How can I dynamically select my Table at runtime with Dynamic LINQ -

I'm developing an application to allow engineers to conduct simple single table/view queries against our databases by selecting Database, Table, Fields.
I get how to use the Dynamic LINQ Library Sample to provide for dynamically selecting the Select, Where and Order by Clauses at runtime but I'm at an impass on how to allot for table choice.
Is there a way to provide for dynamically selecting the "from" table at run time, and if how could you provide some concrete example or point me in the direction of someone who has?
Thank You ever so much.
So Both of the answers seem to be saying the same general Idea. I'm going to try to convert the C# into VB and get it to work.
The first answer converts to
NotInheritable Class DataContextExtensions
Private Sub New()
End Sub
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
Public Shared Function GetTableByName(context As DataContext, tableName As String) As ITable
If context Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("context")
End If
If tableName Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("tableName")
End If
Return DirectCast(context.[GetType]().GetProperty(tableName).GetValue(context, Nothing), ITable)
End Function
End Class
but it's tossing me an Error stating that Extension methods can be defined only in modules.
But when I wrap it in module tags it still gives the same error.
So I got it to compile by wrapping it in Module Tags and stripping the class tags. Also I can pull the last line out of it and shove that directly into my base method which allows my to execute it but, it seems to be coming back empty. When I try to enumerate the results there are none. Not sure if this is my codes problem or the new codes issue, I'll test more.
Here's my conversion of the second Example, Now I'm off to try to see if I can get them to work. I'll be back with questions or results after some testing.
'get the table from a type (which corresponds to a table in your context)
Dim dataContextNamespace = "My.DataContext.Namespace"
Dim type = Type.[GetType](dataContextNamespace + tableName)
Dim table = dc.GetTable(type
'add where clauses from a list of them
For Each whereClause As String In whereClauses
table = table.Where(whereClause)
'generate the select clause from a list of columns
Dim query = table.[Select]([String].Format("new({0})"), [String].Join(",", selectColumns))
Thanks for the help. BBL

See Get table-data from table-name in LINQ DataContext.
This is probably actually better done by using direct SQL statements. LINQ will just get in your way.
VB Conversion:
NotInheritable Class DataContextExtensions
Private Sub New()
End Sub
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
Public Shared Function GetTableByName(context As DataContext, tableName As String) As ITable
If context Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("context")
End If
If tableName Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("tableName")
End If
Return DirectCast(context.[GetType]().GetProperty(tableName).GetValue(context, Nothing), ITable)
End Function
End Class
Dim myDataContext as New MyCustomDataContext

You can use GetTable() to get the corresponding ITable of your data. Then coupled with using DLINQ, making it relatively easy.
This example uses the AdventureWorks database. My project has the context defined in the DatabaseTest assembly in the DatabaseTest.AdventureWorks namespace.
'' need my database and DLINQ extensions up top
Imports DatabaseTest.AdventureWorks
Imports System.Linq.Dynamic
'' sample inputs
Dim dc = New AdventureWorksDataContext()
Dim tableName = "Contact"
Dim whereClauses() = {"FirstName = ""John"" OR LastName = ""Smith"""}
Dim selectColumns() = {"FirstName", "LastName"}
'' get the table from a type (which corresponds to a table in your database)
Dim typeName = "DatabaseTest.AdventureWorks." & tableName & ", DatabaseTest"
Dim entityType = Type.GetType(typeName)
Dim table = dc.GetTable(entityType)
Dim query As IQueryable = table
'' add where clauses from a list of them
For Each whereClause As String In whereClauses
query = query.Where(whereClause)
'' generate the select clause from a list of columns
query = query.Select(String.Format("new({0})", String.Join(",", selectColumns)))
In retrospect, using reflection might have been the easier way to get the table since you have the name already. But then the names might not have a 1-to-1 correspondence so you'll have to compensate for it.
Dim table As ITable = dc.GetType().GetProperty(tableName & "s").GetValue(dc, Nothing)


