AssetsLibrary with UIImagePicker - ELCImagePickerController - objective-c

I was wondering if anyone else has used the following in their iOS applications.
Basically it is a clone of the UIImagePicker using the using the AssetsLibrary that is available with iOS 4.0.
For the most part I like it, but I ran into two issues.
1) When on a device, it take quite a while when there are more that 200 images in a Library. While it works when once it loads, it takes quite a bit longer than I would ideally like.
2) When selecting some images, it brings it over with a different orientation that is shown on the screen. (looks like that happens most with pictures I took from the iPhone) I even seen it turn an image upside down.
I am just curious if anyone else has used this, and if so, were they able to overcome these issues.

Regarding orientation you can use the "ALAssetPropertyOrientation" and get the image orientation and than get any orientation that you may need.
Below are the orientation that iOS support
typedef enum {
UIImageOrientationUp, // default orientation
UIImageOrientationDown, // 180 deg rotation
UIImageOrientationLeft, // 90 deg CCW
UIImageOrientationRight, // 90 deg CW
UIImageOrientationUpMirrored, // as above but image mirrored along other axis. horizontal flip
UIImageOrientationDownMirrored, // horizontal flip
UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored, // vertical flip
UIImageOrientationRightMirrored, // vertical flip
} UIImageOrientation;

1) Load first 100 images, update GUI and load other in background.
2) UIImage have property imageOrientation


LibGDX getRotationMatrix in landscape

I want to rotate my Libgdx Perspective Camera like the device, so that I can put 3d Objects on specific points in my room and when I rotate my device my perspective camera should do the same.
I found this code in the internet:
//update camera rotation
//get rotation matrix
Matrix4 mat4 = new Matrix4();
//set new rotation
camera.up.set(mat4.val[Matrix4.M11], mat4.val[Matrix4.M12], mat4.val[Matrix4.M10]);
camera.direction.set(-mat4.val[Matrix4.M21], -mat4.val[Matrix4.M22], -mat4.val[Matrix4.M20]);
Andthis seems to work with portrait mode, but I use landscape mode. Does anyone know how to rotate the matrix correctly ?
Hm... I use the same code, my world has y up. However it does not work in portrait mode, but only in landscape mode.
I'd also like to know how to get that working in portrait mode. Of course, it would be best if it would not matter if I hold the phone in portrait or landscape mode or even in a 45° angle. Is this possible ?

Scaling for Different iPhone Screens in Sprite Kit

I am creating an iPhone game in sprite kit. After weeks of research, I am still having trouble understanding how to properly size and implement sprites for each screen size.
I understand that these suffixes determine which image to use (depending on the aspect ratio of the screen)
#2x - 4s,5,6
#3x - 6+
I have read and tooled with different scaling modes in my view controller but had no luck and difficulty understanding them.
If I provide a background of 750x1136 (pixels) as the #2x, it will perfectly fit the iphone 6 but will be too big for the iphone 5. If scaling is the answer, how would "sprite kit" know I provided an image for the iphone 5 that I want scaled up for the 6, or vice versa? Is this a build setting? Same for characters, I need iphone 6 sprites to be proportionally bigger than the iphone 5 sprites.
How would I most appropriately size and scale sprites for the different devices? (easier to discuss in terms of the backgrounds that should be the exact size of the screen)
I am expecting to create one set of sprites for each aspect ratio using the resolution of the biggest screen size. Ex. #2x designed for iPhone 6 and scaled down for the 5 and 4s.
The 3x, 2x and normal images are not really intended to be manipulated that way. The three images should be essentially the same image with the 3x having exactly 3 times the pixel dimensions of the normal, the 2x having double dimensions etc.
If you need to scale the scene to better fit the format of a particular device, you may need to scale that when you create the scene, the way Apple sample code does:
var viewSize = self.view.bounds.size
// On iPhone/iPod touch we want to see a similar amount of the scene as on iPad.
// So, we set the size of the scene to be double the size of the view, which is
// the whole screen, 3.5- or 4- inch. This effectively scales the scene to 50%.
if UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .Phone {
viewSize.height *= 2
viewSize.width *= 2

What's the best way to convert iPad app to handle both view modes?

