For sake of SEO I'd like to begin using my Blog's title as the URL (just like SO). Is there a point where long is too long? Any browser-specific (IE6) issues?
Actually SEO suggests that you do not overuse the title of your blog, but rather make your post's title more important. That is why it is not a very good idea to use your blog title in a single post title as well. The header is an important part and the keywords of your post title should not be mixed with the title of your blog (because this makes them less important).
However, rest assured that google already knows about these ideas and handles them properly. Therefore, i would advise you not to pay too much attention on such matters.
Nope. Search engines may trip over query strings (the part behind the ?) but the length of the url shouldn't be a problem as long as you keep it under 8Kb.
But, a nice, short, clean and readable url might convince more vistors to actually click on it.
It is my understanding that the earlier the keyword is in the url the more weight it is given. If you are trying to optimize for the keyword "widgets" url A is going to be beneficial, and url B likely will not.
Currently I have a site developed in cakephp that has the following type of URL's:
I have heard that because our most valuable keywords "Ritz Carlton Club Bachelor Gulch" are so far to the right of the beginning of the URL that they may not be helping us for SEO purposes. My first question is if this is accurate?
Secondly, my programmer told me he could change it for less time/money to:
(with the 1 before the keywords)
or (for more significantly more time/money) to:
Is the URL without the 1 in front of the keywords much more helpful than the one with the 1 in front of the keywords.
Any help is appreciated, I'm so confused! :)
The problem with rewriting the urls in backwards order like this is that it makes less sense to humans, especially since CakePHP's pretty-url structure is designed to conform to the accepted informal standard.
Here are Google's own recommendations:
A site's URL structure should be as simple as possible. Consider organizing your content so that URLs are constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans (when possible, readable words rather than long ID numbers). For example, if you're searching for information about aviation, a URL like will help you decide whether to click that link. A URL like, is much less appealing to users.
The thing to remember is that Google are good at picking up keywords from your URLs and from your pages. So long as your pages and URLs follow a semantic, logical structure, there is very little to worry about.
Edit: As an addendum to the above - the 1 is redundant as far as both users and search engines are concerned, since it doesn't add any keyword value and is apparently some kind of identifier. It's the sort of thing that should be separated from the keywords somehow (usually by using a directory structure - ). Probably too late to change it now if it's a mature app, though. It would be better if it were a real keyword, say a particular country name or a location group or similar.
Yes it is right. More your main keyword close to the root folder more points it will get in Search engine.
This is not the only SEO thing.
in On page optimisation. your main keyword must be present in following.
Page title
H1 Tag
URL(in domain if possible)
In Image alt tag)
in Links on your home page.
meta keywords and description. (still some search count it)
first sentence of each paragraph
end of page.
you keyword must be sparse 20% in the whole page content in different places.
on off page optimisation, How popular you site with your keyword is on other sites.
Generally, there is more SEO weight for the page higher in the site hierarchy. For example, in order from good to bad.
Exactly how much weight depends the search engine. But keep in mind there are other factors.
In my opinion, the 1 before the title would not hurt you any more or less than the other example.
I will say the best would be:
In the end, SEO can be a bit of black magic. That is to say this particular optimization doesn't mean your page will appear ahead of another page that is under several sub directories. So you will have to decide time and budget.
I run an online shop and I wonder what would be more SEO-friendly URL for a product page:
a) OR
I already have URL-s for product category pages with format
On one hand I heard (but cannot find proof for) that Google like tree hierarchies in URL (vote for "a"). On the other hand though longer URL could lead to smaller kewyord density, also "product_name" comes as the last URL part so probably the least important (vote for "b"). Maybe both options are equally SEO-effective?
PS. I know about canonical URL's but this is not the case, I don't want/need both URL's formats, just want to choose the best.
In my opinion, category-name/product-name might drive more traffic compared to just product-name. Because former one has the advantage of two keywords, while the later just has one.
But, it may affect the results when user just searches for product-name. Because search engines will prefer the keyword which comes very first in the url. In this case, product-name will defeat category-name/product-name.
So, it depends on the product and category you are going to use. How the users will address the product. simply the product or always with the category name. Just do a little keyword research and decide which one to go with.
In a client case of mine, including both category and product name in the URL rendered much better SEO results. I have no empiric references, though. The keyword density landed on about 9-11 %.
smaller url are better. hard to manage as links grows.
so if you can do
nothing beats it. and it looks great on search result.
