Declaring global variable with php.ini - variables

Is it possible to keep variables in php.ini file. Like that we do with the web.config in .net. I like to keep a flag type variable in the php.ini and use it to different projects.

It's not possible to set user-level variables within a plain php.ini file (or the .htaccess equivilents). There are some PECL modules that do allow that, such as hidef ( - though these would need to be installed on every installation you use.
Including (or pre-including) a file with auto_prepend_file is quite possible - though that would be on every PHP request.
What is frequently done is setting an environment variable as part of the webserver process, which can be read from PHP. In Apache this is quite easy, with the SetEnv module.
And accessing it in PHP:
if ($_ENV['PRODUCTION_SERVER']) {...} // or getenv('PRODUCTION_SERVER')

Have you looked at get_cfg_var()?
I needed to do something similar, and this was able to do it for me.

You could use the auto_prepend_file directive to automatically include a file that said, although as it uses the include_path, you'd need to specify the full path.
However, it's probably more transparent just to explicitly include/require the relevant file.

One technique that I have found useful for passing a limited number of global variables to a bootstrap script is to take advantage of the SetEnv directive in an .htaccess file. The advantage is that the variable you set will be made available to any script in that directory, plus any scripts in child directories under it.
You could use a SetEnv varibale with the location of a configuration file, such as:
in .htaccess:
SetEnv init_path /home/hendepher/TestApp/init/init.php
In your .php scipt:
if(!getenv('init_path')) throw new Exception('Must set init_path in .htaccess');
require_once getenv('init_path');
If you have a test directory that requires different initialization o global variables, simply add another .htaccess file in your test directory:
SetEnv init_path /home/hendepher/TestApp/init/testing_init.php
Doing it this way, as opposed to using the 'auto_prepend_file' directive, is that your global configuration script is not run by all the php applications on your server: some may not need it.

The accepted answere also worked for me, with one change.
I didn't test this on earlier versions, but in my environment (php 5.4.22) this doesn't show up in $_ENV, but rather in $_SERVER.
In my .htacess file:
My php code:

I don't think that's a good place to store variables. php.ini is for storing configuration for PHP itself not your applications. You should consider putting the shared variables into a .inc file and including that instead.

Have you considered hidef?
Allow definition of user defined constants in simple ini files,
which are then processed like internal constants, without any
of the usual performance penalties.

Complementing #Ascherer answer, use get_cfg_var() to save custom variables in custom php.ini (variable created by you, not an official PHP ini directive). For example:
In php.ini: custom_variable = "abcde"
In any php script: get_cfg_var('custom_variable') returns abcde
I use this in in a small project in local dev. As I run the local server via php -S localhost:8000 -c php.ini (not running an Apache server locally), it's a good option to call some configuration constants. In production, these constants are set in .htaccess.


Windows 10 - Apache 2.4.53 + PHP 8.0.19 not loading php modules [duplicate]

I have found that:
When I type the following on terminal:
php -i | grep php.ini
I get the output:
The Loaded Configuration file is # /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
However, from phpinfo(), I get to see:
The loaded ini file is # /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
Which one of these is working right now? How is it possible to have two php.ini files ?
Depends on where you are running PHP from. If you run it from command line, it uses the cli/php.ini and apache2/php.ini when run through apache.
You are executing phpinfo() through the browser, hence you get /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini as the answer. Running php -r "phpinfo();" | grep "Loaded Configuration" from the terminal should output the CLI ini. Same function, context changes.
The advantage of this system is obviously to allow different configurations depending on the context. For a simplified example, you might want to have safe_mode on in apache but it's unnecessary in CLI mode.
Your .ini paths are actually quite unusual. Normally, the default .ini is just php.ini and CLI .ini is called php-cli.ini and they reside in the same folder.
I'm no expert on the subject but this should be the basic idea. If anyone has any corrections, I'd be happy to hear them.

Php extension not loaded

Using a .user.ini file with (or I'm trying unsuccessfully to load the relevant module: in the phpinfo() page of Php 7.1 (or even Php5.4) the module is never shown.
1) The .user.ini file is working correctly because I'm able to modify the variable memory_limit.
2) The phpinfo() function correctly shows the extension_dir folder containing .so extensions that I want to load (in the php.ini file this variable is not present, however).
3) The php error log contains no message.
Every suggestion is welcome.
The .user.ini files can only set certain PHP ini settings. It just so happens that the extension setting is not one of them. In fact, according to the manual, the extension setting is only valid in the core php.ini file. So put the in your main php.ini file.
As a side note: I use Ubuntu/Debian for most of what I do with PHP. The standard PHP distro that is available through the Debian package archives has extra code compiled into it that allows for a distributed configuration. The way this works is the SAPI module scans a conf.d directory and includes any ini files. Typically when you package an external PHP extension for Debian (which I might add is a pain - I've done it for my own extensions) you include a little ini file that includes the extension (e.g. The package installs it in the distributed config directory and it is included into the php.ini file when PHP spins up. Perhaps you meant to install a Debian-based config like this?
Another side note: Since you are probably using a CGI SAPI and might want different sites to load different modules (exclusively), you could perhaps look into getting the Web server to point the CGI PHP at a different php.ini file. I'm just presuming you want to achieve something like this. However loading modules for certain directories using .user.ini files is just not possible.
Try disable or configure selinux. Check selinux audit log.

