Size of NSArray - objective-c

When I tried to check the size of NSArray which is declared without any capacity, I found it 4. Now the question is why it is always 4? please help me out to find it....

If you're talking about sizeof, it is not the right way to find out how much data an NSArray is holding. Objective-C objects are always accessed through pointers, and the size of a pointer on the iPhone is 4 bytes. That's what sizeof is telling you. To find out how many objects are in an array, ask the array for its count.

Given this:
NSArray *foo;
NSLog(#"%d", sizeof(foo));
You'll either get 4 or 8, depending on if you are on a 32 or 64 bit system. Note that I quite purposefully didn't initialize foo; there is no need to do so as sizeof(foo) is giving the bytesize of foo and foo is just a random pointer to an object. Wouldn't matter if that were id foo; void*foo; NSString*foo; all would be 4 or 8.
If you want the allocated size of an instance of a particular class, the Objective-C runtime provides introspection API that can do exactly that. However, I can't really think of any reason why that would be more than passingly interesting in a program.
Note that the allocation size of an instance does not account for any sub-allocations. I.e. an NSArray likely has a backing store which is a separate allocation.
To reiterate:
sizeof(foo) in the above code has nothing to do with the size of the allocated instance.


Looking for suitable Objective-C object to wrap C void * pointer

I'm working on a project that has C code embedded within Objective-C code. The C code produces some void * pointers that I would like to pass between Objective-C methods, so I'd like to wrap them in Objective-C objects to make an NSSet or something to that effect.
I have looked into NSData, which seems to accept arbitrary data, but wants to know the length of the memory chunk, that I don't have.
Any help is appreciated.
The NSValue class is usually used for this task:
NSValue* value = [NSValue valueWithPointer: myPointer];
void* myPointer = [value pointerValue];
Note, though, that the pointer given will not receive any special treatment with respect to memory management. You (and you alone) are responsible for making sure, that the memory it points to remains valid as long as pointers to that memory region exist and are reachable in some part of your program.
Note, though, that using such a value with NSSet or as key in a NSDictionary might or might not yield the intended effect:
NSData is essentially a byte buffer. It actually represents the content of the memory in question. Comparing NSData instances for equality compares at byte level. This is one of the reasons, NSData needs to know about the length of the memory region in question.
NSValue with a pointer value is an entirely different beast. Here, that actual (numeric) pointer value is the essential thing. No consideration is given (when comparing two NSValue instances) to the actual content at the address.

In Objective-C, if addObjectAtIndex is called to built the array, then will initWithCapacity need to be called?

In a book, I see the code:
words = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[masterWordList count]];
and let's say [masterWordList count] is 15. And then the code built the array up by using a loop for 10 times:
[words addObject:[masterWordList objectAtIndex:randomNum]];
I wonder why words has to be initWithCapacity... and to 15 slots? Can't it be 10 or 11 (if a nil is needed at the end... and also, won't addObject automatically grow the array size? I tried using init instead of initWithCapacity and the code worked too. So can the code in the book be simplified to just init?
initWithCapacity: simply gives the class initializer a "hint" as to the eventual size of the array. That way, it can allocate enough space in advance if you know you're going to need it. Using initWithCapacity: can theoretically provide for better performance because it may mean that the array doesn't have to reallocate memory (internally) as you add objects to it (I don't know if it actually does this in the current implementation, but it's possible). As you've guessed, it's only a hint and using initWithCapacity: is entirely optional. Just because you've given initWithCapacity: a certain size doesn't mean your array can't grow to hold more elements than that. Also, calling init instead will work just fine.
I wonder why words has to be initWithCapacity... and to 15 slots?
In fact, initWithCapacity: is generally not necessary at all. It may or may not reserve space in a useful way. My understanding is that it's something of a historic appendage.
Can't it be 10 or 11 (if a nil is needed at the end...)
It could be 10. As was mentioned on your other question, nil isn't part of the array. It's just a sentinel value for the creating method call itself -- it's not an object and doesn't become a member of the collection.
also, won't addObject: automatically grow the array size?
Yes it will; you can create a mutable array without specifying any starting size and it will grow as needed.
So can the code in the book be simplified just to init?

Using malloc to allocate an array of NSStrings?

