Inline table in Oracle SQL - sql

I'm trying to integrate with some software (that I can't modify) that queries a database that I can modify.
I can give this software SQL queries, like so "select username, firstname, lastname from users where username in ?"
The software than fills in the ? with something like ('alice', 'bob'), and gets user information for them.
Thing is, there's another piece of software, which I again can't modify, which occasionally generates users like 'user2343290' and feeds them through to the first piece of software. Of course, it throws errors because it can't find that user.
So the query I want to run is something like this:
select username, firstname, lastname from users where username in ?
select t.column1, 'Unknown', 'Unknown' from create_table(?) t
where create_table generates a table with the rows mentioned in ?, with the first column named column1.
Or alternatively:
select username, firstname, lastname from users where username in ?
select t.column1, 'Unknown', 'Unknown' from _universe_ t where t.column1 in ?
where _universe_ is some fake table that contains possible every value in column1 (i.e. infinitely large).
I've tried select ? from dual, but unfortunately this only worked when ? was something like ('x'), not ('x', 'y').
Keep in mind I can't change the format of how the ? comes out, so I can't do select 'alice' from dual union all select 'bob' from dual.
Anyone know how I could do what I've mentioned, or something else to have a similar effect?

You can turn the delimited string of names into a table type like so:
SELECT * FROM table(name_tab('alice','bob'));
So you would just need to create the type then your example would become:
select username, firstname, lastname from users where username in ?
select t.column1, 'Unknown', 'Unknown' from table(name_tab ?) t
(I'm assuming that the ? is replaced by simple text substitution -- because the IN wouldn't work if it was done as a bind variable -- and that the substituted text includes the parentheses.)
However, I am not sure the result of this will be helpful, since when a list of good usernames is given, you'll now have two result rows for each username, one with the actual information and another with the 'Unknown' values.
A better way to phrase the query might be:
select t.column_value username,
from table(name_tab ?) t left join users on users.username = t.column_value
That should give you one row per username, with the actual data if it exists, or the 'Unknown' values if it does not.

You could use a pipelined function:
create type empname_t is table of varchar2(100);
create or replace function to_list(p_Names in string) return empname_t pipelined is
pipe row(p_Names);
select * from table(to_list('bob'))
If you need to split the names (e.g. 'bob,alice'), you could use a function accepting a string and returning a empname_t, e.g. Tom Kyte's in_list, see
and modify the to_list function to iterate over the collection and pipe each item from the collection.


How can we enter many values in a SQL parameter - SQL Developer?

In SQL Developer, we can use parameters in order to test our query with different values - for example:
I have a table called Fruits (code, name). I want to retrieve code's apples.
FROM fruits
It works correctly when I fill out one value (in this case :PM_NAME equal apple)
But when I want to fill out many values it doesn't work! I've tried these forms and these separators but still..
In a nutshell what's the correct format to fill out multiple values in a SQL parameter in SQL Developer ?
I can't take credit for this 'trick' but the solution lies in a regular expression.
I want to search on multiple types of objects, fed to a :bind, and used in a WHERE clause.
SELECT owner,
FROM all_objects
WHERE object_name LIKE :SEARCH
AND owner NOT IN (
AND object_type IN (
SELECT regexp_substr(:bind_ename_comma_sep_list,'[^,]+',1,level)
regexp_substr(:bind_ename_comma_sep_list,'[^,]+',1,level) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY owner,
I first learned of this 'trick' or technique from here.
So your query would look like this
FROM fruits
WHERE name IN (
SELECT regexp_substr(:PM_NAME,'[^,]+',1,level)
regexp_substr(:PM_NAME,'[^,]+',1,level) IS NOT NULL
When you're prompted for values by SQL Developer, don't quote the strings, just comma separate them. Also, no spaces.
So in the input box, enter
And I suppose if you want ; vs , then update the regex call as needed.

SQL - Where clause with case statement and wildcards

I'm working in Oracle's APEX environment, trying to return all values in one case and specific values in another case. If you aren't familiar with APEX, it uses low-code to produce a front-end page that is data driven; this case uses a dropdown to select from a list, and I'm comparing that list selection to values pulled from my database.
This creates the dropdown list (requires 2 columns - a display column [name], and a return column [id]):
select distinct 'All users' as name,
'99999' as id
from real_table
select distinct name,
from real_table
That input is stored in a variable we'll call :LIST_INPUT. I want to select all values from another_table when 'All users' is selected, and only those associated with the particular user when their name/id is selected. Below is the code I have to try and achieve that, but no dice.
select name,
from another_table
where case
when :LIST_INPUT like '99999' then '%'
end like id
This works fine when a real user id is selected, but returns nothing when the 'All users' value is selected. My logic here is that I'm asking it to compare a wildcard to the ID field, so it should return everything, but instead it returns nothing.
Probably case statement is not necesasary, look:
select name,
from another_table
where id = :LIST_INPUT
OR :LIST_INPUT like '99999' -- You can use any other condition here
I think your LIKE operator has the operands in the wrong order. Shouldn't it be?
select name,
from another_table
where id like case
when :LIST_INPUT like '99999' then '%'