A sites URL structure should be as simple as possible:
Google Webmaster Central Advice on URL structure
Google does highlight the search terms if they appear in the URL.
In Googles words:
"While static URLs might have a slight advantage in terms of clickthrough rates because users can easily read the urls, the decision to use database-driven websites does not imply a significant disadvantage in terms of indexing and ranking."
As stated. Smaller is better. More important if you use the category and at a later time you decide to put your product in another category you have changed the url. Which is not good even if you redirect.
We actually removed all categories from our url's (8 million products or so) to make re-categorization easier. We haven't noticed a significant drop in ranking after the redirect effect wore off.
What are the standards for managing URL redirects if you base your URL's off properties of the data that might change a few times, like the "title"?
I have a website with lots of images and I want to make the urls look like this:
Now say a bunch of people bookmark the image, and a week later I change it to:
So now there has to be a redirect for the people that bookmarked the old one... Now lets say that happens on average 3 times per image. That means I'd have lots and lots of redirects to map. I'd have a database of redirects it seems.
What is best practice in this case, assuming I want to use pretty urls and not base it on some universally unique id, and that I'd like to reap as many benefits of SEO as possible?
Well I don't know what the downvote was about, this seems like a perfectly valid question to me.
My recommendation would be that if you know in advance you will be changing the data, it probably shouldn't be in the URL in the first place. If this is a requirement (perhaps its important for SEO or you are creating a blog or something, you have some choices:
Forget the old URL and use only the new. Probably not a good way to make friends ;)
Keep the old URL and accept the fact that the title and URL do not match now. This might be accomplished by each post having a slug field where the URL text is stored, separate to the post's actual title.
Keep the old URL and allow for new ones. A method for doing this might be to have a separate table which maps slugs to posts, each post having one or more slugs. That way, any number of changes are catered for.
If possible changes and backwards compatibility are a requirement, I'd go with something like option 3. Its certainly better to have it built in to your app than have to manage growing .htaccess files full or URL rewrite rules or something.
vote me down if you think my answer is stupid. I do not care it so much.
Not sure if your are using the same approach as StacOverflow, if you do then the slug, in your case my-cool-image-title and renamed-image-titledo not make a big difference as long as you keep the ID 132123 the same. So you need to to worry about your redirect stuff. That being said, in the perspective of social Bookmark users, I think changing slug may cause confusing, but it is not a redirect issue.
Am I wrong?
If I name my HTML file "Banks.html" located at, but all the content is about Cats and all my other SEO tags are about Cats on the page, will it affect my page's SEO?
Can you name your files whatever you want, as long as you have the page title, description, and the rest of the SEO done properly?
Page names are often not very representative of the page content (I've seen pages named 7d57As09). Therefore search engines are not going to be particularly upset if the page names appear misleading. However, it's likely that the page name is one of many factors a search engine considers.
If there's no disadvantage in naming a page about cats, "cats.html", then do so! If it doesn't help your SEO, it will make it easier for your visitors!
If you want to be on better place when someone searchs for 'banks', then yes, it can help you. But unless you are creating pages about cats in banks I'm sure that this wont help you very much :)
It shouldn't affect your search engine ranking, but it may influence people who, having completed a search on Google (or some of the other great search engines, like um...uh...), are now scanning the results to decide where to click first. Someone faced with a url like would be more likely to click than someone faced with because most people haven't a clue what the last part means. It's also more memorable and gives people greater faith in getting back to the same site if you write your URLs nicely. No one that isn't Dustin Hoffman can remember the second URL without a little intense memory training, while everyone can remember banks.html. Just make sure your URL generation is consistent and your rewriting is solid, so you don't end up with loads of page not found errors which can detriment search engine ranking.
Ideally, your page name should be relevant to the content of the page - so your ranking may improve if you call the page "cats.html", as that is effectively another occurrence of the keyword in the page.
Generally, this is fairly minor compared to the benefits of decent keywords, titles, etc on the page. For more information take a look at articles around Url Strategy, for example:
"I’ve heard that search engines give some weighting to pages which contain keywords users are searching for which are contained within the page URL?"
Naming your pages something meaningful is a good idea and does improve SEO. It's another hint to the search engines what the page is about, in addition to the title and content. You would be surprised if you opened a file on your computer called "Letter to Grandma.doc" and it was actually your tax return!