Since NSSstring is not defined in length like integer or double, do I run the risk of problems allocating an array of NSStrings for it using malloc?
NSString ***nssName;
nssName = (NSString***) malloc(iN * sizeof(NSString*));
the end result with for_loops for the rows is a 2D array, so it is a little easier to work then NSArray(less code).
No problems should arise, allocating an array of NSStrings is like making an array of the pointers to string objects. Pointers are a constant length. I would recommend just using NSArray but it is still fine to use a C array of NSStrings. Note that this may have changed with ARC.
Here is completely acceptable code demonstarting this:
NSString** array = malloc(sizeof(NSString*) * 10); // Array of 10 strings
array[0] = #"Hello World"; // Put on at index 0
NSLog(#"%#", array[0]); // Log string at index 0
Since NSString is an object (and to be more precise: an object cluster) you cannot know its final size in memory, only Objective-C does. So you need to use the Objective-C allocation methods (like [[NSString alloc] init]), you cannot use malloc.
The problem is further that NSString is an object cluster which means you do not get an instance of NSString but a subclass (that you might not even know and should not care about). For example, very often the real class is NSCFString but once you call some of the methods that treat the string like a path you get an instance of NSPathStore2 or whatever). Think of the NSString init methods as being factories (as in Factory Pattern).
After question edit:
What you really want is:
NSString **nssName;
nssName = (NSString**) malloc(iN * sizeof(NSString*));
And then something like:
nssName[0] = #"My string";
nssName[1] = [[NSString alloc] init];
This is perfectly fine since you have an array of pointers and the size of pointer is of course known.
But beware of memory management: first, you should make sure the array is filled with NULLs, e.g. with bzero or using calloc:
bzero(nssName, iN * sizeof(NSString*));
Then, before you free the array you need to release each string in the array (and make sure you do not store autoreleased strings; you will need to retain them first).
All in all, you have a lot more pitfalls here. You can go this route but using an NSArray will be easier to handle.
NSStrings can only be dealt with through pointers, so you'd just be making an array of pointers to NSString. Pointers have a defined length, so it's quite possible. However, an NSArray is usually the better option.
You should alloc/init... the NSString*s or use the class's factory methods. If you need an array of them, try NSArray*.
You should not use malloc to allocate data for Objective-C types. Doing this will allocate memory space but not much else. Most importantly the object will not be initialized, and almost as importantly the retain count for the object will not be set. This is just asking for problems. Is there any reason you do not want to use alloc and init?

How does a NSMutableString exactly work?

I know all instances of NSString are inmutable. If you assign a new value to a string new memory is addressed and the old string will be lost.
But if you use NSMutableString the string will always keep his same address in memory, no matter what you do.
I wonder how this exactly works. With methods like replaceCharactersInRange I can even add more characters to a string so I need more memory for my string. What happens to the objects in memory that follow the string? Are they all relocated and put somewhere else in memory? I don't think so. But what is really going on?
I know all instances of NSString are
inmutable. If you assign a new value
to a string new memory is addressed
and the old string will be lost.
That isn't how mutability works, nor how references to NSStrings work. Nor how pointers work.
A pointer to an object -- NSString *a; declares a variable a that is a pointer to an object -- merely holds the address in memory of the object. The actual object is [generally] an allocation on the heap of memory that contains the actual object itself.
In those terms, there is really no difference at runtime between:
NSString *a;
NSMutableString *b;
Both are references to -- addresses of -- some allocation in memory. The only difference is during compile time, b will be treated differently than a and the compiler will not complain if, say, you use NSMutableString methods when calling b (but would when calling a).
As far as how NSMutableString works, it contains a buffer (or several buffers -- implementation detail) internally that contain the string data. When you call one of the methods that mutate the string's contents, the mutable string will re-allocate its internal storage as necessary to contain the new data.
Objects do not move in memory. Once allocated, an allocation will never move -- the address of the object or allocation will never change. The only semi-exception is when you use something like realloc() which might return a different address. However, that is really just a sequence of free(); malloc(); memcpy();.
I'd suggest you revisit the Objective-C Programming Guide or, possibly, a C programming manual.
the NSMutableString works just like the C++ std::string do. i don't know exactly how they work, but there are two popular approaches:
you create a struct with two variables. one char and one pointer.
when a new char(or more are added) you create a new instance of the struct, and add the address to the last struct instance of the string. this way you have a bunch of structs with a pointer directing to the next struct.
copy & add
the way most newbies will go. not the worst, but maybe the slowest.
you save a "normal" unmutable string. if a new char is added, you allocate a area in the memory with the size of the old string +1, copy the old string and concate the new char. that's a very simple approach, isn't it?
a bit more advanced version would be to create the new string with a size +50, and just add the chars and a new null at the end, don't forget the to overwrite the old null. this way it's more efficient for string with a lot of changes.
as i said before, i don't know how std::string or NSMutableString approaches this issue. but these are the most common ways.

