Rails console - up arrow not working for last command - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm having small problem with the rails console in Rails 3.
I'm using a Mac and zsh in terminal. When I run the rails console I'm prompted with this:
ruby-head :001 >
When I try to use the up arrow to repeat last command I get an error sound and the command is not shown. Also to use tab as auto complete I have to press tab twice.
Another problem is that it takes about 10 seconds from I give the rails console command until the console is displayed. Is that normal?

Check for a file in your home directory called .inputrc and see if it contains:
set editing-mode vi
For me that was the issue and removing that line sets things back to normal. Now I'm just wondering how on earth that file ended up getting created.


#1558 - Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 21, found 20. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error

I got this message when I try to run query on XAMPP in macOS
#1558 - Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 21, found 20. Created with MariaDB 100108, now running 100421. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error
I tried to write
'mysql_upgrade -u root -p'
on my terminal but I got this message
zsh: command not found: mysql_upgrade
I also ran into same issue and after cracking my head for the past 10hrs, I finally realise how to perform the upgrade. U
go to your Mac terminal and paste the following code:
Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql_upgrade -u root -p
Supply your root password and see it work like magic.
Contrary to what many people posted online by using /opt/lampp/bin
It always gives a zsh not found error.
I hope this helps you and in the future for others who might need it.
You could try switching to a different shell, say bash by typing bash in your terminal.
Then proceed to run mysql_upgrade normally in the appropriate directory
I also could not run the code from the Terminal. I was, however, able to go to the folder itself and "run" the mysql_upgrade application. If you are using XAMPP and the Application Manager, there's a button to Open Application Folder. If you click that, finder will open where XAMPP lives. Open the bin folder. Then scroll until you find mysql_upgrade. Double click it. It will run in a Terminal session and complete the upgrade. Hope this helps someone else as I spent waaayyyy too much time trying to get this to work.

Error when enabling auto login of macOS app using a helper

I'm trying to have my app auto launch on login following Tim's tutorial: http://blog.timschroeder.net/2012/07/03/the-launch-at-login-sandbox-project/
I followed the instructions to the letter but I'm getting an error when I re-login to my computer as follows:
Jan 10 12:55:01 pc61 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.myApp.macgap.helper[25725]): Could not resolve CFBundleIdentifier specified by service: -10814: com.myApp.macgap.helper
Jan 10 12:55:01 pc61 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.myApp.macgap.helper): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
To outline:
I have my main app called "myApp" (ID: com.myApp.macgap )
In that app I have a helper app with ID: com.myApp.macgap.helper
When you launch the main app and go to preferences, you have an option to enable auto login (to fit to the Apple compliance rules)
I log out of my computer, log back in and look at the console to see what's going on (that's how I get the code above)
Another point worth mentioning, is when I do "Show package content" on the app and double click the helper app, it does launch the main app...
It all comes down to how launchd and launchctl work, as already answered, the regular use case often can be solved by reinstalling the app and ensuring the app is inside the applications folder. But there's another case that #byb is talking about, when this happens on your development machine – this can be caused by invalid launchd configuration.
When you run SMLoginItemSetEnabled it registers your bundle identifier along with other information in launchd service. At some point later, when your app changes, gets cleaned, or something else happens to it, which gets picked up by launchd, launchd may disable that particular login item. Apparently, sometimes this doesn't go smoothly, and consecutive calls with SMLoginItemSetEnabled will not work as expected or the agent / helper app simply won't launch.
The first thing to try is simply changing the bundle identifier for your launcher. If this solves the issue, try figuring out what's wrong with the original. Run launchctl print-disabled "user/$(id -u)" to display disabled services and login item associations. If the output contains your troubling bundle identifier – you are in luck.
I didn't find a way of removing disabled services by name using launchctl and had to do it by manually editing configuration files. Because they system-owned, you won't be able to simply click and edit, instead launch Xcode as root and remove the necessary references.
sudo /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode "/private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/loginitems.$(id -u).plist"
sudo /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode "/private/var/db/com.apple.xpc.launchd/disabled.$(id -u).plist"
Restart, run launchctl print-disabled "user/$(id -u)" to confirm removed items are no longer in the list. Try SMLoginItemSetEnabled again, hopefully now it will work as expected.
I had the exact same problem just now, and while looking for a solution found this (unanswered) question.
At least in my case, this desired functionality of the worked fine when I copied the app (exported from Xcode as a dev-id signed .app) to a fresh OS X install/account without all my development stuff on it. Of course it must also be in /Applications, as stated in the tutorial referred to in the question.
I am not sure why this feature of the app did not work on my development machine. Perhaps the problem could be due to some form of conflict with all the other near-identical copies of my app I have on disk (I have an archive of different versions of the app, plus the copies Xcode stores itself), all with the same bundle id of course.
Hope this helps in one way or another!
I had the same problem, removing other copies of app except one in /Applications solved the problem for me. To remove .app files generated by Xcode you can run Product->Clean.
I was struggling with this for hours. I had many apps with auto login but a new one just did not want to work.
Strangely this worked on the development machine:
Build App as normal
Move it to Application directory
Clean Xcode (CMD+k)!!
Enable auto login in the app.
Logout Login
I accidentally noticed that the system started the app (it tries in every 10 sec) when I clean Xcode :)
I can't find the duplicate copy but did find you can remove the service:
In a terminal window:
launchctl remove com.annoying.service
As it was already stated if there are more then one copies of service bundle on the machine launchd cannot resolve which one must be started by bundle identifier.
What I would recommend to you is find all copies of your service and then remove not desired ones.
For this you need to run following Swift code (It works even in Swift Playground):
import Cocoa
let bundleId = "com.your.bundleId"
let paths = LSCopyApplicationURLsForBundleIdentifier(bundleId as CFString, nil)
print("Available service instances by bundle id: \(paths)")
In my case it produces:
Available service instances by bundle id:
Optional(Swift.Unmanaged<__ObjC.CFArray>(_value: <__NSArrayI 0x6000002234a0>(
So I easely identified copy to be removed:
Hope it help.
Assuming that you followed Tim Schroeder's recipe at: http://blog.timschroeder.net/2012/07/03/the-launch-at-login-sandbox-project/ :
What actually ended up working for me, was, in Xcode, to change my main project's build number from 1 to 2. I also tried a build number of 1000 and that worked fine as well.
In Xcode, select your main project target. Then, select the 'General' tab. If you see your Build is set to 1, change it to 2 and then rebuild, redeploy and see if that resolves the issue for you.
This was probably one of the screwiest bugs I have run into, in a while.

