How important are website optimizations? - optimization

Currently I am running Apache and MySQL and I hear about people talking about GZipping content, something about ETags, using a CDN, adding expire headers, minifying text documents, combining script files, etc. I downloaded a Firefox add-on called YSlow and I noticed that many websites do not employ all of these tactics. I believe even Google has a D rating. So I ask, SO, how important are these optimizations?

They depend highly on your traffic and resources at your disposal.
If you make the website for Joe's Pizza in the middle of nowhere, there is no real need to waste time optimising the site, it will likely have a handful of visits a day.
But Stack Overflow receives thousands of hits a minute (probably more), so they use a CDN, distant expiry headers, minification, etc.

Honestly, if people aren't complaining it's probably not a big deal. If people are complaining, start by looking at the database.
In my years of web development most web application performance problems have stemmed from the DB (this doesn't mean that all performance problems come from the DB but it's a good place to start). While I am fascinated for things like minified JS and css sprites, I suspect that these things do not make a difference in a "day in the life of your average web developer".
It's good that you consider these things, but unless you are working at an extremely high traffic site, it probably won't make a difference.

It all depends on your application.
Minifying, for example, might be great for an application that is very external .js dependent. There is no reason NOT to do this - there is no overhead required and it potentially saves quite a few bytes.
Compression is great for certain content types - terrible for others and involves a slight overhead while transporting pages.
CDNs are up to your affordability, content type and how dynamic the content is. You obviously don't need Akamai backing up the average Drupal site.
etc, etc, etc


Crawling for Eternity

I've recently been building a new web app dealing with Recurring Events. These events can recur on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
This all is working great. But when I started creating the Event Browser Page (which will be visible to the public internet) a thought came across my mind.
If a crawler hits this page, with a next and previous button to browse the dates, it will just continue forever ? So I opted out of using generic HTML links and used AJAX. Which means that bots will not be able to follow the links.
But this method means I'm losing any that functionality for users without Javascript. Or is the amount of users without Javascript too small to worry ?
Is there a better way to handle this ?
I'm also very interested in how bots like the Google Crawler detects black holes like these and what it does to handle them ?
Add a nofollow tag to the page, or to the individual links you don't want crawled. This can be in robots.txt or in the page source. See the Robots Exclusion Standard
You may still need to think about how to fend off ill-behaved bots which do not respect the standard.
Even a minimally functional web crawler requires a lot more sophistication than you might imagine, and the situation you describe is not a problem. Crawlers operate on some variant of a breadth-first search, so even if they do nothing to detect black holes, it's not a big deal. Another typical feature of web crawlers that helps is that they avoid fetching a lot of pages from the same domain in a short time span, because otherwise they would inadvertently be performing a DOS attack against any site with less bandwidth than the crawler.
Even though it's not strictly necessary for a crawler to detect black holes, a good one might have all sorts of heuristics to avoid wasting time on low-value pages. For instance, it may choose ignore a pages that don't have a minimum amount of English (or whatever language) text, pages that contain nothing but links, pages that seem to contain binary data, etc. The heuristics don't have to be perfect because the basic breadth-first nature of the search ensures that no single site can waste too much of the crawler's time, and the sheer size of the web means that even if it misses some "good" pages, there are always plenty of other good pages to be found. (Of course this is from the perspective of the web crawler; if you own the pages being skipped, it might be more of a problem for you, but companies like Google that run web crawlers are intentionally secretive about the exact details of things like that because they don't want people trying to outguess their heuristics.)

