could anybody give me an example on how to insert hyperlink in a customized dialog - wix

I tried the following code, but it is not work. could anybody give me some example? thanks.
<Control Id="URL2" Type="Hyperlink" X="20" Y="105" Width="320" Height="18">
<Text><![CDATA[Joy of Setup]]></Text>

The Hyperlink control type was added in Windows Installer 5.0. Hence, for the previous versions it will fail. See this article for more details.

I don't think you can do this. But a possible workaround is to have a button in your custom dialog call a custom action that could launch the URL in a browser. You could set the text of the button as the URL and then pass that to the custom action as a parameter so the custom action would be reusable. It is not exactly what you are looking - it is more of a workaround.


Adding button in toolbar for intellij plugin

I am writing a Plugin for intelliJ IDEA and I have been trying to add a button in the main toolbar, besides the run button:
I have been looking for guides to help me do it, but I haven't found any. It has to be possible, this is just my first plugin and I lack the necessary experience. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It's simple. You have to create an action (descendant of AnAction) and put it in Actions tag within your plugin.xml:
<action id="" class="your.Action"
text="Some label" description="Action description" icon="AllIcons.General.AddJdk">
<add-to-group group-id="ToolbarRunGroup" anchor="first" />
The "add-to-group" tag will tell IDEA to put it together with other execution related buttons.

Windows 8 XAML Multilingual Translations

I've used the Multilingual Toolkit to translate my app and have been testing it using pseudo-language. It works fine for strings I have translated in code (C#) but I can't work out how to make it so that the tag in XAML is automatically translated.
I've been using as a tutorial but I can't figure it out. I've also searched on Google but still no luck.
For example, I created a "Watermark" text box (which inherits from TextBox which shows some text in by default it the user has not entered any text and the item does not have focus. The XAML looks like this (I replaced generic positioning stuff with '...'):
<local:WatermarkTextbox x:Name="TitleTextBox" Watermark="MainPage_EnterATitle" ... Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyle1}" />
As you can see it is setting a property called Watermark with a 'tag' of the resource name that is being translated using the Multilingual tool. I'm not sure how to get this to automatically translate.
Another example is using the bottom app bar buttons:
<Button x:Name="bottomAppBar_unpinFromStartButton" AutomationProperties.Name="MainPage_UnpinFromStart" Style="{StaticResource UnPinAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="bottomAppBar_unpinFromStartButton_Click"/>
And I can see in the link above that it says:
But I'm not really sure where this is meant to go.
Even with a button, which seems like it would be the simplest to translate I can't get it to work. The XAML is:
<Button x:Name="RemovePhotoButton" x:Uid="MainPage_RemovePhoto" Content="" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="222,0,974,78" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Width="170" Height="45"/>
But when ran in the app or viewed in the designed the button stays blank, with no text on it.
The Resources are set up like this:
And it is filling the translated documents fine:
I am able to translate it in C# using the code from the link above, just not using XAML.
Just wondering if anybody could help me out or point me in the right direction to solve this.
First what i think is missing in the name of your resources is the property that you want to set. While never used it myself, i would understand it like this:
Your xaml needs to be changed to
<local:WatermarkTextbox x:Name="TitleTextBox" x:Uid="MainPage_EnterATitle" Watermark="" ... Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyle1}" />
And your resource needs an entry with the key
And about the part with the
This is only used if the referenced property is an attached property. Like if your Watermark property would be attached not part of the control. But in your case its not important.

WiX: Adding summary dialog displaying installed features

I would like to display to the users a summary page at the end of the installation that shows what features were installed. The ADDLOCAL property contains this information, but I cannot figure out how to display its value on a dialog. Adding it as the Text property of a Control does not work.
<!-- Does not display anything -->
<Control Id="InstalledFeaturesText" Type="Text" ... Text="[ADDLOCAL]" />
Add following line to your wix source code
<SetProperty Id="FEATURELIST" Value="[ADDLOCAL]" After="CostFinalize"/>
And use FEATURELIST property to get list of all installed feture.
That’s really it. :)
This is so because it appears that the 'ADDLOCAL' becomes undefined after completion of all install sequence.

How to enable TimePicker in SIlverlight 4 Toolkit?

According to the Silverlight Toolkit website they have a TimePicker as Preview available.
I have installed the toolkit but don't get to see it. How do I activate the Preview controls like the TimePicker?
Many thanks,
If you don't see the TimePicker in your Toolbox, right-click, select "Choose Items" and add it manually. If you don't find it there, this means that the toolkit assemblies aren't registered correctly. What you can do is add a reference to them in your solution and access the controls directly. TimePicker is in System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit namespace in System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit.dll
Hope this helps :)
For TimePicker control you need to reference the following dll:
Next, add the following namespace to XAML:
Now you can use the TimePicker control as:
<toolkitInput:TimePicker Value="{Binding Model.ExecutionFrequencyStartTime, Mode=TwoWay}" />

Initialise a wix CheckBox's check state based on a property?

How does one initalise a Wix check box based on the value of a property?
So far, I've done the following:
<Control Id="Checkbox" Type="CheckBox" X="0" Y="0" Width="100" Height="15" Property="CHECKBOX_SELECTION" Text="I want this feature" CheckBoxValue="1" TabSkip="no">
<Condition Action="hide">HIDE_CHECKBOX</Condition>
<Condition Action="show">NOT HIDE_CHECKBOX</Condition>
Currently I have two custom actions to set HIDE_CHECKBOX and CHECKBOX_SELECTION. The CHECKBOX_SELECTION custom action occurs immediately after the HIDE_CHECKBOX action.
What I'm seeing is that HIDE_CHECKBOX is behaving correctly (ie. the checkbox is hidden) which suggests that I've got the ordering of custom actions correct, but CHECKBOX_SELECTION is not changing the check state of the check box. Is this a safe assumption? Also, I've confirmed that SELECTION is being set to '1' in the logs.
Am I on the right track? Have I misssd anything?
A snippet of the log showing the property changes would help a lot. Lacking that, I'll use my magic eight ball which noticed something that might just be a typo in your question but suggests:
Is it really the SELECTION Property that is getting marked to 1? If so that would not match the CHECKBOX_SELECTION Property the checkbox is based on and explain all the problems.