SQL query to get the source of a Stored Procedure - sql

I'm using a DB2 database and I'm hoping for a query which will iterate over all stored procedures in a single database and print out the source code of each. No fancy formatting or performance requirements.
The reason for this (in case there's a better way of doing it) is I'm trying to track down usages of a particular table in our stored procs, so I want to be able to do a simple text search through all of them.
Also, I've got access to SQuirreL SQL client if anyone knows of a way via that.

Ah, figured it out. For other's reference:
select ROUTINENAME, TEXT from syscat.routines
where definer not in ('SYSIBM') AND ROUTINESCHEMA='databaseName'

I know this is old, but your answer started me on the right track. We are also using DB2, but don't have syscat.routines visible to us. However we do have SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES and that allows similar by doing
and NAME = '<NAME>'


Tagging an SQL Query

I would like to be able to tag an SQL query somehow, so I can relate the query execution to the web request that triggered the query. I already have a unique request id, that I tag my logs and other monitoring with, so I can easily do a complete trace across the weblogs and new relic for example.
But when I look at a report of long running SQL queries for example, I cannot trace that back to the request that triggered the SQL Query. I would really like to be able to tag the query with my request id somehow.
I can't find anything online. When I search I just find blogs about storing tags and tag clouds in SQL. Not really what I need.
Hope the question makes sense.
This is a very interesting post...
I hope, adding an extra nullable parameter to your stored procedure(s) will ensure that the profiler will catch the unique id passed during a call (in the trace) whether you use that parameter inside the procedure or not (i.e. to do something meaningful...like inserting into an audit table with unique id, procedure name, timestamp etc).
But I think that will make life difficult as you now have to update all your procedures.
If you already have logging turned on (web server) and it captures the same unique id in its request (log file) along with a timestamp then you probably can code a small utility app that reads the log file and find matching entries in the traced table by the timestamp alone.
The only thing that might go wrong is if your web server and database server have differeing times (you need to offset your calculation accordingly).
I don't know if this will help but it is certainly a very interesting project and I am hoping somebody have experienced this thing and came up with a nice solution.
Will be closely watching this post if such a solution exists....
All the best...
If I understand correctly, you want to follow up the query execution in Activity Monitor. But have you considered using a DMV or SQL PROFILER ?
In my opinion, your best bet would be to wrap it in a stored proc. This way you will be able to FILTER your trace only for this object. Here's an example of a simple select and the same select wrapped in stored proc named sproc1 :
As you can see in this image, you can start a SQL PROFILER trace and filter it on the ObjectName. You can then add other column like CPU, StartTime, ...
If you can't use a stored proc, then I would suggest to insert a comment before the exec like this:
/* ID1234 */
select * from table1
Then use SQL PROFILER the same way but you now filter on the TextData using your ID
Here the result :

