Is there a quick solution to query a Lucene index from Node.js? - indexing

I'm developing a server with node.js and would like to re-use the index files I generated with Lucene. Do you guys know a quick way to query this index from node.js?

there is a node-solr module

The module that has been mentioned previously as an answer to this question points to the library named node-solr which seems to be out of date and no longer maintained according to the author.
However, there is a library named solr-node-client that is well documented and available for download via e.g npm.


Phalcon: How i can design a website with multi languages?

Later i worked with symfony framework. In this framework we can easily build a multi language project by using FOSUserBundle. But i do'nt know what to do in phalcon! In the Phalcon documentation (multi-lingual-support) explained a way for it! But if i have many languages this way is too difficult!
Do yo know about any provided library for multi language projects?
You can either use the Phalcon\Translate to translate all your strings in respective arrays - one file per language. The reference in the documentation as you correctly posted is here and it refers to the native array adapter.
There are additional adapters in the incubator repo, for PO files or database driven.
You might also want to see the internationalization area in the documentation.
take a look at this piece of code

Wordnet in Objective-C

I know the Wordnet webpage cites that it comes with a C interface included. However, I am having significant trouble adding it to my project. My question is two fold.
First: Does a machine need to have wordnet installed to utilize the API (or can the data be read a runtime from the dict files? and thus distributed to machines that do not have wordnet installed)
Second: How can you include Wordnet in a C project. I've tried adding the source files directly, but it crashes on init(). I've stepped through the debugger and it looks like it is looking to load the files from my local drive rather than the included files in the project. Is there a way to prevent this for machines that do not have Wordnet installed (from part 1).
Thank you for the help,
Unless I'm mistaken and you're referring to a different WordNet, there has been a Cocoa front-end available for years here.
Just found this today. Might be helpful, as it only requires adding the sqlite.db file of WordNet and provides a super super thin Objective-C wrapper on the sqlite call to talk to the database. Using this as a template for your understanding should allow you to extend it to allow various queries.
EDIT: With the above example, you can see the format the query takes. With that knowledge, you could grab the sqlite file for the WordNet database from:
then either just use the C calls for sqlite or pick a more robust Objective-C wrapper like:

Is support planned for embedded resources with ASP .NET 4.5 css and js bundling features?

I read Scott Gu's article about built-in support for bundling and minification in ASP .NET 4.5.
However there's no mention of embedded resources, which is a pity.
In the past I've been using a Codeplex project called Client Dependency Framework which supported embedded resources.
Seems like a pretty major omission to me. Is support planned?
I'm pretty sure you could write your own transformer to handle this.
Create a class that implements System.Web.Optimization.IBundleTransform.
Then in the Process method get the contents of the embedded resource. This shouldn't be too difficult. This blog post might be helpful.
Then add the transform to the bundle.
var bundle = new Bundle("~/Test").Include("~/Content/Site.css");
bundle.Transforms.Add(new EmbeddedResourceTransformer());
Note that I am using the nuget package from System.Web.Optimization, not Microsoft.Web.Optimization (I have no idea why there are two different namespace implementations, and whether the syntax would be the same in both).
I also can't vouch for the performance of doing it this way as opposed to the file system.
Hope that helps!
Just a few comments on above answers since I don't have enough rep. to comment directly...
The answer from Hainesy suggests using a BundleTransform. I believe this is too late in the process to include an embedded resource. The BundleTransform is helpful for converting things inside the css or javascript after the contents are pulled from the original file and before they are put into the bundled file. For example, if you need to modify image URL's in CSS to point to local relative url for dev and to a CDN url for production.
The link from user960567 explains how to use embedded resources, but there's a catch. That process will only work for something like a common control used from another project.
e.g. If you create a textbox that needs CSS and JS then it allows you to create a HTML helper in the common project that will add the textbox and the script tags that pull in the embedded resource into the page. It does not allow you to pull the embedded resource from the common project into a bundle in another project. This will basically create a separate script or style tag for each embedded resource which may not be what you want (at least it's not what I was looking for.)
I've written a detailed article about how you can use the bundle and minification technology to wrap up your external resources here.

Is there any Lucene wrapper in C / Objective-C?

I know there is the CLucene project, which is a port of Lucene from Java to C. But is there a Lucene wrapper in C/Objective-C similar to PyLucene that uses JNI and and embeds a JavaVM with Lucene in a separate process?
I explored this in some depth after asking this similar question a while back. The answer appears to be "no." I found CLucene as you did. It's got problems. I also found something called LuceneKit which was also mostly a mess. For my project I just mangled up the code from PyLucene just enough to get it working, and then moved on to another project. Unless something else has come along since then, I feel confident saying that No, there's not a pre-existing, serviceable Lucene wrapper out there. Sorry.
You can also look on Ferret - it is ruby wrapper and pure c library for full text searching. Ferret is similar to lucene but it uses own file format for indexing.
Since the answer seems to be 'No' I have been looking for different options.
There seems to be an alternative (free for non-commercial apps; $1000k per app for commercial projects).
I have not used it but I just run into it and saw some comments praising this solution.
You can take a look at Lucy, which seems to be exactly what you are looking for:

How can I implement a/b split testing the easiest way in Drupal 7?

Drupal has a few split testing modules but I can't find one that compatible with recently released (as of this writing) Drupal 7. I could try to use Google Website Optimizer but, I'm new to Drupal, and not sure how I could edit the Head HTML to insert the unique JavaScripts on each page (I assume they all share the same Head declarations).
Can someone help?
There's already a dedicated Drupal module for inserting the GWO code into pages where it's appropriate. If you need to do something more exotic, use it as a starting point.
FYI for others who stumble on this, the Google Website Optimizer module linked by Eaton is now unsupported and obsolete.
With a quick search I found the Multivariate module at that can be used to setup multivariate or A/B tests.