Showing a carousel from a nestedList - possibly using handler? - sencha-touch

I have a nestedList - when I get to the final item, I would like to call a handler that swaps the panel to a carousel. Please see -
Unfortunately I can't seem to get any handlers to work on the nested Items and can not think of another way. I'm still very much a beginner in Sencha, so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
See code:
icon: 'icon.png',
tabletStartupScreen: 'tablet_startup.png',
phoneStartupScreen: 'phone_startup.png',
glossOnIcon: true,
onReady: function() {
/*Data Store
var data = {
text: 'Categories',
items: [{
text: 'Core Skills/Personal Development',
items: [{
text: 'Fishbone Diagram',
leaf: true
text: '5 Whys Technique',
leaf: true
text: 'SMART Objectives',
leaf: true
text: 'Circle of Influence',
leaf: true
text: 'Managing Stress',
leaf: true
text: 'Communication',
items: [{
text: 'Listening Skills',
leaf: true
text: 'Giving Feedback',
leaf: true
text: 'Recieving Feedback',
leaf: true
text: 'Customer Service',
items: [{
text: 'Listening and Confirming',
leaf: true
Ext.regModel('ListItem', {
fields: [{name: 'text', type: 'string'}]
var store = new{
model: 'ListItem',
root: data,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
reader: {
type: 'tree',
root: 'items'
var nestedList = new Ext.NestedList({
fullscreen: true,
title: 'Categories',
displayField: 'text',
dock: 'top',
store: store
var carousel = new Ext.Carousel({
fullscreen: true,
displayField: 'text',
dock: 'top',
defaults: {
cls: 'card'
items: [{
html: '<img src="drainImage1.png">'
title: 'Tab 2',
html: '<img src="drainImage2.png">'
/*Tab Panel
var tabpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
tabBar: {
dock: 'bottom',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
fullscreen: true,
ui: 'light',
cardSwitchAnimation: {
type: 'slide',
cover: true
defaults: {
scroll: 'vertical'
items: [{
title: 'My Courses',
html: '<h1>Course list to appear here</h1>',
iconCls: 'favorites',
cls: 'card2',
badgeText: '3',
dockedItems: nestedList
title: 'Sample',
cls: 'card2',
iconCls: 'user',
dockedItems: carousel
title: 'Help',
html: '<h1>Help</h1><p>Info on how to add to your home screen goes here</p>',
cls: 'card3',
iconCls: 'user'

Check this sample from Sencha NestedList
There is a "leafitemtap" event that you can hook to your nested list to execute a callback:
nestedList.on('leafitemtap', function(subList, subIdx, el, e, detailCard) {
var ds = subList.getStore(),
r = ds.getAt(subIdx);
url: '../../src/' + r.get('id'),
success: function(response) {
failure: function() {
detailCard.setValue("Loading failed.");


How to scroll in Ext.Container

Below is my view. how can I make my menu scroll separate and my view scroll separate
Ext.define('HaBoMobile.view.AboutView', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
xtype: 'aboutViewType',
html: 'Learn more about me',
styleHtmlContent: true,
scrollable : {
direction : 'vertical',
directionLock : true
overflowY: 'auto',
autoScroll: true,
config: {
fullscreen: true,
items: [{
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
items: [{
text: 'Menu',
action: 'nav',
iconCls: 'list'
I tried all these settings, none worked
scrollable : {
direction : 'vertical',
directionLock : true
overflowY: 'auto',
autoScroll: true,
here is a Sencha fiddle
Just try with scrollable: true, like this:-
var menu = Ext.create('Ext.Menu', {
scrollable: true, // add this property
width: 200, // Need to set a width
items: [{
text: 'Close',
ui: 'decline'
}, {
text: 'Home',
action: 'nav_option',
iconCls: 'home'
}, {
text: 'Settings',
action: 'nav_option',
iconCls: 'settings'
Ext.define('Fiddle.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
xtype: 'mainview',
config: {
scrollable: true,
html: 'Main page',
items: [{
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Main',
items: [{
text: 'Nav',
action: 'nav'

