WMS/WFS server: am I crazy to write my own? - paste

I'm a "do it yourself" kind of guy, but I want to make sure I'm not going to do myself in by trying to bite off more than I can chew.
I am writing a browser-based mapping application that needs to have the option to run standalone (no internet connection) on the end-user's machine. That is, the application is some kind of server that will, in many cases, get installed on the end user's machine and the browser will point to some localhost URL to access it.
I will be using MapLayers on the client side, and the server side will have a bunch of custom logic specific to the application, such as handling click events on the map in certain custom ways, creating various custom objects on the map at certain times, and so on.
For the "business logic" part of the server, I'm happy using paste/webob with python. It's a simple infrastructure that lets me put all this custom logic in easily.
I had been thinking that the client would communicate with two servers: this paste/webob business logic server, and a server just for serving WMS and WFS map elements. So I was looking at MapServer and GeoServer to handle the map parts and ... I'm not happy.
I'm not happy because I don't want to have to install and worry about a "beast" on the client machines. For MapServer, I don't really want to install a full-blown web server like Apache, and have to deal with CGI and PHP and MapScript. For GeoServer, there's (potentially) installing Java, and dealing with various complexities of the GeoServer setup and administration.
Part of this is simply a learning curve issue. If I can avoid it, I'm not especially interested in learning the intricacies of either MapServer or GeoServer. I installed GeoServer, pointed it to some of my data, and was able to use the MapLayers preview built into GeoServer's nice web admin to view my data. But when I tried to serve the data for real using my own MapLayers web page pointed at GeoServer, I crashed GeoServer. That I could crash the server just be sending some presumably malformed requests from the client was quite surprising to me. And I could dig into the GeoServer logs to try to figure out what I did wrong, but ... I don't really want to spend a lot of time on that.
So, I am considering implementing parts of the WMS and WFS interface myself just using the paste/webob server I already have. It may in fact be that I only need the WMS, since I might handle vector objects through a simple custom protocol that I make to pass data to the client, which can then create and manipulate the objects directly using OpenLayers.
I've looked at the specs and example messages for WMS (and a bit less at WFS). It seems not so difficult just to implement this protocol myself, especially because I have full control of the client in this case -- it's not like I need to be able to act as a generic WMS or WFS server; I just have to make my own OpenLayers client happy.
The two main abilities that I need the WMS server to have are:
Serve tiles from a store of prerendered tiles that I've created ahead of time (I'll prerender the tiles using OpenStreetMap data and mapnik as the redering engine; and I'll store and access them using the normal Google Maps style tile naming scheme that OpenLayers expects)
Have the ability to server modified versions of these tiles where certain data that I store locally is drawn on top of the tiles. For instance, I might have, say, 10000 points on one "layer" and 10000 polygons on another layer, and when the user activates these layers I will serve my same base tiles, but as I'm serving these tiles I'll render these additional features on top of them, and probably I'll implement a simple caching scheme to keep these over-rendered tiles around for some amount of time.
So my question is: Even though I know there are existing tools that do these things (MapServer, GeoServer, TileCache, and others), I'm actually feeling like it's less work for me to just to respond to some simple WMS messages, and do this additional over-drawing on my tiles myself in python, making sure everything is projected correctly, etc. I don't need to draw fancy wide streets or anything for these over-layers, just simple lines, icons, and perhaps labels. It sure sounds nice and simple to have a python-only solution.
I figure if I ever need to expand into supporting more of the WMS/WFS protocol, or doing fancier overdrawing, I can just insert MapServer/GeoServer at that time.
Are there pitfalls here I'm not considering?

Mapserver is very easy to setup and learn. Implementing any kind of rendering by yourself is going to require much more effort, and you will probably find a lots of unexpected traps.
mapserver cgi should be enough for your needs. If you require some very specific tweak, then mapscript can be useful.
I think it could be interesting if you could make a pure JavaScript application, and save yourself from installing a web server (and a map server). If you just needed browsing a tile mosaic, may be you could do it just with JavaScript (generate an html table with a cell for each tile). You can render points or polygons, with JavaScript, using a canvas and doing some basic coordinate conversion to translate geographic points to pixels. Openlayers have this functionality, I think.
EDIT: I just checked and with Openlayers you can browse local tiles, and you can render kml and some other vect data. So, I think you should give Openlayers a try.

No need to have a wms/wfs. What you need is a tile implementation. Basically you should have some sort of central service, or desktop service that generates the tiles. Once these tiles are generated, you can simply transform them to your "no-real-webserver-architecture" filesystem. You can create a directory structure that conforms to /{x}/{y}/{z}.png and call it from javascript.
An example of how openstreetmap does this can be found here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLayers_Simple_Example

You may like featureserver: http://featureserver.org/.
It has its own WFS. I am using it right now.


How can I custom limit the extent of an ArcGIS basemap?

