To detect [programmatically] documents that are in certain Lifecycle state - documentum

I want to develop a software that (using DFS) will scan documents on Documentum Content Server and find ones that have a lifecycle attached; and current state of the lifecycle has certain name. Say, ‘ToBeExported’.
Below is DQL query I have created for this:
select dm_document.r_current_state, dm_document.r_object_id, dm_document.object_name from dm_document where dm_document.r_policy_id is not NULL and dm_document.r_current_state in (select i_state_no from (select dm_policy.i_state_no, dm_policy.state_name from dm_policy where dm_policy.r_object_id=dm_document.r_policy_id) where state_name='ToBeExported')
The question is: maybe I have missed something; or there is a better way to do it?
Thanks for help

Something like that would probably work.
But a question arise: why isn't the lifecycle doing whatever work you want to do, by itself ?


Is there any example or sample code for the find and filter feature in Cytoscape JS

I saw in cytoscape application we have features like find and filter by keywords and degree. I tried a workaround following the original docs. Here you can see the demo (view-source for the source code or snippet). The filter works well partially. Example, "apple" will display apple and it's connected nodes (1st level) just what I am looking for.
But the problem I am facing is about resetting the graph and filter again with a
different keyword. It seems the filter function does not work after the text box is cleared and then keyed in a different keyword.
I mean when I clear the text box, it resets the graph to original which is correct. I did that using an init() function which reinstates the graph. But then if I search for "Ball" filter does not work. Any help please. Thanks!
actually there is a reasonably good explanation in the official docs here, but to be honest, I too struggled with this feature at first:
Basically, you can filter the specific collection you want to search by just inserting a filter query. So if you want to filter all nodes, you can use this:
If you want to filter all elements, just call this:
If you want to make it easy, you can use this short version (short for cy.filter(...)):
The filter query itself is not that hard, you can do this (assuming that you have a node with the id "first" or an attribute like nodeColor "#2763c4"):
cy.$('[id != "first"]');
cy.$('[id = "first"]');
cy.$('[nodeColor = "#2763c4"]');
cy.$('[weight > 50]');
Additionally, you can specify the target collection within your filter query like this:
cy.$('node[id != "first"]');
Lastly, if you need complex filtering, you can use a function to apply that logic to the filter, for that just do this:
cy.$(function(element, i){
return element.isNode() &&'weight') > 50;
Sounds like you are trying to cy.filter on a cytoscape instance that no longer exists at that point. That's why it works the first time, but not the second time (after you reinstate the graph, which probably means destroy & create).
You need to make sure you point your filter handlers to the active cytoscape instance.

cytoscape.js successors and predecessors

I'm looking to select the successors and the predecessors from a selected node within my graph. Essentially what I need my code to do is select the full path in and out of a note right to the end nodes.
I know how to select one or the other (successors or predecessors) but not both,
i'm currently using :
var nhood = node.successors();
cy.elements().not( nhood ).removeClass('highlighted').addClass('faded');
I'm very new to JS and I'm pretty much fumbling around in the dark just now, learning as I go, so please excuse me if this is a simple question.
You look like you want a BFS instead, because you want the entire connected component essentially. See
You can keep an array and put visited nodes into them.

Querying for shared nodes in JCR (ModeShape)

I have a JCR content repository implemented in ModeShape (4.0.0.Final). The structure of the repository is quite simple and looks like this:
/ (root)
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
The content is initially created and stored under /Content as [nt:unstructured] nodes with [mix:shareable] mixin. When a content item is tagged, the tag node is first created under /Tags if it's not already there, and the content node is shared/cloned to the tag node using Workspace.clone(...) as described in the JCR 2.0 spec, section 14.1, Creation of Shared Nodes.
(I don't find this particularly elegant and I did just read this answer, about creating a tag based search system in JCR, so I realize this might not be the best/fastest/most scaleable solution. But I "inherited" this solution from developers before me, so I hope I don't have to rewrite it all...)
Anyway, the sharing itself seems to work (I can verify that the nodes are there using the ModeShape Content Explorer web app or programatically by session.getRootNode().getNode("Tags/Foo").getNodes()). But I am not able to find any shared nodes using a query!
My initial try (using JCR_SQL2 syntax) was:
SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS content
WHERE PATH(content) LIKE '/Tags/Foo/%' // ISDECENDANTNODE(content, '/Tags/Foo') gives same result
ORDER BY NAME(content)
The result set was to my surprise empty.
I also tried searching in [mix:shareable] like this:
SELECT * FROM [mix:shareable] AS content
WHERE PATH(content) LIKE '/Tags/Foo/%' // ISDECENDANTNODE(content, '/Tags/Foo') gives same result
ORDER BY NAME(content)
This also returned an empty result set.
I can see from the query:
SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS content
WHERE PATH(content) LIKE '/Content/%' // ISDECENDANTNODE(content, '/Content') works just as well
ORDER BY NAME(content)
...that the query otherwise works, and returns the expected result (all content). It just doesn't work when searching for the shared nodes.
How do I correctly search for shared nodes in JCR using ModeShape?
Update: I upgraded to 4.1.0.Final to see if that helped, but it had no effect on the described behaviour.
Cross-posted from the ModeShape forum:
Shared nodes are really just a single node that appears in multiple places within a workspace, so it's not exactly clear what it semantically means to get multiple query results for that one shareable node. Per Section 14.16 of the JSR-283 (JCR 2.0) specification implementations are free to include shareable nodes in query results at just one or at multiple/all of those locations.
ModeShape 2.x and 3.x always returned in query results only a single location of the shared nodes, as this was the behavior of the reference implementation and this was the feedback we got from users. When we were working on Modeshape 4.0, we tried to make it possible to return multiple results, but we ran into problems with the TCK and uncertainty about what this new expected behavior would be. Therefore, we backed off our goals and implemented query to return only one of the shared locations, as we did with 2.x and 3.x.
I may be wrong, but I'm not exactly sure if any JCR implementation returns multiple rows for a single shared node, but I may be wrong.

Elasticsearch search analyzer

I am playing with indexing an articlenumber in Elasticsearch.
Here i provide a working example:
i dont understand why i get a different score if i change the value for ""
if i change the value from "ak454" to "ak 454" the score changes.
i thought that if i am using a search_analyzer the value "ak 454" will be transformed to "ak454" (its mapped using the searchable_id).
you can also look at the analyses tab to see my tokenizer:
The term-query (and filter) does not do any text analysis.
The match-query does, and can achieve what you want.
I adapted the example:
Setting explain to true is very useful when working with problems like this, as you see exactly what Lucene is doing when it's scoring.

Drupal Views - Custom / Modded SQL

I am having an issue with the "Profile Checkboxes" module which stores custom profile fields comma separated.
The issue is if I create a view to filter by a value. The SQL result ends up being something like this:
...AND (profile_values_profile_interests.value in ('Business and Investment'))...
Which will not return any data since the value is stored like this:
"Business and Investment, Case Law, Labor Law, Tax Law"
I just need to adjust the SQL so that it is making sure the field contains the selected value
Is there anything I can do to adjust this?
For a 'quick hack' solution, you could try implementing hook_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) in a custom module, check $view->name (and eventually also $view->current_display) to ensure you are dealing with the right view/display, and then manipulate $query as needed.
EDIT: Looks like the underlying problem has been addressed by the module maintainer in the meantime - see John's answer ...
I'm the creator and maintainer of Profile Checkboxes and thought you might be interested to know that the new version of the module now stores the values as serialized and includes Views support. The feature is available in the current release version.
Check out the Views modify query module.