Insert query in SQL Function - sql

Can i write a insert query inside Function in SQL server 2008. If i tried, im a getting an error of Invalid use of side effecting operator 'INSERT' within the function. Please help me out. But i want it to be a function, not a stored procedure
Create function EFT_DL_FUNC_AUDTI_BATCH_START (#i_db_name varchar(20))
returns int as
insert into table_name(db_name) values (#i_db_name)
return 0

Quote from here:
User Defined Functions cannot be used
to modify base table information. The
DML statements INSERT, UPDATE, and
DELETE cannot be used on base tables.
So you can't do an INSERT in a function.
You might want to explain WHY you don't want to use a procedure.


MSSQL Adding .ToString to datefields

i have some querys in my new SQL 2019 Database that connect to a table in a different database (MSSQL Server 2016) via linked servers.
But Everytime there is a date field in that query i get the error "The function or aggregat .ToString could not be found or the name is ambiguous".
I found that there is a hierarchy-ID-Function named "toString".
But i cant see why SQL should be using it when i dont call it to.
When i delete all Date fields from that query it executes without a problem.
SELECT * FROM [LinkedServerName].Databasename.integris.Tablename
I just noticed, that SQL somehow edits my text.
is what i wrote into the vieweditor.
is what the error shows me.
EDIT2: i set up the same linked server on an old SQL 2005 Server. Everything works fine. I guess because the 2005 server has no ToString() function... but im not sure.
I can construct a situation that would recreate the error, but I can't say for sure whether this is what is happening in your case. It's hard to demonstrate in a comment though, so I'll do as an answer.
Suppose we have a table t, with a computed column f, which references function dbo.f, which in turn references function dbo.g:
create function dbo.g() returns int as begin return 1 end;
create function dbo.f() returns int as begin return dbo.g(); end;
create table t(i int, f as dbo.f());
insert t(i) values (1);
select * from t;
So far so good. But now we drop function dbo.g and try to select from t:
drop function dbo.g;
select * from t;
This will result in the error: Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.g", or the name is ambiguous.
Look at the definition of the source table and check for computed columns, especially computed columns using nested constructs.

SQL Server stored procedure: how to return column names/values of type failures in variable?

Ambiguous thread name, I apologize. I am not new to SQL, but I'm new to coding longer stored procedures so I don't deal with variables much outside of passing through maybe a table name or returning row count, etc.
I have a stored procedure that is executing an insert from a staging table to a fact table. There are a couple type casts in the insert.
If the insert fails due to a typecast. Is there any way to return the name of the column that failed, along with what the failed value was? How would I code that? I know that Try_parse would make it so the stored procedure doesn't fail on type cast failure, but I want to be able to pass back exactly what column and value failed.
I show an example here:
Create Procedure dbo.Example_Insert
#updateUser varchar(255)
Insert Into dbo.Energy_Costs (Energy_Cost_Id, Project_Id, Propane_Cost_Dollars,
Electricity_Cost_Dollars, Fuel_Savings_Evaluator)
Next Value For energy_cost_id,
Cast(r.propane_cost_dollars As Decimal(18,2)),
Cast(r.electricity_cost_dollars As Decimal(18,2)),
#update_user fuel_savings_evaluator
staging_table r
return ##ROWCOUNT
You can use CURSOR in sql then insert one line at a time. When insert fail return value currently row error.
I hope my idea suitable with you.

Using results of one stored procedure in another stored procedure - SQL Server

Is there any way to use the results of one stored procedure in another stored procedure without using a table variable or temp table? The logic is as follows:
IF (#example = 1)
EXEC [Procedure1] #ItemId = #StockId
set #Cost = (select top 1 id from #temp)
Ideally i would like to know if there is a way to do this without having to use a temp table. Looked around online but can't find anything that works. Any advice would be great.
In general, if you want to use user-defined code in a SELECT, then it is better to phrase the code as a user-defined function rather than a user-defined procedure.
That is, procedures should be used for their side effects and functions should be used for their return values.
That said, you can use openquery (documented here) to run an exec on a linked server. The linked server can be the server you are running on.

'Execute Immediate' with Into Clause in HANA

I have a requirement where-in I need to read a table (table name provided as input parameter of the SP), store the results in a temp table and then store the count of the read table into a variable. Please advise how can this be achieved. I have been able to read the table and its count using dynamic query but am not able to put the results in a temp table/ variable. 'Select' and 'Into' clauses do not seem to be working with 'Execute Immediate'. Thanks.
It is not very clear to me exactly what is being asked, but you should be able to execute a SELECT statement in the following manner:
execute immediate 'SELECT * FROM ' || :tablename;
Then the following statements create a table and call the procedure to retrieve the result:
create table T (i integer);
insert into T values (123);
The following would produce a result set with one row/column with the value 123:
CALL p1('T')
Please note that with this type of functionality, you need to be very careful not to allow any user-provided input to be given directly to a procedure that uses EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to avoid the possibility of SQL injection attacks.

Insert into table stored procedure results plus variable

I need to insert into a table the results of a stored procedure(SP) plus a couple of other variables.
I know how to insert the SP results but not the variables as well. Is there a way I can do this without having to write a separate update query or pass/return the variable into the SP.
INSERT INTO contacttable(name, address, telnum)
EXEC GetContactDetails #ContactId
UPDATE contacttable SET linkId = #LinkId where id = #ContactId
Can I pass the #linkId variable into the INSERT in anyway rather than having to do the separate update?
You can't do this the way you explain your current scenario is.
You either modify the proc to receive the extra parameter and you return it from there so that the insert statements already has this parameter, or you continue doing what you are doing.
Another possibility would be to change that proc into a table-valued function in a way that you can specifically select the columns you need from the resultset and you add the extra parameter in the insert. Something like:
INSERT INTO contacttable(name, address, telnum,linkid)
select name, address,telnum,#linkid from fnGetContactDetails(#ContactID)