Finding Where Clause Criteria in SQL Queries

I have a Table which has 3 different Select queries.
ID Code Name Phone DOB Email Addr1 Addr2 Addr3
Select ID, Code, Phone From Staff Where Code = 'ABC'
Select ID, Code, Phone From Staff Where Name = 'ABCXYZ' And Code = 'B'
Select ID, Code, Phone From Staff Where Phone= '1234' And Email = 'a#b'
These 3 queries are there in 3 different stored procedure.
I want to find the names of Attributes which i have used in all my Where clauses. But want to Automate this as I have more than 100 tables to look for
Something like this
exec fxGetWhereColList ('Staff');
I agree with all posts before, it's a complex case.
I post you a small idea to help you in your work.
If you can retrieve each execution plan, you can parse XML result and get the impacted columns.
For example: On the node <Predicate>
Like Lamak says, doing this right is nearly impossible, at least in SQL.
To do it properly you should use a SQL Parser for the SQL variant you are using. A SQL Parser will identify the objects referenced in the statement, and the elements of the where clauses.
But if you know that the queries are simple and look like the one you are listing, you can use some simple queries to pick apart the statements. I have made an example for a single statement:
#foo nvarchar(max)=N'Select ID, Code, Phone From Staff Where Phone= ''1234'' And Email = ''a#b'' '
, #From nvarchar(max)=' From '
, #Table nvarchar(max)
declare #a int
-- find FROM
set #a= PATINDEX('%'+#From+'%',#foo)
-- Find statement to the right of from
set #foo=ltrim(RIGHT(#foo,len(#foo)-(#a)))
-- Find first space
set #a=CHARINDEX(' ',#foo)
-- find first word, we assume it is the table name
set #Table=ltrim(rtrim(LEFT(#foo,#a)))
-- Find WHERE statement
set #foo=ltrim(rtrim(replace(right(#foo,len(#foo)-#a),'Where','')))
-- Now find matching columns in table, I am using SQL Server so I look up column names in information_schema.columns
select #Table,column_name
--from (values ('ID'),('Code'),('Name'),('Phone'),('DOB'),('Email'),('Addr1'),('Addr2'),('Addr3'))cols(column_name)
where TABLE_NAME=#table
and #foo like '%'+column_name+'%'
This solution will only work for some simple statements, it assumes a lot of stuff.

Wildcards in sql

How does wildcards works in sql. If I do select * from table it give all the fields. But if I do select a* from table it gives error. Shouldn't it give all fields which begins with a?
I am little confused.
SELECT * FROM tableName literally means "select all columns from tableName".
Philip Graham is right about his answer where he asked to use a.*
Wildcards help you search for strings about which you are not sure. These are almost always used with the LIKE keyword and put in WHERE clauses or searched CASE statements.
There are two wildcard characters - % and _.
% is used to find any string of 0 or more length.
SELECT firstName
FROM persons
WHERE UPPER(firstName) LIKE 'J%'
This will return all the firstName from the persons table where firstname starts with letter J. This would return "Jason", "James", "Josh", "Jessica" and much more.
Note that UPPER function was used to eliminate case sensitivity.
Next, you can have an _ character that looks for the presence of one single character.
SELECT firstName
FROM persons
WHERE UPPER(firstName) LIKE 'J_M__'
This would return "James", "Jimmy", "Jamos", "Jxmx" and filter away any "Jason", "Jaguar", etc.
For more info click here
You can use a.* where a is the name of the table. For instance in
select a.* from a left join b on =
You would return only the fields from a but not from b
If want to use a wild card in SQL, You need to key on the column that you want to filter using LIKE.
FROM table
WHERE column_name LIKE 'a%';
This will give you everything that begins with 'a' on that column.
If you don't want all the columns, you must explicitly give the name of each column that you want in the query.
SELECT LastName, FirstName, Address
FROM table
So if you want all the fields that begin with 'a' you must name all the fields that begin with 'a' in the SELECT statement.
Hope this helps.

Use sql to select data, then insert row in first position of result set only (not update database)

If I select a column in a table, say 10 rows, can I use SQL to insert a 'please select' row into the first position using SQL only? I want to insert it in the result set only - not the database.
First you should know this is a bad idea.
You are confusing your presentation layer and your database layer. Forcing SQL to do things like output status messages or feedback to users is an antipattern to be avoided.
That being said, if the column is of a string type (char, varchar, etc), you can do something like:
SELECT 'Please Select'
SELECT TOP 10 Varcharfield
FROM Mytable
If it's numeric then no unless you cast it to a string type.
Here's something you can try:
SELECT u.YourVarcharColumnName
SELECT 1 AS rID, 'Please select' AS YourVarcharColumnName
SELECT 2 AS rID, YourVarcharColumnName
FROM YourTableName
) u
I placed rID in place and sorted by it as an extreme-case-measure when your intended first rowset does not come out on top...
However, you should keep in mind that YourVarcharColumnName should be (as it says) a string. You'll have to convert it to a string if it's a non-string column.
As #JNK mentioned it.. I thought I should edit my post as well:
Please first try:
SELECT 'Please select' AS YourVarcharColumnName
SELECT YourVarcharColumnName
FROM YourTableName
Which is similar to what the others have posted. If you ever experience what I've been unfortunate to encounter and 'Please select' doesn't come out on top, please refer to the query I posted at the top.. Thanks!
SELECT '(Please select)'
SELECT ColumnName FROM TableName