Transferring object ownership among threads? - objective-c

Suppose I have a background thread that creates an object. This object will eventually be needed to update the UI so it has to make it to the main thread. It seems awkward to alloc an object on one thread and dealloc it on another thread. Is this common, or is there a better pattern? Consider:
// Called on a background thread
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(updateUI:) withObject:obj];
// Performed on main thread
- (void)updateUI:(MyObject *)obj
// Do stuff with obj
[obj release];

From the documentation:
This method retains the receiver and the arg parameter until after the selector is performed.
So you can release obj in workerDoStuff after making the call, as it will be retained for you until updateUI: returns.


EXC_BAD_ACCESS while [WKInterfaceTable setNumberOfRows:withRowType]

I wanna to update table from a background thread using this part of the code
__block typeof(self.tableB) self_tableB = self.tableB;
[lwc setBaseControllerCallback:^(int ndx) {
__block typeof(ndx) ndx_t = ndx;
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
[self_tableB setNumberOfRows: 0 withRowType:TABLEELEMENT];
[self_tableB setNumberOfRows: ndx_t withRowType:TABLEELEMENT];
^(int ndx) {
is a block called from background thread (NSThread) and lwc - is an instance of my custom background thread class.
To clear this method is called like with:
//code inside thread
if (handlerBase_inner) {
So, at
[self_tableB setNumberOfRows: ndx_t withRowType:TABLEELEMENT];
I can see EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Why? What is the
I worry about self_tableB. I'm not sure that you want a strong reference to it, artificially keeping it alive might cause it to have a dangling pointer back to its delegate.
__block __weak typeof(self.tableB) self_tableB = self.tableB;
Adding a weak annotation might to the trick.

Do I need to release my singleton object?

I have a singleton object in my app:
+ (id)shared {
#synchronized(self) {
if (sharedDownloadFirstData == nil)
sharedDownloadFirstData = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedDownloadFirstData;
- (id) init {
if (self = [super init]) {
return self;
And I want to know if I need to realese it (I am not using ARC). To do that I am using:
[[DownloadFirstData shared] release];
Did I need to release this object? I have an array and other stuff in the object that I need to release.
In Objective-C, you should only ever call release on an object you own. This typically means an object you've created with alloc, init, copy or mutableCopy or otherwise called retain on. Here, the consumer of [DownloadFirstData shared] didn't call any of those functions and is not responsible for releasing it. You will see this any time you call [UIColor blackColor], for instance.
You may want to call retain on such an object, if you are crossing autorelease boundaries or are just not sure of the lifetime:
DownloadFirstData *local = [[DownloadFirstData shared] retain];
[local release];
In this case, you've taken ownership and are responsible for releasing.
But what about the definition of shared? When you define a method not using init..., you are typically responsible for leaving with a release count of 0, with something like [[self alloc] init] autorelease]. This is not the case for the singleton because your goal is for it to always exist and therefore always have a non-zero retain count. You make this happen simply by not releasing it after you create it.
there is no sense in having a singleton if you will release it.
Usually a singleton is created because you want the same object till the app ends.
At the end of your app life cycle all memory related to the app is freed.
Use a standard approach, if you need alloc release often.
if your singleton takes a lot of memory, you should consider to write it better.
anyway, [[DownloadFirstData shared] release]; will work.

Is Objective-C's NSMutableArray thread-safe?

