VB.Net: open outlook with to,cc,subject, body , attachment - vb.net

i want to open the outlook from my vb.net application. I want to fill out the To,Subject, Body and Attachment part of mail through my application. here i don't need to send mail . I want to just open the outlook with mail parameter.
Please suggest how can i achieve this task

The general procedure is as follows:
Create a mailto: link string with the required information
Pass that string to Process.Start. This will open the default mail client, not necessary Outlook.
For example, the string might look like this: mailto:mail#example.com?subject=Hello&body=test. The individual fields have to be properly escaped (URL encoded). More information about the syntax can be found in RFC 2368.
An attachment can be added by using the attachment argument in the mailto string. According to a comment on MSDN this has to be doubly quoted, though. That is:

This task can be achieved using office interop, just add a reference to our projecto to `Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook'. Then in your applicattion can créate a mail and then attach files as follows:
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Dim Outlook As Outlook.Application
Dim Mail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim Acc As Outlook.Account
Outlook = New Outlook.Application()
Mail = Outlook.CreateItem(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
Mail.To = "test#test.com"
Mail.Subject = "Hello World!"
'If you have multiple accounts you could change it in sender:
For Each Acc In Outlook.Session.Accounts
'Select first pop3 for instance.
If Acc.AccountType = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlAccountType.olPop3 Then
Mail.Sender = Acc
End If
'Take default account if no sender...
If Not Sender Is Nothing Then Mail.Sender = Sender.CurrentUser.AddressEntry
'Attach files
'Append some text:
Mail.HTMLBody &= "Hello World!"
It's an old question, but I guess it could help to somebody else.

In case someone wants to do this without using outlook...
Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Function SendEmail(EmailBody As String, EmailSubject As String, EmailTo As String, AttachmentPath As String, EmailAsHTML As Boolean)
Dim Mail As New MailMessage
Dim SMTP As New SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com")
SMTP.EnableSsl = True
SMTP.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("[your gmail address#gmail.com]", "[the associated password]")
SMTP.Port = 587
Mail.From = New MailAddress("""[Friendly Name]"" <[your gmail address#gmail.com>")
'Split Multiple Addresses
If EmailTo.Contains(";") Then
For Each EmailAddress In EmailTo.Split(";")
End If
Mail.Subject = EmailSubject
Mail.Body = EmailBody
If AttachmentPath <> "" Then Mail.Attachments.Add(New Mail.Attachment(AttachmentPath))
Mail.IsBodyHtml = EmailAsHTML
'Clear Mail Object
'Function Return
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
'Function Return
Return False
End Try
End Function

Found this great post.
Programmatically adding attachments to emails in C# and VB.NET
The linked article documents how to use the MAPISendMail function provided by MAPI32.dll.
<DllImport("MAPI32.DLL")> _
Private Shared Function MAPISendMail(ByVal sess As IntPtr,
ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal message As MapiMessage,
ByVal flg As Integer, ByVal rsv As Integer) As Integer
End Function
Private Function SendMail(ByVal strSubject As String,
ByVal strBody As String, ByVal how As Integer) As Integer
Dim msg As MapiMessage = New MapiMessage()
msg.subject = strSubject
msg.noteText = strBody
msg.recips = GetRecipients(msg.recipCount)
msg.files = GetAttachments(msg.fileCount)
m_lastError = MAPISendMail(New IntPtr(0), New IntPtr(0), msg, how,
If m_lastError > 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("MAPISendMail failed! " + GetLastError(),
End If
Return m_lastError
End Function
Hope it will help somebody who might find themselves way here as I did.


Forwarding OpenPOP Attachments to SMTP (System.Net.Mail)

