How can I make the URL specified in the HTTPService of flex to be dynamic? - flex3

I have script(called from flex app through HTTPService) and the flex app residing on the server. Now I have to run it on several servers. Server on which i run it, will contain the flex app and the script called by flex through HTTP service. The problem is in this case i'll have make changes in HTTService URL and build the flex app, each time i run it on different server. Is there a way to specify the URL in some file from which the flx app could read the URL. So each time we run it on diff server we need not to build the flex app, and can just make changes in the file from where the flex app constructs URl dynamically.
Any pointers in this directional will be great help

Assuming your folder structure will not change you can use the LocalConnection object
var lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
trace('lc.domain ' + lc.domain )
This will give you the domain name the server is on then you can hard code the folder structure for the rest of the URL
If you need the full url to the page that the swf is loaded in you could use the externalInterface and call a function that returns "window.location.href" or something like that I have not tested it.
But come to think about it why are you not using relative URLs.
Absolute anything = bad


How to bundle next.js app as a javascript widget or npm package?

I have a survey built with Next.js using Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR). I would like to bundle it so I can can either publish it to npm or host a single entry file so I can use the survey on other applications.
It's currently hosted on Vercel and uses getStaticProps and getStaticPaths to call my API of 'surveys' and 'survey questions'. ISR is great because it allows me to dynamically load each step of the survey based off of the API structure and if I modify it then the revalidate property will regenerate the new order or questions from the survey. It also lets me get away with only having one page for all surveys/question types.
My App structure is like this:
- src
- pages
- [surveyid]
- [...question].tsx
Based on the request (and response that was received during build time/revalidation) the static files for the survey-id are created and the next router will route to each survey question based off the next step in the json object from the api eg., /surveyid/question-1, /surveyid/question-2 etc..
This is all working well in production when deployed to Vercel.
When it comes to bundling this so a survey can be loaded into other sites I have been quite lost.
When I run next build it builds the prod files that are served to vercel but there are many entry points and not a single .js file.
I tried running next export and serving the .out folder locally and the pages and links are accurate but this breaks the ISR and after reading next.js documentation it states that next export doesn't work with ISR.
Ideally I would like to be able to build the application to a single entry file eg., index.js and then either publish as a package to npm or host on my server. Then load the survey by installing the package or adding the direct url to the src file of a script tag in my other projects eg., <script src=''></script> and provide some settings/options to the request so I can tell it which survey to return.
Is there a way for this to be done while still maintaining ISR?
Would I have to create some sort of entry file to dispatch the request and return the static files from my vercel server instead as a workaround?
I am currently trying to see if I can use rollup to build it out to a single file but I am unsure if this will break the next router when it comes to the dynamic rendering (or revalidation) of pages.
In a perfect world I would like to leverage some of the cool features of next like their middleware to determine the geolocation from the request header as well. But i'm happy if I can just get the survey to render in another project at this point.

Nuxt JS - reading conf/env file in static site generation

My project with Nuxt JS is set with target:static and ssr: false.
This app need to connect to a local endpoint to retrieve some informations.
I have multiple endpoints and I need multiple instances of the app, every app must read only his endpoint.
The question is: how change the endpoint address for every app without rebuild everyone?
I tried with env file or a json file in the static folder (in order to have access to this file in the dist folder after the build process).
But if I modify the content of the env/json file in the dist folder and then reload the webpage (or also restart the web server that serve the dist folder), the app continue to use the original endpoint provided at the build time.
There is a way or I have to switch to server side rendering mode (which I would rather not use)?
Thank you!
When you use SSG, it will bundle your app at build time. Last time I checked, there was no hack regarding that. (I don't have the Github issue under my hand but it's a popular one)
And at the same time, I don't really see how it would be done since you want to mix something static and dynamic at the same time.
SSR is the only way here.
Otherwise, you may have some other logic to generate dynamic markup when updating your endpoints (not related to Nuxt) by fetching a remote endpoint I guess.
With the module nuxt content it's possible to create a folder "/content" in project directory and read json files from that directory.
After, when creating the dist with nuxt generate command, the "content" folder it's included in "_nuxt" folder of the dist and if you modify the content of the json file and refresh the webpage that read it, will take the new values.

Can I change where root requests resolve to in an express app?

