Automapper and IoC - ioc-container

After reading the blog post by Jimmy Bogard on AutoMapper and IoC, I tried to implement something similar using Ninject as IoC. So what I understand from this is an IoC will provide a Singleton Instance for IConfiguration which you use to define object Mapping.
Dim config as IConfiguration = Kernel.Get(Of IConfiguration)
Config.CreateMap(Of Source, Destination)
So later I wrote a test to check what does the Mapper static class do different. In the following test I compare 2 different instance of IConfiguration and IMappingEngine and the test passed.
So I'm trying to find out whats the purpose of using IoC with AutoMapper when the Mapper static class does the same thing i.e. provide singleton instance of IConfiguration everytime.
Public Sub Test()
Dim c1 As IConfiguration = Mapper.Configuration
Dim c2 As IConfiguration = Mapper.Configuration
Dim e1 As IMappingEngine = Mapper.Engine
Dim e2 As IMappingEngine = Mapper.Engine
Assert.AreSame(c1, c2)
Assert.AreSame(e1, e2)
End Sub

If you have a component containing your mappings that is configured as a singleton, you can make sure that a component configured as transient get their dependencies (mappings) fulfilled by injecting the mapping component.
You wouldn't have to initialize the mappings elsewhere by any other means.
And if you have transient components, you would be sure that the mapping initialization code is run once since that component is configured as singleton and then injected.
I haven't done it like this myself (my components are mostly singletons), but it sounds like a pretty good idea.


When to instantiate the repository and which is the lifespan of it?

In DDD, is the application layer who uses the repository to get the data from database, call the methods of the domain and then call the repository to persists the data. Something like that:
public void MyApplicationService()
Order myOrder = _orderRepository.Get(1);
In this example the repository is a class variable that it is instantiate in the constructor of the service, so its life is the life of the class.
But I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to instantiate a repository for each action that I want to do, to have a shorter life, because if not, if I use the class for many actions, the repository will have many entities that perhaps it will not need more.
So I was thinking in a solution like this:
public void MyApplicationService()
OrderRepository myOrderRepository = new OrderRepository(_options);
Order myOrder = myOrderRepository.GetOrder(1);
So a new instance each time I need to do the action.
So in sumary, I would like to know about the differents solutions and the advantages and disadvanges to decide the lifespan of the repository.
The recommended lifespan of the repository is one business transaction.
Your second patch of code is correct in that aspect, however it has one drawback: you have created a strong dependency between the ApplicationService and OrderRepository classes. With your code, you are not able to isolate both class in order to unit test them separately. Also, you need to update the ApplicationService class whenever you change the constructor of the OrderRepository. If OrderRepository requires parameters to construct, then you have to construct them (which implies to reference their type and base types), despite this being an implementation detail of OrderRepository (needed for data persistence store access) and not needed for your application service layer.
For these reasons, most of modern program development rely on a pattern called Dependency Injection (DI). With DI, you specify that your ApplicationService class depends on an instance of the OrderRepository class, or better, an interface IOrderRepository whom the OrderRepository class implements. The dependency is declared by adding a parameter in the ApplicationService constructor:
public interface IOrderRepository : IDisposable
Order GetOrder(int id);
void Commit();
public class ApplicationService
private readonly OrderRepository orderRepository;
public ApplicationService(IOrderRepository orderRepository)
this.orderRepository = orderRepository ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(orderRepository));
public void Update(int id, string data)
Order myOrder = orderRepository.Get(id);
Now the DI library is responsible to construct OrderRepository and inject the instance in the ApplicationService class. If OrderRepository has its own dependencies, the library will resolve them first and construct the whole object graph so you don't have to do that yourself. You simply need to tell your DI library what specific implementation you want for each referenced interface. For example in C#:
public IServiceCollection AddServices(IServiceCollection services)
return services.AddScoped<IOrderRepository,OrderRepository>();
When unit testing your code, you can replace the actual implementation of OrderRepository with a mock object, such as Mock<IOrderRepository> or your own MockOrderRepository implementation. The code under test is then exactly the code in production, all wiring being done by the DI framework.
Most modern DI libraries have support for object lifetime management, including transient (always resolve a new object), singleton (always reuse the same object), or scoped (each scope has a single instance). The latter is what is used to isolate objects instance per business transaction, using a singleton ScopeFactory to create scopes whenever you start a business transaction:
public class UpdateOrderUseCase : UseCase
private readonly IScopeFactory scopeFactory;
public UpdateOrderUseCase(IScopeFactory scopeFactory) // redacted
public void UpdateOrder(int id, string data)
using var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope();
var orderRepository = scope.GetService<IOrderRepository>();
var order = orderRepository.Get(id);
// disposing the scope will also dispose the object graph
When you implement a REST service, that transaction usually corresponds to one HTTP request. Modern frameworks, such as core, will automatically create scopes per HTTP request and use that to resolve your dependency graph later in the framework internals. This means you don't even have to handle the ScopeFactory yourself.

How to receive IHubContext out of Dependency Injected classes?

