Routes in Rails3 - Controller and routes for 2 post functions - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to write an app in rails 3 and I'm having some trouble figuring out the routes and controllers for a test that I want the user to take. The basic requirements for this app are:
Users, Tests and Questions are all in separate models.
A User has_many Tests. A Test has_many Questions
Provide a link on the user_profile page to /test/new to create the test record.
Provide a link on /test/new to /test/:id/part1 (where :id is the test_id) so that the user can complete the first part of the test. Questions will be retrieved from the db and presented on this page.
Provide a link on /test/:id/part1 to /test/:id/part2 so that the user can complete the second part of the test. Again, questions are retrieved from the db.
Provide a link on /test/:id/part2 to submit the test and return to the user's profile.
I've completed the models, which even pass their tests, so I think I have finished parts 1 and 2.
Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tests
Class Test < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :questions
Class Question < ActiveRecrod::Base
belongs_to :test
My issues start when I try to put these models together using routes and controllers.
resources :users
resources :tests do
member do
post 'part1'
post 'part2'
<%= link_to "Start The Test", new_test_path %>
<%= link_to "Part 1", part1_test_path(#test) %>
class TestsController < ApplicationController
def new
#test =
def part1
# still just a stub
I'm getting this error when I click on the link to take Part 1 of the test:
No route matches {:action=>"part1", :controller=>"tests", :id=>#<Test id: nil, taken_at: nil, user_id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>}
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

By defining a member of the routes it's expecting an existent test, ie. one which is saved and has an id.
part1_test_path = /test/123/part1
What you need is a collection route.
resources :tests do
collection do
post 'part1'
member do
post 'part2'
part1_test_path = /test/part1
Suggested solution:
resources :test, :path_names => { :new => 'part_1', :edit => 'part_2' } *1
def new
#test =
#new view
form_for #test do
def create
#test = params[:test]
redirect_to edit_test_path #test
def edit
#test = Test.find params[:id]
#edit view
form_for #test do
def update
#test = Test.find params[:id]
if #test.update_attributes params[:test]
redirect_to test_path #test
def show # test results
#test = Test.find params[:id]
if #test.incomplete *2
redirect_to edit_test_path #test
*1 See rails guide on routing. This will give you urls like this
You should put all of your validation in the model; your requirements of test data. Conditional validation will be required, depending on whether it's a new_record? or not ie if you're at part 1 or 2.
add a method to your model which checks test completeness.
def incomplete
Let me know if you don't understand anything.


rails 3 how can i give permissions to user for specific task like tickets, messages?

i am new to rails and i want to give permissions to users for particular task involved in my project on different modules.
i have two models "user" and "project"... in "user.rb" has_many : projects
and in "project.rb" belongs_to :user. and i have one more model which combine both models named "user_project.rb" in this model have proj_id an user_id stored.
i want to give permission and after that also check for the permission to current user for creating messages and tasks according to permissions assign to them.
where can i define permissions and how it works for me in view as well....
If you created user_project.rb only for storing these ids - remove it.
This look like you need to write before_filter in your controllers
class ProjectsController << ApplicationController
before_filter :current_user_required, only: [ :edit, :update ]
#there def of actions
def current_user_required
unless current_user == #project.user
flash[:error] = 'error 403'
redirect_to :back
And when you find #project, for edit and update actions, you can do it like:
#project = current_user.projects.find(params[:project_id]) #need to change :project_id
If you want to create model Message(belongs_to :project and Project has_name: messages) and give access for creation and edit it only for project.user you can do it using before_filter or validation in model
class Message << ActiveRecord::Base
validate :author_is_project_user, on: :create
def author_is_project_user
errors.add :base, 'author not is project user' unless == self.project.user
According to this you can define permission for another things
And if you want to get permission for another user you have_to create model which belongs_ to :user and :project and check in before_filter present of it.
sort of this:
class Permission << ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :project
scope :about, -> project { where project_id: project }
scope :of_user, -> user { where project_id: project }
and in User model define method like
def access_to_project? project
or you can add variable to this model and make more complicated logic of access

How can I default an ancestral relationship with cancan to an internal node of the tree?

