Get EXC_BAD_ACCESS when tableview get data from URL? - objective-c

My tableview is get XML data from URL,First I declare a NSMutableArray *dataArray;
and this is how I get the data in my TableviewSample.m
- (void)getDataFromURL{
NSString *theURLAsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:GetAllData];//<-EXE_BAD_ACCESS HERE
//#define stringWithFormat:GetAllData #""
NSURL *theURL = [NSURL URLWithString:theURLAsString];
self.dataArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithContentsOfURL:theURL];
Then I just get the elements form this array to my tableview ...
But here I have to say one more thing , actually it won't crash before I add another view...
I add a bar button to go to a webView , this webView is use to load a IP Cam stream video
When I back to the tableview , It will appear EXC_BAD_ACCESS
This is odd things I cannot to solve it...because both side code are all looks normal
If I remove this webview ,no matter how I run the program ,it won't crash...
And sometimes I leave the webView I will receive memory warning :level 2
But just only one time.
or do I use a wrong way to open an ip cam stream ???
Thanks for all reply : )
OK,here is the code different I use in my webview class
This is first version I use
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{
NSString *directGoToWebCam = [NSString stringWithFormat:GetAllData];
self.IPCamWebView=[[[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,640,960)] autorelease];
[self.IPCamWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:directGoToWebCam]]];
[self.view addSubview:self.IPCamWebView];

Where does GetAllData come from? It looks like that isn't pointing to anything. More code, the exact error, and a more careful description will go a long way here.

It probably has something to do with the use of #define which does not say anything about the type of the object you are using.
If you want to define a constant string in your code the best would be to use something like this:
static NSString *GetAllData = #"";
Where you need to use the string you can simply write:
NSString *GoToWebCam = [NSString stringWithString:GetAllData];


Need a view that acts like a log view

I need to implement a view that acts as a log view, so that when you push a message into it, the message would push other messages upwards.
Is there anything like that for iOS?
You can easily implement that using standard UITableView:
Each cell will be responsible for displaying 1 log message
Add new cell to the end of the table when new message arrive
Scroll table to the bottom after cell is added (using scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: method with UITableViewScrollPositionBottom position parameter)
That means you'll need to store your log messages in array, but if you're going to display them you need to store messages anyway
#Vladimir's answer is probably the way to go, but just for the sake of seeing some additional options, here's an example using a UITextView:
- (IBAction)addNewLog:(UIButton *)sender {
NSString *myInputText = #"some new text from string";
NSString *temp = myTextView.text;
[myTextView setText:[temp stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"\n%#: %#",[NSDate date],myInputText]]];
[myTextView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, myTextView.contentSize.height - myTextView.frame.size.height) animated:NO];
Then if you wanted to separate the text in the text view into objects in an array:
NSArray *myAwesomeArray = [myTextView.text componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
Mind you, the above would break if the "myInputText" string ever contained a line break.

Drag Files come across Sandbox(__CFPasteboardIssueSandboxExtensionForPath)

I processed drag operation from browser view to custom view.It work well in snow lepoard,but not in Mountain Lion with sandbox.
in browser view:
NSMutableArray* urls = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
..............put some NSUrl to urls array....................
[pasteboard writeObjects:[NSArray arrayWithArray:urls]];
in my receive custom view:
NSArray* pasteboardItems = [pasteboard readObjectsForClasses:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSString class]] options:nil];
NSArray* pasteboardItems2 = [pasteboard readObjectsForClasses:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSURL class]] options:nil];
NSArray* pasteboardItems3 = [pasteboard readObjectsForClasses:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSImage class]] options:nil];
my log is:
2012-08-09 18:33:43.886 iCollage[6885:303] __CFPasteboardIssueSandboxExtensionForPath: error for [/Users/xxxx/Library/Containers/xxxxxxxxxxxx/Data/Downloads/1343902069.jpg]
2012-08-09 18:33:44.546 iCollage[6885:303] ( "file://localhost/Users/xxx/Library/Containers/xxxxxxxx/Data/Downloads/1343902069.jpg")
2012-08-09 18:33:44.547 iCollage[6885:303] ( "file://localhost/Users/xxxxx/Library/Containers/xxxxxx/Data/Downloads/1343902069.jpg")
2012-08-09 18:33:44.547 iCollage[6885:303] ()
my question is: to fix this error __CFPasteboardIssueSandboxExtensionForPath;I refer the docs and found nothing about that.I am ensuer that i have the permission to access the file!google says, may be "startAccessingSecurityScopedResource" will help me, then i try and failed
2.why pasteboardItems2 have value?i write to pasteboard only url but not string.It disgusted me that I can get the url both from NSString type and NSUrl type! (I try drag a file from iFinder, the url will only exist in pasteboardItems but not pasteboardItems2).Anybody know why? I think the first problem will auto fixed when some one help me fix this problem.
I believe Apple answer question 1:
Important: Although you can support dragging file paths, in general,
you should avoid doing so unless you are certain that the destination
app will never be run in an app sandbox. If you use an NSString, OS X
has no way to know whether that string should be interpreted as a
path; thus, OS X does not expand the destination app’s sandbox to
allow access to the file or directory at that location. Instead, use
an NSURL, a bookmark, or a filename pasteboard type.
WRT to question 2, it looks like you have pasted URLs so reading NSURL objects would seem to be correct. However I think you should implement the dragging using the following code (also from the link above):
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
if ( [[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType] ) {
NSArray *files = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
int numberOfFiles = [files count];
// Perform operation using the list of files
return YES;
You need to generate security-scoped URL bookmark data on the sender side, and turn that data back into a URL on the receiver side. There's some other stuff you have to do after that when you want to actually access the URL; the documentation elaborates.
The receiving application, when running in a sandbox, will not be able to handle bare paths. This is a core part of being sandboxed; you are not allowed to use bare paths or their corresponding URLs to access files that aren't in your sandbox container and haven't been explicitly handed to you by the user.
Your pasteboardItems read object of NSString type, but you dragged a file(with jpg extension), you should register for NSString type in your init method:
[self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSPasteboardTypeString]];
You need to have Document Types defined in your application so that the sandboxing mechanism knows your application should be opening files with those extensions. You can do this by clicking the project on the left in Xcode, and in the Info tab, under Document Types add a new document type for each extension.
You just need to fill in the name and extensions field.
Also if you want to persist your permission to access the files dragged onto your application, you can use this class to wrap up all that logic.

