Internal Redirects with Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

I am trying to implement a generic vanity url system in Rails 3. Generic in the sense that the vanity url isn't tied to a specific model. It is similar to the Vanities gem where I have a VanityUrlController that is hit from all the vanity urls. The difference is that I don't want to do an external redirect from to or to I want the vanity url to to stick around and have the the VanityUrlContoller do an internal redirect that mimics the corresponding show action.
I know what controller and action I want to dispatch the internal redirect to, but I am having problems with actually dispatching it. This is where I am at the moment:"show", request.env)
It seems to start processing the new "request," but there are key pieces missing... like the actual request object.
Any thoughts or pointers would be very appreciated.
I ran across the dispatch method in ActionController which seems to get me a little farther."show", request)
I have two problems with this, 1) it is listed as a private api method so if there is another way to do this, I'd rather that, and 2) even though it is rendering the show template for the TargetController, it is complaining about "Missing template vanity_urls/show."
Here is the basics of the solution we came up with. We do some other things like forcing encodings and checking some other application specific stuff, but this should be all you need to get going.
This goes at the very bottom of your routes.rb file so your vanity routes don't clobber your other named routes.
# Vanity routes.
match ':id', :as => 'vanity', :to => proc { |env|
id = env["action_dispatch.request.path_parameters"][:id]
vain_object = <method to find the object you want to display>
if vain_object.nil?
# render your 404 page
model = vain_object.class.model_name
# figure out the controller you want to go to
controller = [model.pluralize.camelize,"Controller"].join.constantize
# reset the :id parameter with the id of the object to be displayed
env["action_dispatch.request.path_parameters"][:id] =
# do your internal redirect
You'll also want to be careful while creating your vanity routes, so they don't collide with your other controllers. Some other useful things to know about are:
Rails.application.routes.routes.any? { |r| r.requirements[:controller] == vanity_url }
Which tells you if your vanity_url has the same name as a current controller.
Rails.application.routes.recognize_path("/#{vanity_url}", :method => :get)
Which tells you if this maps to anything already.
Sure, there are a couple of hacks along the way, but it works like a charm.

Try the FriendlyId plugin. It seems to do exactly what you want. Video tutorial:


Removing url scope segment with url helpers

I'm writing an app that makes use of AngularJS, so the app is setup to route all requests to the main home page where angular takes over. All routes are then defined within an api scope which angular uses to retrieve the data. It's setup though, that if the user navigates to a page with a normal URL, then when it redirects to the home page, it maintains that URL which angular then uses to load the correct state.
What I now want to do, is be able to use URL helpers within rails to generate my URL's, but not have the generated URL's include the /api of the scope. Is there any way I can get around this?
routes.rb looks a bit like
scope "/api", shallow_path: "/api" do
... normal stuff here ...
And if I try using one of the helpers,
meeting_url(#meeting, subdomain: "test")
the url it generates is
Is there a way I can have it strip the /api?
I don't believe there's a built-in way to do it.
But, you're in ruby, so there are plenty of ways to do what you want.
One way to go, since you're in your own app, is do monkey-patch String:
class String
def no_api
self.gsub(/\/api/, '')
meeting_url(#meeting, subdomain: 'test').no_api #=>
If you find that distasteful, you can define a method on ApplicationController or in a helper module:
def no_api(url)
url.gsub(/\/api/, '')
etc. etc. etc.

Creating an action inside a controller, after it has been generated

I am working on a rails app, and have generated a Controller via
rails g controller Pics index upload
but now I would like to add another action
do I do this by manually adding a delete method in the Pics controller?
Or do I need to run another generation. My concern is that by adding manually something may not get included (not sure what it would be, but something under the hood.)
Is this the best way of adding a new action to a generated controller?
If you add manually, just make sure you have the right route on your routes.rb.
Let's say you create your delete action inside your Pics controller.
def delete
# do stuff
On your routes.rb, you need to append the route to your resource like this, remembering to analyse if it is a resource that acts upon a member of your resource, or a collection. (More about this you can read on this guide
resource :pics do
collection do
post :delete
resource :pics do
member do
post :delete
Remember that all RESTFUL actions are handled by default by the rails router, again, try to read the guide i showed earlier for precise information about the topic. Hope it helps.