In general, the best URLs are those that simply give a page name and hierarchical structure, without extensions or ID numbers. Keep it lowercase and separate words with dashes, like this:
In your case you will probably wanna keep the .html extension to avoid complexities with URL rewriting.
Under circumstances this can be considered a black-hat SEO technique. Watch out not to be caught or reported by curious users.
Google's PageRank algo has hundreds, thousands or even millions of variables and factors. From this point of view, you can be sure that the name of the files that you use on your website will affect your pagerank and/or your keyword targeting. Think about it.
There are few on-page elements that have significance. The URL, while it can be /234989782 is going to be more beneficial if it's named relevantly.
From any point of view, Google and all search engines like to see a coherence between everything: if you have a page named XYZ, then google will like it better if the text, meta, images, url, documents, etc, on the page to have XYZ in them. The bigger this synchronisation between the different elements on a page, the more the search engine sees how focused the content of that page is, resulting in more hits for you when someone looks up that focused search term.
If you have an image for example, you're better off having the same:
alt text
(wordpress users will recognize that these are the four parameters that can be set for images on wordpress).
The same goes for all files you have on your website. Any parameter that can be seen by a search engine is better of optimized in regards to the content that goes with it, in sync with all the other parameters of this same thing.
The question of how useful this all is arises afterwards. Will I really rank lower if my alt text is different than the name of my image? Probably not by a lot. But either way, taking advantage of small subtleties like these can take you a long way in SEO. There are so many things we can't control in SEO (or that we shouldn't be able to control, like backlinks), that we have to use what we can control in the best way possible, to compensate.
It's also hard to tell if it is all useful after the Google Panda and Penguin. It definitely has less of an impact ever since those reforms (back then, this kind of thing was crucial), the question is simply how much of an impact it still has. But all in all, as I said, whenever possible, name your files according to your content.
Today algorithm is totally different when the SEO was introduce. The seo today is about content and its quality. It must produce a good reader and follower so any filename and description are no longer important.
Page name doesn't affects much in terms of SEO. but naming a page is also one of the Google 200 SEO signals.
Naming a url different sure will reduce your bounce rate a little. Because any user comes to your site through organic search results doesn't understand what the page has.
Even search engines loves when a page name is relevant to the topic in the page.
Which one is better:
I see stackoverflow uses option 1.
Are there any diferences for search engines on these url formats?
The difference is probably negligible. Many sites use either this or that format. Of course, only search engine insiders can tell the difference.
The first option is however easier for you to disassemble URL to parameters. I'd pick up that one (which I did for my blog).
The reason that stack overflow uses the first method is because it is passing the question ID via that section of the URL path. That is why Url SEO pk formatany-txt-will-do will still direct you to the same URL.
If your goal is to keyword stuff the URL (the main SEO advantage of friendly urls) then the first method is best as you consolidate the keyword into the file name.
For instance is better than suited to rank for the term carriers. However, if your goal is to rank for the term "cat carriers" then is better.
What it comes down to is your keyword parring. Many times when you are trying to rank a page, you have a base keyword and then modifiers. In the example above, cat is the keyword and carriers is the modifier. However, in a case like THAT you would be best to repeat the word cat, (as long as you don't look TO spammy that is).
You should note though, that a file named cat-carriers.html will not rank as well as carriers.html for the term carriers all other things being equal.
I would definitely use the first one
It is a somewhat common convention
You should make the slug optional. It is unclear it may be optional in the 2nd one.
URLs don't matter as much as people think they should. The first method is probably slightly better, but I think your site will rank the same with either one.
How to define urlrewritingnet rewrite rule for this, something like:
<add name="ProductDetailsRewrite" virtualUrl="^~/category/(.*)/(.*)" rewriteUrlParameter="ExcludeFromClientQueryString" destinationUrl="~/Category.aspx?CategoryID=$1" ignoreCase="true"/>
I am assuming "books" is the keyword you want to target with this example. Personally I prefer but out of the 2 given examples I would choose
Reason being the keyword is one jump less than that of example one. Granted it not a major ranking factor but if you are building the site up from scratch why not give it the best possible chance for success.
NOTE : for an existing site I will not go to the trouble of changing the url structure unless its absolutely required.