I've created a small Express app that essentially serves as a file browser for our department's work. Users can drag their files and folders onto a network drive, and the app presents this folder structure as a browsable web directory for my colleagues to view various simple static files such as html files, images, css and javascript.
This is extremely business critical, and has worked flawlessly for over a year now, but there is one feature that I'd like to add. Occasionally the work contained in a subdirectory is a slightly more complex project, and there would be a huge architecture/complexity benefit from it being able to reference files from its own root path. I'll try and explain with a small example:
It would be great if there was a simple way I could declare the base url of project 2 to be /app/projects/project2 so that I could reference the css file from the html with href="/styles.css".
I've read that I could do this by creating a second express app for project2, and then route requests to /app/projects/project2 to that app, but this requirement crops up quite regularly and the thought of configuring/managing a multitude of sub apps without breaking the main viewer doesn't seem like fun!
Is there a simpler way? I'm thinking of a special designation in the subdirectory name e.g. "wwwproject2" that could get the app to adjust where it maps root requests to.
I'm sorry if this all sounds insane to those with more knowledge than me!
I don't think there is a way to do that.
But you could simply reference it by using the relative path to it -> href="./styles.css"

is it possible to set multiple base url in vue.config.js?

My vue.config.js code is as below
module.exports = {
baseUrl: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? '/prodserver1/' : ''
and it's working perfectly fine by hitting URL: (hostname + pathname)
But I have multiple production servers where I wanted to deploy the same application, let's say, I have one more production server named 'prodserver2'
How to pass multiple production server strings in base URL such that I can run app either on or
Maintaining multiple applications for each server is not feasible as every minor change needs to updated in each time to each app.
The simple answer is no. You can't supply a path to a file or resource which references multiple possible locations. However using a relative path instead should work.
From the vue documentation baseUrl it first of all suggests to use publicpath instead. In the publicPath description :
The value can also be set to an empty string ('') or a relative path
(./) so that all assets are linked using relative paths. This allows
the built bundle to be deployed under any public path, or used in a
file system based environment like a Cordova hybrid app.
I suggest you use the option of a relative path, so you can then serve your app from any path.

How to set properly QPKG_WEBUI variable in QNAP

I am trying to developing an App for QNAP. I am really noob about QNAP, so please help me!
I succeeded in creating a qpkg package and installing it correctly, and it works. But the problem arises when I want to give my app a web interface.
I have just a index.html file that just has an helloworld text inside.
I create the environment with the QDK and I have the /share/XXX_DATA/.qpkg/QDK/MyApp folder
Now, a part of the other files, I create
and put there my index.html with my HelloWorld message.
Ok now, I modify the /share/XXX_DATA/.qpkg/QDK/MyApp/qpkg.cfg file and set the variable
From the documentation, for example , I can see
Relative path to installed application's web interface (the
specified path is relative the configured location of web server data;
usually /share/Web or /share/Qweb.) The specified path must start with
a '/'. The displayed link can only be accessed when the QPKG is
enabled. A default value of '/' is set automatically at installation
if QPKG_WEB_PORT has been given a value and QPKG_WEBUI is empty.
Then I also create a link in /share/XXX_DATA/Web folder to my web folder.
(the /share/Web is just a link to /share/XXX_DATA/Web)
That is:
ln -s /share/XXX_DATA/.qpkg/QDK/MyApp/shared/Web /share/XXX_DATA/Web/MyApp/Web
Well, what happens that now, I can open a Window in my QNAP when I click on "open" in my app but it is completely blank. I tried a lot of different variants but my window is allways blank.
Must I modify something more a part from the qpkg.cfg file?
Do you have some documentation with sample codes?
Is QPKG_WEBUI the correct variable to modify?
Thanks very much to everyone
After a carefully study of the problem, and after trying other applications with the same problem, I found the conclusion that the problem was not the QPKG_WEBUI variable.
The problem was that my QNAP web interface (I do not know if it is a general thing for every QNAP or only in my case) has as default port 8080, but the WEBUI have as default port 80.
Then it seems that the web browser blocks the WEBUI in the iframe inside the QNAP interface in order to follow the Same Origin Policy. When opened in a new window, the WEBUI works correctly.
Setting the QPKG_USE_PROXY=1 variable let the iframe work too.