I am using cancan to authorize my controller actions. One of classes where access is authorized by cancan is a tree, implemented with acts_as_ancestry. I'm having problems using load_and_authorize_resource when the user is not permitted to access the root level, but rather is allowed access starting at an interior node.
Here are some relavant class definitions:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :organization, :inverse_of => :users
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :organization, :inverse_of => :posts
class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
has_ancestry :cache_depth => true
has_many :users, :inverse_of => :organization
has_many :posts, :inverse_of => :organization
The rules for managing posts are "You can manage posts in any organization below yours". My cancan abilities definition is this:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||=
# subtree_ids is added by acts_as_ancestry
can :manage, Post, {:organization_id => user.organization.subtree_ids}
In the controller, I have this (other actions omitted)
class PostsController < ApplicationController
load_and_authorize_resource :post
def index
def new
Everything works fine when the authorized user belongs to the root organization. However, when I login as a user authorized at an internal node, the index action works fine, but when the new action is invoked, I get a can-can authorization error.
Here is what I see in the log:
Access denied on new #<Post id: nil, organization_id: 1>
The organization_id 1 (the root) is coming from the schema:
create_table "posts", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "organization_id", :default => 1
With cancan, the new action will build a new Post and assign it to #post. When it does this, it will initialize all the attributes with values taken from the can definition in Abilities.rb. However, it will not do anything if those attributes are Arrays, Hashes or Ranges and the default value ends up coming from the schema.
How can I authorize users to manage posts in their subtree, but when they create a new post, default it to their organization?
In cancan, if the #post variable is already initialized by you, it will not call load_resource on it, only do the authorize part. See this part of the docs:, "Override loading".
So the simplest solution is to take control of the initialization yourself and make it what you need, like here:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :initialize_post, :only => [:new, :create]
def initialize_post
#post =[:post]||{:name=>'Smashing Kittens'})
load_and_authorize_resource :post
def index
def new
def create
You can see it working in this test project that I created from your post:
I had a similar issue and ended up writing ancestry related permissions in blocks like so:
can :manage, Post do |post|

Rails 3 recursive polymorphic comments model, how to do redirect to top-most parent

I'm still earning my stripes in Rails and have ran into a problem I can use some help on. I'm building an app that has various models (stories, photos, artwork, etc.) that a user can comment on, as well as the comments themselves. I have 98-99% of the functionality working but am stuck on getting the redirect to redirect to the top-most parent (a story, photo, etc.) after the comment has been created.
My comment model look like this:
# /app/models/comment.rb
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
...I have several models that a user can comment on, for example a story model:
# /app/models/story.rb
class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :as => :commentable
My comments controller looks like this at this point:
# /app/controllers/comments_controller.rb
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def index
#commentable = find_commentable
#comments = #commentable.comments
def new
#commentable = find_commentable
def create
#commentable = find_commentable
#comment =[:comment])
redirect_to :back
render :action => 'new'
def find_commentable
params.each do |name, value|
if name =~ /(.+)_id$/
return $1.classify.constantize.find(value)
...And of course my routes look like this:
# /config/routes.rb
resources :comments do
resources :comments
resources :stories do
resources :comments
The particular line I need to change is the redirect_to :back line (everything else, the polymorphism, the recursion of comments, etc. works fine). The current code works as intended when a user is commenting on a story but it's not ideal when a user is commenting on a comment because the form for that functionality is not on the story "show" page (perhaps it needs to be?).
What I have tried to do (and what I suspect the solution might be) is a method that finds the parent object and recurses when that object is a comment. My previous attempts at doing this has not been clean at all and I have yet to get a working prototype working.
I used this railscasts episode to base the majority of my code but the redirect_to :id => nil doesn't work for me as the create comment method is somehow called and it results in a NilClass error when it attempts to build comments (perhaps something is wrong with my routing as I don't see how the index action would call create?).
So Rails experts, what am I doing wrong? What do I need to do here to get this working? I feel like I'm 99% there but that last 1% is driving me crazy.
Thanks in advance...
OK i had to read this a couple times...
would return an instance of Story or whatever object that did the comment.
Solved this...It's probably not the cleanest but it works:
I first added a method in comments controller...
def get_master
#parent = #comment.commentable
if #parent.respond_to?('commentable_type')
#comment = #parent
return #parent
Then I changed my redirect_to to call this method in the create controller.
The key was understanding that #object.respond_to? was what I needed to do check if a method is defined.
Here's a full example of how it works:

Rails 3 model with accepts nested attributes not updating children

I've got a model setup where a user can create a quiz with many questions and many answers on each question
The models look like this:
model Page < AR::Base
model Quiz < Page
has_many :questions
accepts_nested_attributes_for :questions, :allow_destroy => true
model Question < AR::Base
belongs_to :quiz
has_many :answers
accepts_nested_attributes_for :answers, :allow_destroy => true
model Answer < AR::Base
belongs_to :question
And my form looks like this:
= form_for #quiz do |f|
f.fields_for :questions do |qf|
# fields omitted, have fields for id, content, etc
qf.fields_for :answers do |af|
# fields omitted, have fields for id, answer, etc
f.submit 'save'
Everything works wonderfully when I edit just the quiz or when I add new questions and answers, but when I edit existing questions and answers, the changes aren't persisted in the DB. I can see the correct nested parameters being sent into the controller and when inspected the #quiz after calling update_attributes it shows the updated questions and answers but they aren't being persisted after the page is updating.
I've never had this sort of issue before and am having trouble spotting the cause, can anyone share some insight?
As requested, controller code: (Quiz is an STI subclass of Page)
PagesController < ApplicationController
def update
#page = #section.pages.find(params[:id])
if #page.update_attributes(params[#page.type.downcase.underscore])
redirect_to online_course_section_pages_path(#online_course, #section), :notice => "Your page has been updated"
render :edit
Found the problem was because of using #page.type.downcase.underscore instead of #page.type.underscore.downcase so update attributes was being passed nil instead of the actual data
Found the problem was because of using #page.type.downcase.underscore instead of #page.type.underscore.downcase so update attributes was being passed nil instead of the actual data

Ruby on Rails nested resource routing error

I have a user, comment, and route model as shown:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :routes, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy
class Route < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
I have the routes.rb file nesting comments and routes within user as shown:
MyApp::Application.routes.draw do
resources :users do
resources :comments
resources :routes
When I run 'rake routes', the route to the Routes_controller index appears as so:
user_routes GET /users/:user_id/routes(.:format) {:action =>"index", :controller=>"routes"}
Yet for some reason when a user is signing in, I get a routing error saying that the routes controller cannot be found. This happens when the system is posting a new session in the session controller. I know that it attempts to sign in the user, but fails on the redirect. Any suggestions?
class SessionsController < ApplicationController
def create
user = User.authenticate(params[:session][:email],
if user.nil?[:error] = "Invalid email/password combination."
#title = "Sign in"
render 'new'
sign_in user
redirect_to user_routes_path
For some reason, the stack trace wasn't displayed when I redirect to user_routes_path, so I have it direct to root_path and the same thing happens. Here is the trace for that:
I will give it a try, after reading Fernandez: The rails 3 way about redirect_to.
When you look at the output from rake routes, you have the output:
user_routes GET /users/:user_id/routes(.:format) {:action =>"index", :controller=>"routes"}
The methods you may use to that route are:
user_routes_url: Full URL (with protocol and everything)
user_routes_path: Relative URL to the host
But your user_routes tells you another thing: the URL has to contain a user_id, and this user_id has to come from somewhere. So to call the different url and path methods, you have to look at the arguments:
users_path: no argument, shows all users
user_path(#user): one argument, because the information about the user is needed. Could be the user, or the user_id
`user_routes_path(#user): needs the user, so that all routes (index view) for one user could be shown.
So include in you source code in the controller:
sign_in user
redirect_to user_routes_path(user)
I don't understand the error message you have appended, but I think you should first correct the path call.