NSString - stringWithFormat vs stringWithString - objective-c

I have a global NSString variable declared in a .m file. When I use the stringWithFormat to give it a string value anywhere within the .m file, that value does not persist in between function calls. However when I do the same using stringWithString, the value persists throughout the implementation and any functions calls thus giving it a true global behavior. Rather to put it differently, how does the memory management differ internally for stringWithFormat vs stringWithString?
Why does the value persist for stringWithString while throwing a "message sent to deallocated instance" (on subsequent use of the NSString say in a NSLog statement in another function which comes after a function that gave the NSString a value using stringWithFormat) when using stringWithFormat? No such issues when I replace the same with stringWithString.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that YES it worked in case of stringWithFormat when I did a manual retain afterward. The value persisted. Hence the question.

It sounds like you aren't retaining the string and because of this when you try to access it later on it has been deallocated. If you aren't familiar with memory management, take a look at the Memory Management Programming Guide from Apple.
The reason -stringWithString: doesn't break is likely because the compiler is doing some optimisation with string literals; It looks through the program and stores just one reference to identical strings that are defined. Because of this your pointer will remain valid throughout the lifetime of the app.
You should not rely on this. You cannot guarantee that all compilers will do this optimisation. Retain the variable when you make it and release it when you stop needing it.

the compiler is smart, and instead of creating dozens of different NSString instances that all hold the same value he creates one instance that can't be released and all the other instances just point to the NSString that is hardcoded in your program.
And because the hardcoded NSString gets never deallocated you can use it even after the autorelease pool would have deallocated it.
This just covers your wrong memory management. And you should definitely not rely on this behaviour.
Edit. there is not much more to say. The NSString that you've created with stringWithString:literal will simply point to the location of literal in memory.
A little example:
NSString *string = #"Foo";
NSLog(#"%# - %p", string, string);
NSString *string2 = string;
NSLog(#"%# - %p", string2, string2);
NSString *string3 = [string copy];
NSLog(#"%# - %p", string3, string3);
NSString *string4 = [string retain];
NSLog(#"%# - %p", string4, string4);
NSString *string5 = [NSString stringWithString:string];
NSLog(#"%# - %p", string5, string5);
NSString *string6 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:string];
NSLog(#"%# - %p", string6, string6);
you will see they all point to the same address.
2011-02-22 13:24:41.202 xxx[40783:207] Foo - 0x74120
2011-02-22 13:24:41.204 xxx[40783:207] Foo - 0x74120
2011-02-22 13:24:41.204 xxx[40783:207] Foo - 0x74120
2011-02-22 13:24:41.206 xxx[40783:207] Foo - 0x74120
2011-02-22 13:24:41.206 xxx[40783:207] Foo - 0x74120
2011-02-22 13:24:41.207 xxx[40783:207] Foo - 0x74120
And all of them will never get deallocated. So you could access string5 from some other method in your code and it would still point to the address 295740, and the NSString "Foo" would still be there.
But a NSString object that does not point to a string literal would be deallocated at this time, and you would get a bad access exception.
You are violating the memory management rules but you will never notice it if you only use string literals. Until the behaviour of the compiler changes.
So do it right, learn proper memory management and don't rely on internals. Retain all your autoreleased objects if you need them later. Even if they point to string literals


Difference between Strong and Weak references (Using ARC) Please No Theory..I know the difference theoretically