How do I add a directory to the perl include path from an apache config file?

I am on centos using apache and mod_perl 2, and I have a PerlRequire directive in my apache config file to specify my mod_perl startup file:
However, when I try to start apache, mod_perl cannot find in its perl include path. The apache error log says:
[error] Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 . /etc/httpd) at (eval 2) line 1.
The mod_perl 2 documentation says that there is that there is a PerlSetEnv directive that can be used to set an environment variable, and the PERL5LIB environment variable can be set for this purpose, as explained here:
But if the PERL5LIB variable has already been set, then I do not want to clobber the previous setting, I would instead want to add another directory to it. What directive can I use in my apache config file to add a directory to the perl include path (#INC) without clobbering its previous contents?
EDIT: The answer by #jm666 to use "PerlSwitches -I/some/other/path" in the apache config sounds like the right answer, though another possibility is to use the full path of in my PerlRequire directive. However, the other suggested answer to do it from will not work, because it is that mod_perl cannot find.
You can do it from your like:
use lib qw(/some/other/path);
From the doc for the lib pragma
It is typically used to add extra directories to perl's search path so
that later use or require statements will find modules which are not
located on perl's default search path.
The parameters to use lib are added to the start of the perl search
path. Saying
use lib LIST;
is almost the same as saying
BEGIN { unshift(#INC, LIST) }
Or, you can do this from the httpd.conf, with the
PerlSwitches -I/some/other/path

How do I configure Mercurial to use environment variables in mercurial.ini

How can I modify the mercurial.ini file to include an environment variable such as %userprofile%.
Specific situation:
I am learning to use Mercurial. I have modified the [ui] section of Mercurial.ini (in my home path) to include:
ignore = c:\users\user\.hgignore
Where user is my username literal. The .hgignore file includes filename filters that are used to ignore files during commit. How can I alter it from being the a literal user to an environment variable $user?
It won't interpolate environment variables in the hgrc, but I do believe that tilda expands to your home/profile directory correctly even on windows.
ignore = ~/.hgignore
should work on windows and elsewhere (even the slashes get spun the wrong way automatically for you).
For other variables you'd need to get a little tricker and write a batch/cmd file that does the interpolation in advance and then hands the result off to mercurial for processing.
The mercurial.ini parses the environment variables just fine.
From my mercurial.ini:
ignore = %USERPROFILE%/.hgignore
Works like a charm. Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Mercurial 1.5 (binary installation). The hgignore file is honored both my the command line hg.exe, and tortoiseHG.

What can change the include_path between php.ini and a PHP file

I've inherited some code on a system that I didn't setup, and I'm running into a problem tracking down where the PHP include path is being set.
I have a php.ini file with the following include_path
include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php"
I have a PHP file in the webroot named test.php with the following phpinfo call
When I take a look at the the phpinfo call, the local values for the include_path is being overridden
Local Value Master Value
include_path .;C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\ .:/usr/local/lib/php
Additionally, the php.ini files indicates no additional .ini files are being loaded
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/lib
Loaded Configuration File /usr/local/lib/php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files (none)
additional .ini files parsed (none)
So, my question is, what else in a standard PHP system (include some PEAR libraries) could be overriding the include_path between php.ini and actual php code being interpreted/executed.
Outisde of the PHP ways
ini_set( 'include_path', 'new/path' );
// or
set_include_path( 'new/path' );
Which could be loaded in a PHP file via auto_prepend_file, an .htaccess file can do do it as well
phpvalue include_path new/path
There are several reasons why you are getting there weird results.
include_path overridden somewhere in your php code. Check your code whether it contains set_include_path() call. With this function you can customise include path. If you want to retain current path just concatenate string . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()
include_path overridden in .htaccess file. Check if there are any php_value or php_flag directives adding dodgy paths
non-standard configuration file in php interpreter. It is very unlikely, however possible, that your php process has been started with custom php.ini file passed. Check your web server setup and/or php distribution to see what is the expected location of php.ini. Maybe you are looking at wrong one.
An .htaccess file or Apache's configuration (httpd.conf) could also be responsible.
Check for anything that looks like the following:
php_value include_path something
More information about that behavior here:
PHP: How to change configuration settings
The other option would be the use of ini_set() or set_include_path() somewhere, but considering that your test.php only contains phpinfo() (and assuming that test.php is called directly), I doubt that is your problem.