Redirect to SSL/HTTPS -

I have a site where users must only be able to access the Login.aspx page via SSL/HTTPS.
Currently I run something like the following in my Page_Load():
If Not (IsSSL) Then
Response.Redirect("https://" + thisDomainName + "/Login.aspx")
End If
Is there a better way of doing this?

I would say without using url re-writing rules or some other http module then no, this is the simplest way to get what you are after.
Seeing as it's only the one page, a more elaborate process would be overkill.
Using the various Request.URL... properties may be better than hard-coding however.


Is there a quick way to detect redirections?

I am migrating a website and it has many redirections. I would like to generate a list in which I can see all redirects, target and source.
I tried using Cyotek WebCopy but it seems to be unable to give the data I need. Is there a crawling method to do that? Or probably this can be accessed in Apache logs?
Of course you can do it by crawling the website, but I advise against it in this specific situation, because there is an easier solution.
You use Apache, so you are (probably) working with HTTP/HTTPS protocol. You could refer to HTTP referrer, if you use PHP, then you can reach the previous page via $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']. So, you will need to do the following:
figure out a way to store previous-next page pairs
at the start of each request store such a pair, knowing what the current URL is and what the previous was
maybe you will need to group your URLs and do some aggregation
load the output somewhere and analyze

How to direct multiple clean URL paths to a single page?

(Hi! This is my first time asking a question on Stack Overflow after years of finding answers here... Thanks!)
I have a dynamic page, and I'd like to have fixed URLs that point to different states of that page. So, for example: ""(/index.php) is the base page, and it rearranges its content based on user choices. I'd then like to be able to point to "" or "" in order to automatically load base the page at "" with the desired content.
At heart the problem is an aesthetic one. I know I could simply write to reach the desired end, but I want to keep the URL simple and readable (ie, clean). I also, due to limitations in my hosting relationship, would most appreciate a solution that is server-independent (across LAM[PHP] stacks, at least), if possible.
Also, if I just have incorrect assumptions about how to implement clean URLs, I'd appreciate direction to a good, comprehensive explanation. I can't seem to find one...
You could use a htaccess file to redirect all requests to one location and then from there determine what you want to return to the client. Look over the htaccess/dispatch system that Tonic uses.
If you use Apache, you can use mod_rewrite. I have a rule like this where multiple restful urls all go to the same page, using regex and moving parts of the old url into parameters for the new url:
RewriteRule ^/testapp/(name|number|rn|sid|unii|inchikey|formula)(/(startswith))?/?(.*) /testapp/ProxyServlet?objectHandle=Search&actionHandle=drillIn&searchtype=$1&searchterm=$4&startswith=$3 [NC,PT]
That particular regex accepts urls like
and forwards them to the same page.
I also use UrlRewriteFilter for Tomcat, but as you mentioned PHP, that doesn't seem that it would be useful.

Rewrite URL using DSAPI

I need to rewrite URL. i.e. when user send request for 'url1' we will do request to 'url2' ('url1' will not be changed in browser, users should not know anything about that). I've looked a bit around and did not find another solution but DSAPI filter. DSAPI can do what I need, however due to low experience I can't complete that task.
Can somebody suggest me what events should I look into? and what exactly should I do..
I was looking on those events: kFilterStartRequest, kFilterRawRequest or kFilterRewriteURL no success yet.
I've just complete my solution based of DSAPI, please read here how to rewrite URL using DSAPI.

Avoid [?open] for URL with parameters?

We have web application (built without xPages). We have really annoying problem for years with our URLs. Domino requires to add ?open for pages with parameters.
Is there a way to avoid [?open/?opendocument] in URL with parameters?
In few words, is it possible to get this URL working?
We do not want ?open in URL:
AFAIK it is possible, using redirections in the website setting, in the Domino Directory. You may have to do some experimenting there, I don't know which type you'd exactly have to use.
I did not find any solution how to achieve that. However I found that it could be handled by DSAPI and I created new topic about that.
how to manage url by DSAPI

Redirection Before Page Load

I have an injection script--a start script--whose ultimate goal is to redirect to a different URL. That injection script needs to access the extension settings, so it sends a message to a global HTML file. That global file checks the settings and redirects to the appropriate URL by setting the safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url property.
What I'm finding is that all too often, the interim page loads first making for an annoying UX at best and introducing errors at worst. I'm assuming that this is a result of the asynchronous nature of messaging, but I haven't been able to find a way to stop it.
Is there any way to prevent the default behavior (loading the originally requested page) while still reading from extension settings?
It looks like this simply isn't possible given the current state of the Safari extension API.