Conversion of jar to dll using ikvm - dll

I am trying to convert a jar into dll in dotnet using IKVM but am getting this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: \Location of the jar\...
CAn anyone provide some guidance..
Thanks in advance

Prerequisites -
You must have the JDK installed on your system.
Set the environment variables for the JDK.
Open the command prompt.
Go to the ikvmc folder (ikvmc.exe comes with the ikvm package).
Enter the command ikvmc -out:myapp.dll myapp.jar

First, create a new Bindings Library project. In Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio, create a new Solution and select the Android Bindings Library template.
The template includes a Jars folder where you add your .JAR(s) to the Bindings Library project. Right-click the Jars folder and select Add > Existing Item:
Navigate to the .jar file downloaded earlier, select it and click Add:
Verify that the .jar file was successfully added to the project:
right click your jar file=>properities =>choose embedded jar
Set the build action to EmbeddedJar:
EmbeddedJar – the .JAR will be embedded in the Bindings Library.
Set the target API level for your Bindings Library
Finally, build the Bindings Library. Although some warning messages may be displayed, the Bindings Library project should build successfully and produce an output .DLL at the following location:

Is it possible that you forgot reference all needed IKVM .Net dlls?
I've got something similar with SmsLib .Net version

The follow wiki pages should be helpful:


JetBrains Rider - The task factory "CodeTaskFactory" could not be loaded from the assembly

I am trying to build a former Windows project in JetBrains Rider on a Mac. I am getting the following build error:
NuGet.targets(100, 9): [MSB4175] The task factory "CodeTaskFactory"
could not be loaded from the assembly
Method 'Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TaskLoggingHelper..ctor' not found.
Can anyone help?
This happens because custom msbuild code or NuGet packages you use are using a pre-MSBuild 15 way of referencing MSBuild's CodeTaskFactory.
Check all of your project / build files for occurrences of UsingTask elements referencing Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v$(MSBuildToolsVersion).dll or Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll (or similar dll reference) and change the dll to Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll.
If the problematic code comes from a NuGet package, see if an update to the package is available or contact its authors.

How to load a dll in Karaf container?

I have a dll which provides a simple functionality (called HelloCpp.dll) and
I need to access to the content of this library from Karaf container via REST calls.
I created a simple maven bundle which provides the REST api and a class (HelloJNI) which loads HelloCpp.dll using: System.loadLibrary("HelloCpp");
I have also addressed this dll in my POM file using: <Bundle-NativeCode>HelloCpp.dll</Bundle-NativeCode>
I have coppied the dll in both project directory and also karaf/lib folder.
I can successfuly install the bundle and I don't receive any compilation error as well, but when I deploy my bundle into Karaf container and try to start bundle, I get this error message: No matching native libraries found.
Could you please help me to solve the problem? Maybe I don't address the dll correctly in the POM file.
Thanks in advance,

mule anypoint studio class not found exception

If I run the application in server, which is working fine, but If i run application in anypoint studio doesn't run. Here is the error message for loading oracle driver.
error message:
2015-02-04 11:18:34 WARN DriverManagerDataSource:107 - Could not load driverClass oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
I have placed all jdbc and other jars under studio->project->properties->libraries.
This is caused by the Studio's classloading policies. The workaround is to copy the JDBC Driver .jar to ${studio.home}/plugins/org.mule.tooling.server.${mule.version}.ee_${mule.version}.${}/mule/lib/user
Hi there actually that's kind of a hack :P though it works.
The more proper way to deal with this is, when coding your application (that's why one should use Mule Studio), to place the jars like drivers in a particular folder, like a /lib in the root of you project.
Then add these jars to the classpath.
I know what you did is the way it should be done when running on Mule stand alone in order to share such jars but try this one if you can ;)
I was also facing the same problem. As the application runtime fails to locate the jdbc driver jar in classpath So It is unable to load the same.
the simple and easiest way to handle this error is just put your lib folder containing the ojdbc jar file inside the app resource (src/main/app) of the project. During the building of project it will automatically be place in classpath.
I have tried the same approach and It works for me.
Hope this helps.
The way I fixed the problem was removing the .classpath / .project files from my project root folder. I re-imported the project and then I saw a bin folder created. I removed this bin folder then right-click on the project -> Refresh and then Run As -> Mule Application.