I am writing web application based on ArcGIS API for javascript. So far I managed to create empty map using this tutorial and write some code which visualizes some data.
The basemaps which ArcGIS offer are quite nice and I would like to use them, but they represent whole world and what I need is basemap of just a single country. What's the best/easiest way to do it? I tried using ArcGIS Online to edit basemap but the don't offer good options for cutting single country.
I found some links out there but they aren't solving my problem (or my knowledge is to small to understand them), for example https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/basemap-custom/index.html
If you like the look and feel of the Esri basemaps, you don't want to make your own. That's certainly technically possible, but requires a greater command of ArcMap and publishing services -- and isn't what you're really looking for. And basemap tiles shouldn't be edited, even ones you publish yourself, since the difficulty of doing that well is just not worth the effort.
Instead, you can restrict the JavaScript map to prevent panning outside your area of interest. Whenever the user moves to an extent that exceeds allowed values, the code automatically resets the extent to the allowed limit, and they can't move outside it. (You can similarly restrict zoom levels so they won't even be able to zoom out further than the view of your area of interest.)
For code details, see existing answers on Restricting base map on specific extent in ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3? (GIS.StackExchange)

2 separate systems, how to make them communicate

I got a DDS-system(OMG DDS) who's communicating with a ROS-node over radio. The information being received is a struct with velocity, state, longitude, latitude etc. This works well, and my DDS-client has no problem printing the information being transmitted from the node over the radio. Now, I've got a GUI-application written in Qt, who creates models and puts them on a predefined map. These modelse have defined set-information functions, which when triggered updates the map to give a smooth visualisation of the information it receives.
Now here is problem, I've no idea how to make the GUI application communicate with my DDS-client. I would rather not intertwine these two, since I've had enough trouble just making the DDS-client and sender work and compile with ROS. Ive though about a separate queue system, which can be included in the DDS-client and the GUI application, but I dont know if this could work. Ive also though about writing a SQL database, and then push new data, and pull new data when it is detected in my GUI application. Some sort of on_data_available function which triggers the pull-function. Ive heard the last one is a bad idea, since I'm working with only one set of data which is being continuously updated (the model represents one USV), and a database is then considered overkill, but I would love to get inputs here.
Im sorry if this isn't sufficient information, I can't really provide code examples for different reasons. If anyone have any inputs, shout out, would love to hear them. And if I'm not being specific enough, ill try to rewrite it as best as i can.
I've no idea how to make the GUI application communicate with my
Your question is not specific to DDS or your GUI application -- you essentially ask for a simple and convenient inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism. As you can see when you follow the link, there are loads of different options.
Given that you already have your data as well as the associated type definitions available in DDS, I suspect that using DDS for this task would still be the easiest way to go. You could set it up to communicate over shared memory or local loopback. DDS will do all discovery and communication under the hood, including (cross-language) de/serialization. If you choose a different mechanism, you might end up doing more work yourself.
As an alternative, some DDS implementations (commercially) support native integration with SQL databases. Those will introspect the DDS data definitions and create all required tables for you. Updates from DDS are automatically forwarded to the database, and vice-versa. You could feed your GUI off of that database.

Alternative model to mod_rewrite maps

I'm trying to come up to an alternative to to mod_rewrite maps.
I need an engine that is capable of efficiently dealing with thousands of rewrite rules, also with "wildcards" or patterns, that can be controlled by an external program (something with a user interface to control it). I am fairly confident that I could write such an engine as an external program with a combination of a c based frontend and a python backend communicating with unix sockets.
The problem I have is that apache will only start one instance of the program and the solution has to be able to scale to thousands of requests per second. I'm worried that no matter how well I code the program that with a single instance and single thread it could become a bottle neck.
I've considered using dbm style maps, and they do seem to perform quite well, but there is no way to do anything with wild cards/regex etc.
Unfortunately apache is a requirement and I don't really want to go down the route of another process acting as a pass through.
All I can think of right now is writing a new module for apache but it seems a little excessive.
Another option would be to write a remap config on the fly and do an apache graceful but that feels a little dangerous.
Does anybody have any suggestions or thoughts? Or know of a method of implementing DBM style maps with stored regexs?
Write an Apache module. It will be very fast and is not particularly complicated - you only need to implement a couple of the hook functions.

