How do you do binary file I/O with Win32 ASM? - file-io

How would I do file io in assembly? And I mean assembly. I hate macros. I'm looking to edit a pre-existing 10 MB file with ASM.
If someone could give me some quick example code on how to do it, that would be appreciated.

All the actual file I/O is going to be handled by the OS, abstracted away by the open()/close()/read()/write()/etc. system calls (or whatever the equivalents are on Windows). So really all your ASM needs to do is call out to these functions (correctly setting up arguments on the stack, etc.), and handling return values.
So if you already know how to use open()/close() etc. in C, and you know how to call a function from ASM, then you're done!

While reading a file certainly should not be your first program if you're learning assembly Here's an example. As long as you're in Windows, you'll need to somehow invoke CreateFile in the win32 API.
The example calls CreateFile using macros, don't let that stop you, you can easily open the nasm include files and look at the assembly behind the macros and copy paste that assembly.


how to import COM dll in D

I'm trying to create an D application which uses a (third party) COM .dll so I can scrape a text box of another application so I can sound an error when a certain string shows up.
However the third party doesn't provide .lib, .def or .h files that go with the dll (atleast with the free trial version). I can create the .lib file with the implib tool but I don't see any of the library's functions in the created .lib.
Their (visual c++) samples use the #import directive to link it in however that is of no use for me ...
On a side note how can I get the proper interfaces (in a .di with boilerplate that does the linking) of the dll automatically? I ask so the correctness of the linkage doesn't depend on my (likely to be incorrect) translation of the functions. They do have a webpage which gives all functions but the object model is a bit chaotic to say the least.
From what I know, COM libraries only expose a few functions, required to (un)register the library and to create objects.
You can however view the interfaces and functions in a COM .dll using the OLE/COM Object Viewer. It seems it might be able to output header files (.h). Afterwards, maybe you could use htod as a starting point to converting everything to D interfaces.
The DMD distribution seems to include a .COM sample (chello.d, dclient.d, dserver.d), and at first glance it doesn't look like it would require any LIBs explicitly.
Unfortunately, I've never actually used COM in D, so I can't advise any further. I hope this helps in some way.
While I have yet to actually do COM work myself, I am trying to revive Juno over on Github/he-the-great. Part of the project is tlbimpd which is what will output a D file from a DLL.
I've tested the examples and successfully run tlbimpd. Please do try things out for your use and submit any issues.

How to get the functions (adresses) from a .DLL (Windows) to call them from Masm32

Im writing a Compiler for a Pascal-like language which converts the program in Masm32 (and then to a .exe). My goal is to let the coder include Windows Libraries (.DLL). So I need to read out the functionnames and the jump adresses first for correct compiler warnings. (function not defined...)
Is there a way to do this? I heard that each Win32 function has a magic number (0xXXXXXXXX) which is the adress to it which then can be called with call 0xXXXXXXXX
Masm32 comes with .inc files that include most of the Windows API functions and structures. Perhaps you can leverage those?

asm: Call a DLL

I disassemled a game's DLL and want to insert some code.
I need asm code to call another DLL in the current directory(I'm on Windows).
The background is, that I want to be able to execute custom code in my DLL,
but I can't load the DLL. So my idea was to load the DLL via modified game DLL.
There may be a function in the game which gives me the current directory path the DLL's are but I think I won't find it.
The calls you are looking for are LoadLibrary, which will search in a selection of places including the current directory for the DLL and then load it, then GetProcAddress.
If the DLL makes any other Win32 calls it is probably already linked against kernel32.dll, so that's all you need to do.
It is arguable as to whether modifying the DLL or using DLL injection is faster in terms of how long it takes to write the code since you're going to have to reverse engineer anyway, however, one advantage of pure DLL injection is that all existing code remains unmodified in terms of the installation, making these modifications easier to undo should the user wish to "unpatch" whatever you are doing.
Microsoft Detours comes with setdll.exe and withdll.exe, those utilities will let you start an exe with a custom dll file.