Nodes with variables

I'm not a experience programmer so I'm struggling with some code related to treeview node implementation:
My goal is to implement a hierarchical and editable structure related to a "Bill of Materials" (e.g. a house has a foundation, walls, roof,.. and walls has stones, plaster,....)
The number of levels of this hierarchical structure is (per definition) unknown.
I'm able to populate a treeview(1) with SQL data to multiple but a fixed number of levels.
The code I've implemented:
TreeView1.Nodes.Add(var01, var01).Nodes.Add(var02, var02) (example 2 levels)
where var01 and var02 the names within the structure are (e.g. House-Wall). The Node structure is build using a "for - next loop"
Officious by adding ".Nodes.Add(varXX, varXX)" I'm able to extend the level of the structure.
My goal however is to implement "the adding of .Nodes.Add(varXX, varXX)" through a loop make the number of hierarchical levels flexible.
I tried to convert Treeview1.Nodes... to a string and build a (overall) string through a loop. Then I tried to convert this string to the treeview control. This principle doesn't unfortunately work.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Try something like this:
Public Function GetBOMTree() As TreeNode
Dim BOMTable As DataTable
' Assuming your hierarchy is small enough to do a full table load into BOMTable, put your SQL statements here
Dim BOMDictionary = BOMTable.Rows.Cast(Of DataRow) _ ' Assumed to be a data table
.Where(Function(F) F.Item("ParentKey").GetType IsNot GetType(DBNull)) _
.GroupBy(Function(F) CInt(F.Item("ParentKey"))) _ ' Assuming integer keys
.ToDictionary(Function(F) F.Key)
Dim Root = BOMTable.Rows.Cast(Of DataRow) _
.Where(Function(F) F.Item("ParentKey").GetType Is GetType(DBNull)) _
If Root IsNot Nothing Then
Dim GetTree As Func(Of DataRow, TreeNode) = ' The "as Func" is necessary to allow recursion
Function(D As DataRow) As TreeNode
Dim Result As New TreeNode
Dim Key = CInt(D.Item("PrimaryKey"))
Result.Tag = Key
Result.Text = CStr(D.Item("Description"))
If BOMDictionary.ContainsKey(Key) Then
Dim Children = BOMDictionary.Item(Key)
For Each Child In Children.OrderBy(function(F) cstr(f.item("Description")))
End If
Return Result
End Function
Return GetTree(Root)
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
The way this works is using a little recursion, and some LINQ to objects to get an initial dictionary. I've made the assumption that your hierarchy is in you table and not an external table, but if it's external, you can modify what you see here to make it work. I've assumed integer keys. Code is trivial to modify if you are using GUID's, just cast appropriately.