I have an existing iPad app (XCode 4.6, iOS 6.2, ARC and Storyboards). It is currently in the App Store in Portrait mode only; I have had several requests for landscape mode. Unfortunately, all of the lines, etc are drawn using CG methods, controlled mathematically. This is what it looks like in portrait mode:
and this is what it looks like in landscape mode:
My question is: where can I find some good docs that will give me the basic steps I need to convert this app for both modes, knowing that the drawing is controlled mathematically?
If it is controlled mathematically, the best way is to refer all coordinates to the dimensions of the parent view, specifically to the property self.view.bounds that changes with the rotation of the device.
Then you have to redraw the interface when the orientation has been changed. A good way to do it is inside the method:
If did some custom views in the past with CG methods and the best way is to refer everything to the bounds. In that way when you change the screen size, either by rotating or by using it on the iPhone it works without modifications.
Imagine that you have a point at (76.8, 512.0) this is precisely in an iPad and portrait orientation, a 10% of the width and a 50% of the height.
So for every pair of coordinates instead of using them with absolute numbers you have to replace them by fractions of the dimensions of the parent view:
// old drawing method
CGPoint oldPoint = CGPointMake(76.8, 512.0);
// new drawing method
CGFloat W = self.view.bounds.size.width;
CGFloat H = self.view.bounds.size.height;
CGPoint newPoint = CGPointMake(0.1 * W, 0.5 * H) // 76.8 = 0.1 * 768; 512 = 0.5 * 1024
In this second case; when you change the orientation so will the bounds change and the coordinate will get new values, but the proprotion will be the same as in the other orientation, 10% in horizontal and 50% in vertical.
You get the idea.

How to change Rotation of image after taking in Landscape mode

I'm working on PocketWallet application in which I'm taking any type of card rear and front images and then save them in Database. My problem is that when I take image in portrait mode the rotation of images showing well in my resulting view. But when I take image in landscape mode then the images rotate in 90 degrees. How can I set the rotation of the image in portrait mode after taking in landscape.
I'm using UIimagePickerCamera for taking image.
please help me......thanks in advance
If you want to find out if your image was taken in landscape mode, take a look at the imageOrientation property of UIImage. The UIImagePickerCamera will set that flag correctly. It sounds like your app simply needs to make a correction to it. This post gives you a method for how to do that.

View behaviour differences between IOS 5.x and IOS 4.x

I've been trying to animate an image view to slide upwards on the screen. The views height is also increased whilst the position is moved upwards.
On my iPhone 4S (5.x) the image view behaves as expected, the view only moves upwards as its height is increased, however on my iPhone 3G (4.1), the view moves down a little bit during this animation.
Such a level of accuracy is needed as the image view is used to create a non expensive shadow effect. Its alignment is important for the effect. The image is a resizable graphic.
This is how I change the position and size of the view
CGRect oldShadow = self.shaddowView.frame;
oldShadow.size.height = oldShadow.size.height+200;
oldShadow.origin.y = oldShadow.origin.y - 200;
self.shaddowView.frame =oldShadow;
This is how the image for the view is set up as resizable:
UIImage* shadow = [[UIImage imageNamed:#"shadow.png"] stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:20 topCapHeight:20];
self.shaddowView.image = shadow;
I used the following animation, with a border around not only the starting position but also the intended final position, so that I could confirm whether any undesired shifting of the view (other than the obvious upward expansion) took place, but it worked fine on iOS 4.2.1:
[UIView animateWithDuration:2.0
CGRect newImageFrame = imageView.frame;
newImageFrame.origin.y -= stretchBy;
newImageFrame.size.height += stretchBy;
imageView.frame = newImageFrame;
I don't have iOS 4.1 device sitting around (my old 3G test phone is running iOS 4.2.1, the latest supported iOS version for that device), so I can't speak to that, but it's fine with iOS 4.2.1.
I have to confess, though, that I find it very unlikely that when you animate the changing of a frame, that the final frame would not be precisely what you specified it to be. If you NSLog the frame when you're done, it is not the correct value? Or are you saying that it momentarily moves during the animation but then ends up in the correct location? Or that it shifts down during animation and ends up in the wrong position even when the animation is done?
I wonder if there's something else going on (e.g. is your animated view a subview of a scroll view, which itself might be shifting? or is there some code not shown here that is accidentally further adjusting the frame after the animation? etc.). Seems like a little debugging should confirm whether the frame is actually not what you intended, or whether there is some other issue going on.
I originally answered suggesting shouldRasterize option, but if you're trying to support old iPhone 3G devices, then maybe that's not good enough. Definitely stutters a little on these old phones. Anyway, this was my original answer:
I assume you're doing this because the layer shadow feature is a little CPU intensive. But I've heard (but can't speak to it) that if you use the shouldRasterize option, it's a little better:
viewThatNeedsShadow.layer.shadowColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
viewThatNeedsShadow.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(3.0, 3.0);
viewThatNeedsShadow.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5;
viewThatNeedsShadow.layer.shouldRasterize = YES;
viewThatNeedsShadow.clipsToBounds = NO;