I have been trying to understand the difference between Strong and Weak references in iOS. What I did to understand is:
//.h File
#property(nonatomic,strong) NSString* myStrongString;
#property(nonatomic,weak) NSString* myWeakString;
//.m File
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self assignTempString];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
self.myStrongString = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Varun Mehta"];
- (IBAction)printAssignedString:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"Object will have strong reference so it will print my name==%#",self.myStrongString);
According to my understanding when I repeat the above step by using myWeakString it should print null. But its still printing my name. Anybody having any idea why its happening.
But when I replace [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Varun Mehta"] with [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Varun Mehta"] or [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"Varun Mehta"] result is coming as I have expected.
There are several things to consider here.
A statically declared string is built into your app so it isn't really retained or released, thus a weak reference to #"my string" will always be valid. The compiler is just recognizing [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Varun Mehta"] as a static string and removing your alloc/init. However anything that deals with formatting is, by definition, creating a new string and thus the new string obeys the weak referencing rules and is immediately deallocated, nil-ing out the reference.
If you access a weakly retained object that ends up in the autorelease pool it won't actually get deallocated until all your methods return and the run loop goes back into another cycle (and thus drains the autorelease pool), so you can continue to work with the object even though it is "walking dead". This is typically only when interacting with non-ARC code.
If you need practise try this code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self assignTempString];
self.myStrongString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", #"Strong string"];
self.myWeakString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", #"Weak string"];
- (IBAction)printAssignedString:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"Strong ptr content: %#",self.myStrongString);
NSLog(#"Weak ptr content: %#",self.myWeakString);
[NSString alloc] will allocate an ARC-managed object and will set its retain count to 1. As long as your view controller is alive, this retain count will be 1, so it will not be deallocated. [NSString stringWithFormat:] returns an autoreleased string which is deallocated after the execution of [self assignTempString].
Two methods initWithString and stringWithFormat suggest exactly what is to expect.
So initWithString expects you to create allocate memory and then initialise it.
While stringWithFormat expects you to just point to the string.
When you do a init with your strong/weak variable it will exist till end of your program.
While when you point;
strong literal will keep a reference and hence will not allow ARC to cleanup the string literal,
weak literal will not keep a reference and hence ARC is free to clean it up immediately after the function call.
Hope it clarifies working for you.
What you are experiencing happens because of how NSString is implemented.
Since NSString objects are immutable the compiler takes a shortcut when you use stringWithString: with a string literal as argument. If the argument of this and other related methods is a string literal the returned value will just point to the string literal. The whole object instantiation is optimized away.
And string literals won't be deallocated. But the weak variable is only nil'd out during dealloc, so if dealloc is never called the weak variables are never set to nil.
This won't happen if you use stringWithFormat:. Even using only string literals as argument will create new string instances.
Why? Most likely because Apple decided that it's not worth the effort to check if stringWithFormat: was used with a string literal that does not have any format specifiers.
That's an implementation detail, don't think too long about this decision. It should not influence the code you write. I would suggest you treat every string that is not a bare literal (i.e. #"Foo" without any NSString methods) as dynamically created NSString (i.e. use isEqualToString: for all your string comparisons)
This logging code will show this reuse behaviour. It'll show the same addresses for all NSString instances, because the compiler has optimized all those calls to a simple #"Foo".
NSLog(#"%p", #"Foo");
NSLog(#"%p", [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Foo"]);
NSLog(#"%p", [NSString stringWithString:#"Foo"]);
NSLog(#"%p", [[NSString stringWithString:#"Foo"] copy]);
NSLog(#"%p", [#"Foo" copy]);
In newer versions of Xcode you will even get nice warnings for this code:
using initWithString: with a literal is redundant
using stringWithString: with a literal is redundant

__weak reference is still a mystery for me

NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"string1"];
__weak NSString *myString1 = myString;
myString= nil;
NSLog(#"%#, %#",myString,myString1);
I was expecting null , null. But the output is string1, (null). Why is myString1 still holding the value as myString is set to nil?
Weak references only get zeroed when the object is deallocated. That object is not immediately deallocated (it's probably in an autorelease pool here, though there are many other reasons something might be held onto in different situations), so the reference stays alive.
Try something like this:
NSString *myString;
NSString* __weak myString1;
myString= [NSString stringWithFormat:#"string1"];
myString1= myString;
myString= nil;
NSLog(#"%#, %#",myString,myString1);
You probably noticed that there are many methods to allocate a string or generally an object:
1) [NSString stringWithFormat: ...] / [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat: ...] ;
2) [NSArray arrayWithArray: ...] / [[NSArray alloc]initWithArray: ...];
(Also for many other classes)
The first category of methods return an autoreleased object. The second one a non autoreleased object. Indeed if in the above code you use alloc + initWithFormat: instead of stringWithFormat: you don't need an autorelease pool to see that both objects will be nil.
I think your question may be answered by this quote from the Memory Management Guide
In particular, you should not design classes so that dealloc will be
invoked when you think it will be invoked. Invocation of dealloc might
be delayed or sidestepped, either because of a bug or because of
application tear-down.
The output should be (null), string1, not string1, (null). I guess you typed it the wrong way around.
You're explicitly setting one reference to nil, but the other reference is still being used within the scope of the definition (because you're using it in the NSLog). So, it won't be released by ARC until that usage is complete.
The weak reference isn't holding onto it. The fact that you're using it means that ARC will hold onto it (by not adding the release code). Once that usage is complete, ARC will release the object and then the weak reference will be nilled.

