Cannot find software on Microsoft BizSpark - msdn

I work for a company that is a member of Microsoft BizSpark. I have a Windows Live ID, and I can use this to log in at However, I cannot for the life of me find out how to download software from the site! I am looking for Visual Studio Professional and Microsoft Office, in particular. Do I need further credentials, and if so, how do I get them?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The page for subscriber downloads is:

You can now go to
Once logged in, the "downloads" and "Keys" links are conveniently at the top of the page.

For those still struggling, this may help:
open new incognito window ( in chrome or mozila ) and go to link from received mail ( ) -> log in with the mail address from received mail and proper password
click "My BizSpark" ( the middle of the page ) from the menu. Now your screen should look like this.
Go to and log in to your account - > when you are in click "My Account" from menu - > then click "activate your account" - > and fill in data from bizspark site (image above).


Smart card reader not dedected - PCSC Error - 0x8010002e

My system was working fine but now my any application is not detecting the smart card reader ( SCM Microsystem) attached in the system while it is displaying in device manager.
Here I tried to get the exact error with trying C++ code (winscard.h) to connect the reader,
reader_status = SCardListReadersA(hContext, NULL,(LPSTR) &szReaders, &dwReadersSz);
and here it is giving error - 0x8010002e
Is there any advice here
It seems it was happening because of wrong registry values.I thought to share my work for other one. What I tried is :-
Right-click on the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais and select Permissions...
Click Add.
Click Advanced.
Click Locations.
Click on the computername and click OK.
In the window 'Select user or groups', click on Find now.
Click OK.
In the window 'Select user or groups', click on OK.
In the window 'Permissions for Calais', click on LOCAL SERVICE and make sure 'Full control' , 'Read' and 'special permissions' is allowed.
restart the system and it worked.
found solution here

Delete Only My webbrowser Cache

in my my application i have webbrowser control, i don't want that users trace my web address, Because when i got to internet explorer in the history panel i found my website; Already on the list.
by using windows shell command they Will kill the whole user history; also they show me dialog box. it's not professional at All;
i mean this Command Line :
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("rundll32.exe", "InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1")
So i would like to have solution form you masters how to remove only my entry for exemple : www.XXXXXXX.Net
Thank you best Regards
What you want to do may not be possible, check this link:
A quote from the answer provided by MSDN support at the link:
"Microsoft hasn't provided methods or events for users to iterate or clear the URL navigation history. But with the events already provided, like Navigated, Navigating, you could implement your own navigation history class to log or clear the history."
There are also other links on the thread that may help you to develop a solution.

Custom login procedure on Windows(10)

Is there a way to create a custom login screen like Hello Windows, is there an api for such a thing?
Yes you can :
Search for “regedit” in your Start menu and launch it.
In the left-side panel, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > Current Version > Policies > System.
In the right-hand panel, double-click “legalnoticecaption”.
In the “Value data” box, enter a title for your notice (for example, “ATTENTION” or “IF LOST, PLEASE CONTACT). Click OK.
Double-click “legalnoticetext”.
Enter a message containing your contact info, like your name, email address or phone number. If you’re willing to provide a reward, mention that too. Click OK.

List of denied item for a specific user

Is there the possibility to find for which items a specific user has access denied? Not from code, but directly from Sitecore.
Salut Marius,
using AccessViewer Application inside Sitecore you can select a user and view access rights.
Please see below picture
There is no such report out of the box. If code is not an option, you can try using the standard Access Viewer application: Login Desktop mode >Security Tools > Access Viewer
But you'll need to manually navigate through all tree nodes to see all item access rights.
See docs here.

SharePoint 2010 Webpart Chrome

I created a web part and deployed it. I want to display only webpart data. I dont want to display toolbar which allow minimize, close and edit web part & title , i did set Chrome Type=None . but its not working. How can i make web part as non-configurable to users means user can see it. not configure it.
This is depend on privileges. Where you administrator you will see every web part options, but if you a anonymous user can see only title if you not set as chrome.