T-SQL procedure - filter parameter as Object/CLR/Xml/UDT

Cliffs: Is there a known pattern for passing a standard "filter" type to a stored procedure to encapsulate stardate/enddate/pagesize/pagenum parameters?
Not sure the correct place for this question. I'm exploring the idea of passing a filtering object parameter to a stored procedure which encapsulates our common filtering parameters (startdate, enddate, pagenumber, pagesize, list of int's, etc). The reason for this is to reduce the amount of similar parameters and boilerplate SQL spread around our procedures. This would give us a more standard interface and starting point for each procedure right from the start. I haven't been able to find much info on the topic.
Pattern I've noticed - when first building most SP's they start with a single id parameter used in the where clause. At some point later, you may need to add parameters for date range parameters (startdate, enddate or dynamic ranges "ytd, mtd, dtd"). If the data set is large enough you also may need to introduce pagesize/pagenum for server side paging. After some time you may realize that you need results for a list of id's rather than a single id, so you add a CSV or XML parameter to envelope the IDs.
Ultimately many stored procedures end up with a lot of similar boilerplate and (hopefully) identical parameters for handling these standard filtering parameters. I'm trying to research known patterns for passing an encapsulated filter object parameter to my procedures, that ideally would be strongly typed on the C# side. This would be particularly useful when managing a group of procedures that power reports which all require the same filtering options (in addition to the report-specific query parameters).
My goal is to reduce the number of parameters required to the bare minimum needed for the WHERE clause, and create a standard mechanism for passing the generic filtering options into a procedure and using those values while inside a procedure. How could this be achieved through XML or CLR or UDT parameters?
For context of this question, I'm using SQL Server 2008 via ADO.Net from C# 2.0. Unfortunately LINQ/EF is not an option for this project at this point, and we must stick with our existing RDBMS. If there is a known pattern that requires changing technologies I would be interested in hearing about it.
Edit: Appreciate the replies so far. I've added a bounty for 50pts that I'll let run for a few more days to try to promote some more discussion. If my question isn't clear enough just leave a comment..
I personally think that you're overthinking or trying to reduce something that doesn't need to be reduced. You're probably better off leaving stored procedure parameters alone, or trying to create some base classes and helper functions that can append sets of parameters to a command object.
However, that being said, I'll throw a solution to your question out there and see if it fits your needs:
I suggest using TSQL user defined types. Create one or more types. Maybe one for date ranges, and one for paging and sorting. I use a similar process for passing multi-row data to stored procedures. (Some of this code might need to be tweaked a bit, as I'm just modifying some code I've already written and I haven't worked with DataTable fields in quite some time.)
Ultimately, all this does is shorten the list of parameters in the application method and matching stored procedure. The stored procedure would be responsible for extracting or joining the information in the table variable. The classes listed below do provide the ability to keep these parameters strongly typed on the .NET application side.
if not exists (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS where DOMAIN_SCHEMA = 'dbo' and DOMAIN_NAME = 'DateRange' and DATA_TYPE = 'table type')
create type dbo.DateRange as table
StartDate datetime2 null
,EndDate datetime2 null
if not exists (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS where DOMAIN_SCHEMA = 'dbo' and DOMAIN_NAME = 'Paging' and DATA_TYPE = 'table type')
create type dbo.Paging as table
PageNumber int null
,PageSize int null
,SortField sysname null
,SortDirection varchar(4) null
The SQL user defined types can be represented as strongly typed objects in a .NET application. Start with a base class:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Namespace SqlTypes
<Serializable()> _
<System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("Code")> _
Public MustInherit Class SqlTableTypeBase
Inherits DataTable
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal tableName As String)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal tableNamespace As String)
MyBase.New(tableName, tableNamespace)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, ByVal context As StreamingContext)
MyBase.New(info, context)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Implement this method to create the columns in the data table to match the SQL server user defined table type
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Protected MustOverride Sub Initialize()
Public Function CreateParameter(parameterName As String) As SqlParameter
Dim p As New SqlParameter(parameterName, SqlDbType.Structured)
p.Value = Me
Return p
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Create an implementation for the SQL types:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Namespace SqlTypes
<Serializable()> _
<System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("Code")> _
Public Class DateRange
Inherits SqlTableTypeBase
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal tableName As String)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal tableNamespace As String)
MyBase.New(tableName, tableNamespace)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, ByVal context As StreamingContext)
MyBase.New(info, context)
End Sub
'TODO: throw some more overloaded constructors in here...
Public Sub New(startDate As DateTime?, endDate As DateTime?)
Me.StartDate = startDate
Me.EndDate = endDate
End Sub
Public Property StartDate As DateTime?
Return CType(Me.Rows(0)(0), DateTime?)
End Get
Set(value As DateTime?)
Me.Rows(0)(0) = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property EndDate As DateTime?
Return CType(Me.Rows(0)(1), DateTime?)
End Get
Set(value As DateTime?)
Me.Rows(0)(1) = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub Initialize()
Me.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("StartDate", GetType(DateTime?)))
Me.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("EndDate", GetType(DateTime?)))
Me.Rows.Add({Nothing, Nothing})
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Namespace SqlTypes
<Serializable()> _
<System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("Code")> _
Public Class Paging
Inherits SqlTableTypeBase
