Give focus to an control when the App starts in Cocoa - objective-c

I have multiple TextFiled controls, and can I put a focus on a specific TextField when the App starts?
- (void)awakeFromNib
[commandInput becomeFirstResponder];

yes, use
[textfield1 becomeFirstResponder]


Editable textfield in popover not working

I'm working on an Mac App that uses popover windows for additional functionality. I have a popover that opens where I need the user to input some text and I can't seem to get the field to be editable. Under the Attributes inspector in Xcode the behavior is set to be editable and the other options match settings from a similar application that has a text field in a new window that is editable. What am I missing?
- (IBAction)dataTransferButton:(id)sender {
[[self dataTransferPopover] showRelativeToRect:[sender bounds] ofView:sender preferredEdge:NSMaxXEdge];
[dataTransferPopover becomeFirstResponder];
Make your app delegate implement NSPopoverDelegate and implement
-(void)popoverDidShow:(NSNotification *)notification
[self.dataTransferPopover.viewController.view.window makeKeyWindow];
self.dataTransferPopover.viewController.view.window makeFirstResponder:userAccountTextField];
You need to make the textfield as first responder not the popover.

iOS7:editable textfield cells in tableview is not working properly

Editable textfield cells Tableview is causing problem on keyboard tab button everytime it is calling textfieldshouldbeginediting even if i am in first textfield it is not going to nextfield.
It is going to last textfield and if popover is availabe it will crash.How can i fix this so that if enter tab then it has to resign current responder in textfielddidendediting and it should not go to textfieldshouldbegin editing.
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
PickerViewController *selectOperatorController;
NSLog(#"tag %d",textField.tag);
return NO;
I also declared textfield delegates like didendediting and shouldendediting
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
activeField = nil;
if (self.chooseOperatorController) {
[self.chooseOperatorController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];
return YES;
This is not as issue in iOS 6.But it is in iOS 7.
textfieldshouldbegin editing will not allow desktop keyboard tab button input,it cannot judge to move between the textfields.If we add textfielddidbeginediting we can move the controls,eventhough we have two methods we can move by using keyboard tab.So textfielddidbeginediting is mandatory if we want to move bewtween available textfields.

Menu Bar App Never Becomes Reactivated

I'm building a Mac app that only sits in the menu bar with no dock item and no key window and no main menu (it's LSUIElement in the info.plist is set to YES). When I first launch the app, applicationDidBecomeActive: is called, as I expect. However, once another app gains focus, applicationDidBecomeActive: is never called again.
This prevents a text field I have within my app from becoming the first responder. When I first open the app, the text field is editable:
But after another app comes to the foreground, the text field is not editable:
What I've tried:
When the menu is opened, menuWillOpen: is called on the NSMenu's delegate. I've tried placing the following with no success:
[NSApp unhide];
[NSApp arrangeInFront:self];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
[[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] activateWithOptions:NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps];
[[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] unhide];
I think the issue is probably related to not having any windows to bring to the front. I feel like I'm grasping at straws here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think the issue is with that how the runloop operates when a NSMenu is open, so you should try activating the app before you display the menu. If you're having the NSStatusItem display it, I'd suggest doing it yourself like this:
- (void)toggleMenu:(id)sender
// App might already be active
if ([NSApp isActive]) {
} else {
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)notification
That should work, but I think though in general you'll have better luck with an actual window instead of a menu.
You probably need to allow your input to -becomeFirstResponder, maybe by overriding -canBecomeFirstResponder or by calling the become method yourself.
You'd likely have to implement/call these methods for whatever view is housing your text input, or maybe tell your input view to become the first responder.
Either way, it smells like a responder chain issue.
Try calling -makeFirstResponder: on your window. NSWindow is usually the start of the NSResponder chain.
- (void)menuWillOpen:(NSMenu *)menu {
[[NSApp mainWindow] makeFirstResponder:yourTextInputField];
I'm assuming your text field already accepts first responder since you said your app launches initially with it as the first responder. If not, make sure your text field overrides -acceptsFirstResponder: to return YES
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
Edit: Ah, see that you don't have a key window. It looks like NSMenu actually has a window associated with it though, and it's safe to call -makeFirstResponder:. Some discussion here suggests overriding -viewDidMoveToWindow: on your view containing your text field in the NSMenu like so:
- (void)viewDidMoveToWindow {
[super viewDidMoveToWindow];
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:yourTextInputField];

Button to restart app

I've been making an app that I need help with. After I do what I want the app to do, it goes to a new page. when I press the go back button, it is still in the same state as when I left. I want the first view to completely reset when I hit the button. Any suggestions as to how to do this? Any help is appreciated!
Here is code for what the button currently does:
- (IBAction)retry:(id)sender
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Implement viewWillAppear on your initially displayed viewController as following:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
//put your code to reset this viewController into its initial state here
[self resetAllStatesBackToDefault];
As an example, suppose you got a UITextField on that first viewController that is named textField;
- (void)resetAllStatesBackToDefault
self.textField.text = #"";
What you need is the -(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated;

Suspending keyboard when user press on home button?

I am developing an application were everything is working fine, except one i.e. when user press on home while keyboard is in active and again opens my application the view frame bounds are changing and moving out of bounds. My expected result is keyboard should get suspended or the view should stay in the same position when it is come back from background to foreground with keyboard in-active state.
I hope people understand my scenario and reply ASAP.
I have found the solution to my question, i hope people can use my solution. Below is the code what I have done,
Add the below line of code in your RootViewController file (i.e. which view is coming at first when you open your APP).
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(receivedNotification:) name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object:nil];
And then add a private method as below
- (void) receivedNotification:(NSNotification *) notification
if ([username isFirstResponder])
[username resignFirstResponder];
else if ([password isFirstResponder])
[password resignFirstResponder];
I hope it help some body,Thank u.
Further assistance please see the mentioned link,
there is a method in the app delegate
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
this method is fired when you press the home button.
do the necessary changes(textField resignFirstResponder) in this method and it should work fine i guess.
EDIT here's the code
in the class where you have your textfield create a method
[MytextField resignFirstResponder];
then in
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
[myClassObj performWhenHomeBtnprssed];
also i agree with #valexa you should find the root cause of the problem
In software development it is always better to address the root causes than to patch the effect, in your case there are problems with the positioning of your views and you should address that, foreground/background cycling should not affect the views positioning.