I have an application I have built in Visual Studio using VB.NET that pulls mail messages from an Outlook mailbox and saves the message information into a database and downloads the attachments (if any) into a folder. Before saving the mail message to my database, if the message is from a certain user, I forward the message to another mailbox (and thus, I don't save the message). This is all working fine, except when I try to forward a message with attachments.
As stated in the title, I am using OpenPOP to pull the mail and SMTP to transfer the mail. When I try to create the SMTP attachment from the OpenPOP message I get the following error:
System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'MessagePart' to type 'String' is not valid.
The message is thrown in the AddAttachments function (below) on the line:
myAttachment = New Attachment(attachment) (in the For Each statement)
Public Sub ForwardMessage(
ByVal msgPOP As OpenPop.Mime.Message,
toAddress As String,
fromAddress As String,
subject As String,
body As String
Dim smtpServer As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(Me.serverName)
Dim msgSMTP As New MailMessage()
msgSMTP.Sender = New MailAddress(fromAddress)
msgSMTP.To.Add(New MailAddress(toAddress))
msgSMTP.Subject = subject
msgSMTP.Body = body
msgSMTP.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim attachments As Object
attachments = AddAttachments(msgPOP, msgSMTP)
msgSMTP.Attachments.Add(New Attachment(attachments))
End Sub
I finally figured it out with some help from a friend. The AddAttachments function below has been edited to show the fix.
Public Function AddAttachments(
ByVal msgPOP As OpenPop.Mime.Message,
ByVal msgSMTP As MailMessage
) As MailMessage
Dim attachments As Object = msgPOP.FindAllAttachments()
Dim myAttachment As Attachment = Nothing
For Each attachment As OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart In attachments
Dim sName As String = attachment.FileName
Dim sContentType As String = attachment.ContentType.MediaType
Dim stream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(attachment.Body)
myAttachment = New Attachment(stream, sName, sContentType)
Return msgSMTP
End Function
I have spent hours researching this issue and I have not found one solution yet. I tried changing the application data type to String and OpenPOP.MIME.MessagePart to no avail. I tried adding "ToString" to the attachment variable and received the following error:
System.InvalidCaseException: Operator '&' is not defined for type 'MessagePart' and string ".ToString".
I have been reading up on MIME to see if that would offer some ideas, though I have not been able to connect the dots. I am assuming this is possible and hoping someone will be able to share the solution, and I will be happy with either VB.NET or C#.NET.
Thank you very much in advance and I appreciate your time.
The solution is in the edited AddAttachments function in my original post above.

VB Authenticate User In Outlook Web App

I currently have a mail system using Microsoft's exchange server (OWA). I am trying to authenticate a user and send an email using pure Visual Basic code.
I have been trying to use a library called Aspose, however; I have no idea if I'm on the right track. I can not get it to work and I am not sure (since this is a company mail server) whether it's the server or it's my code.
Currently I have,
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Create instance of ExchangeClient class by giving credentials
Dim client As Aspose.Email.Exchange.ExchangeClient = New Aspose.Email.Exchange.ExchangeClient("https://MAILSERVER.com/username/", "username", "password", "https://MAILSERVER.com/")
' Create instance of type MailMessage
Dim msg As Aspose.Email.Mail.MailMessage = New Aspose.Email.Mail.MailMessage()
msg.From = "username#MAILSERVER.com"
msg.To = "receivingemail#gmail.com"
msg.Subject = "test"
msg.HtmlBody = "test"
' Send the message
Console.WriteLine("made it")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I have obviously changed the username, password, and server name fields to generic ones but with (what I think is the right credentials) the output is always failed.
Can anybody help me out please?
Here is what I use:
Public Shared Function SendEMail(MailMessage As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage) As String
ErrorMess = ""
' Default the from address, just in case is was left out.
If MailMessage.From.Address = "" Then
MailMessage.From = New Net.Mail.MailAddress("donotreply#MAILSERVER.com")
End If
' Check for at least one address
If MailMessage.To.Count = 0 AndAlso MailMessage.CC.Count = 0 AndAlso MailMessage.Bcc.Count = 0 Then
ErrorMess = "No Addresses Specified"
Return ErrorMess
End If
' Create a SMTP connedction to the exchange 2010 load balancer.
Dim SMTPClient As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("MAILSERVER.com")
Dim ValidUserCredential As New System.Net.NetworkCredential
ValidUserCredential.Domain = "MAILSERVER.com"
ValidUserCredential.UserName = My.Resources.EmailUserName
ValidUserCredential.Password = My.Resources.EmailPassword
SMTPClient.UseDefaultCredentials = False
SMTPClient.Credentials = ValidUserCredential
Return "Mail Sent"
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorMess = ex.Message & " " & ex.InnerException.ToString
Return ErrorMess
End Try
End Function
The ExchangeClient class is used to connect to Exchange server using the WebDav protocol and is used with Exchange Server 2003 and 2007. For OWA, you need to use the IEWSClient interface as shown in the following sample code. It has an Office365 test account that you can use to send a test email (the test account is solely for testing purpose and is not property of Aspose. I just created it for assisting you in testing the functionality). Please try it and if you face any problem, you may share the porblem on Aspose.Email forum for further assistance.
' Create instance of IEWSClient class by giving credentials
Dim client As IEWSClient = EWSClient.GetEWSClient("https://outlook.office365.com/ews/exchange.asmx", "UserTwo#ASE1984.onmicrosoft.com", "Aspose1234", "")
' Create instance of type MailMessage
Dim msg As New MailMessage()
msg.From = "UserTwo#ASE1984.onmicrosoft.com"
msg.[To] = "receiver#gmail.com"
msg.Subject = "Sending message from exchange server"
msg.IsBodyHtml = True
msg.HtmlBody = "<h3>sending message from exchange server</h3>"
' Send the message
I work with Aspose as Developer evangelist.