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal tableName As String)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal tableNamespace As String)
MyBase.New(tableName, tableNamespace)
End Sub
Protected Sub New(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, ByVal context As StreamingContext)
MyBase.New(info, context)
End Sub
'TODO: throw some more overloaded constructors in here...
Public Sub New(pageNumber As Integer?, pageSize As Integer?)
Me.PageNumber = pageNumber
Me.PageSize = pageSize
End Sub
Public Sub New(sortField As String, sortDirection As String)
Me.SortField = sortField
Me.SortDirection = sortDirection
End Sub
Public Sub New(pageNumber As Integer?, pageSize As Integer?, sortField As String, sortDirection As String)
Me.New(pageNumber, pageSize)
Me.SortField = sortField
Me.SortDirection = sortDirection
End Sub
Public Property PageNumber As Integer?
Return CType(Me.Rows(0)(0), Integer?)
End Get
Set(value As Integer?)
Me.Rows(0)(0) = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property PageSize As Integer?
Return CType(Me.Rows(0)(1), Integer?)
End Get
Set(value As Integer?)
Me.Rows(0)(1) = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property SortField As String
Return CType(Me.Rows(0)(2), String)
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me.Rows(0)(2) = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property SortDirection As String
Return CType(Me.Rows(0)(3), String)
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me.Rows(0)(3) = value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub Initialize()
Me.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("PageNumber", GetType(Integer?)))
Me.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("PageSize", GetType(Integer?)))
Me.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("SortField", GetType(String)))
Me.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("SortDirection", GetType(String)))
Me.Rows.Add({Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing})
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Instantiate the objects and set the values in the constructor, then simply get the parameter from the object, and append it to the stored procedure command object's parameter collection.
cmd.Parameters.Add(New DateRange(startDate, endDate).CreateParameter("DateRangeParams"))
cmd.Parameters.Add(New Paging(pageNumber, pageSize).CreateParameter("PagingParams"))
Since this answer revolves around the strong typing, I thought I should add an example of strong typing in the method signature:
'method signature with UDTs
Public Function GetMyReport(customParam1 as Integer, timeFrame as DateRange, pages as Paging) as IDataReader
'method signature without UDTs
Public Function GetMyReport(customParam1 as Integer, startDate as DateTime, endDate as DateTime, pageNumber as Integer, pageSize as Integer)
We also faced this problem. Solved by creating a user defined table type on the Programmability/Type section on the database.
user defined table types SQL Server 2008 R2
This table is used across all the appl when calling different stored procedures and functions. We fill in this table programmatically on the appl client side ( 2010) and then pass it as parameter. On the stored procedure we just read the table and do what ever we need to do, filtering, processing, etc. Hope this helps.
In my opinion there is no really beautiful solution for this problem. The biggest problem is that most often some of the parameters can be null, but some not (don't care if parameters comes from table valued parameter or XML parameter). Then it ends up with SQL similar to this:
Declare #Col1Value int = null
Declare #Col2Value int = null
Select *
From dbo.MyTable
where (#Col1Value is Null Or Col1 = #Col1Value)
And (#Col2Value is Null Or Col2 = #Col2Value)
Of course, its not efficient + query plan is by far not the best..
To solve the problem dynamic SQL could help a lot. In that case though should consider user rights very carefully (may use Execute As someProxyUser, Certificates).
It could be possible then to make procedures with one input XML parameter, where you pass all parameters you need and then generate SQL.. But still- it not very nice way to do things, because when SQL becomes more complicated there is lots of coding involved.. For example, if you select data from multiple tables and there is the same column in more than one of them..
To summarize i don't think there is nice and elegant solutions for this problem.. Use entity framework and classical way of passing parameters :).
I would use XML as a parameter and add some UDF's to help unpacking the the parts of the XML you are interested in. Scalar valued UDF's for single value parameters and Table valued UDF's for lists.
Embedding XML in the query has a tendency to confuse the query optimizer and using UDF's can be a performance killer if it ends up in a where clause or a join so I would not use the XML or the UDF's in the query itself. I would first get the values from the XML to local variables, table variables or temp tables and then use those in the query.
I faced a similar situation and I found that UDT's worked pretty much perfectly. We started with a very similar problem : "get data for this account" and then it became "get data for these accounts", then "with these criteria" etc. We used UDT's instead of passing XML strings - once you get into an SP, you can join directly off of the UDT, and UDT's are supported by ADO.NET, so it's nice and simple. We were passing in hundreds of thousands of rows into our SP's from the UDT's (massive upserts) and performance did not become an issue with one exception: don't ever try to trace a query when you're sending that many rows in - the thread scheduler inside SQL server will explode.
One thing to be wary of when using user define table types: for some reason Microsoft thought it would be a good idea to prevent you from changing them, you can only drop / add them. Then someone else thought it would be even better to prevent you from dropping them if something depends on them, so you wind up with a very painful process to drop / reconsistute them if you change them if you do it by hand.
We didn't encapsulate all params into a single UDT only because our needs were more specific from procedure to procedure. So when we had lists of things, we used a UDT for that parameter, but I could easily see One UDT To Rule Them All being useful, with a few convenience functions to pull out well-known values like dates. I despise writing the same code multiple times, and this would definitely shrink your codebase at a minor cost to increased complexity. A side benefit would be forcing all developers to stick to a standard way of doing things, which is desireable not always enforced when crunch-time hits. You would also open up some nice opportunities within your data layer for code reuse.