Meaning of building a dll as export library

What is the meaning of building a dll as export library ? I just googled it.I found its a dynamic link library.Can anyone please explain what actually dll is ? and why do we need to add these statement in the .dll file
extern "c" _declspec(dllexport)
I studied the static and shared libraries but Im not sure why do we go for dll files.I learnt .dll is used for the run time. But can you help me and give me more information.Thank you in advance
I may have been a bit harsh in my comments. I am not an authority on dlls, but I have a bit of working knowledge of them, so I will try to give a short explanation.
The difference between static and shared libraries should be easy to find in a web search, but basically the code in a static library gets included into the final executable, so after the linking stage, the actual library file is not needed anymore to run the program; on the other hand, code in a shared library doesn't get included in the main program - the two parts remain separate, so the shared library (called dll on windows) will be needed every time the program is run.
"Building a dll as export library" is a bit of a confusing term. I had not heard of it before, and during a short search could only find it on a cygwin page, which you might have read, considering your initial tags. A dll can export some or all of its functions and data. Exporting means that they are available for other programs and dlls to use. Which names get exported can be controlled in various ways. One of those is inserting _declspec(dllexport) in the declaration of the function. Another way is by using a definition file with an exports section.
When creating a dll, an import library can be created. This is a file that can then be used when building an executable that uses the dll, during the linking stage, to let it know which names are exported from the dll, so the program knows how to resolve references to those functions; in other words: how to import them. (This is not always necessary. Many linkers allow you to directly link against the dll itself, thereby removing the need for an import library.)
I realize it can be confusing, but try to find a tutorial and some small examples to see how it works, and play with it a bit.

How to run unmanaged executable from memory rather than disc

I want to embed a command-line utility in my C# application, so that I can grab its bytes as an array and run the executable without ever saving it to disk as a separate file (avoids storing executable as separate file and avoids needing ability to write temporary files anywhere).
I cannot find a method to run an executable from just its byte stream. Does windows require it to be on a disk, or is there a way to run it from memory?
If windows requires it to be on disk, is there an easy way in the .NET framework to create a virtual drive/file of some kind and map the file to the executable's memory stream?
You are asking for a very low-level, platform-specific feature to be implemented in a high-level, managed environment. Anything's possible...but nobody said it would be easy...
(BTW, I don't know why you think temp file management is onerous. The BCL does it for you: )
Allocate enough memory to hold the executable. It can't reside on the managed heap, of course, so like almost everything in this exercise you'll need to PInvoke. (I recommend C++/CLI, actually, so as not to drive yourself too crazy). Pay special attention to the attribute bits you apply to the allocated memory pages: get them wrong and you'll either open a gaping security hole or have your process be shut down by DEP (i.e., you'll crash). See
Locate the executable in your assembly's resource library and acquired a pinned handle to it.
Memcpy() the code from the pinned region of the managed heap to the native block.
Free the GCHandle.
Call VirtualProtect to prevent further writes to the executable memory block.
Calculate the address of the executable's Main function within your process' virtual address space, based on the handle you got from VirtualAlloc and the offset within the file as shown by DUMPBIN or similar tools.
Place the desired command line arguments on the stack. (Windows Stdcall convention). Any pointers must point to native or pinned regions, of course.
Jump to the calculated address. Probably easiest to use _call (inline assembly language).
Pray to God that the executable image doesn't have any absolute jumps in it that would've been fixed up by calling LoadLibrary the normal way. (Unless, of course, you feel like re-implementing the brains of LoadLibrary during step #3).
Retrieve the return value from the #eax register.
Call VirtualFree.
Steps #5 and #11 should be done in a finally block and/or use the IDisposable pattern.
The other main option would be to create a RAMdrive, write the executable there, run it, and cleanup. That might be a little safer since you aren't trying to write self-modifying code (which is tough in any case, but especially so when the code isn't even yours). But I'm fairly certain it will require even more platform API calls than the dynamic code injection option -- all of them requiring C++ or PInvoke, naturally.
Take a look at the "In Memory" section of this paper. Realize that it's from a remote DLL injection perspective, but the concept should be the same.
Remote Library Injection
Creating a RAMdisk or dumping the code into memory and then executing it are both possible, but extremely complicated solutions (possibly more so in managed code).
Does it need to be an executable? If you package it as an assembly, you can use Assembly.Load() from a memory stream - a couple of trivial lines of code.
Or if it really has to be an executable, what's actually wrong with writing a temp file? It'll take a few lines of code to dump it to a temp file, execute it, wait for it to exit, and then delete the temp file - it may not even get out of the disk cache before you've deleted it! Sometimes the simple, obvious solution is the best solution.
This is explicitly not allowed in Vista+. You can use some undocumented Win32 API calls in XP to do this but it was broken in Vista+ because it was a massive security hole and the only people using it were malware writers.