I am trying to implement logic captcha in my app. I have scaffolded simple TextCaptcha to store question and answer in DB.
Currently I have this in initializers/text_captcha.rb
require 'text_captcha'
ActionController::Base.send(:include, TextCaptcha)
This in "lib/text_captcha.rb":
module TextCaptcha
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
module InstanceMethods
def require_text_captcha
#captcha = "hello!"
So in comments controller I have this to have access to #captcha in view
before_filter :require_text_captcha
The bad thing is I have to restart webrick every time I make changes - so I think I'm doing this in a wrong way? I could get rid of initializer and just require "text_captcha" where I need... Or is there a way to do this in "models/text_capctha.rb" which I was trying to do in the beginning but could figure out.
Since ApplicationController in a Rails app extends from ActionController::Base, can you do:
require 'text_captcha'
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include TextCaptcha
in app/controllers/application_controller.rb?
If TextCaptcha is getting blown away when Rails reloads your models the fix is to use to_prepare instead of an initializer to load it. See the following resources for more information:
Official Docs: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/Callbacks.html#method-c-to_prepare
Short Blog Post: http://www.cowboycoded.com/2011/01/28/reloading-rails-3-engine-initializers-in-development/
In my app I use an engine (blogit) to which I want to add some changes / behaviours.
I followed the guides on how to override engine controllers/models and added the following:
The Code
In config/initializer/blogit.rb
# Requires extension ruby files in lib/blogit.
Dir[Rails.root.join("lib/blogit/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
In lib/blogit/engine.rb
module Blogit
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace Blogit
config.to_prepare do
Dir.glob(Rails.root + "app/decorators/**/blogit/*_decorator*.rb").each do |c|
In app/decorators/controllers/blogit/comments_controller_decorator.rb
Blogit::CommentsController.class_eval do
def create
Rails.logger.info "decorated controller action"
# ... overridden stripped ...
In app/decorators/models/blogit/comment_decorator.rb
Blogit::Comment.class_eval do
belongs_to :user
To be mentioned:
I have also created a migration to add a user reference to the comments model, since my app uses devise and I only want logged_in users to be able to comment. (Therefore I don't need the standard behaviour, so I'm going to override it.)
The Problem
If I run rake I get the weird error:
/Users/Kassi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p392-railsexpress/bin/ruby -S rspec ./spec/controllers/home_controller_spec.rb ./spec/models/user_spec.rb
/Users/Kassi/demo/app/decorators/controllers/blogit/comments_controller_decorator.rb:3:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Blogit::CommentsController (NameError)
However, if I run the first line that rake mentions by hand (.../ruby -S ...), all tests are being run successfully.
In my project I'm using guard with spork. Running guard will also let the tests pass without any error.
The app itself runs fine, i.e. it starts without errors and I'm able to comment as I want. My decorator action code is being executed.
So what's different when running rake?
Why does it break?
Adding require "blogit" or require "blogit/comments_controller" doesn't help. It actually can't find the controller using require.
A Demo Application
Since this problem is part of a bigger project, I created a new app from scratch for testing purposes that contains only the relevant stuff: basic rails app, rspec, devise, blogit and the decorators.
It can be found here: https://github.com/kassi/decorator_demo_rspec (git://github.com/kassi/decorator_demo_rspec.git)
Another repo using testunit (which is working!) can be found here: https://github.com/kassi/decorator_demo_testunit (git://github.com/kassi/decorator_demo_testunit.git)
Instead of performing the require statements yourself, you can try activesupport-decorators that does it for you.
I remember seeing this somewhere online but I know have trouble finding information about it. In Rails 3.1, I have a method at the beginning of a session controller, force_ssl, I only want it called in a production environment, how do I do that?
To clarify, the code looks something like this
class SessionsController < ApplicationController
I had a similar problem. force_ssl caused problems by testing with capybara and selenium. This here solved my problems and the tests are now running:
force_ssl if Rails.env.production?
I am using the line above in some Controllers. For example in the SessionController and UserController.
Rails.env.production? returns true if the current environment is 'production'. More generally, Rails.env.somestring? returns true if Rails.env == "somestring". From there you should be good.
** EDIT **
Well actually, there's an easier way to use ssl only in production. Check out this article
This is my rails controller#action
Class ReportController < ApplicationController
def monthly_report
I need to add this particular action(monthly_report) in background job. I don't know how to do this using delayed_job gem?
Please help me to get out of this.
There are lots of options.
May be you can find details here => A cron job for rails: best practices?
Also give a try with whenever. http://railscasts.com/episodes/164-cron-in-ruby
I am using Rails 3.0.3. I tried using all of the methods in the multiple questions on this site that were this question, but I still can't seem to access my helper methods from my mailer. I tried using the 'helper :application' as follows:
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default :from => "lalala#lalala.com>"
helper :application
I also tried 'helper ApplicationHelper' as well as 'add_template_helper(ApplicationHelper)'. There is nothing wrong with the helper methods which work just fine for views. Is there something I am missing? Maybe a line in the mailer setup file or something? Thanks so much in advance.
Instead of helper :application, use extend ApplicationHelper. include ApplicationHelper does not work, at least in Rails 3.2.
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
include ApplicationHelper
I'm trying to create some mongo mapper observer.
I found a class exit for that : http://rubydoc.info/gems/danielharan-mongo_mapper/0.6.5/MongoMapper/Observer
The question is how to activate them.
I create an app/observers/admin_observer.rb
class AdminObserver < MongoMapper::Observer
observe :admin # my admin model
# call backs ...
The question now is how to active them ?
The active record way is :
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.active_record.observers = :admin
# other config
But with MongoMapper no active_record. Quite naive, I tried config.mongo_mapper.observers = :admin, but their is no observers in mongo_mapper configuration ...
I dunno what to try else and my google research didn't give me a clue.
That appears to be a really old, un-maintained fork of MongoMapper--using a 2-year-old gem is asking for trouble.
If you find it's really better to use an observer rather than just implement the callbacks directly in your model, your best bet may be to fork MongoMapper and add the functionality you want (MM's code is pretty clean), or better yet make a gem that extends MongoMapper with an observer functionality.