Negative Captchas - help me understand spam bots better

I have to decide a technique to prevent spam bots from registering my site. In this question I am mainly asking about negative captchas.
I came to know about many weaknesses of bots but want to know more. I read somewhere that majority of bots do not render/support javascript. Why is it so? How do I test that the visiting program can't evaluate javascript?
I started with this question Need suggestions/ideas for easy-to-use but secure captchas
Please answer to that question if you have some good captcha ideas.
Then I got ideas about negative captchas here
But Damien has written that though this technique likely won't work on big community sites (for long), it will work just fine for most smaller sites.
So, what are the chances of somebody making site-specific bots? I assume my site will be a very popular one. How much safe this technique will be considering that?
Negative captchas using complex honeypot implementations here described here
Does anybody know how easily can it be implemented? Are there some plugins available?
I read somewhere that majority of bots do not render/support javascript. Why is it so?
Simplicity of implementation — you can read web page source and post forms with just dozen lines of code in high-level languages. I've seen bots that are ridiculously bad, e.g. parsing HTML with regular expressions and getting ../ in URLs wrong. But it works well enough apparently.
However, running JavaScript engine and implementing DOM library is much more complex task. You have to deal with scripts that do while(1);, that depend on timers, external resources, CSS, sniff browsers and do lots of crazy stuff. The amount of work you need to do quickly starts looking like writing a full browser engine.
It's also computationally much much expensive, so probably it's not as profitable for spammers — they can have dumb bot that silently spams 100 pages/second, or fully-featured one that spams 2 pages/second and hogs victim's computer like a typical web browser would.
There's middle ground in implementing just a simple site-specific hack, like filling in certain form field if known script pattern is noticed in the page.
So, what are the chances of somebody making site-specific bots? I assume my site will be a very popular one. How much safe this technique will be considering that?
It's a cost/benefit trade-off. If you have high pagerank, lots of visitors or something of monetary value, or useful for spamming, then some spammer might notice you and decide workaround is worth his time. OTOH if you just have a personal blog or small forum, there's million others unprotected waiting to be spammed.
How do I test that the visiting program can't evaluate javascript?
Create a hidden field with some fixed value, then write a js which increments or changes it and you will see in the response..