Rails3 not rendering page correctly

I am writing a simple Rails3 application running in a sub URL that works well except for one problem. If I do not add a ".html" extension at the end of a URL for the "index" method of any of the controllers, the request returns a blank page. It does not matter which controller I request, the "index" method always returns completely empty, including if I curl the URL. I have an "index.html.erb" file in each of the controllers, with simple but complete HTML, and if I do include the ".html" extension in the URL, everything works fine. Here are some example URLs and their results:
http://my.application.url/appname/pages -- returns a blank page.
http://my.application.url/appname/pages.html -- returns the correct HTML page
http://my.application.url/appname/pages/new -- returns the correct HTML form
http://my.application.url/appname/pages/1 -- returns the correct HTML page
http://my.application.url/appname/pages/1/edit -- returns the correct HTML form
My routes file looks similar to this:
My::Application.routes.draw do
scope "/appname" do
resources :posts
resources :pages
root :to => 'home#index'
The applicable part of my controller looks similar to this:
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def index
#pages = Page.all
respond_to do |format|
As I said, the index method is the only one that is having this problem. I have tried everything I can think of, including adding My::Application.default_url_options = {:format => "html"} in application.rb (which works except when I need to do a redirect_to from the controller), and I am at a loss. The app is using Thin as an application server proxied behind Apache 1.3 (which I unfortunately cannot change, and this doesn't seem to be an issue anyway because hitting the Thin server directly results in the same problem). Any ideas would be much appreciated.
So, the answer seems to be that if the URL does not specify the .html extension, the application will serve out assets (from the asset pipeline) of the same name as the controller, at least while running in the development environment. Once I removed the [controllername].css.scss and [controllername] files (both of which were unused anyway) that were auto-generated when I created the controllers from the assets folder, the application worked correctly. Just for kicks, I tried leaving them in and running rake assets:precompile, but the behavior persisted until the files were actually removed. This still seems counterintuitive, and I am contemplating filing this as a bug.

Rails 3.2 Mountable App locale getting duplicated

I am seeing a scenario where my locale parameter is getting duplicated once I step into a mountable app. My app looks like so:
resources :blogs
scope "(:locale)" do
mount Auth::Engine => '/auth'
If I am at a blogs page and look at an auth link it looks like this /en-us/auth/signout which works well, but as soon as I load into any page rendered by the mountable app, for example the profile page /en-us/auth/myprofile', the sign out link now looks like /en-us/auth/signout?locale=en-us
I don't want the querystring getting cluttered, what is causing the app to correctly set the locale parameter and then duplicate it in the querystring?
my bet is that your application controller has something like:
def set_locale
# code here
def default_url_options
# code here
Since your engine controller inherits from application controller, set_locale may be triggered twice.
Potential Solution: Check if the code is in an engine, then don't trigger locale setting.
This can be done with: self.controller_path().split("/").first == engine_name
I had the same problem. I was setting the default url options on the controller (by redefining default_url_options or by using self.default_url_options=).
The solution was to use Rails.application.routes.default_url_options = instead.

Force absolute URIs for a specific controller action

I've got a controller action that generates a template for an online credit card payment gateway (Ogone). I need to force all URIs (image links in the layout, stylesheets, javascripts ...) to be absolute in this case, since the page will be filled up and rendered by the payment gateway server itself.
What is the "rails 3 way" of doing that?
I finally solved my problem completely outside of rails, with the use of wget, with option -k, which converts all relative links to absolute links. It my controller, it looks like:
def action_with_relative_links
def action_with_absolute_links
render :text => convert_to_absolute_links(:action_with_relative_links)
def convert_to_absolute_links(action_param)
`wget -q -k -O/tmp/absolute_links.html #{url_for :action => action_param}`
`cat /tmp/absolute_links.txt`
There is still one little thing to correct in this code: the problem that may arise in high concurrency, because of the use of a temporary filesystem file.
I wish there was a way to avoid that hack, and do everything in rails, but I'm pretty happy with the result, and it permits me to keep all my views and layout files unchanged.
I hope it can help someone!