Renaming a column without breaking the scripts and stored procedures

I want to modify a column name to new name present in a table
but here problem i want to manually modify the column name present in Triggers or SP's.
Is there a any better way of doing it.
To rename a column am using this
sp_RENAME 'Tablename.old_Column', 'new_column' , 'COLUMN';
similarly how can i do it for triggers or SP's.? without opening each script?
Well, there are a bunch of 3rd party tools that are promising this type of "safe rename", some for free and some are not:
ApexSQL has a free tool for that, as MWillemse wrote in his answer,
RedGate have a commercial tool called SQLPrompt that also have a safe renaming feture, However it is far from being free.
Microsoft have a visual studio add-in called SQL Server Data Tools (or SSDT in the short version), as Dan Guzman wrote in his comment.
I have to say I've never tried any of these specific tools for that specific task, but I do have some experience with SSDT and some of RedGate's products and I consider them to be very good tools. I know nothing about ApexSQL.
Another option is to try and write the sql script yourself, However there are a couple of things to take into consideration before you start:
Can your table be accessed directly from outside the sql server? I mean, is it possible that some software is executing sql statement directly on that table? If so, you might break it when you rename that column, and no sql tool will help in this situation.
Are your sql scripting skills really that good? I consider myself to be fairly experienced with sql server, but I think writing a script like that is beyond my skills. Not that it's impossible for me, but it will probably take too much time and effort for something I can get for free.
Should you decide to write it yourself, there are a few articles that might help you in that task:
First, Microsoft official documentation of sys.sql_expression_dependencies.
Second, an article called Different Ways to Find SQL Server Object Dependencies that is written by a 13 years experience DBA,
and last but not least, a related question on StackExchange's Database Administrator's website.
You could, of course, go with the safe way Gordon Linoff suggested in his comment, or use synonyms like destination-data suggested in his answer, but then you will have to manually modify all of the columns dependencies manually, and from what I understand, that is what you want to avoid.
Renaming the Table column
Deleting the Table column
Alter Table Keys
Best way use Database Projects in Visual Studio.
Refer this links
link 1
link 2
you can do what #GorDon suggested.
Apart from this,you can also play with this query,
select o.name, sc.* from sys.syscomments sc inner join sys.objects o
on sc.id=o.object_id where sc.text like '%oldcolumnname%'
this will return list of all proc and trigger.Also you can modify filter to get exact list.then it will be very easy for you to modify,manually.
But whatever you decide,don't simply drop old column.
To be safe,even keep back up.
This suggestion relates to Oracle DB, however there may be equivalent solutions in other DBMS's.
A temporary solution to your issue is to create a pseudocolumn. This solution looks a little hacky because the syntax for a pseudocolumn requires an expression. The simplest expression I can think of is the case statement below. Let me know if you can make it more simple.
ALTER TABLE <<tablename>> ADD (
<<new_column_name>> AS (
WHEN 1=1 THEN <<tablename>>.<<old_column_name>>
This strategy basically creates a new column on the fly by evaluating the case statement and copying the value of <<old_column_value>> to <<new_column_value>>. Because you are dynamically interpolating this column there is a performance penalty vs just selecting the original column.
The one gotcha is that this will only work if you are duplicating a column once. Multiple pseudocolumns cannot contain duplicate expressions in Oracle.
The other strategy you can consider is to create a view and you can name the columns whatever you want. You can even INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE (execute DML) against views, but this would give you a whole new table_name, not just a new column. You could however rename the old table, and name your view the same as your old table. This also has a performance penalty vs just accessing the underlying table.
You might want to replace that text in definition. However, you will be needing a dedicated administrator connection in sql server. Versions also vary in setting up a dedicated administrator connection. Setting up the startup parameter by adding ;-T7806 under advanced. And by adding Admin: before the servername upon logging in. By then, you may be able to modify the value of the definition.

How to call a big Stored procedure in Qlikview having 3 parameter

I have a stored procedure which contains 3 input parameters with multiple SELECTs and INNER JOINs. I want to Call the stored procedure in QlikView. I followed lots of tutorials, but I make it work.
I am Using OLE DB and I'm trying to call as follows:
SQL CALL [DB NAME].[dbo].[ABC] #_ End-Time ='2012-12-31 00:21:06.550', #_ Start-time = '2012-12-31 00:21:06.550',
#_ Username = 'XYZ';
Is this correct? If not, what are the ways to call stored procedures into Qlikview and what permission do I need for this?
i'm not sure that you checked this thread (http://goo.gl/IiGD2) but it might be useful. Couple of things that i'm noticing from it: there is additional string that need to be added to the connection string "(mode is write)" and also to activate the "Open Databases in Read and Write mode" in qv.
Also make sure that you have sql rights to execute.
A workaround could be to retrieve the three input variables from a table instead, and update this table from qlikview using SQL insert.
It may be possible to run an store procedure from QlikView, but it is not possible to pull any output you get from it. You should convert that to a function if you want to retrieve any data from QlikView.
Creating a MV is your best course of action, and you will have a better performance.