HTTP requests and Apache modules: Creative attack vectors

Slightly unorthodox question here:
I'm currently trying to break an Apache with a handful of custom modules.
What spawned the testing is that Apache internally forwards requests that it considers too large (e.g. 1 MB trash) to modules hooked in appropriately, forcing them to deal with the garbage data - and lack of handling in the custom modules caused Apache in its entirety to go up in flames. Ouch, ouch, ouch.
That particular issue was fortunately fixed, but the question's arisen whether or not there may be other similar vulnerabilities.
Right now I have a tool at my disposal that lets me send a raw HTTP request to the server (or rather, raw data through an established TCP connection that could be interpreted as an HTTP request if it followed the form of one, e.g. "GET ...") and I'm trying to come up with other ideas. (TCP-level attacks like Slowloris and Nkiller2 are not my focus at the moment.)
Does anyone have a few nice ideas how to confuse the server's custom modules to the point of server-self-immolation?
Broken UTF-8? (Though I doubt Apache cares about encoding - I imagine it just juggles raw bytes.)
Stuff that is only barely too long, followed by a 0-byte, followed by junk?
et cetera
I don't consider myself a very good tester (I'm doing this by necessity and lack of manpower; I unfortunately don't even have a more than basic grasp of Apache internals that would help me along), which is why I'm hoping for an insightful response or two or three. Maybe some of you have done some similar testing for your own projects?
(If stackoverflow is not the right place for this question, I apologise. Not sure where else to put it.)
Apache is one of the most hardened software projects on the face of the planet. Finding a vulnerability in Apache's HTTPD would be no small feat and I recommend cutting your teeth on some easier prey. By comparison it is more common to see vulnerabilities in other HTTPDs such as this one in Nginx that I saw today (no joke). There have been other source code disclosure vulnerablites that are very similar, I would look at this and here is another. lhttpd has been abandoned on for almost a decade and there are known buffer overflows that affect it, which makes it a fun application to test.
When attacking a project you should look at what kind of vulnerabilities have been found in the past. Its likely that programmers will make the same mistakes again and again and often there are patterns that emerge. By following these patterns you can find more flaws. You should try searching vulnerablites databases such as Nist's search for CVEs. One thing that you will see is that apache modules are most commonly compromised.
A project like Apache has been heavily fuzzed. There are fuzzing frameworks such as Peach. Peach helps with fuzzing in many ways, one way it can help you is by giving you some nasty test data to work with. Fuzzing is not a very good approach for mature projects, if you go this route I would target apache modules with as few downloads as possible. (Warning projects with really low downloads might be broken or difficult to install.)
When a company is worried about secuirty often they pay a lot of money for an automated source analysis tool such as Coverity. The Department Of Homeland Security gave Coverity a ton of money to test open source projects and Apache is one of them. I can tell you first hand that I have found a buffer overflow with fuzzing that Coverity didn't pick up. Coverity and other source code analysis tools like the open source Rats will produce a lot of false positives and false negatives, but they do help narrow down the problems that affect a code base.
(When i first ran RATS on the Linux kernel I nearly fell out of my chair because my screen listed thousands of calls to strcpy() and strcat(), but when i dug into the code all of the calls where working with static text, which is safe.)
Vulnerability resarch an exploit development is a lot of fun. I recommend exploiting PHP/MySQL applications and exploring The Whitebox. This project is important because it shows that there are some real world vulnerabilities that cannot be found unless you read though the code line by line manually. It also has real world applications (a blog and a shop) that are very vulnerable to attack. In fact both of these applications where abandoned due to security problems. A web application fuzzer like Wapiti or acuentix will rape these applications and ones like it. There is a trick with the blog. A fresh install isn't vulnerable to much. You have to use the application a bit, try logging in as an admin, create a blog entry and then scan it. When testing a web application application for sql injection make sure that error reporting is turned on. In php you can set display_errors=On in your php.ini.
Good Luck!
Depending on what other modules you have hooked in, and what else activates them (or is it only too-large requests?), you might want to try some of the following:
Bad encodings - e.g. overlong utf-8 like you mentioned, there are scenarios where the modules depend on that, for example certain parameters.
parameter manipulation - again, depending on what the modules do, certain parameters may mess with them, either by changing values, removing expected parameters, or adding unexpected ones.
contrary to your other suggestion, I would look at data that is just barely short enough, i.e. one or two bytes shorter than the maximum, but in different combinations - different parameters, headers, request body, etc.
Look into HTTP Request Smuggling (also here and here) - bad request headers or invalid combinations, such as multiple Content-Length, or invalid terminators, might cause the module to misinterpret the command from Apache.
Also consider gzip, chunked encoding, etc. It is likely that the custom module implements the length check and the decoding, out of order.
What about partial request? e.g requests that cause a 100-Continue response, or range-requests?
The fuzzing tool, Peach, recommended by #TheRook, is also a good direction, but don't expect great ROI first time using it.
If you have access to source code, a focused security code review is a great idea. Or, even an automated code scan, with a tool like Coverity (as #TheRook mentioned), or a better one...
Even if you don't have source code access, consider a security penetration test, either by experienced consultant/pentester, or at least with an automated tool (there are many out there) - e.g. appscan, webinspect, netsparker, acunetix, etc etc.