Linq to Datarow, Select multiple columns as distinct?

basically i'm trying to reproduce the following mssql query as LINQ
the closest i've got is
Dim query = (From row As DataRow In ds.Tables("DATATABLE").Rows _
Select row("COLUMNNAME") ,row("TABLENAME").Distinct
when i do the above i get the error
Range variable name can be inferred
only from a simple or qualified name
with no arguments.
i was sort of expecting it to return a collection that i could then iterate through and perform actions for each entry.
maybe a datarow collection?
As a complete LINQ newb, i'm not sure what i'm missing.
i've tried variations on
Select new with { row("COLUMNNAME") ,row("TABLENAME")}
and get:
Anonymous type member name can be
inferred only from a simple or
qualified name with no arguments.
to get around this i've tried
Dim query = From r In ds.Tables("DATATABLE").AsEnumerable _
Select New String(1) {r("TABLENAME"), r("COLUMNNAME")} Distinct
however it doesn't seem to be doing the distinct thing properly.
Also, does anyone know of any good books/resources to get fluent?
You start using LINQ on your datatable objects, you run the query against dt.AsEnumberable, which returns an IEnumerable collection of DataRow objects.
Dim query = From row As DataRow In ds.Tables("DATATABLE").AsEnumerable _
Select row("COLUMNNAME") ,row("TABLENAME")
You might want to say row("COLUMNNAME").ToString(), etc. Query will end up being an IEnumerable of an anonymous type with 2 string properties; is that what you're after? You might need to specify the names of the properties; I don't think the compiler will infer them.
Dim query = From row As DataRow In ds.Tables("DATATABLE").AsEnumerable _
Select .ColumnName = row("COLUMNNAME"), .TableName = row("TABLENAME")
This assumes that in your original sql query, for which you used ADO to get this dataset, you made sure your results were distinct.
Common cause of confusion:
One key is that Linq-to-SQL and (the Linq-to-object activity commonly called) LINQ-to-Dataset are two very different things. In both you'll see LINQ being used, so it often causes confusion.
1 getting your datatable the same old way you always have, with data adapters and connections etc., ending up with the traditional datatable object. And then instead of iterating through the rows as you did before, you're:
2 running linq queries against dt.AsEnumerable, which is an IEnumerable of datarow objects.
Linq-to-dataset is choosing to (A) NOT use Linq-to-SQL but instead use traditional ADO.NET, but then (B) once you have your datatable, using LINQ(-to-object) to retrieve/arrange/filter the data in your datatables, rather than how we've been doing it for 6 years. I do this a lot. I love my regular ado sql (with the tools I've developed), but LINQ is great
is a different beast, with vastly different things happening under the hood. In LINQ-To-SQL, you:
1 define a schema that matches your db, using the tools in in Visual Studio, which gives you simple entity objects matching your schema.
2 You write linq queries using the db Context, and get these entities returned as results.
Under the hood, at runtime .NET translates these LINQ queries to SQL and sends them to the DB, and then translates the data return to your entity objects that you defined in your schema.
Other resources:
Well, that's quite a truncated summary. To further understand these two very separate things, check out:
A fantastic book on LINQ is LINQ in Action, my Fabrice Marguerie, Steve Eichert and Jim Wooley (Manning). Go get it! Just what you're after. Very good. LINQ is not a flash in the pan, and worth getting a book about. In .NET there's way to much to learn, but time spent mastering LINQ is time well spent.
I think i've figured it out.
Thanks for your help.
Maybe there's an easier way though?
What i've done is
Dim comp As StringArrayComparer = New StringArrayComparer
Dim query = (From r In ds.Tables("DATATABLE").AsEnumerable _
Select New String(1) {r("TABLENAME"), r("COLUMNNAME")}).Distinct(comp)
this returns a new string array (2 elements) running a custom comparer
Public Class StringArrayComparer
Implements IEqualityComparer(Of String())
Public Shadows Function Equals(ByVal x() As String, ByVal y() As String) As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer(Of String()).Equals
Dim retVal As Boolean = True
For i As Integer = 0 To x.Length - 1
If x(i) = y(i) And retVal Then
retVal = True
retVal = False
End If
Return retVal
End Function
Public Shadows Function GetHashCode(ByVal obj() As String) As Integer Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer(Of String()).GetHashCode
End Function
End Class
Check out the linq to sql samples:
Pretty useful to learn SQL. And if you want to practice then use LinqPad
I had the same question and from various bits I'm learning about LINQ and IEnumerables, the following worked for me:
Dim query = (From row As DataRow In ds.Tables("DATATABLE").Rows _
Select row!COLUMNNAME, row!TABLENAME).Distinct
Strangely using the old VB bang (!) syntax got rid of the "Range variable name..." error BUT the key difference is using the .Distinct method on the query result (IEnumerable) object rather than trying to use the Distinct keyword within the query.
This LINQ query then returns an IEnumerable collection of anonymous type with properties matching the selected columns from the DataRow, so the following code is then accessible:
For Each result In query
Msgbox(result.TABLENAME & "." & result.COLUMNNAME)
Hoping this helps somebody else stumbling across this question...

