Telling TFS 2010 Build to use SDK 7.1 - msbuild

I have installed TFS 2010 including Build Service on a Win Srv 2008 R2 machine, and it works - almost.
What I can't seem to get going is the build using tools like resgen.exe from the Windows SDK - I get an error:
Task could not find "Resgen.exe" using the SdkToolsPath
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\" or the
registry key
SDKs\Windows\v7.0A". Make sure the
SdkToolsPath is set and the tool
exists in the correct processor
specific location under the
SdkToolsPath and that the Microsoft
Windows SDK is installed
OK, so I went and downloaded and installed the most recent Windows SDK - v7.1. Everything went fine, I now have a copy of resgen.exe present and all - but I am still getting the same error.
OK, so I went and inspected the MSBuild targets file (c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets) mentioned in the error message - and I see it's using lots of references to FrameworkSDKDir and _TargetFrameworkSDKDirectoryItem - but where are those values initially set (to an obviously wrong directory, in my case) ?? I can't seem to find the "core" targets file and tell it to use my \SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin directory (instead of the \SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin it wants to find - there's nothing in there...)

I think that the real problem is integration of the SDK v7.1 with VS2010.


TFS 2017 MSBuild SingTool not found for Clickonce

I recently moved my TFS to a new server.
After installing everything and setting up a new Agent my builds got the following error:
Error MSB3482: An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe was not found at path \signtool.exe.
On my other server (Running VS 2015 and TFS 17 RC) everything worked like a charm.
I then made sure Visual studio 2017 also installed the Windows 10 SDK because in the Developer command prompt typing: 'where signtool' didn't work.
But now it does:
My TFS build still gives me this error.
It's weird that the path is to my Application solution folder and not the signtool actual location.
Does anybody have any idea on what this issue might be?
Also make sure you have installed the related .NET Framework. Take a look at this similar question: An error occurred while signing: SignTool.exe not found
Try to build locally in your build agent to see if you still got the same error.
If the build is successful locally, suggest you reconfigure or reinstall the build agents. The build agent will not detect the environment changes after you installed it. It will only detect during the installation. If you are using vNext build agent, also try to manually add some capabilities in Settings- Agent Queues- Agent Pool - Agent- Capabilities. After this trigger the build again.

Unable to start program "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe"

I've installed .NET Core 1.0.1 to use with VS 2015 Update 3 and I'm running as Administrator (on Windows 8.1 x64).
If I create any .NET Core project, be it console or web and attempt to run it Visual Studio then comes up with an error:
However I'm unable to ascertain why. VS builds it fine and I can run it from the CLI. I can also run Core fine through VSCode.
I've tried:
Deleting project.lock.json
Deleting the .vs folder
Repairing the .NET Core install
Repairing the VS 2015 install
Uninstalling and reinstalling .NET Core/SDK/Tooling & VS
And it still refuses to work!
I've raised this on the Core Tooling GitHub as well as can be seen here but as yet we're all a little stumped.
There are some people who have problems with Internet Explorer and Visual Studio.
Attempt to install Internet Explorer 9, or set a different default browser.
Other approaches:
Was the data path checked?
Perhaps there are wrong configured environment variables?
Are you sure that the configuration was reset by the installation?
Perhaps the path for the temporary data has been changed?
Try re-installing needed redistributables, as they are needed for executing .Net Core on Windows, as it is stated here :
"NET Core requires the VC++ Redistributable when running on Windows"
If it don't work, add a try/catch at the highest level of your application and log all System.Exceptions that may occur. It may give you more informations about this error.
This error occurs if you change the name of the project. To work around this error You will have to delete all files under \object and \bin folders. After that rebuild application.
Restart the visual studio in administrator mode. This solved my problem.

Visual Studio online build failure for an empty universal app

I just created a new empty universal app (windows 10) and checked it in on my visual studio online project.
The configured build is constantly failing on following error...
The imported project "C:\Program Files
was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is
correct, and that the file exists on disk.
I set build configurations to use VS2015 but without any luck.
I keep thinking there's a simple configuration I'm missing here... but can it also be that it's not yet supported?
The project itself is just the standard template from Visual Studio.
I'm having a similar issue running with MSBuild 8.2 target missing under VS2013 Update 5 under Windows 10 TH1. Except my target is Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.Cpp.targets. So not necessarily an issue with Visual Studio but rather the substitution for $(TargetPlatformVersion) in the targets definition:
<Import Project="$(TargetPlatformVersion)\Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.Cpp.targets" />
I'm building a project from Microsoft (, so I don't think this is your problem (meaning you've not done anything incorrect).
I know this isn't an answer, but I suspect we're caught in a gap in the Windows 10 SDK & Tools. Those aren't scheduled to be complete and available until 29 July even though VS2015 has RTM'd. I tried to track down something in the VS2015 release notes without luck.
Just inform the solution I found on this thread.
At the time of writing, it appeared that VSTO serves were not yet updated with
the Windows 10 SDK.
The only way back then to make it run was by creating your own Build VM (through Windows Azure) and link it to your VSTO builds.
I posted the thread and got the answer on the MSDN TFS forum.
I have not tried it right now, but since Windows 10 is officially released now, I guess it may work out of the box.
We now support building Universal Windows Platform (UWP) projects on the hosted build service.

SignTool.exe Missing Visual Basic 2008

When I try to publish a project, the error shows:
Error 2. SignTool.exe Missing.
I searched on my computer for SignTool.exe, the file doesn't exist.
I installed the Windows SDK, that didnt work, the file still doesn't exist. Then I installed the .Net framework, Silverlight, then reinstalled the whole Microsoft Visual Basic.
The file still doesn't exist.
Where can i download SignTool.exe?
signtool.exe is part of the .NET SDK. You'll need to download that, which will install it into the proper location.
You should be able to find the .NET SDK with a search on MSDN. There's no point in posting a link here, because they change over time or as new versions are released. (You can also find it by searching Google for "dot net sdk", which returns many different links to the Microsoft pages.)
I had the same issue but installing the Windows SDK did not work for me (signtool.exe was still missing from my machine).
I stumbled across this solution:
Open Programs and Features
Select 'Microsoft Visual Studio [version]' and click Change
And select 'ClickOnce Publishing Tools' for installation

Testacular install fails, no vcbuild.exe

I'm trying to install Testacular (using nmp) on a Windows 8 Professional (64 bit) laptop, but it fails when it tries to install as part of this process. The error I get is
Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe".
To fix this, 1) install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, 2) install Microsoft Visual
Studio 2005 or 3) add the location of the component to the system path if it
is installed elsewhere.
I apparently have .NET framework 3.5 installed (it's checked under the add/remove Windows components bit in Control Panel), although I've not managed to find a vcbuild.exe. I tried installing an old copy of VS2005 but this resulted in a different error about an invalid project (.vcproj) file.
Can anyone suggest how I might get this working? Weirdly it installed fine on my work computer, which is very similar to the one on which it won't install (they're both 64 bit Win 8 Pro).
I ran into the same issue. I fixed this by adding this to environmental variable PATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcpackages so that it can find vc build.
In Visual Studio 2010, the command line tool vcbuild.exe is replaced by msbuild.exe. So, please make sure you have right Visual studio.