MSMQ: do 2 servers need to be in same domain to be able to access private queues? - wcf

As the title says - i have 3 servers:
server-1 [wcf services]
server-2 [wcf services]
server-3 [esb using rhino.esb]
So -
server 1 publishes message to server-3 esb
server 2 subscribes to messages from server 1 via server-3 esb
do they all need to be in the same domain or anything?

For security there is no difference between public and private queues - "public" just means published in Active Directory.
Also, you need to differentiate between "different domain" and "different forest". I assume you mean the latter. Two domains in the same forest share the same security database so would not be a problem.
Do not regard Access Control Lists on queues as being a robust form of security. A message can be sent with the SID of any account to get round the queue permissions. Authentication with internel (MSMQ) or external certificates is a much better alternative if security is an issue.
How to send authenticated MSMQ messages without using a domain account
Authenticating MSMQ messages between forests
Cross-forest MSMQ? You need to be trusting
"How do I send MSMQ messages between domains?"
Understanding how MSMQ security blocks RPC traffic
John Breakwell

No. But its less secure or more complicated. Depending if you are using no security ( everyone has access) or certificates.
Look at Securing Messages Using Transport Security.

Private queues are just accessed via a TCP port, so there is no need for the hosting server to even be on a domain for the MSMQ queue to be accessible. However, I would recommend that you apply transport-level security at the network layer (i.e. firewalls) to prevent any unauthorised traffic from putting messages on / retrieving from the queues.


Load balancing WebSocket with Redis and RabbitMQ

Consider a small chat server. In this server, the actual processing of messages is done by nodes of a service called "chat". Communications of this service along with a "user" service are then aggregated via a "gateway" service in front that is the only service that actually communicates with the users and is in charge of passing requests received to other services via the RabbitMQ channel they share.
In a system designed like this, each user is connected to one of the instances of the "gateway" service and when sending and receiving messages indirectly communicates with the private "chat" or "user" services behind. To load balance this, we have an Nginx reverse-proxy on the edge that tries to distribute requests to different "gateway" instances. But since WebSocket connection is real-time, "chat" instances should also be able to send messages to the right instance of the "gateway" in charge of that specific user for user-specific messages and to all "gateway" instances for site-wide messages. This is a problem since with RabbitMQ I don't believe we can target a specific subscriber and even if we could, we don't know to which instance that specific user is connected right now.
Therefore, since we are using for WebSocket connection, I am thinking of adding a new Redis node to the stack to allow this communication between different instances of the "gateway" service. This is directly supported by and works alright and removes all sorts of limitations imposed by the RabbitMQ, however, we are still using RabbitMQ to route a message from a "chat" instance to a "gateway" instance that then will propagate through the Redis service and when the right "gateway" instance having access to the user is found, delivered to them.
This adds unnecessary lag to user-specific outbound messages. So here I am asking if anyone has a better idea of how this problem should be approached and how to decrease this lag.
Personally, I have this idea of adding to "chat" services (with no client access) and use its backend to send the message directly to the Redis store so that the instance of the "gateway" connected to it can route it directly to the user, going over the whole RabbitMQ thing for this type of messages.
It might be important to mention that none of these services are here just to do this specific thing, RabbitMQ is heavily used for communication between different services acting as the message broker and the "gateway" service works with multiple other services for data aggregation, authentication and data validation and transformation. The above example was a simplified version of the problem at hand with the minimum number of moving parts that I could easily describe here.
Edit: To send messages directly to redis store, the following library can be used apparently not to load the whole library:

Configuring RabbitMQ consumer as windows service

I am looking in for the best way to implement the RabbitMQ consumer by using .Net Client which should be run as windows service.
I referred the RabbitMQ documentation and found the way to consume messages by using .Net client (
My current scenario is like, RabbitMQ is installed in AWS VM machine. I have to install dotnet client consumer service resides in On-premise network which should consume messages.
Which one is the best way, to always listen the Queue (AMQP protocol) or HTTP API which should get messages on demand (
Please advise.
I believe the answer is "neither." You should have your message queue as a back-end service behind the firewall, and expose your application functionality through a set of carefully-specified web services. The web services, which are exposed through the firewall but can communicate to services behind the firewall, would produce messages that would be transmitted to the server. Any services needing to produce or consume messages would need to do so via the web services, which would perform safety/security checking prior to forwarding the request on to the AMQP server.
If you need to expose AMQP directly to clients (i.e. that is the purpose of your app), then the recommendation is to do so via STOMP. I think a valid use case for exposing AMQP directly over the internet would be a rare thing to come across. The security implications of doing so would be immense.