How do I update a single table of a DataSet using a TableAdapter, without hard-coding the table name?

This seems like a really basic thing that I'm doing, yet I'm tearing my hair out trying to make it work.
My situation is this: I have a project which contains a large number of lookup tables, and I have all of these lookup tables represented in a single typed DataSet, which contains TableAdapters for each lookup. I've designed an editor for these lookup tables, which should allow editing of one of these at a time. My front-end is written in VB and WinForms, the back-end is a SOAP web service; I can successfully pass the changes to the DataSet back to the web service, but can't find a way to use a TableAdapter to update the single table that has been changed.
What I'm trying to do is instantiate the appropriate TableAdapter for the updated DataTable by sending the name of the table back to the web service along with the DataSet, then referring to the TableAdapter with a dynamic name. The normal way to instantiate a TableAdapter is this:
Dim ta As New dsLookupsTableAdapters.tlkpMyTableTableAdapter
What I'd like to do is this, but of course it doesn't work:
strTableName = "tlkpMyTable"
Dim ta As New dsLookupsTableAdapters(strTableName & "TableAdapter")
Is there any way to achieve this, or am I taking the wrong approach altogether? My other alternative is to write separate code for each table, which I'd prefer to avoid!
You can use Activator to create an instance of your TableAdapter from its string name, just like you want:
object adapter = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("My.Namespace.MyDataSetTableAdapters." + myTable.Name + "TableAdapter"));
Then, because TableAdapters don't have a common interface, you should use reflection to call its Update method:
adapter.GetType().GetMethod("Update").Invoke(adapter, null);
This is from memory, but roughly close enough. You can also use GetProperty to get the connection property and set it as required.
Not sure I 100% understand, do you have a single DataTable in your DataSet, or one DataTable per lookup table?
Anyway, perhaps you could you this approach to filter by lookup table?
It's pretty easy to create types at runtime given the (string) type name.
Here's a self-contained VB class which illustrates one way to do it: use System.Activator.CreateInstance to create instances of types using a string representation of the type name. Then you can cast it to a DataAdapter base class and use it like any other DataAdapter.
Public Class dsLookupsTableAdapters
Public Function CreateInstance(ByVal strName As String) As Object
CreateInstance = Nothing
For Each a As System.Reflection.Assembly In System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
Dim strAssemblyName As String() = a.FullName.Split(New Char() {","c})
Dim strNameTemp As String = strAssemblyName(0) & "." & strName
Dim instance As Object = System.Activator.CreateInstance(a.FullName, strNameTemp)
If instance IsNot Nothing Then
Dim handle As System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle
handle = CType(instance, System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle)
Dim o As Object = handle.Unwrap()
CreateInstance = o
Exit For
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
Continue For ' ignore exception, means type isn't there
End Try
End Function
Public Class tlkpMyTableTableAdapter
Inherits System.Data.Common.DataAdapter
End Class
Public Sub Test()
' define type name. note that, in this sample, tlkpMyTableTableAdapter is a nested
' class and dsLookupsTableAdapters is the containing class, hence the "+". If, however,
' dsLookupsTableAdapters is a namespace, replace the "+" with a "."
Dim typeName As String = "dsLookupsTableAdapters+tlkpMyTableTableAdapter"
Dim adapter As System.Data.Common.DataAdapter
Dim o As Object = CreateInstance(typeName)
adapter = CType(o, System.Data.Common.DataAdapter)
End Sub
End Class
If you are using VB.Net 2008, then use the tableadaptermanager ( I think this would be much easier to code against :)

