WCF client side instancing and concurrency issues - wcf

Hopefully WCF has a reach instancing and concurrency management at service-side via Throttling.
My service client is an ASP.NET application. It consumes more than one WCF service so I create and parametrize WCF client at run-time (no configuration file is used).
Only the end point address is dynamic, and all the services (used by client) have the same method signatures (same contract).
For this reason I have referenced the service through Visual Studio and it has created my service proxy so I just take care of endpoint address at run-time:
class MyWcfClient
void DoSomething(string endpintAddress, int data)
// Create 'binding' and 'endpoint' ('endpoint' address is dynamic)
ServiceReference.ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceReference.ServiceClient(binding, endpoint);
// Parametrize 'serviceClient'
// Call WCF method (send 'data' to appropriate endpoint)
Since the client is an asp.net application, each request runs on it's own worker thread (WCF method calls are very light and fast, so the thread would not block for a long time).
My question is about the instanciation and concurrency at the client-side.
Should MyWcfClient class be Singleton with one serviceClient instance or it be static class and a new serviceClient be created for each call ?
Should I create serviceClient (i.e, an array or list) based on the endpoints (there are 10-100 endpoints) ?
Note that my asp.net threads should not be blocked for a long time (i.e waiting in a queue for sending their related data via WCF)

There is no throttling on client side and it is not needed because you have client code under your control so you have control over number of requests executed. That is the difference to service where without throttling there is no control over number of incomming requests executed elsewhere (out of service control).
So if you want to control number of requests concurrently executed on client you must create object pool - there will be only limited number of MyWcfClient classes available and each class will always create new ServiceClient. Requests will wait in queue for free MyWcfClient instance.
If your only problem is how to create instances of ServiceClient then answer depends on type of binding.
Sessionful bindings like Net.Tcp, Net.Pipe or WsHttp with reliable session or security context: Create new instance for each communication relation. If your relation is just single call, create new instnace for each call. So you can use static class with static method and create new instance in that method.
Sessionless bindings like BasicHttp or WebHttp: You can reuse client for multiple calls but you can't close the client between subsequent calls. You can use array of prepared client instances. You will still need to handle some errors here.
Btw. also check asynchronous client calls and how to correctly close the service client.


when we should use AddSingleTon and when AddScoped and When should use AddTransient

Could please Give RealTime Example when we should use AddSingleTon and when AddScoped and When should use AddTransient.
As far as I know, the Singleton is normally used for a global single instance. For example, you will have an image store service you could have a service to load images from a given location and keeps them in memory for future use.
A scoped lifetime indicates that services are created once per client request. Normally we will use this for sql connection. It means it will create and dispose the sql connection per request.
A transient lifetime services are created each time they're requested from the service container. For example, during one request you use httpclient service to call other web api request multiple times, but the web api endpoint is different. At that time you will register the httpclient service as transient. That means each time when you call the httpclient service it will create a new httpclient to send the request not used the same one .
Transient — Services are created each time they are requested. It gets a new instance of the injected object, on each request of this object. For each time you inject this object is injected in the class, it will create a new instance.
Scoped — Services are created on each request (once per request). This is most recommended for WEB applications. So for example, if during a request you use the same dependency injection, in many places, you will use the same instance of that object, it will make reference to the same memory allocation.
Singleton — Services are created once for the lifetime of the application. It uses the same instance for the whole application.

How can I callback the client and expose a new Channel with instance context

I'm making a WCF service with netTcpBinding which has a main lobby with multiple chatrooms which the clients can enter. The Lobby class implements ILobby as the service contract.
When a client wishes to enter a room I want to callback the client exposing a new Channel containing the InstanceContext for the room he just entered but after much searching I am doubting that this is possible.
For example on the Service side I might have
class Lobby : ILobby
Dictionary<string, Chatroom> rooms;
public void JoinRoom(string roomname)
if (rooms[roomname].TryEnter()) {}
class ChatRoom : IChatRoom
public bool TryEnter(string username)
ILobbyCallback callback =
// How do I do this next bit?
callback.JoinedRoom(pass some instance context here);
return true;
On the client side callback method I want
public void JoinedRoom(InstanceContext for the room on the service side)
// Create a new WCF proxy using above InstanceContext
// Create a WPF UI for the new room passing the proxy so it can communicate
// with the room class directly without going via the root service
Is this possible? What's the best practice for spawning new classes with their own contracts on the service side? Or do I just have to bundle everything into one massive MyService class and handle everything myself?
You cannot pass instance context as parameter to any operation contract. It doesn't make sense because that context has local scope. It is called "instance context" = it is context of current service instance. In duplex scenario both client and server has its own service:
Clients calls server's service through its proxy
Server calls client' service through received callback channel
Server's service instance context has meaning only on the server. It is not clear what you are trying to achieve (except very complex architecture).
If you want to share context on client you can try to pass around the instance context used for the very first proxy you created - I'm not sure if it will work but you can try it
If you want to share service instance context between multiple proxies you must develop your own IInstanceContextProvider and perhaps also your own IInstanceProvider (depending on what you want to achieve), wrap them in behavior and add them to the service. That will put whole complexity of session handling and correct instance releasing under your control (it obviously has its pros and cons).
But is it really needed? When I look at your code I see that one service and one proxy is enough. Also your JoinRoom operation doesn't need to use callback at all, it can be just request response method.

How can I check connection is still valid for Silverlight client using net.tcp for duplex?