I want to send message from Service A using SignalR when some event occures (for example, message from Service B received).
So hub method needs to be called from some sort of handler, that not constructed using Dependency Injection. How I can do this?
So far, I tried and read about the following things:
I can inject context into Controller and lead it to my handler. I probably can do that, but passing hub context from the top (controller class) to the bottom (handler class) is not the best approach, which adds a lot of dependencies to the classes that should not be aware of this context, so I would like to avoid that.
I can inject my IHubContext in "any" class, but then, the thing is, how to get an instance of that class on my handler?
Add Static method to class with injected context!? Well, that works until you have 1 client because with new client static property is going to be overwritten.
So I cannot imagine, how handler can use dependency injected IHubContext.
Probably, someone did that before and have an example of how to truly inject context into any class.
Thank you in advance and any additional information will be provided, if necessary.
Answer 1
Here is one possible solution. Implement a factory pattern. Create a factory that knows how to create your handler. Inject the IHubContext in the factory. You can use a few approaches that way:
Construct the Handler by passing in the IHubContext
Create a public property in the Handler and set the IHubContext
Create a method in the Handler and pass the IHubContext as a parameter
You can decide whichever approach suits you. Inject that factory in the controller via DI, and get the handler using the factory method. That way you are not exposing the IHubContext. Please see the code below
public interface IHandlerFactory
Handler CreateHandler();
public class HandlerFactory : IHandlerFactory
private IHubContext _hubContext;
public HandlerFactory(IHubContext context)
_hubContext = context;
public Handler CreateHandler()
return new Handler(param1, param2, _context);
Then in the entry point, controller/service, inject the factory via DI
public class MyController : Controller
private Handler _handler;
public MyController(IHandlerFactory factory)
_handler = factory.CreateHandler();
Then you can use that _handler in the other methods. I hope this helps.
Answer 2
Another possible solution is to use IHostedService if it's possible at all for you. Please see a solution to a GitHub issue, provided by David Fowler here, that I think somewhat relevant to your scenario.

Ninject Factory - "new" object being passed in instead of one called in factory method

I am using the Ninject Factory Extensions so that I can create objects that have services injected plus custom values
public interface IGameOperationsFactory
ISpinEvaluator Create(GameArtifact game);
IReelSpinner CreateSpinner(GameArtifact game);
Then in module:
The actual factory gets injected in a classes' constructor and is then used like:
_spinner = _factory.CreateSpinner(_artifact);
_spinEval = _factory.Create(_artifact);
Where _artifact is of type GameArtifact
Then in each of the implementation's constructors services plus the passed in objects are injected. The GameArtifact is successfully passed in the first constructor, and in the second one a "new" GameArtifact is passed in, i.e. not a null one but one with just default values as if the framework just called
new GameArtifact()
instead of passing in the already existing one!
The Constructor for the two objects is very similar, but the one that doesn't work looks like:
public DefaultReelSpinnerImpl(GameArtifact ga, IGameOperationsFactory factory, IRandomService serv)
_rand = serv;
_ra = ga.Reels;
_mainReels = factory.Create(_ra);
_winLine = ga.Config.WinLine;
Where the factory and serv are injected by Ninject and ga is SUPPOSED to be passed in via the factory.
Anyone have a clue why a new "fresh" object is passed in rather than the one I passed in??
I have rewritten you sample a little bit, and it seems to work fine. Could you provide more detailed code sample?
My implementation
I have changed verb Create to Get to match Ninject conventions
public interface IGameOperationsFactory
ISpinEvaluator GetSpinEvaluator(GameArtifact gameArtifact);
IReelSpinner GetReelSpinner(GameArtifact gameArtifact);
Ninject configuration
I have added named bindings to configure factory
ps: full sample with tests c# Automap a class from within that class

To best describe what I want to happen, i'll show what i'm doing, as to me it makes sense that this would work ...
public class foo()
public foo()
MyContext db = new MyContext();
foobar = db.foobar.first();
this = Mapper.Map<bar, foo>(foobar);
Basically, I want to use automapper within the destination class to map from the source class within the destination classes constructor.
Is there a way to do this?
You cannot do this because this is read only in C#. You cannot assign this a value in the constructor. Not cool to try to change the reference of an object in its constructor. You will have to do the mapping manually and assign each individual property. I would also question if it as a good practice to assign an object values from a database or service in a default constructor. It is not very transparent to the user of the object what is going on and you can get an exception in your constructor.

Late binding with Ninject

I'm working on a framework extension which handles dynamic injection using Ninject as the IoC container, but I'm having some trouble trying to work out how to achieve this.
The expectation of my framework is that you'll pass in the IModule(s) so it can easily be used in MVC, WebForms, etc. So I have the class structured like this:
public class NinjectFactory : IFactory, IDisposable {
readonly IKernel kernel;
public NinjectFactory(IModule[] modules) {
kernel = new StandardKernel(modules);
This is fine, I can create an instance in a Unit Test and pass in a basic implementation of IModule (using the build in InlineModule which seems to be recommended for testing).
The problem is that it's not until runtime that I know the type(s) I need to inject, and they are requested through the framework I'm extending, in a method like this:
public IInterface Create(Type neededType) {
And here's where I'm stumped, I'm not sure the best way to check->create (if required)->return, I have this so far:
public IInterface Create(Type neededType) {
if(!kernel.Components.Has(neededType)) {
kernel.Components.Connect(neededType, new StandardBindingFactory());
This adds it to the components collection, but I can't work out if it's created an instance or how I create an instance and pass in arguments for the .ctor.
Am I going about this the right way, or is Ninject not even meant to be be used that way?
Unless you want to alter or extend the internals of Ninject, you don't need to add anything to the Components collection on the kernel. To determine if a binding is available for a type, you can do something like this:
Type neededType = ...;
IKernel kernel = ...;
var registry = kernel.Components.Get<IBindingRegistry>();
if (registry.Has(neededType)) {
// Ninject can activate the type
Very very late answer but Microsoft.Practices.Unity allows Late Binding via App.Config
Just in case someone comes across this question