Custom NSWindow drawing - objective-c

I want to draw a custom NSWindow that allows me to add subviews even on top of the top bar ( where the traffic light buttons are and the title bar ).
When I use a transparent window and use a custom view to mimic a NSWindow I need to implement so many things by myself that I thought there should be a better way of achieving this.

Apple has two custom window sample projects: RoundTransparentWindow and FunkyOverlayWindow (this one is old, though!). Cocoa With Love has an tutorial article, and be sure to read the article linked at the bottom, about custom drawing in window frames.

[[[super contentView] superview] addSubview:subview];
Does the trick, simply give it the rgiht frame to position it.

#antwan Check out the discussion on github for INAppStoreWindow


Drawing a Bar in iPhone / iPad

How can I draw a simple BAR?
Like this:
Thank you.
You'll want to make a UIToolbar, put it at the bottom of your XIB, and put some buttons on it. Now, this will by default give you a regular black bar, with that standard black gloss. If you want to have a custom image, there are two solutions.
First is simply subclass UIToolbar and override its drawRect to draw a custom image. The code for overriding drawRect would look something like this:
//in some other code somewhere, preferably on init
self.image = [UIImage imageNamed: #"image"];
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
[self.image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)];
Now, in iOS 5.0 there is something very useful called appearance but you have to be willing to only target 5.x+ iOS versions.
The second, which is simpler but less versatile, is to simply stick a UIImageView at the bottom of the XIB, and place some buttons on top of it. This is much easier than above, but is less extensible, is harder to modify, and is frowned upon in iOS for good reason - it breaks general iOS conventions (and you lose some very useful functionality).
Crimson has a nice idea but since his/her answer requires using UIToolbar, I'll offer an alternative:
Basically what you are showing there is some kind of progress bar, so ultimately whatever you want to display should be something subclassed from UIControl or even better, UIProgressView or maybe a UISlider.
Google around for custom progress view indicators or sliders. There are also good examples available here on Stackoverflow.

The right way to make a custom UITabBar inside UITabBarController

I'm trying to create an app with UITabBarController, in order to use Cocoa's own memory and view controllers management for switching between different view controllers.
However I do need to make a very custom UITabBar, which after much Googling I found out is not possible. Several things are not possible with original UITabBar:
changing position and size of the TabBar,
adding custom (non-tab) elements to the toolbar, such as search/dropdown
Is there any "legal" method of completely changing the design/subviews of TabBar but in the same time making use of UITabBarController and still getting app approved by Apple?
Thank you for your help.
About changing the size you can extend UITabBar and overwrite the function sizeThatFits.
I'm sorry for not having an answer for the other points.
- (CGSize)sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size {
CGSize auxSize = size;
auxSize.height = 54; // Put here the new height you want
return auxSize;
I will tell you as soon as I will discover it.
Not much can be customized in tabbar but there are some good examples :-
Custom Tabbar by iDevRecipes
Custom TabBar by brianCollins
It might not be exactly what you need but will give you direction.

MAAttachedWindow for NSStatusItem without a custom view

I have a simple app that has a NSStatusItem, which only displays an icon.
I would now like to add functionality that would make a MAAttachedWindow appear under the NSStatusItem.
I saw the demo code Matt Gemmel provided; the code he uses to make the MAAttachedWindow appear under the NSStatusItem is:
NSRect frame = [[self window] frame];
NSPoint pt = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(frame), NSMinY(frame));
[controller toggleAttachedWindowAtPoint:pt];
The above is done in the custom view of the NSStatusItem. However, my NSStatusItem has no custom view. How can I add the MAAttachedWindow in my case?
You can't afaik. You have to have a way to get coordinates to attach the window to, and the only way i've been able to get that to work is to use a custom view so you can get the coordinates on mouse down and the only way i've seen is to use your own view. Anything else would probably be a little hacky unless there is some way to get the view for a status item without a custom view and it wouldn't be good to display the MSAttachedWindow and a menu.
I just settled on doing a NSStatusitem with a custom view and faking selection by drawing a background gradient when its selected.
Have you considered using NSPopover ?

NSWindow with custom shadow

I want to draw a custom shadow on an NSWindow-Object.
Is there a way to do this by passing an own NSShadow-Object to NSWindow? Or a (private) method, where I can put my own drawing code?
Don't. You shouldn't alter the look of the window. Changing the look of UI is only allowed for Apple. Normal apps should use the standard one.
That said, there's a way, if you really insist on doing that. You can't just attach an NSShadow, unfortunately. Also, as far as I understand, there's no private method which draw the shadow. That's done by the Window Server, not by the app.
But you can ask the window server not to add the shadow. Have you noticed that in the Interface Builder, there's an option suppressing the shadow of a given window? That corresponds to the property hasShadow of an NSWindow.
After suppressing the shadow, you just need to draw everything by yourself. A nice sample code that does the custom window drawing is available at ADC, so have a look at it.

UIImageView on top of another UIImageView, changeing layers

Afternoon, I have a UIImageView that I progmatically add to the window. Infact I have multiple UIImageViews that do so and when I click on any specific UIImageView I want it to become 'top-dog' so to say and be drawn over all other objects on the screen. Basically like the priority drawing for MSWindows operating systems when it comes to their windows. I've scoured all the options built in for UIImageViews when it comes to layering but I cannot seem to find any! I know it exists because in UIBuilder there is a command for sending back/front toBack/toFront. How do I access these progmatically?
Also I fear that you might have to access the order in which the subViews are pushed into the 'subView stack' and manually move these around to achieve the result that I want and if so, how would I go about doing this?
Perhapse these are the functions I'm looking for?
Does this allow for easy Index shuffling?
UIView class has bringSubviewToFront: and sendSubviewToBack: for changing subviews z-order (see "Managing the View Hierarchy" section in class reference for more).