How to determine and verify which RabbitMQ Queues are using SSL

I am trying to demonstrate to others that my queue is using SSL, however from the RabbitMQ web management tools there seems to be no distinction over which queues are using SSL and which are not.
Using RabbitMQ management on localhost, I am able to see all my queues. I have set up SSL on port 5671 successfully using the troubleshooting from RabbitMQ website.
Using MassTransit I have configured my incoming bus to use localhost:5671/my_queue_name with a client certificate and all is working successfully - I just can't confirm to others that the queue is secure. If I get a message from the queue using the web management tools, I can read the (JSON) message in plain text. Any ideas how I can prove my messages are secure?
I've attempted using BusDriver to peek the queues but get nothing back (independent of whether is SSL or not).
SSL is used to secure connections, not to encrypt queue contents.
What SSL gives you is that communication from clients to RabbitMQ will be encrypted, so you could theoretically be sure that nobody tampered with your messages.
Also if you need to validate that the sender of the message is a particular user, you could use this RabbitMQ extension:

NServiceBus gateway for cross site sending

I have a few servers that are within different DMZs. Each of these servers will be running a few NServiceBus services and/or a web application which sends messages. I'll need to be able to send messages across the different sites a lot of the time. Opening the required ports poses a security problem our network admin is not willing to compromise on.
I've had a look at the NServiceBus Gateway. ( ) I do think that this is going to be a good solution. However my I'm not exactly sure on the best way to implement it.
Consider a network consisting of multiple services where multiple messages will need to be sent across the sites. Is it best to create an additional service on the same server which handles all messages coming from within that network or to let each service manage it's cross site sending?
The nservicebus gateway is a viable solution. Although you must consider the following: the gateway like everything in NSB is also oppinionated. It only allows send semantics over it. You also need to carefully design your SOA service boundaries. Cross site communication should connect logical services which are physically seperate on mutiple sites. Communication going over the gateway should have significant business importance but not be very chatty (because cross site is very expensive operation).
The gateway does require you to open ports to at least allow incoming http communication.

WCF cross-domain duplex: your Thawtes

(Ha! see what I did there?)
I have a system whereby a server pushes information from a central DB out to many client DBs (cross-domain via internet), and periodically they call services on the server. This has to withstand intermittent connections, ie queue messages.
I've created a development version using duplex MSMQ that I'm trying to apply transport security. From the reading I've done, it appears that:
MSMQ uses AD Windows Security, which is irrelevant cross-domain.
Due to the nature of duplex, each client is effectively a server as well. That means I need to pay $1200 every time I install the system with another client if I want to use SSL.
Are these facts correct? Am I really the only person who needs to secure services that are queued AND cross-domain AND duplex?
"MSMQ uses AD Windows Security, which is irrelevant cross-domain."
No, MSMQ uses Windows security which includes local accounts and, if available, domain accounts. MSMQ also uses certificates, if available.
"Due to the nature of duplex, each client is effectively a server as
MSMQ doesn't use a client-server model. All MSMQ machines are effectively peers, sending messages between each other. For the $1,200 payment, are you referring to the certificate needed by the web service for sending MSMQ over HTTPS?
This is the first time I've seen anyone want to push secure messages over HTTPS to multiple destinations.
You may, in fact, be the only person in the world right now who wants to do this.
Let me embellish.
Not many companies are using MSMQ (in the grand scheme of things).
Of those that are, the vast majority are using only private queues, a small minority only use public queues.
Of those that are, only a handful are using it across the internet.
Of those that are, perhaps one is using it to exchange messages in both directions (that would be yours).
But that aside, it seems to me your main challenge will be using MSMQ as a secure transport layer over the internet. Although I have never had to do this, here are a couple of articles:
Sorry couldn't be of more help.