Is there any way to sync audio with text. I have to highlight text "word by word" for audio file - objective-c

Is there any way to sync audio with text. I have to highlight text "word by word" for audio file. I have no idea on how to begin with this. I have not yet worked on Audio files. Which View (UITextView or UIWebView) should i use to display my text for the implementation of this feature ? I'm building this as an iPad Book reading App.
All suggestions are welcome.
- Thanks in advance

There is an open file format LRC which specifies time and lyrics for audio files. You can adopt this format to easily into your application.
Hope this helps.

Try implementing a voice recognition software such as PolitePix OpenEars then as each word is recognized change the color of it in your app. OpenEars will only recognize words specified so it is a great option for children's stories.


Get text from a pdf in NSString

I am trying to make an iOS app which would extract plain text from a pdf file and display it in a UITextView. Its simply not a pdf reader to view a pdf file but i would later wish to perform certain operations on that text.
I have already googled a lot but still not able to get an exact solution.
i already tried using
but the files are using ARMV6 architecture which seems obsolete with xcode 4.5
And if anyone can suggest some exact and non-confusing code using Quartz-2d framework of iOS then it would be great.
Here is An Sample code to Extract text from PDF Hope this Might Help You.
This is a library to get the text out of a PDF for the iPhone.
Another Demo is there Which uses OCR technology find the link below
Also Check this page of the Quartz 2D Programming Guide, it covers everything you need to open and parse a PDF file in iOS. Note that it is not a simple task, since there's no method to extract the full text in one line. You have to work with the data as an input stream, using a CGPDFScanner
Two Other Libraries
This question comes up all the time. It is VERY hard to extract text from PDF in general. The PDF specification is not designed with text extraction in mind. There are many libraries that try to do the job, essentially by reconstructing the text from the geometric placement of the individual glyphs. These libraries have varying degrees of success, but will all fail on certain PDF documents. In fact, some PDF documents have Glyphs but no way to associate the glyph with a character. For these documents it is simply not possible to extract text, short of using some kind of OCR approach.
PDF is designed as a read-only format that is portable in the sense that a PDF document will be rendered identically on any platform. That is what it is best at, and what it should be used for.
If text is to be edited, do not use PDF.
Here (Extracting text from pdf using objective-c), I found an answer to your question and it works. But not so fine as i need it :(
it can extract only ascii
it return me only one paragraph
Good luck.

Select/Highlight/Copy lines from a PDF in iOS using CG/Quartz

I've searched many sites, and found several links which explains to implement pdf reading/rendering and annotating using javascript on a webview.
I want to highlight text in a pdf just like the way its done in desktop and copy the text and send as sms/email,by a cut/copy/paste like callout which happens in textviews. Is there any link or sources to do the same way for copying text in a pdf document through the app ?
Help is appreciated..!

convert powerpoint and keynote file to set of images

Is there a way in C or Objective-C to convert presentation files (.ppt/.key) into a set of images?
many thanks!
I doubt. ppt file is the fact XML style document. So if you want to parse it you have to write a XML parser who puts element in the exact position... So in fact you have to create your own powerpoint.
But, you might (both PowerPoint and Keynote) consider to export presentation to pdf, and then this will be a lot simpler.
For PowerPoint, you can get each slide, present it through UIWebView and capture the image from view
IOS library to convert powerpoint presentations into images
It would be more helpful to know why you want to do this, but on mac, it's possible to do this kind of thing with javascript and it's possible to call javascript from within cocoa
I doubt you'll have any luck if you want to do it in iOS.
PowerPoint for Mac offers a Save as Pictures open in the File menu that sounds like what you are looking for.

QLPreviewController vs UIWebView -- Pros / Cons

Does anyone have experience with pros and cons of using QLPreviewController vs UIWebView to open pdf and office document? And benchmark data ?
The QLPreviewController can open and display various documents such as office documents, pdf, images, movie files, text documents, etc. It also offers built in air print functionality. When opening movie files all the standard controls are there such as air play etc. It also supports multiple document previews via the QLPreviewControllerDelegate. You get all this for "free" and have to write very little code to get it.
A UIWebView can do much of this, but you will have to write more code to handle it. It will take more work to render images "properly", and you will have to handle movies and audio on your own in some cases. There can also be issues detecting the appropriate text encoding when viewing plain text files.
The QLPreviewController is a much better "all in one" solution. There are other classes available as well if you need even more control then what the QLPreviewController will give you.

How to convert PDF file to .doc format in Objective-C?

right now i am working on one ipad application where i am giving facility of opening the pdf file and also to customize it,now i want to add one functionality like i want to convert that pdf file in .doc format.
I researched but did not get any way around. Can anybody help me out?
Thanking you in advance.
I wrote an article on PDF to text conversion issues. If you look at some of the existing PDF to Word conversion tools (ie BCL) you will see what is realistically possible with a lot of work.
It’s not possible to convert a generic PDF back into a text format. I guess you could render the PDF into images and create a DOC from those, but that doesn’t sound very useful.