SendMail Help in VB

I developed a sendmail program for support which works great. What I am trying to do now is add a history page, which will show my users what support requests they have sent previously. I plan on use My.Settings to save the each email sent from my program.
Here is my code for the SendMail button which sends me mail:
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please describe the issue you're having Bender, I'm not a mindreader!")
Exit Sub
lblpleasewait.Visible = True
Dim Recipients As New List(Of String)
Dim FromEmailAddress As String = Recipients(0)
Dim Subject As String = "IT Help!"
Dim Body As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim UserName As String = My.Settings.txtboxUN
Dim Password As String = My.Settings.txtboxPW
Dim Port As Integer = My.Settings.txtboxSMTPPort
Dim Server As String = My.Settings.txtboxSMTP
Dim Attachments As New List(Of String)
MsgBox(SendEmail(Recipients, FromEmailAddress, Subject, Body, UserName, Password, Server, Port, Attachments))
lblpleasewait.Visible = False
TextBox1.Text = ""
'This is where the beginning of my code is to send it to the history form.
Dim str(2) As String
Dim itm As ListViewItem
str(0) = Today + " - " + TimeOfDay
str(1) = Body
itm = New ListViewItem(str)
My.Settings.logDate = str(0)
My.Settings.logIssue = str(1)
End If
As you can from the above code, the last few lines is where I add the Body of the email and the time of day and add it to my listview I have on another form (GTSMailHistory).
My problem is this, that code above sending it over to the other form is saving, but is overwritten with each new email. Its basically not appending new emails to the list, just writing over the first.
The only code I have on the history form is on the LOAD function which is below:
Private Sub GTSMailHistory_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim str(2) As String
Dim itm As ListViewItem
str(0) = My.Settings.logDate
str(1) = My.Settings.logIssue
itm = New ListViewItem(str)
End Sub
I can't leave comments yet so if someone could move this it'd help.
Are you recreating your GTSMailHistory object each pass instead of just once at startup?
Also when saving the date/body to My.Settings you are overwriting the existing values, do you not want these to be lists instead?
In response to your comment:
Joiner, i do want it to be a list. Can i save a listview to my.settings so it remains persistent upon next program launch?
You can use My.Settings to store variables of different types including lists.
In Visual Studio go to:
Project -> Properties -> Settings (Tab) -> Add a setting and its type (browse for more).
See here for an example.
Found sort of an answer. Not really want i want but will suffice right now. I can write this to a textfile and use streamreader to load it to listview.
The below code adds the body and date to listview:
Static i As Integer = 0
Dim newItem As New ListViewItem(Today + " - " + TimeOfDay) '// add text Item.
newItem.SubItems.Add(TextBox2.Text) '// add SubItem.
history.ListView1.Items.Add(newItem) '// add Item to ListView.
i += 1
The below code loads the saved textfile
ListView1.View = View.Details : ListView1.Columns.Add("Date") : ListView1.Columns.Add("Issue")
If IO.File.Exists(myCoolFile) Then '// check if file exists.
Dim myCoolFileLines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(myCoolFile) '// load your file as a string array.
For Each line As String In myCoolFileLines '// loop thru array list.
Dim lineArray() As String = line.Split("#") '// separate by "#" character.
Dim newItem As New ListViewItem(lineArray(0)) '// add text Item.
newItem.SubItems.Add(lineArray(1)) '// add SubItem.
ListView1.Items.Add(newItem) '// add Item to ListView.
End If
On form close it saves my entries:
Dim myWriter As New IO.StreamWriter(myCoolFile)
For Each myItem As ListViewItem In ListView1.Items
myWriter.WriteLine(myItem.Text & "#" & myItem.SubItems(1).Text) '// write Item and SubItem.