How to load cmake script with more than one project with Qt Creator

I have a CMake project, and until now, I was using Visual C++ for developing.
Using CMake-gui to generate a solution for VC++, it generates more than one project in the same solution.
But when the script is loaded in qt-creator, only one project is defined, with all the code and folder tree inside, so I can not compile it (or I don't know how to do it).
How can I load the cmake file to load all the projects?
More info:
The first CMakeList.txt has some common configuration. Then, with 'add_subdirectory' function, I add a project to make a library, and another project to make a sample application to use this library.
You should add multiple projects to the root cmake file with help of "add_subdirectory()". Then in Qt Creator you should open the root cmake file. After that you could choose which project to run in the select a kit for running (3) or debugging (4) application pane (check the link).
It sad that you can't (or I don't know how) build only one project. You have to build all projects are added to the root cmake file and then choose which one of them you want to run.
I use Qt Creator 4.0 .
Here is the offical doc
My project have a similar structure, just open the top-most CMakeLists.txt file of the project, and qtcreator will import your project.

Cannot reference jdbc.SQLServerDriver in Eclipse (ClassNotFoundException)

I am trying to use the MSSQL driver for JDBC. I have followed the instructions on how to add an external JAR file to the Eclipse Windows IDE as follow:
- Download the installation from here (Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server)
- Extract the zip to a file location I have extracted it here (c:\MsJDBCforSqlDriver)
- In Eclipse Package Explorer right click your project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Java Build Path -> Libraries Tab- Add External JAR file and then I browse to
- I then view the successful reference as in image below including SQLServerDriver.class
When I try to execute Class.forName("") I get a ClassNotFound Exception as below:
I tried all suggestions I could find on Google including setting the classpath in Windows Environment Variables.
Under the Run -> Run Configurations menu item you should find an entry for a Java application with the same name as the class that contains your main() method.
Have a look at the classpath tab. You should find your project listed under user entries. Expand it and see if the Microsoft JDBC Jar is listed.
The class path you use for compilation need not be the same as you choose for runtime, though Eclipse usually mirrors any changes to your build path to any launch configurations.
Your spelling and case for the package and class names look correct (Java is case-sensitive on names).
And yes, learning Java and Eclipse will take effort - Eclipse is quite different from other IDEs and it takes time to get to know it.
I found the answer here:
Seems like includes under Referenced Libraries is not available at runtime and I couldn't see how to change this in my version of Eclipse
Reported by, Mar 22, 2012
Host OS: Windows 7 x64
SDK tools version: 17
Eclipse version: 3.7.2
ADT plug-in version:17.0.0v201203161636-291853
Platform targeted by your project: 2,2
Version of the platform running in the emulator: 2.2
1. Create a project that uses external jars (in my case android-support-v4.jar ).
2. Added the android-support-v4.jar using Properties - Java Build Path - Add External Jar. Have the Activity extends from FragmentActivity.
3. Clean and run project
EXPECTED RESULTS: Application would run launching the FragmentActivity
OBSERVED RESULTS: Application crashes, android-support-v4.jar is placed within "References Libraries" and thus Android can't find it at runtime.
Manualy create a folder /libs within your project, copy the android-support-v4.jar to that folder and the ADT will place it under 'Android Dependencies' and it works.
This is the case for all external jars added using Properties - Java Build Path - Add External Jar.
Adding the JDBC driver of MS SQL Server to Eclipse:
Download the JDBC driver and uncompress it
Secondary click in the root of the Eclipse project and go to "Properties".
Now go to the section "Java Build Path - Libreries" y then click "Add External JARs".
Search the "sqljdbc.jar" file in the directory where you unpacked the downloaded driver, double click y finish pressing "ok".
I faced the problem and then solved the issue i.e. If You are using the Tomcat as a server for your Web application, the same Exception was coming as the Driver was unavailable to the project, later I put the jar file (sqljdbc4-2.0.jar) into the WEB-INF/lib folder then it was working