Does NSNumber add any extra bytes to the number it holds?

I'm working with Objective-C and I need to add int's from a NSArray to a NSMutableData (I'm preparing a to send the data over a connection). If I wrap the int's with NSNumber and then add them to NSMutableData, how would I find out how many bytes are in the NSNumber int? Would it be possible to use sizeof() since according to the apple documentation, "NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type."?
NSNumber *numero = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:5];
NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
[data appendBytes:numero length:sizeof(numero)];
numero is not a numeric value, it is a pointer to a an object represting a numeric value. What you are trying to do won't work, the size will always be equal to a pointer (4 for 32 bit platforms and 8 for 64 bit), and you will append some garbage pointer value to your data as opposed to the number.
Even if you were to try to dereference it, you cannot directly access the bytes backing an NSNumber and expect it to work. What is going on is an internal implementation detail, and may vary from release to release, or even between different configurations of the same release (32 bit vs 64 bit, iPhone vs Mac OS X, arm vs i386 vs PPC). Just packing up the bytes and sending them over the wire may result in something that does not deserialize properly on the other side, even if you managed to get to the actual data.
You really need to come up with an encoding of an integer you can put into your data and then pack and unpack the NSNumbers into that. Something like:
NSNumber *myNumber = ... //(get a value somehow)
int32_t myInteger = [myNumber integerValue]; //Get the integerValue out of the number
int32_t networkInteger = htonl(myInteger); //Convert the integer to network endian
[data appendBytes:&networkInteger sizeof(networkInteger)]; //stuff it into the data
On the receiving side you then grab out the integer and recreate an NSNumber with numberWithInteger: after using ntohl to convert it to native host format.
It may require a bit more work if you are trying to send minimal representations, etc.
The other option is to use an NSCoder subclass and tell the NSNumber to encode itself using your coder, since that will be platform neutral, but it may be overkill for what you are trying to do.
First, NSNumber *numero is "A pointer to a NSNumber type", and the NSNumber type is an Objective-C object. In general, unless specifically stated somewhere in the documentation, the rule of thumb in object-oriented programming is that "The internal details of how an object chooses to represent its internal state is private to the objects implementation, and should be treated as a black box." Again, unless the documentation says you can do otherwise, you can't assume that NSNumber is using a C primitive type of int to store the int value you gave it.
The following is a rough approximation of what's going on 'behind the scenes' when you appendBytes:numero:
typedef struct {
Class isa;
double dbl;
long long ll;
} NSNumber;
NSNumber *numero = malloc(sizeof(NSNumber));
memset(numero, 0, sizeof(NSNumber));
numero->isa = objc_getClass("NSNumber");
void *bytes = malloc(1024);
memcpy(bytes, numero, sizeof(numero)); // sizeof(numero) == sizeof(void *)
This makes it a bit more clear that what you're appending to the NSMutableData object data is the first four bytes of what ever numero is pointing to (which, for an object in Obj-C is always isa, the objects class). I suspect what you "wanted" to do was copy the pointer to the instantiated object (the value of numero), in which case you should have used &numero. This is a problem if you're using GC as the buffer used by NSMutableData is not scanned (ie, the GC system will no longer "see" the object and reclaim it, which is pretty much a guarantee for a random crash at some later point.)
It's hopefully obvious that even if you put the pointer to the instantiated NSNumber object in to data, that pointer only has meaning in the context of the process that created it. A pointer to that object is even less meaningful if you send that pointer to another computer- the receiving computer has no (practical, trivial) way to read the memory that the pointer points to in the sending computer.
Since you seem to be having problems with this part of the process, let me make a recommendation that will save you countless hours of debugging some extremely difficult implementation bugs you're bound to run in to:
Abandon this entire idea of trying to send raw binary data between machines and just send simple ASCII/UTF-8 formatted information between them.
If you think that this is some how going to be slow, or inefficient, then let me recommend that you bring every thing up using a simplified ASCII/UTF-8 stringified version first. Trust me, debugging raw binary data is no fun, and the ability to just NSLog(#"I got: %#", dataString) is worth its weight in gold when you're debugging your inevitable problems. Then, once everything has gelled, and you're confident that you don't need to make any more changes to what it is you need to exchange, "port" (for lack of a better word) that implementation to a binary only version if, and only if, profiling with identifies it as a problem area. As a point of reference, these days I can scp a file between machines and saturate a gigabit link with the transfer. scp probably has to do about five thousand times as much processing per byte to compress and encrypt the data than this simple stringification all while transferring 80MB/sec. Yet on modern hardware this is barely enough to budge the CPU meter running in my menu bar.