Read the first mail in the inbox, save subject content as a text file using pop3client

Am facing a problem while saving the mail as a text file through vb.net. i had done the following code as per my task:-
public sub rearmail()
Dim pop3Client As Pop3Client
If (Session("Pop3Client") Is Nothing) Then
pop3Client = New Pop3Client
pop3Client.Connect("pop.gmail.com", 995, True)
pop3Client.Authenticate("mymail#gmail.com", "password")
Session("Pop3Client") = pop3Client
pop3Client = CType(Session("Pop3Client"), Pop3Client)
End If 'connect to the inbox with username and pass word authentication
Dim message As Message = pop3Client.GetMessage(0)
dim frm as string ' to store from address
dim subj as string ' to store the subject
dim mdate as date ' to store the date and time
subj= message.Headers.Subject
'**** no i need to read the mail message and save it as a notepad file ****
end sub
i had tried a lot to read the mail using :-
Dim message As Message = pop3Client.GetMessage(0)
as follows:-
Dim str As MailMessageEventArgs
dim strmsg as string
strmsg=str..Message.Body.ToString 'error null error exception at run time
strmsg=message.MessagePart.Body ' nothing will return
like wise i do a lot with the message object but i fails to achieve the goal, i hope that the experts in this community can help me to overcome the problem,
thanks in advance.....♥
thanks for the one who make a try to solve the problem, i got the solution now i wish to share it with you. here is the code segment to read the mail body content;-
Dim messagePart As MessagePart = message.MessagePart.MessageParts(0)

VBA Code to Create Lotus Notes Email - CC Emails Not Working

I have some VBA code that takes the various email parts as inputs and creates an email message in Lotus Notes, and sends it from a group mailbox. It sends the email out to a recipient and CC recipients, and then leaves a copy of the message in the "Sent" box of a group email account. I think the sent message in that box is sort of a dummy, as it is perhaps not the exact message as it was sent.
This works, and sends the message to the SendTo, and to the first CC address. However, if I have a second CC address, it turns the ending of the second address into gibberish. For example, if the SendTo is "mike#someemail.com", and the CC is "john#someemail.com, jim#someemail.com"... in the Sent box it appears to have sent it to mike#someemail.com, and CC to john#someemail.com and jim#someemail.com. However, the actual mail is only received by john, and the CC looks like this: "john#someemail.com, jim#pps.rte_to_v" and jim never gets the message.
On another message, the second CC ends up being jim#vwall11.com. I haven't found a pattern to the gibberish it puts at the end of the CC line instead of the correct address. It took us awhile to learn about the problem since it looks correct in the Sent mailbox.
Here's the code I'm using. I'm changing the server names, etc, but all relevant code is intact.
Private Sub TestEmail()
Call EmailFromADT("mike#somemail.com", "john#somemail.com, jim#somemail.com", "test subject", "test message", _
"", "", "", "")
End Sub
Function EmailFromADT(strSendTo As String, strCopy As String, strSubject As String, _
strText1 As String, strText2 As String, strText3 As String, _
strText4 As String, strText5 As String)
Dim notesdb As Object
Dim notesdoc As Object
Dim notesrtf As Object
Dim notessession As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set notessession = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")
''''''''Group Mailbox'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Set notesdb = notessession.GetDatabase("servername", "mailin\notesaddr.nsf")
'Open the mail database in notes
If notesdb.IsOpen = True Then
'Already open for mail
End If
Set notesdoc = notesdb.CreateDocument
Call notesdoc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", strSubject)
Set notesrtf = notesdoc.CreateRichTextItem("body")
Call notesrtf.AppendText(strText1 & vbCrLf & strText2 & vbCrLf & strText3 & vbCrLf & strText4 & vbCrLf & strText5)
notesdoc.SendTo = strSendTo
notesdoc.CopyTo = strCopy
notesdoc.from = UserName()
''''''''Group Mailbox'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
notesdoc.principal = "Group Team"
notesdoc.BlindCopyTo = strBCC
Call notesdoc.Save(True, False)
notesdoc.SaveMessageOnSend = True
Call notesdoc.Send(False, strSendTo)
Set notessession = Nothing
End Function
To have multiple values in an item in a Document, you need to use an array.
Try this:
dim varCopyTo as Variant
varCopyTo = Split( strCopyTo, "," )
call notesDoc.Replaceitemvalue( "CopyTo", varCopyTo )
You could also write notesDoc.CopyTo=varCopyTo, but it is better (more secure, slightly better performance) to use ReplaceItemValue.
In addition you should add Call notesDoc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Memo" ) after creating the document, so that the server/client does not have to "guess" what kind of document you are creating.
notesdoc.CopyTo wants an array, not a comma-delimted string on the right hand side of the assignment. Each element in the array should be an individual address. By passing in a comma-delimited string, you're essentially passing in a single invalid address as far as Notes and Domino are concerned. I'm not entirely sure why that's being transformed in the peculiarly random way that it is, but I am sure it's definitely not going to be right that way.
And better than using the shorthand form (notesdoc.CopyTo = ...) for this code, you should probably be using Call notesdoc.ReplaceItemValue, like you do with the Subject, but passing in an array there.