Using alloc, init in ARC enabled projects

Actually I am working on a project with ARC enabled. I know using alloc and init is taking ownership of the object. I know, If I create a string like this
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:#"Something"];
then I need to release the myString on myself. What If I am using ARC enabled? I cannot release on myself. So will it create a leak? Or should I don't create object like this?
I can create a string like below code too.
NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Something"];
But which type I need to use exactly for ARC enabled project ? What will happen if I use first type?
If you use ARC, all the necessary release calls will be added for you when you compile. It will not leak.
The difference between
NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:#"Something"];
NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Something"];
is that the first one will automatically released after the last reference to myString in that block, while the second one is an autoreleased instance that will only be released at the end of the run loop. It's not a big difference, but if you're using a lot of objects, try to avoid autoreleased ones to keep memory usage low.
ARC takes care of the memory management, so no you don't need to worry about calling release on your myString variable, ARC will do that for you. Also as a suggestion I would recommend using convenience methods to create your object such as
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Something"];
It's enough to set the string pointer to nil to release it.
You can also do the same things that you would be able to do without ARC, but with the advantage that if you don't explicitly do anything, the ARC will manage (almost) everything for you.
So to release it you set it to nil, let's see what else you could do:
NSString* str= [[NSString alloc]initWithUTF8String: "Hello"];
// here the retain count of str is 1
__unsafe_unretained NSString* string= str;
// again 1 because string is __unsafe_unretained
void* data= (__bridge_retained void*) string;
// data retains the string, so the retain count is to 2
// This is useful in the case that you have to pass an objective-c object
// through a void pointer.You could also say NSString* data= string;
// Here the retain count of str is 1
NSLog(#"%#",(__bridge NSString*)data);
Here's why sometimes you don't notice that an object is released:
NSString* str= [[NSString alloc]initWithString: #"hey"];
__unsafe_unretained NSString* str2=str;
In this case str=[[NSString alloc]initWithString: #"hey"] is equal to str=#"hey", with the difference that str is autoreleased and not released.But the compiler optimizes the code in str=#"hello", so if you are inside an autorelease block you won't have any problem, str2 will be printed correctly.
That's why I used initWithUTF8String, to avoid that compiler optimization.