I've been trying to fix this crash for almost a week. The application crashes without any exception or stack-trace. The application does not crash in any way while running through instruments in zombie mode.
I have a method that gets called on a different thread.
The solution that fixed the crash was replacing
[self.mutableArray removeAllObjects];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.searchResult removeAllObjects];
I thought it might be a timing issue, so I tried to synchronize it, but it still crashed:
[self.searchResult removeAllObjects];
Here is the code
- (void)populateItems
// Cancel if already exists
[self.searchThread cancel];
self.searchThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self
[self.searchThread start];
- (void)populateItemsinBackground
if ([[NSThread currentThread] isCancelled])
[NSThread exit];
[self.mutableArray removeAllObjects];
// Populate data here into mutable array
for (loop here)
if ([[NSThread currentThread] isCancelled])
[NSThread exit];
// Add items to mutableArray
Is this problem with NSMutableArray not being thread-safe?
It is not thread safe and if you need to modify your mutable array from another thread you should use NSLock to ensure everything goes as planned:
NSLock *arrayLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
[arrayLock lock]; // NSMutableArray isn't thread-safe
[myMutableArray addObject:#"something"];
[myMutableArray removeObjectAtIndex:5];
[arrayLock unlock];
As others already said, NSMutableArray is not thread safe. In case anyone want to achieve more than removeAllObject in a thread-safe environment, I will give another solution using GCD besides the one using lock. What you have to do is to synchronize the read/update(replace/remove) actions.
First get the global concurrent queue:
dispatch_queue_t concurrent_queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
For read:
- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
__block id obj;
dispatch_sync(self.concurrent_queue, ^{
obj = [self.searchResult objectAtIndex:index];
return obj;
For insert:
- (void)insertObject:(id)obj atIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
dispatch_barrier_async(self.concurrent_queue, ^{
[self.searchResult insertObject:obj atIndex:index];
From Apple Doc about dispatch_barrier_async:
When the barrier block reaches the front of a private concurrent queue, it is not executed immediately. Instead, the queue waits until its currently executing blocks finish executing. At that point, the barrier block executes by itself. Any blocks submitted after the barrier block are not executed until the barrier block completes.
Similar for remove:
- (void)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
dispatch_barrier_async(self.concurrent_queue, ^{
[self.searchResult removeObjectAtIndex:index];
EDIT: Actually I found another simpler way today to synchronize access to a resource by using a serial queue provided by GCD.
From Apple Doc Concurrency Programming Guide > Dispatch Queues:
Serial queues are useful when you want your tasks to execute in a specific order. A serial queue executes only one task at a time and always pulls tasks from the head of the queue. You might use a serial queue instead of a lock to protect a shared resource or mutable data structure. Unlike a lock, a serial queue ensures that tasks are executed in a predictable order. And as long as you submit your tasks to a serial queue asynchronously, the queue can never deadlock.
Create your serial queue:
dispatch_queue_t myQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.example.MyQueue", NULL);
Dispatch tasks async to the serial queue:
dispatch_async(myQueue, ^{
obj = [self.searchResult objectAtIndex:index];
dispatch_async(myQueue, ^{
[self.searchResult removeObjectAtIndex:index];
Hope it helps!
As well as NSLock can also use #synchronized(condition-object) you just have to make sure every access of the array is wrapped in a #synchronized with the same object acting as the condition-object , if you only want to modify the contents of the same array instance then you can use the array itself as the condition-object, other wise you will have to use something else you know will not go away, the parent object, i.e self, is a good choice because it will always be the same one for the same array.
atomic in #property attributes will only make setting the array thread safe not modifying the contents, i.e. self.mutableArray = ... is thread safe but [self.mutableArray removeObject:] is not.
__weak typeof(self)weakSelf = self;
#synchronized (weakSelf.mutableArray) {
[weakSelf.mutableArray removeAllObjects];
Since serial queues were mentioned: With a mutable array, just asking "is it thread safe" isn't enough. For example, making sure that removeAllObjects doesn't crash is all good and fine, but if another thread tries to process the array at the same time, it will either process the array before or after all elements are removed, and you really have to think what the behaviour should be.
Creating one class + object that is responsible for this array, creating a serial queue for it, and doing all operations through the class on that serial queue is the easiest way to get things right without making your brain hurt through synchronisation problems.
All the NSMutablexxx classes are not thread-safe. Operations including get,insert,remove,add and replace should be used with NSLock.This is a list of thread-safe and thread-unsafe classes given by apple: Thread Safety Summary
Almost NSMutable classes object is not thread safe.