I'm putting together a WCF service using net.tcp and netTcpBinding to get duplex comms with my Silverlight client. I call into the service from the Silverlight app and the service calls out to another server, passing it a callback method in the WCF service class. The remote server calls back several times and each time it does, the WCF service uses the callbackchannel to send the data to the Silverlight client. It all works nicely most of the time.
If the user puts in a big request, I get a TimeoutException after a large number of callbacks have already worked. (Clearly, there's some work to do elsewhere to prevent this but I'd like to robustify the service, first.)
I was expecting to do some kind of 'if (client.ConnectionState == faulted)' check before trying to call back to the Silverlight client but I can't seem to find the object that holds the state of the connection. Is there one? Am I approaching this from the wrong side?
This is my first venture into a service net.tcp and duplex. I just moved house and my WCF bible is still in a box. Somewhere. :-) So, I can't do my usual background reading.
Any pointers would be gratefully received. Here's some bare code in case my description is too soupy:
private IActiveDirectoryClient client;
private AsyncSearchRunner runner;
public void Search(Request request)
this.client = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel<IActiveDirectoryClient>();
runner = new AsyncSearchRunner();
runner.Run(request.SearchRoot, request.SearchFilter, request.PageSize,
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Subtree, SendObjects);
private void SendObjects(List<DirectoryObject> items)
Response response = new Response();
response.DirectoryObjects = items.ToArray();
Yes, there is a State property that is defined in the ClientBase<> class (all the proxy classes are derived from ClientBase<>).
There are some proxy wrappers out there that handle fault states of the connection and re-establish connections as needed. Google for "wcf proxy wrapper".
You can also home-brew something if you use some kind of ServiceLocator pattern.

Detect when client connected to wcf service

From a little bit of reading around, it is my understanding that the only way to detect that a client has connected to my service is through writing my own code. I am using a Singleton service. I would like to display a message every time a client connects to my service that client x with ip xxx has connected. There is no built-in event that is generated? Am I correct?
No, I don't think there's any support in WCF for your requirement.
Not sure what you want to achieve with this, either. Your service class (in your case, just a single instance) really doesn't have any business putting up messages (on screen, I presume) - that really not it's job. The service class is used to handle a request and deliver a response - nothing more.
The ServiceHost class might be more of a candidate for this feature - but again, it's job really is to host the service, spin up the WCF runtime etc. - and it's really not a UI component, either.
What you could possibly do is this
have an Admin UI (a Winforms, console, or WPF app) running on your server alongside your service, providing an admin service to call
define a fast connection between the two services (using e.g. netNamedPipe binding which is perfect for intra-application messaging)
when your "real" service gets a call, the first thing it does is send out a message to the admin UI which can then pick up that message and handle it
That way, you could cleanly separate your real service and it's job (to provide that service) and the Admin UI stuff you want to do and build a cleanly separated system.
I have actually implemented my own connect, disconnect and ping service methods which I manually call from my client once the channel has been created. By using them as a kind of header section in all of my ServiceContract interface definitions (and their implementations, of course), they form an makeshift "base service definition" that only requires a bit of cut-n-paste.
The string-based parameters of connect and disconnect will be used to send client info to the server and return server info and (perhaps a unique connection id) to the client. In addition a set of timing reference points may make its way in also.
Note how SessionMode is required and the individual OperationContract properties IsInitiating and IsTerminating are explicitly specified for each method, the end result being what I would call a "single-session" service in that it defines connect and disconnect as the sole session bookends.
Note also that the ping command will be used as the target of a timer-based "heartbeat" call that tests the service connection state and defeats ALL connection timeouts without a single config file :-)
Note also that I haven't determined my fault-handling structure yet which may very well add a method or more and/or require other kinds of changes.
[ServiceContract( SessionMode = SessionMode.Required )]
public interface IRePropDalSvr {
[OperationContract( IsInitiating=true, IsTerminating=false )]
string connect (string pClientInfo);
[OperationContract( IsInitiating=false, IsTerminating=true, IsOneWay=true )]
void disconnect (string pClientInfo);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[OperationContract( IsInitiating=false, IsTerminating=false )]
string ping (string pInp);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One caveat: while I am currently using this code and its implemention in my service classes, I have not verified the code yet.

wcf - transfer context into the headers

I am using wcf 4 and trying to transparently transfer context information between client and server.
I was looking at behaviors and was able to pass things around. My problem is how to flow the context received in the incoming headers to the other services that might be called by a service.
In the service behavior I intercept the the message and read the headers but don't know where to put that data to be accessible to the next service call that the current service might make.
What I am looking for is something like:
public void DoWork()
var someId = MyContext.SomeId;
//do something with it here and call another service
using(var proxy = GetProxy<IAnotherService>())
proxy.CallSomeOtherMethodThatShouldGetAccessTo_ MyContextualObject();
If I store the headers in thread local storage I might have problems due to thread agility(not sure this happens outside ASP.NET, aka custom service hosts). How would you implement the MyContext in the code above.
I chose the MyContext instead of accessing the headers directly because the initiator of the service call might not be a service in which case the MyContext is backed by HttpContext for example for storage.
In the service behavior I intercept
the the message and read the headers
but don't know where to put that data
to be accessible to the next service
Typically, you don't have any state between calls. Each call is totally autonomous, each call gets a brand new instance of your service class created from scratch. That's the recommended best practice.
If you need to pass that piece of information (language, settings, whatever) to a second, third, fourth call, do so by passing it in their headers, too. Do not start to put state into the WCF server side! WCF services should always be totally autonomous and not retain any state, if at ever possible.
UPDATE: ok, after your comments: what might be of interest to you is the new RoutingService base class that will be shipped with WCF 4. It allows scenarios like you describe - getting a message from the outside and forwarding it to another service somewhere in the background. Google for "WCF4 RoutingService" - you should find a number of articles. I couldn't find antyhing in specific about headers, but I guess those would be transparently transported along.
There's also a two-part article series Building a WCF Router Part 1 (and part 2 here) in MSDN Magazine that accomplishes more or less the same in WCF 3.5 - again, not sure about headers, but maybe that could give you an idea.