sql or trick to search through whole database

is there a way to actually query the database in a such a way to search for a particular value in every table across the whole database ?
Something like a file search in Eclipse, it searches accross the whole worspace and project ?
Sorry about that .. its MS SQL 2005
SQL Workbench/J has a built in tool and command to do that.
It's JDBC based and should also work with SQL Server.
You will need to use the LIKE operator, and search through each field separately. i.e.
SELECT * FROM <table name>
WHERE (<field name1> LIKE '%<search value>%') OR
(<field name2> LIKE '%<search value>%') OR
... etc.
This isn't a quick way though.
I think the best way would be to
1) programatically generate the query and run it
2) use a GUI tool for the SQL server you are using which provides this functionality.
In mysql you can use union operator like
(SELECT * from table A where name = 'abc') UNION (SELECT * from
table B where middlename = 'pqr')
and so on
use full text search for efficency
Well, your best bet is to write a procedure to do this. But to give you some pointers you can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables to get a list of all the tables in a given database and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns to get a list of all columns. These tables also give you the datatype of columns. So you will need a few loops on these tables to do the magic.
It should be mentioned most RDBMSs nowadays support these schemas.
In phpmyadmin, go to your database, reach the search tab.
Here you will be able to select all of your tables and search through your entire db in one time.

Parameterise table name in .NET/SQL?

As the topic suggests I wish to be able to pass table names as parameters using .NET (doesn't matter which language really) and SQL Server.
I know how to do this for values, e.g. command.Parameters.AddWithValue("whatever", whatever) using #whatever in the query to denote the parameter. The thing is I am in a situation where I wish to be able to do this with other parts of the query such as column and table names.
This is not an ideal situation but it's one I have to use, it's not really prone to SQL injection as only someone using the code can set these table names and not the end-user. It is messy however.
So, is what I am asking possible?
EDIT: To make the point about SQL injection clear, the table names are only passed in by source code, depending on the situation. It is the developer who specifies this. The developer will have access to the database layer anyway, so the reason I am asking is not so much for security but just to make the code cleaner.
You cannot directly parameterize the table name. You can do it indirectly via sp_ExecuteSQL, but you might just as well build the (parameterized) TSQL in C# (concatenating the table-name but not the other values) and send it down as a command. You get the same security model (i.e. you need explicit SELECT etc, and assuming it isn't signed etc).
Also - be sure to white-list the table name.
I don't think I've ever seen this capability in any SQL dialect I've seen, but it's not an area of expertise.
I would suggest restricting the characters to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '.', '_' and ' ' - and then use whatever the appropriate bracketing is for the database (e.g. [] for SQL Server, I believe) to wrap round the whole thing. Then just place it directly in the SQL.
It's not entirely clear what you meant about it not being a SQL injection risk - do you mean the names will be in source code and only in source code? If so, I agree that makes things better. You may not even need to do the bracketing automatically, if you trust your developers not to be cretins (deliberately or not).
You can pass the table name as a parameter like any other parameter. the key is you have to build a dynamic sql statement, which then you should consider if it's easier to build it in your app tier or in the procs.
create procedure myProc
#tableName nvarchar(50)
sp_executesql N'select * from ' + #tablename
fyi this code sample is from memory have a look at BOL for the proper syntax of sp_executesql.
Also this is highly sucesptible to SQL injection as you indicated is not an issue for you but anyone reading this should be very wary of accepting input from a user to generate their queries like this.
SQL query parameters can only take the place of a literal value. You cannot use a parameter for a table name, column name, list of values, or other SQL syntax. That's standard SQL behavior across all brands of database.
The only way to make the table name dynamic is to interpolate a variable into your SQL query before you prepare that string as a statement.
BTW, you're fooling yourself if you think this isn't a risk for SQL injection. If you interpolate the table name into the query dynamically, you need to use delimited identifiers around the table name, just as you would use quotes around a string literal that is interpolated from a variable.
The idea that it is not prone to SQL injection is misguided. It may be less prone to SQL injection from front end users, but it is still very much prone to SQL injection. Most attacks on databases come from inside the company being attacked, not from end users.
Employees may have grudges, they may be dishonest, they may be disgruntled, or they may just be not so bright and think that it's ok to bypass security to do whatever it is that THEY think should be done to the database.
Please see this post answer by user Vimvq1987:
MySqlParameter as TableName
Essentially you first check the table name against the schema, in which the table name is used in a parameterized fashion. Then if all is ok, the table name is legit.
Paraphrased basic idea is:
SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'databasename'
AND table_name = #table;
If this returns ok with the table name, go ahead with your main query...
I would just check
select OBJECT_ID(#tablename)
the idea is to prevent injection you know it has to be table name this was if this returns a number then i would run the actual query,