is a working equivalent for:
xxx_SOURCES = xxx.c $(top_builddir)/src/{aaa,bbb,ccc}.c
1) There is no way to do that in portable Make syntax (ephemient's answer will work only with GNU Make)
2) There is no way to do that using Automake either. (Although the feature should not be too hard to implement by someone who need it...)
Personally I don't really see the advantage to using
foo_SOURCES = subdir/{foo,bar,baz}.c
foo_SOURCES = \
subdir/foo.c \
subdir/bar.c \
I find the former is more cryptic, and it is not grepable (e.g. to answer the question "which Makefile mentions foo.c?").
I don't know if it's the best way, but this is what I've always done:
xxx_SOURCES = xxx.c $(shell echo $(top_builddir)/src/{aaa,bbb,ccc}.c)

How to get fully expanded variables out of configure?

I created a file like this:
the purpose of this is to print every available environment variable the configure script creates using set, so I do this:
user#host:~$ autoconf
user#host:~$ ./configure
which prints a bunch of variables like
So far so good.
The problem is:
I want to expand the variables like ${prefix}/share - but piping
everything to a file and executing it using bash doesn't work, because bash complains about modifying read-only variables like UID and expansion itself doesn't seem to work either.
I tried using a makefile for this where expansion works, but it complains about newlines in strings, like in the above output the line IFS=' causes an error message Makefile:24: *** missing separator. Stop.
Does anyone have an idea how to get a fully expanded version of configure's output?
The Autoconf manual (I cannot recall or find exactly where) recommends to "manually" do such a kind of variable substitution from within a (or .am if you happen to use Automake):
$(SED) \
-e 's|[#]prefix#|$(prefix)|g' \
-e 's|[#]exec_prefix#|$(exec_prefix)|g' \
-e 's|[#]bindir#|$(bindir)|g' \
-e 's|[#]datarootdir#|$(datarootdir)|g' \
< "$<" > "$#"
du "$datarootdir"

Makefile: ifeq directive compares special variable to constant does not work

I have a little issue with my Makefile. I want make to change commands regarding the working directory. I added a conditional directive to the rule testing the current target's directory ($(*D)).
The thing is that make always goes to the second branch of my test, even when my file is in mySpecialDirectory and echo indeed prints "mySpecialDirectory".
.c.o .cpp.o .cc.o:
ifeq ($(*D),mySpecialDirectory)
#echo "I'm in mySpecialDirectory! \o/"
#echo "Failed! I'm in $(*D)"
This is the expected behavior.
Conditional Statements
All instances of conditional syntax are parsed immediately, in their entirety; this includes the ifdef, ifeq, ifndef, and ifneq forms. Of course this means that automatic variables cannot be used in conditional statements, as automatic variables are not set until the command script for that rule is invoked. If you need to use automatic variables in a conditional you must use shell conditional syntax, in your command script proper, for these tests, not make conditionals.
$(*D) is an automatic variable.
Instead, consider doing:
.c.o .cpp.o .cc.o:
$(CC) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(if $(subst mySpecialDirectory,,$(*D)),$(NOTTHATSPECIALFLAGS),$(MYSPECIALFLAGS)) -c $< -o $#
The idea is to abuse $(subst) into some equality testing by replacing mySpecialDirectory with the empty string. Then, if $(*D) expansion equals to mySpecialDirectory, it is fully replaced by the empty string and the else-part of $(if) gets evaluated as per:
$(if condition,then-part[,else-part])
The if function provides support for conditional expansion in a functional context (as opposed to the GNU make makefile conditionals such as ifeq (see Syntax of Conditionals).
The first argument, condition, first has all preceding and trailing whitespace stripped, then is expanded. If it expands to any non-empty string, then the condition is considered to be true. If it expands to an empty string, the condition is considered to be false.
Notice the flip in this hack between the then-part and the else-part.
Hope this helps!