What are the common sense SEO practices that aren't dodgy or crap? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In SEO there are a few techniques that have been flagged that need to avoided at all costs. These are all techniques that used to be perfectly acceptable but are now taboo. Number 1: Spammy guest blogging: Blowing up a page with guest comments is no longer a benefit. Number 2: Optimized Anchors: These have become counterproductive, instead use safe anchors. Number 3: Low Quality Links: Often sites will be flooded with hyperlinks that take you to low quality Q&A sites, don’t do this. Number 4: Keyword Heavy Content: Try and avoid too many of these, use longer well written sections more liberally. Number 5: Link-Back Overuse: Back links can be a great way to redirect to your site but over saturation will make people feel trapped
Content, Content, CONTENT! Create worthwhile content that other people will want to link to from their sites.
Google has the best tools for webmasters, but remember that they aren't the only search engine around. You should also look into Bing and Yahoo!'s webmaster tool offerings (here are the tools for Bing; here for Yahoo). Both of them also accept sitemap.xml files, so if you're going to make one for Google, then you may as well submit it elsewhere as well.
Google Analytics is very useful for helping you tweak this sort of thing. It makes it easy to see the effect that your changes are having.
Google and Bing both have very useful SEO blogs. Here is Google's. Here is Bing's. Read through them--they have a lot of useful information.
Meta keywords and meta descriptions may or may not be useful these days. I don't see the harm in including them if they are applicable.
If your page might be reached by more than one URL (i.e., versus versus, then be aware that that sort of thing sometimes confuses search engines, and they may penalize you for what they perceive as duplicated content. Use the link rel="canoncial" element to help avoid this problem.
Adjust your site's layout so that the main content comes as early as possible in the HTML source.
Understand and utilize your robots.txt and meta robots tags.
When you register your domain name, go ahead and claim it for as long of a period of time as you can. If your domain name registration is set to expire ten years from now rather than one year from now, search engines will take you more seriously.
As you probably know already, having other reputable sites that link to your site is a good thing (as long as those links are legitimate).
I'm sure there are many more tips as well. Good luck!
In addition to having quality content, content should be added/updated regularly. I believe that Google (an likely others) will have some bias toward the general "freshness" of content on your site.
Also, try to make sure that the content that the crawler sees is as close as possible to what the user will see (can be tricky for localized pages). If you're careless, your site may be be blacklisted for "bait-and-switch" tactics.
Don't implement important text-based
sections in Flash - Google will
probably not see them and if it does,
it'll screw it up.
Google can Index Flash. I don't know how well but it can. :)
A well organized, easy to navigate, hierarchical site.
There are many SEO practices that all work and that people should take into consideration. But fundamentally, I think it's important to remember that Google doesn't necessarily want people to be using SEO. More and more, google is striving to create a search engine that is capable of ranking websites based on how good the content is, and solely on that. It wants to be able to see what good content is in ways in which we can't trick it. Think about, at the very beginning of search engines, a site which had the same keyword on the same webpage repeated 200 times was sure to rank for that keyword, just like a site with any number of backlinks, regardless of the quality or PR of the sites they come from, was assured Google popularity. We're past that now, but is SEO is still , in a certain way, tricking a search engine into making it believe that your site has good content, because you buy backlinks, or comments, or such things.
I'm not saying that SEO is a bad practice, far from that. But Google is taking more and more measures to make its search results independant of the regular SEO practices we use today. That is way I can't stress this enough: write good content. Content, content, content. Make it unique, make it new, add it as often as you can. A lot of it. That's what matters. Google will always rank a site if it sees that there is a lot of new content, and even more so if it sees content coming onto the site in other ways, especially through commenting.
Common sense is uncommon. Things that appear obvious to me or you wouldn't be so obvious to someone else.
SEO is the process of effectively creating and promoting valuable content or tools, ensuring either is totally accessible to people and robots (search engine robots).
The SEO process includes and is far from being limited to such uncommon sense principles as:
Improving page load time (through minification, including a trailing slash in URLs, eliminating unnecessary code or db calls, etc.)
Canonicalization and redirection of broken links (organizing information and ensuring people/robots find what they're looking for)
Coherent, semantic use of language (from inclusion and emphasis of targeted keywords where they semantically make sense [and earn a rankings boost from SE's] all the way through semantic permalink architecture)
Mining search data to determine what people are going to be searching for before they do, and preparing awesome tools/content to serve their needs
SEO matters when you want your content to be found/accessed by people -- especially for topics/industries where many players compete for attention.
SEO does not matter if you do not want your content to be found/accessed, and there are times when SEO is inappropriate. Motives for not wanting your content found -- the only instances when SEO doesn't matter -- might vary, and include:
When you want to hide content from the general public for some reason, you have no incentive to optimize a site for search engines.
If you're offering something you don't want the general public to have, you need not necessarily optimize that.
For example, say, you're an SEO looking to improve your domain's page load time, so you serve static content through a cookieless domain. Although the cookieless domain is used to improve the SEO of another domain, the cookieless domain need not be optimized itself for search engines.
Testing In Isolation
Let's say you want to measure how many people link to a site within a year which is completely promoted with AdWords, and through no other medium.
When One's Business Doesn't Rely On The Web For Traffic, Nor Would They Want To
Many local businesses or businesses which rely on point-of-sale or earning their traffic through some other mechanism than digital marketing may not want to even consider optimizing their site for search engines because they've already optimized it for some other system, perhaps like people walking down a street after emptying out of bars or an amusement park.
When Competing Differently In An A Saturated Market
Let's say you want to market entirely through social media, or internet cred & reputation here on SE. In such instances, you don't have to worry much about SEO.
Go real and do for user not for robots you will reach the success!!