Sencha Dataview with Store not showing

I'm new at sencha touch, and i'm having trouble using dataview with an ajax store.
Here follow my code:
On my app.js on the launch part:
Ext.define('SocializeApp.model.Friends', {
extend: '',
config: {
fields: [
{name:'name' ,type:'string'},
{name:'id' ,type:'string'},
{name:'img' ,type:'string'}
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
config: {
model: 'SocializeApp.model.Friends',
storeId: 'FriendStore',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'friends'
autoLoad: 'true'
In the Main.js
Ext.define('SocializeApp.view.Main', {
extend: '',
fullscreen: true,
xtype: 'main',
requires: ['Ext.TitleBar'],
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [{
title: 'Amigos',
iconCls: 'team',
items: [{
xtype: 'dataview',
store: 'FriendStore',
scrollable: {
direction: 'vertical'
tpl: ['{img} {id} {name}']
}, {
title: 'time',
iconCls: 'time',
items: [{
html: '<h1> game </h1><src="resources/img/socialize-button.png" alt=""/>',
}, {
title: 'Interesses',
iconCls: 'bookmarks',
items: [{
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Getting Started'
}, {
xtype: 'video',
url: '',
posterUrl: ''
I'm kind of lost, i used the store as a variable to test and in the console it gave me the correct data, but no optout for this dataview.
I really appreciate any help.
Try these (code has the ideas combined).
1 - Give your dataview an itemId, and load the store in your view initialize method. Might also want to try and set autoLoad to false.
2 - Sometimes I also explicitly give the full store reference rather than just the id, for ex Ext.getStore('FriendStore')
3 - Are you using MVC? did you declare your stores /models in your app.js?
name: 'yourapp',
stores: ['FriendStore'],
models: ['Friends'],
launch: function() {
4 - Or, just thought of this.. change your tpl to 'itemTpl'
Ext.define('SocializeApp.view.Main', {
extend: '',
fullscreen: true,
xtype: 'main',
requires: ['Ext.TitleBar', ''],
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [{
title: 'Amigos',
iconCls: 'team',
items: [{
itemId: 'FriendsDataview',
xtype: 'dataview',
store: Ext.getStore('FriendStore'),
scrollable: {
direction: 'vertical'
itemTpl: ''.concat(
'<div>{img} {id} {name}</div>'
}, {
title: 'time',
iconCls: 'time',
items: [{
html: '<h1> game </h1><src="resources/img/socialize-button.png" alt=""/>',
}, {
title: 'Interesses',
iconCls: 'bookmarks',
items: [{
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Getting Started'
}, {
xtype: 'video',
url: '',
posterUrl: ''
initialize: function(){
var store = Ext.getStore('FriendStore');
var dv = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('dataview[itemId=FriendsDataview]')[0];

Set the edited row in EXTJS grid after editing without refreshing page

I am editing a row in EXTJS grid on clicking the edit action link. On clicking the edit link of a row a new window opens with all the data of the row and "Save" and "Cancel" button.
On clicking the "Save" button, it is saving the record in database. But I want the row should also get refreshed without refreshing the page.
I am new to EXTJS.
Can any one help me to do the same.
Here is my code.
Ext.define('TestResult', {
extend: '',
fields: [
name: 'ID',
type: 'int'
name: 'jobNo',
type: 'int'
name: 'stageCode',
type: 'String'
name: 'productTitle',
type: 'String'
name: 'brand',
type: 'String'
name: 'category',
type: 'String'
name: 'ftpDate',
type: 'Date'
idField: 'ID'
Ext.onReady(function() {
var store = Ext.create('', {
model: 'TestResult',
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url : 'data.jsp',
reader :
type : 'json'
writer :
type : 'json'
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
width: 700,
height: 500,
title: 'Buffered Grid of records',
store: store,
loadMask: true,
plugins: 'bufferedrenderer',
selModel: {
pruneRemoved: false
viewConfig: {
trackOver: false
features: [{
ftype: 'groupingsummary',
groupHeaderTpl: 'Department: {name}',
showSummaryRow: false
// grid columns
text: 'ID',
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'ID',
groupable: false,
locked: true,
width: 70
}, {
text: 'Job No.',
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'jobNo',
groupable: false,
locked: true,
width: 120
}, {
text: 'Version',
dataIndex: 'stageCode',
groupable: false
}, {
text: 'Product Title',
dataIndex: 'productTitle',
groupable: false
}, {
text: 'Brand',
dataIndex: 'brand',
groupable: false
}, {
text: 'Category',
dataIndex: 'category',
width: 200,
groupable: false
}, {
text: 'FTP Date',
dataIndex: 'ftpDate',
xtype: 'datecolumn',
groupable: false
items: [{
icon: 'assets/images/edit.png', // Use a URL in the icon config
tooltip: 'Edit',
handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var rec = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);;
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
var editForm = new Ext.Window({
title: 'Edit Window',
xtype: 'form',
url: 'UpdateController',
items: [
xtype: 'hidden',
fieldLabel: 'ID',
name: 'ID',
allowBlank: false,
readOnly: true
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Job No.',
name: 'jobNo',
allowBlank: false,
readOnly: true
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Version',
name: 'stageCode',
allowBlank: false,
readOnly: true
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Product Title',
name: 'productTitle',
allowBlank: false
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Category',
name: 'category',
allowBlank: false
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Brand',
name: 'brand',
allowBlank: false
xtype: 'datefield',
fieldLabel: 'FTP Date',
name: 'ftpDate',
allowBlank: false
buttons : [{
text : 'Save',
handler: function()
success: function(f,a)
var win = Ext.WindowManager.getActive();
if (win)
failure: function(f,a)
//Ext.Msg.alert('Warning', 'Error');
Ext.Msg.alert('Warning', a.result.errormsg);
text: 'Cancel',
handler: function()
In your this.up('form').getForm().submit success handler you can update record, which you loaded into form, by using Ext.form.Basic updateRecord method.
So just add into success handler code:
// update record with form data
// mark record as synchronized with server (because you already sent data to server with form submit method)