Memory Management Questions

I have been programming in Objective-C for a couple weeks now, and I think its time that I think more about my memory management and so I have a couple scenarios I would like clarification on.
NSString *myString = #"Hello, World";
If I were to on the next line do
NSString *anotherString = myString;
Is it getting copied? or is another string just a pointer to myString? if it's just a pointer how would I make anotherString a copy of myString that has its own memory?
What if I were to
[anotherString release];
What actually gets released, just anotherString, or does myString go away too?
Then if I were to do
anotherString = nil;
Does that actually free up memory and for use or does it still have the space allocated with empty memory? Obviously the pointer can still be used. What does it do to myString?
This will really help me become better at managing the memory properly, instead of just [object release]; randomly and causing crashes.
Thank you VERY MUCH in advance to whoever replies.
When you do:
NSString *myString = #"Hello, World";
NSString *anotherString = myString;
...you're creating a single NSString instance, and two pointers to it. So to answer your questions, no it is not being copied. Yes, anotherString is just a pointer, and so is myString, the actual NSString instance is off in memory-land, at the address that both pointers are now pointing to.
To make a copy of the string, you would do:
NSString *anotherString = [myString copy];
When you do:
[anotherString release];
The NSString instance that anotherString points to is released. Nothing happens to anotherString itself. It continues to point to your now-invalidated object instance. If myString was pointing to the same instance, then yes, this causes myString to "go away" as well.
And if you do:
anotherString = nil;
...then you've caused a memory leak, because you reassigned the pointer without releasing the thing it was pointing at. Except not in this case because #"Hello, World" is a literal value that is loaded onto the stack and is not retained by your code.
In any case, setting anotherString to nil does nothing to your string, it just changes what anotherString points to. Your actual NSString instance is still off in memory-land, completely unaware that you just threw away your reference to it (possible exception: reference counted/garbage collected environments).
And yes, calling [object release] randomly will cause crashes. As a general rule you should only call release on something if:
You called alloc and init... on it.
You called retain on it.
You obtained the object as a result of calling copy on some other object.
Note that these stack, so if you alloc something, retain it, and then copy it, you need to have 3 calls to release, two for the object that you alloc'ed, and one for the copy.
As a side note, you may find it clearer to write your object declarations like:
NSString* myString = #"Hello, World";
NSString* anotherString = myString;
...which makes it more obvious that what you are declaring are pointers to NSString's and not NSString's themselves. Personally I think your original syntax, while commonly used, is also backwards.
This string:
NSString *myString = #"Hello, World";
is created on the stack. It's loaded into memory when the app starts. You don't own the memory backing the object, and therefore shouldn't release it.
If you want to copy a string to the heap (where you can manage the memory), you simply do this:
NSString *anotherString = [myString copy];
Then you're responsible for releasing that object when you're done with it.
[anotherString release];
Setting a pointer to nil just clears the pointer, not the object it's pointing to. It's still in memory.
NSString *anotherString = myString;
--- This is just a pointer assignment
--- You can copy myString using [myString copy]
[anotherString release];
--- You are releasing the owner ship of the anotherString (please read about retain count concept)
anotherString = nil;
--- you are just assigning the pointer to nothing.
I suggest Please read more about memory management apple documents ...

+[NSString stringWithString:] -- what's the point?

As NSString strings are immutable, what is the value of the stringWithString: class method?
I get the utility when used with NSMutableString, I just didn't see the utility with the NSString class.
You might have a NSMutableString (or some home-grown NSString subclass) that you want to duplicate.
NSMutableString *buffer = [NSMutableString string];
// do something with buffer
NSString *immutableStringToKeepAround = [NSString stringWithString:buffer];
Of course, you can also just make a copy:
NSMutableString *buffer = [NSMutableString string];
// do something with buffer
NSString *immutableStringToKeepAround = [[buffer copy] autorelease];
but you own the copy and must release or autorelease it.
As "Andy" points out in #318666, it's related to memory management, quoting:
The difference between initWithString and stringWithString is that stringWithString returns an auto-released pointer. This means that you don't need to release it specifically, since that will be taken care of next time that the auto-release pool cleans up any auto-released pointers.
initWithString, on the other hand, returns a pointer with a retain count of 1 - you do need to call release on that pointer, or else it would result in a memory leak.
(Taken from here)
Returns a string created by copying the characters from another given string
[NSString stringWithString:#"some string"]
It is equivalent to
[[[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"some string"] autorelease]
Also, if you have a pointer to an NSString, it may actually be a subclass of NSString like NSMutableString. So, if you want to store the string and be guaranteed that it doesn't change, you should make a copy of it, hence stringWithString exists.
As another use case, if (for whatever reason) you create your own subclass of NSString or NSMutableString, stringWithString: provides a handy way to instantiate it with an instance of either NSString, NSMutableString, or MyCustomString.
I often use +stringWithString: when I need to create an NSMutableString but start it with an initial value. For example:
NSMutableString * output = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"<ul>"];
for (NSString * item in anArray) {
[output appendFormat:#"<li>%#</li>", item];
[output appendString:#"</ul>"];
FYI, now that we are compiling with ARC enabled, you don't have to manually release at all, ARC will insert the release calls during compile time. So how is it still different? stringWithString is still added to the autorelease pool which gets drained sometime in the future (unless you created your own autorelease pool). initWithString will have a release call right before the function ends, so if you didn't retain it somewhere in the method, you can be sure that the string is destroyed by the end of the function call. This gives you a tighter control on the memory management as opposed to using autoreleased objects.