iOS - updating user flow without app update

I'm looking at designing and building out a system that would allow A/B testing of different flows in an iOS app (e.g. registration flow, log-in flow, purchasing flow).
A system that comes to mind initially looks like:
app pings server, server responds giving list of resources (which could include some links to xib files)
if the user does not have those xibs on disk, download them and save them to disk
when the view controller is presented, load from the xib if it has been downloaded (else default to the one the app was shipped with)
Does anyone have any thoughts on this idea or any insights on this system?
NOTE: I am not trying to implement a system where I can add new features. Right now, I'm focusing on changing flows, like the text and views a user will see. I'm not looking into a discussion of whether this violates the App Store rules, but if you would like to do so - go for it!
This is possible, but I don't know if I would download XIBs to the device. Seems a little risky to me.
Apple did a talk at WWDC 2010 where they address this exact issue, and they recommend building the interface using (more or less) Plists or JSON to describe the UI elements and their functions, and building up the views dynamically. It's well worth watching as it brings up a lot of smaller issues that aren't immediately obvious, but it requires a developer account to access it).
This would be an interesting system to use. I wonder if one could write a shell script to replace the old binary of an app with a new one. I know it would probably be more complicated then just that, but it would be cool to do. I would definitely use this for in house apps, or personal tools. Its to bad the apple wouldn't allow it, unless someone could secretly slip it past them :-)
I say go for it. You seem to have a pretty good idea of what you want to do and how you want to do it. Changing the UI based on responses from a server isn't uncommon, but I guess downloading xib files from the server is. I don't see why it wouldn't work though and I don't think it would be rejected by Apple, but you never know.

API for server-side 3D rendering [closed]

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I'm working on an application that needs to quickly render simple 3D scenes on the server, and then return them as a JPEG via HTTP. Basically, I want to be able to simply include a dynamic 3D scene in an HTML page, by doing something like:
<img src="http://www.myserver.com/renderimage?scene=1&x=123&y=123&z=123">
My question is about what technologies to use to do the rendering. In a desktop application I would quite naturally use DirectX, but I'm afraid it might not be ideal for a server-side application that would be creating images for dozens or even hundreds of users in tandem. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there a 3D API (preferably freely available) that would be ideal for this application? Is it better to write a software renderer from scratch?
My main concerns about using DirectX or OpenGL, is whether it will function well in a virtualized server environment, and whether it makes sense with typical server hardware (over which I have little control).
RealityServer by mental images is designed to do precisely what is described here. More details are available on the product page (including a downloadable Developer Edition).
RealityServer docs
Id say your best bet is have a Direct3D/OpenGL app running on the server (without stopping). THen making the server page send a request to the rendering app, and have the rendering app snend a jpg/png/whatever back.
If Direct3D/OpenGL is to slow to render the scene in hardware, then any software solution will be worse
By keep the rendering app running, you are avoiding the overhead of creating/destroying textures, backbuffers, vertex buffers, etc. You could potentialy render a simply scene 100's of times a second.
However many servers do not have graphics cards. Direct3D is largly useless in software (there is an emulated device from Ms, but its only good for testing effects), never tried OpenGL in software.
You could wrap Pov-ray (here using POSIX and the Windows build). PHP example:
system("~janus/.wine/drive_c/POV-Ray-v3.7-RC6/bin/pvengine-sse2.exe /render demo.pov /exit");
header("Content-type: image/png");
fpassthru($f = fopen("demo.png","r"));
demo.pov available here.
You could use a templating language like Jinja2 to insert your own camera coordinates.
Server side rendering only makes sense if the scene consists of a huge number of objects such that the download of the data set to the client for client rendering would be far too slow and the rendering is not expected to be in realtime. Client side rendering isn't too difficult if you use something like jogl coupled with progressive scene download (i.e. download foreground objects and render, then incrementally download objects based on distance from view point and re-render).
If you really want to do server side rendering, you may want to separate the web server part and the rendering part onto two computers with each configured optimally for their task (renderer has OpenGL card, minimal HD and just enough RAM, server has lots of fast disks, lots of ram, backups and no OpenGL). I very much doubt you will be able to do hardware rendering on a virtualised server since the server probably doesn't have a GPU.
Not so much an API but rather a renderer; Povray? There also seem to exist a http interface...
You could also look at Java3D (https://java3d.dev.java.net/), which would be an elegant solution if your server architecture was Java-based already.
I'd also recommend trying to get away with a software-only rendering solution if you can - trying to wrangle a whole lot of server processes that are all making concurrent demands on the 3D rendering hardware sounds like a lot of work.
Yafaray (http://www.yafaray.org/) might be a good first choice to consider for general 3D rendering. It's reasonably fast and the results look great. It can be used within other software, e.g. the Blender 3D modeler. The license is LPGL.
If the server-side software happens to be written in Python, and the desired 3D scene is a visualization of scientific data, look into MayaVi2 http://mayavi.sourceforge.net/, or if not, go for a browse at http://www.vrplumber.com/py3d.py
Those who suggest the widely popular POV-Ray need to realize it's not a library or any kind of entity that offers an API. The server-side process would need to write a text scene file, execute a new process to run POV-Ray with the right options, and take the resulting image file. If that's easy to set up for a particular application, and if you've more expertise with POV-Ray than with other renderers, well go for it!
Check out wgpu.net.
I think it's very helpful.