Sencha Touch - In need of a nested list example

I'm in need of a simple nested list-view example. Something along the lines of this...
When you click an item, you will transition (slide) to the next view/card containing another list, with a "back"-button in the top-menu. And so on and so forth.
The lists doesn't necessarily have to three levels deep. I'd like an example which includes, say, one item with three sub-items, and one item which takes you directly to the "final" view.
you should look into the sencha touch videos on vimeo. here is one that answers your question:
Try the code given below it will help you understand the basic functionality of created a nested list using sencha touch.
tabletStartupScreen: 'tablet_startup.png',
phoneStartupScreen: 'phone_startup.png',
icon: 'icon.png',
glossOnIcon: false,
onReady: function() {
var data = {
text: 'Groceries',
items: [{
text: 'Drinks',
items: [{
text: 'Water',
items: [{
text: 'Sparkling',
leaf: true
text: 'Still',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'Coffee',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'Espresso',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'Redbull',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'Coke',
leaf: true
}, {
text: 'Diet Coke',
leaf: true
text: 'Fruit',
items: [{
text: 'Bananas',
leaf: true
text: 'Lemon',
leaf: true
text: 'Snacks',
items: [{
text: 'Nuts',
leaf: true
text: 'Pretzels',
leaf: true
text: 'Wasabi Peas',
leaf: true
text: 'Empty Category',
items: []
Ext.regModel('ListItem', {
fields: [{name: 'text', type: 'string'}]
var store = new{
model: 'ListItem',
root: data,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
reader: {
type: 'tree',
root: 'items'
var leftNav = new Ext.NestedList({
dock: 'left',
useTitleAsBackText: true,
title: '',
displayField: 'text',
width: '350',
store: store
new Ext.Panel({
fullscreen: true,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
defaults: {
flex: 1
Following link will help you to find more info easily
Also look for examples in the sencha touch downloadable package.
Ignoring the PhoneGap stuff at the start, this tutorial has most of what you need.
That's really easy to do. Check out the Nested List in the Kitchen Sink under User Interface examples and click the "Source" button to see the code..
I went with a different approach, using raw HTML.

make tabpanel in a tab of another tabpanel. in sencha-touch

I'm trying to make a small application with sencha-touch and I have a tabpanel with the layout card. when I click on tab Producten a card slides in but what I want is that in that card comes another tabpanel so people can choose between Men and Women with also a layout card.
I tried a lot of stuff and nothing seems to work.
var rootpanel;
var panel;
onReady: function() {
var Home = {
cls: 'home',
title: "Home",
html: "Homepagina"
var Producten = {
title: "Producten",
html: "Productenpagina",
items: [
panel = new Ext.TabPanel({
cls: 'toolbar',
fullscreen: 'true',
ui: 'plain',
layout: 'card',
items: [Men, Women]
var Men = {
title: "Men",
html: "men"
var Women = {
title: "Women",
html: "Women"
var Winkelwagen = {
cls: 'winkelwagen',
title: "Winkelwagen",
html: "Winkelwagenpagina"
rootpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
cls: 'toolbar',
fullscreen: true,
ui: 'plain',
layout: 'card',
items: [Home, Producten, Winkelwagen]
try this codes :
name : 'MyApp',
launch : function(){
new MyApp.MainTabPanel({
fullscreen : true
MyApp.MainTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel,{
fullscreen: true,
tabBar: {
dock: 'bottom',
scroll: 'horizontal',
sortable: true,
layout: {
pack: 'center'
cls: 'card1',
html: '',
items: [
{ iconCls: 'time', title: 'Time', xtype: 'TimeTabPanel'},
{ iconCls: 'user', title: 'People', xtype: 'PeopleTabPanel' }
MyApp.PeopleTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel,{
fullscreen: true,
tabBar: {
dock: 'top',
scroll: 'horizontal',
sortable: true,
layout: {
pack: 'left'
cls: 'card1',
items: [
{ iconCls: 'user', title: 'Man' , html: 'MAN TAB'},
{ iconCls: 'user', title: 'Woman', html: 'WOMAN TAB' }
MyApp.TimeTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel,{
fullscreen: true,
tabBar: {
dock: 'top',
scroll: 'horizontal',
sortable: true,
layout: {
pack: 'left'
cls: 'card1',
items: [
{ iconCls: 'time', title: 'AM', html: 'AM TAB' },
{ iconCls: 'time', title: 'PM', html: 'PM TAB' }