delegate for a singleton object

I have a NSObject which is a singleton. Is there any issue of having a delegate for this singleton class? I am worried that it would fail for a singleton type.
Here's my scenario. I have a function (inside this singleton class) that does a async request to pull out a NSDictionary from an API. Basically when this request is done I want to notify a class that the request has finished.
No, a delegate wouldn't fail, but consider using NSNotificationCenter instead:
static NSString *const kMyClassNotificationName = #"myClassNotificationName";
// where you would call a delegate method (e.g. [self.delegate doSomething])
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMyClassNotificationName object:self userInfo: /* dictionary containing variables to pass to the delegate */];
// where you would set up a delegate (e.g. [Singleton instance].delegate = self)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(doSomething) name:kMyClassNotificationName object:[Singleton instance]];
You have basically three options:
Use a delegate. A singelton is a objetct, so of couse it can have a delegate. If several objects whants to use it and needs to set themselves as delegates, you can reset them each time, but that might get hairy.
Use notifications, as shown by Richard J. Ross III., but seriously: It seems to be strange to me, if you have a singleton, that needs to inform one delegate, but you'd use a broadcasting technology.
use completion blocks, where the calling objects passes a block to the singleton, that gets executed, once the singleton fulfilled a task. See [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:] (ok, this is not a singleton, but a class method. The principle is the same),that uses one completion block, or the great AFNetworking, that uses a success and a failure block.
From it's example codes:
[[AFGowallaAPIClient sharedClient] getPath:urlString
success:^(__unused AFHTTPRequestOperation
id JSON)
NSMutableArray *mutableRecords = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary *attributes in [JSON valueForKeyPath:#"spots"]) {
Spot *spot = [[[Spot alloc] initWithAttributes:attributes] autorelease];
[mutableRecords addObject:spot];
if (block) {
block([NSArray arrayWithArray:mutableRecords]);
} failure:^(__unused AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
if (block) {
block([NSArray array]);
There is nothing wrong with having a delegate for a singleton, but it does create a lot of edge cases that you need to handle. Such as:
If object A calls setDelegate:, followed immediately by object B calling setDelegate: then object A will never receive delegate calls.
You need to check whether you are the delegate before unsetting the singleton's delegate. Typically in dealloc you call singleton.delegate = nil;. If another object happened to become delegate after you did, then you just caused caused them to unexpectedly stop being delegate.
Singletons with delegates is not a well-established pattern. Your solutions should vary depending on how robust your use case is. Here are some solutions (in order of easiest -> most robust).
Keep it simple
Design your App to never have multiple objects being the singleton's delegate at the same time (this may be impossible).
Use NSNotificationCenter to signal events instead of delegation. See some of the other answers posted in this thread.
Multiple Delegates
Extend your singleton to support multiple delegate. Replace setDelegate: with: addDelegate: and removeDelegate:
#property (atomic) NSMutableArray *delegates;
- (void)addDelegate:(NSObject * <YourProtocol>)foo {
[self.delegates addObject:foo];
- (void)removeDelegate:(NSObject * <YourProtocol>)foo {
[self.delegates removeObject:foo];
- (void)signalDelegateEvent {
[self.delegates enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id<YourProtocol> obj,
NSUInteger idx,
BOOL *stop) {
// call delegate method `foo` on each delegate
if ( [obj respondsToSelector:#selector(foo)]) {
[obj foo];
I have used the multi-delegate pattern successfully in many apps. Be careful to think about how multi-threading effects things if you choose this approach.

Obj-c autorelease a variable up a chain of methods

I'm new to Obj-C and I have a question concerning the autorelease. Is it ok to return an autoreleased variable for several methods? For example:
- (void) methodC {
Object anObj = [self methodB];
//Do something with anObj
- (Object *) methodB {
return [self methodA];
- (Object *) methodA {
Object anObj = [[anObj alloc] init];
release [anObj autorelease];
Will the variable remain valid even if it is returned up a method chain and used at the top? Or does it have to be retained somewhere along the way?
thank you
Yes, it will be valid in this case. You only have to worry about the variable being deallocated if somebody drains the autorelease pool. As long as you've written every function that returns along the way and you don't explicitly drain the autorelease pool, you don't have to worry about objects being deallocated from under you.
In the vast majority of cases, the code in the NSRunLoop takes care of draining the autorelease pool. When you return control from your application code to the API code (such as by returning from a touchesBegan handler etc.), you don't know if the autorelease pool will be drained, so you have to assume in the worst case that it will. In that case, you have to retain any objects you want to keep references to.
For example:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Object *anObj = [self methodC]; // Your methodC as before -- anObj is valid
[pool drain]; // anObj will be deallocated here
The variable should remain valid. You only need to retain an object if it is actually "owned" by some other object and could be indirectly/unintentionally released along with it. For example, if you extracted an object from an array and then released the array, your object reference could become invalid unless you explicitly retain it.
For more details, see Object Ownership and Dismissal, particularly the sections on Autorelease and Validity of Shared Objects. The latter uses the following code to illustrate how you could "accidentally" make an object reference invalid.
heisenObject = [array objectAtIndex:n];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// heisenObject could now be invalid.
The following code shows how to mitigate this problem using retain.
heisenObject = [[array objectAtIndex:n] retain];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// use heisenObject.
[heisenObject release];