Objective C, How to delete string character set? - objective-c

I download strings from a web server and it contains special characters such as /n /p and so on. What is the best way to get rid of these?

do you have a list of characters that need stripping?
or you could use
[string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];

I'd have thought your best bet would be to use one of the NSString methods such as stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:withString: (replacing the characters in question with an empty string) or stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:.

you can use
Str=[Str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"/n" withString:#""];
if you have selected special characters use Array of special characters and then will also work.


Is it right to encode "+" and "-" in that way?

I am trying to encode string with UTF-8 format and all required characters instead of "+" and "-" are not formatted.
I investigated NSCharacterSet, and found out that standard URLHostAllowedCharacterSet method is not fully covering my issue.
I decide to create own NSCharacterSet with symbols that should be replaced:
NSCharacterSet *customCharacterSet = [[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#" \"#%/:<>?#[\\]^`{|}+-"] invertedSet];
This is working, but I am interested if it is right to do this replacement by my own, or maybe there is some standard methods that are doing this replacements that I do not find?
If you explicitly need to encode also the valid characters + and - then your custom character set is the right solution.

Prevent NSString to escape contents

Sorry for maybe a newbie question.
For various reasons I am stuck with a peculiar string that looks like this:
NSString *myString = #"A\\314\\212A\\314\\210O\\314\\210.jpg";
Can I in some ninja-way remove the double \\ and force NSString understand that the string is Uniencoded and should be read like this
NSString *myString = #"A\314\212A\314\210O\314\210.jpg"; // Displays ÅÄÖ as expected
I have tried different strategies tried to replace all slashes ("\"), but as soon as I add a ("\") NSString adds another one to escape the first one. And I get stuck here...
Is it possible to prevent NSString to escape my string?
I am aware this is a special case. Reading the output from a terminal program which reads files on the users drive. Via a NSTask I am capturing the output to into a NSString for parsing and splitting it into an array. It works great as long as there are no non-ascii characters. HFS+ is encoding non-ascii characters with slightly different Unicode called NFD.
When I am capturing the reponse, the ÅÄÖ are already encoded inside qoutes like this:
When I create a NSString and with the captured reponse, it gets escaped by NSString a second time.
I am aware that this is not the optimal, but right now I have no control over what the terminal program is outputting. Usually when a NSString is created with this NFD encoding, Objectiv-C takes care of the encoding/decoding for you. But since I have a string with mixed and double escaped content, I have a hard way of creating it and make NSString to understand that the content is encoded with this encoding.
Basically I would like to to this:
decodedString = [output stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\\\\"
But behind the scenes NSString is always escaping \ with another \ for you so I would like a way to create "raw" strings with out NSString interfering.
Have tried various ways to try enforing Unicode encoding on NSString but it all boils down to NSString is always capturing and escaping \.
Any tips och points appreciated!
I did not find any way around this other than go the other way around and change the output from the terminal program not to encode it this way.

What is the right way to replace a given unicode char in an NSString instance?

I have an NSString instance (let's called it myString) containing the following UTF-8 unicode character: \xc2\x96 ( that is the long dash seen in, e.g., MS Word ).
When printing the NSString to the console using NSLog and the %# format specifier, the character is replaced by an upside-down question mark indicating that something is wrong - and when using it as text in a table cell, the unicode character simply appears as blank space ( not the empty string - a blank space ).
To solve this, I would like to replace the \xc2\x96 unicode character with a "normal" dash - at first I thought this should be a 10 sec. task but after some research I have not yet found the "right way" to do this and this is where I would like your help.
What I have tried:
When I print myString in hex like this NSLog(#"%x", myString) I get the hex value: 96 for the unicode character representing the unicode character \xc2\x96.
Using this information I have made the following implementation to replace it with its "normal" dash equivalent:
for(int index = 0; index < [myString length]; index++)
NSLog(#"Hex:'%x' Char:'%c'", [myString characterAtIndex:index],[myString characterAtIndex:index]);
if([[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%x", [myString characterAtIndex:index]] isEqualToString:#"96"])
myString = [myString stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(index, 1) withString:#"-"];
... it works, but my eyes don't like it, and I would like to know if this can be done in much more cleaner and "right" way? E.g. like C#'s String.Replace(char,char) which supports unicode characters .
So to wrap up:
I'm looking for the "right way" to replace unicode chars in a string - I have done some research, but apparently, there is only methods available that replaces occurrences of a given NSString with another NSString.
I have read the following:
... but all of them explains how to replace a given NSString with another NSString and do not cover how specific unicode characters ( in particular double byte ) can be replaced.
You can make your string mutable (i. e. use an NSMutableString instead of an NSString). Also, the call to [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%x", character] isEqualToString:#"96"] is as inefficient as possible - why not simply if (character == 0x96)? All in all, try
NSString *longDash = #"\xc2\x96";
[string replaceOccurrencesOfString:longDash withString:#"-"];

Spanish characters replaced with weird string when 'stringWithFormat' is used?

NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",BernabÈu];
NSLog(#"%#", myString);
Above statement prints:
Here 'BernabÈu' is Spanish character string.
Why is the "\u00c8u" appended? How to get rid of it?
The because the '\u00c8' is the unicode representation of the E. I don't have the code handy, but you will have to look into using Locale's I think to get it to print with the correct character. But don't worry. Java still understands that this is an E.
(don't have the correct 'E' handy either :-)

How do I remove illegal characters from an NSString?

I am parsing a tab seperated list using a NSScanner based upon each line and the tabs. However for some reason the last field in the array (parsed from each row) contains a \r character.
How can I strip this from the NSString that represents the line (or the field)
If the \r character is at the end (probably because the file being parsed is CRLF), you can just do something like [string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]. (You might want to use an explicitly created '\r' character set instead if you don't want to strip whitespace as well.)
Try using the +[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet] method with NSScanner in your various scanning method calls.
Just FYI, The \r is part of the line ending for a file created in a windows environment.