What does the "New ... With" syntax do in VB Linq?

What (if any) is the difference between the results of the following two versions of this VB Linq query?
' assume we have an XElement containing employee details defined somewhere else
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> _
Select New With {.Surname = e.<Surname>, .Forename = e.<Forename>}
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> _
Select Surname = .Surname = e.<Surname>, .Forename = e.<Forename>
ie what is the point of the New ... With syntax?
I suspect that this has a simple answer, but I can't find it - any links to suitable tutorials or Microsoft documentation would be appreciated.
The difference is that the 1st explicitly creates an anonymous type. The 2nd is a query expression, and may use an existing type rather than creating an anonymous type. From the documentation linked by Cameron MacFarland:
Query expressions do not always require the creation of anonymous types. When possible, they use an existing type to hold the column data. This occurs when the query returns either whole records from the data source, or only one field from each record.
My understanding is that there is no difference.
New With is aimed to out-of-query usage like
Dim X = New With { .Surname = "A", .Forename = "B" }
Specifically for Linq queries, you can skip New With, but it is still useful for other situations. I am not sure, however, since I do not know VB 9 :)
There is no functional difference between the two pieces of code you listed. Under the hood both pieces code will use an anonymous type to return the data from the query.
The first piece of code merely makes the use of an anonymous type explicit. The reason this syntax is allowed is that it's possible to return any type from a Select clause. But the type must be used explicitly.
Dim x = From it in SomeCollection Select New Student With { .Name = it.Name }
Joel is incorrect in his statement that the second query may use an existing type. Without an explicit type, a select clause which uses an explicit property name will always return an anonymous type.
They're called Anonymous Types.
The main reason for their use is to keep the data from a query in a single object, so the iterators can continue to iterate over a list of objects.
They tend to work as temporary types for storage in the middle of a large or multi-part LINQ query.
There is no difference. The compiler will infer the anonymous type.
You most likely want to return the Value of the elements as in e.<Surname>.Value, which returns a String instead of an XElement.
Your 2nd example could be simplified as
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> _
Select e.<Surname>.Value, e.<Forename>.Value
because the compiler will also infer the names of the members of the anonymous type.
However, if you have the following class
Class Employee
Private _surname As String
Public Property Surname() As String
Return _surname
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_surname = value
End Set
End Property
Private _forename As String
Public Property Forename() As String
Return _forename
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_forename = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Then you could change the 1st query to produce an IQueryable(Of Employee) instead of the anonymous type by using New ... With like so:
Dim ee = From e In someXML.<Employee> _
Select New Employee With {.Surname = e.<Surname>.Value, _
.Forename = e.<Forename>.Value}
One difference is that Anonymous types aren't serializable.