calabash-android block in start_test_server_in_background

I've been trying to troubleshoot the issue I am having after I changed my computer with getting .apk file to run properly. I have read all the various solutions, but none worked so far.
I continue to get this error can can't figure out why:
Starting calabash-android console...
Loading /Users/sasaro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/calabash-android-0.5.2/irbrc
Running irb...
irb(main):001:0> start_test_server_in_background
RuntimeError: App did not start
from /Users/sasaro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/calabash-android-0.5.2/lib/calabash-android/operations.rb:609:in block in start_test_server_in_background'
from /Users/sasaro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/retriable-'
from /Users/sasaro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/retriable- retriable'
from /Users/sasaro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/calabash-android-0.5.2/lib/calabash-android/operations.rb:608:instart_test_server_in_background'
from /Users/sasaro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/calabash-android-0.5.2/lib/calabash-android/operations.rb:125:in start_test_server_in_background'
from (irb):1
from /Users/sasaro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/bin/irb:11:in'
What am I doing wrong? What am I not seeing? Is there a solution?
On Mac OS X 10.9.4. The app get's reinstalled when I run reinstall_apps, and when I run start_test_server_in_background I see the app open in the emulator. But, then I get the above error. The app is still usable and running in the emulator.
I'm new at calabash install so please be gentle and detailed if you have come across anything like this.
Try running this command:
calabash-android resign path/to/file.apk
Delete all Test_Server, delete android app from folder and copy new one after that
Try to:
calabash-android console app-debug.apk
irb> reinstall_apps
irb> start_test_server_in_background
it should start
and after that if it wont recognise server try calabash-android resign app-debug.apk
and calbash-android run app-debug.apk
Delete the test_server folder and resign your apk file
calabash-android resign path/to/file.apk
Then open the console
calabash-android console path/to/file.apk
reinstall app by typing
then start your app

As soon as I execute "screen", it tells me "cannot exec rwar: no such file or directory"

There has to be something I'm misunderstanding. I can simply start "screen" on another Linux box and it opens up just fine, but when I try starting "screen" on my Linux box, it seems as though it's trying to execute a command or something. Screen then terminates after it gives me this error message on the bottom of the screen.
Any ideas?

File.execute() is not executing my script. How to debug this issue?

I'm writing a script for Illustrator CS6 in ExtendScript. At the end of my script, I want to spawn a task (a second script, in Ruby) using File.execute(). However, it's not working. And I'm at a loss as how to debug the problem -- how can I figure out why this isn't working?
Here's the end of my ExtendScript file:
// Do a bunch of other work, then:
var rubyFile = new File(scriptFolder + 'BuildHtmlWalkthrough.rb');
var result = rubyFile.execute();
Both rubyFile.exists and result are always true, indicating that the script launched OK. But the script does not appear to run, at all. I've tried the following diagnostics:
The Ruby script does successfully run from the command line. The script's permissions are -rwxr-xr-x
I added a call to system("touch /blah/blah/blah") as the very first line of the Ruby script. The file does not get touched.
I thought maybe the ExtendScript process was terminating before the Ruby script could run, so I added a long for loop after rubyFile.execute(). Spinning for > 30 seconds did not help.
What can I do to debug, or solve, this problem?
I'm on MacOS X v10.9.1. And for reference, this is the documentation for File.execute():
File.execute (): Boolean
Core JavaScript Classes
Executes or opens
this file using the appropriate application, as if it had been
double-clicked in a file browser. You can use this method to run
scripts, launch applications, and so on. Returns true immediately if
the application launch was successful.
It's probably doing the "opens this file using the appropriate application" instead of executing, and returns true because the file successfully opens (or is already open in its associated app). If I have a python script and do
f= new File("~/Documents/misc_scripts/getpixelrgb.py");
, it opens it in my script editor, even if the file's execute flags are set.
I'm on OSX, btw
In After Effects, there is system.callSystem() to execute command line commands, but I'm afraid that is absent in Illustrator (I'm assuming you're doing this for Illustrator because of the tag). Are you on OSX or Windows? There are ways around this, by making an executable .app (OSX) or .exe (Win) and calling that with execute(). If I were doing this, I'm on OSX and I'd make an AppleScript app that does 'do shell script' to make the ruby system call. On Windows, it's different. One solution you might like if you're on windows: ocra, which is ruby-specific (http://ocra.rubyforge.org/). It may be possible to run a .bat file on Windows that calls the ruby script, but I'm not sure.
Terribly sorry for the extraneous Windows info (for someone else, I guess). Just saw your note about being on OSX. So you might want to use the AppleScript solution.
[edit again]
So, if my ruby script ("test.rb") is:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
print "Hello"
and my AppleScript is:
do shell script "cd /testing_folder/; ruby test.rb"
Then I get "Hello" returned in AppleScript, but ExtendScript will just return true.