Set Image on Application Startup

I'm currently developing an Obj-C Desktop application which gets a string from an URL and displays an image regarding to the recieved string.
//I know this one won't work, but it's just for example
NSString * text = [NSString stringFromUrl:#""];
NSString * imageName = [text splitStringIntoSome];
//imageName is now #"A.png"
[imageViewOutlet setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:imageName];
So, the problem is, I want to do that when the application launches, but when I copy this code into my applicationDidFinishLaunching, just nothing happens...
Unfortunately since URL requests are performed asynchronously, it requires a bit more code to do this. Here is a good example straight from Apple:
Using NSURLConnection
Except in - (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection you would create an image using NSImage's - (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data

How to save apps data Xcode

I have been searching for many days on how to save my apps data. I found some stuff but it was very complicated and badly explained. I need that when I completely close my apps all the data I entered in the text field are still there when I open my apps again. I tried a tutorial but this only let me save about 8 textfields and I need to save thousands I am starting Objective-C and Xcode so if somebody want to give me an answer please make it very precise.
Alright, what I'd suggest would be putting all the data from your text fields into an array and saving that to a file, then loading it when you re-open the app.
The first thing you need is a save file. This function will create one for you.
-(NSString*) saveFilePath{
NSString* path = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",
[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath],
return path;}
Now that that's done you need to create your saving array. Hopefully you have your thousands of textfields already fitted into an array of some sort. If not, this will be a painful process regardless of how you tackle it. But anyway... (Here, labelArray will be the array of all your text fields/labels/etc.)
NSMutableArray* myArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
int i = 0;
while(i < labelArray.count){
[myArray addObject: [labelArray objectAtIndex: i].text];
i ++;
[myArray writeToFile:[self saveFilePath] atomically:YES];
[myArray release];
And the loading code would be something along the lines of
NSMutableArray* myArray = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:[self saveFilePath]]retain];
Then you'd simply load the data back into your array of text fields.
Hope this helps.
It sounds like your application architecture may be unsound if you are planning on saving thousands of text fields' data in the fraction of a second you get while your app is closing. It would probably be better to save these as the user enters the data instead of waiting to save all the data at once.
To get the path you are going to write ( or read from! ) to, you do the following:
NSString *writableDBPath = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0] stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"MyFile.extension"];
And then use a method like "writeToFile:automically:" of NSString or NSDictionary etc. to write to the path.

Error while attempting to output data onto console in xcode

I am trying to output general data (source code) from a website, but it just sits there. Can't figure out if its the interface or the code. Would someone double-check for me?
#import "Lockerz_RedemptionViewController.h"
#implementation Lockerz_RedemptionViewController
-(IBAction)start: (id) sender {
while (1) {
NSMutableData *mydata = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
NSString *output = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:mydata encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
The reason your NSLog doesn't work is it should use format strings.
For more info see
Why the while(1)? Are you intentionally trying to set up an infinite loop? You should just run this once, or maybe set up a periodic timer to reload it every few seconds, but certainly don't use an infinite loop for that... also it's been a while since I did anything with Cocoa networking, but you might want to look into NSURLRequest. You also may want to try NSData's dataWithContentsOfURL:options:error: and check the error parameter to better see what might be going wrong. Hope this helps you out.