Website Hardware Scaling

So I was listening to the latest Stackoverflow podcast (episode 19), and Jeff and Joel talked a bit about scaling server hardware as a website grows. From what Joel was saying, the first few steps are pretty standard:
One server running both the webserver and the database (the current Stackoverflow setup)
One webserver and one database server
Two load-balanced webservers and one database server
They didn't talk much about what comes next though. Do you add more webservers? Another database server? Replicate this three-machine cluster in a different datacenter for redundancy? Where does a web startup go from here in the hardware department?
A reasonable setup supporting an "average" web application might evolve as follows:
Single combined application/database server
Separate database on a different machine
Second application server with DNS round-robin (poor man's load balancing) or, e.g. Perlbal
Second, replicated database server (for read loads, requires some application logic changes so eligible database reads go to a slave)
At this point, evaluating the current state of affairs would help to determine a better scaling path. For example, if read load is high and content doesn't change too often, it might be better to emphasise caching and introduce dedicated front-end caches, e.g. Squid to avoid un-needed database reads, although you will need to consider how to maintain cache coherency, typically in the application.
On the other hand, if content changes reasonably often, then you will probably prefer a more spread-out solution; introduce a few more application servers and database slaves to help mitigate the effects, and use object caching, such as memcached to avoid hitting the database for the less volatile content.
For most sites, this is probably enough, although if you do become a global phenomenon, then you'll probably want to start considering having hardware in regional data centres, and using tricks such as geographic load balancing to direct visitors to the closest "cluster". By that point, you'll probably be in a position to hire engineers who can really fine-tune things.
Probably the most valuable scaling advice I can think of would be to avoid worrying about it all far too soon; concentrate on developing a service people are going to want to use, and making the application reasonably robust. Some easy early optimisations are to make sure your database design is fairly solid, and that indexes are set up so you're not doing anything painfully crazy; also, make sure the application emits cache-control headers that direct browsers on how to cache the data. Doing this sort of work early on in the design can yield benefits later, especially when you don't have to rework the entire thing to deal with cache coherency issues.
The second most valuable piece of advice I want to put across is that you shouldn't assume what works for some other web site will work for you; check your logs, run some analysis on your traffic and profile your application - see where your bottlenecks are and resolve them.
plenty of fish Architecture
some interesitng videos:
Youtube scalibility
Inteview with Dan Farino, System Architect at Myspace
Joel mentioned adding a second datacenter, with the same setup, and then assigning your users randomly to each. Changes to the data are logged and sent from one location to the other, so that both locations contain all the data.
The talk Scalable Web Architectures Common Patterns & Approaches from Cal Henderson (Yahoo) on Web 2.0 Expo was quite interesting. I thought there was an video, but I could not find it. But here are the slides:
A certain next step would be a cluster of webservers (a web farm) and a clustered system of database servers (replication or Oracle RAC etc. etc.)
If your interested in caching and using .Net, look into the application caching block in enterprise library (of course use this along with the other points above).