Autofac: how do I pass a reference to the component being resolved to one of its dependents? - ioc-container

With the following:
public class AClass
public ADependent Dependent { get; set; }
public class ADependent
public ADependent(AClass ownerValue) {}
with the following registrations...
When I resolve an AClass, how do I make sure that 'ownerValue' is the instance of AClass being resolved, and not another instance? Thx
The example above doesn't really catch the problem properly, which is how to wire up ADependent when registering when scanning... for example
public class AClass : IAClass
public IADependent Dependent { get; set; }
public class ADependent : IADependent
public ADependent(IAClass ownerValue) {}
// registrations...
The function I am looking for really is another relationship type like
public class ADependent : IADependent
public ADependent(OwnedBy<IAClass> ownerValue) {}
The OwnedBy indicates that ownerValue is the instance that caused ADependent to created. Does something like this make sense? It would certainly make wiring up UI components a breeze.

To extend Steven's approach, you can even Resolve() the second class, passing the first instance as a parameter:
builder.Register<AClass>(c =>
var a = new AClass();
a.Dependent = c.Resolve<ADependent>(TypedParameter.From(a));
return a;

You can register a lambda to do the trick:
builder.Register<AClass>(_ =>
var a = new AClass();
a.Dependent = new ADependent(a);
return a;


How can I validate different types within a collection using FluentValidation?

I have a class with a collection that needs validation. The generic on the collection takes an interface and different types can be added to the collection.
What is the cleanest path forward to creating a FluentValidation validator that supports polymorphism?
public interface IWizardStep {}
public class WizardOne : IWizardStep
public string Model { get; set; }
public class WizardTwo : IWizardStep
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public class Wizard
public Wizard()
var w1 = new WizardOne();
var w2 = new WizardTwo();
Steps = new List<IWizardStep>
public IList<IWizardStep> Steps { get; set; }
public class WizardValidator : AbstractValidator<Wizard>
public WizardValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Steps)
// Steps First where is WizardOne
// Model.NotEmpty()
// Steps First where is WizardTwo
// FirstName.NotEmpty()
FluentValidation doesn't support polymorphism for child collections like this out of the box, but you can add this behaviour by using a custom property validator, or by using OfType in your rule definitions.
I've written about both approaches before here:
Step 1: Create a validator for each implementor
Start by creating a validator for WizardOne and WizardTwo:
public class WizardOneValidator : AbstractValidator<WizardOne> {
public WizardOneValidator() {
RuleFor(x => x.Model).NotEmpty();
public class WizardTwoValidator : AbstractValidator<WizardTwo> {
public WizardTwoValidator() {
RuleFor(x => x.FirstName).NotEmpty();
Step 2: Create the parent validator
You have two options for defining the parent validator. The simplest approach is to use OfType, but this is less performant. The more complex option is to use a custom property validator.
Option 1: Using OfType
public WizardValidator : AbstractValidator<Wizard> {
public WizardValidator() {
RuleForEach(x => x.Steps.OfType<WizardOne>()).SetValidator(new WizardOneValidator());
RuleForEach(x => x.Steps.OfType<WizardTwo>()).SetValidator(new WizardTwoValidator());
This is the simplest approach, but calling OfType inside the call RuleFor will end up bypassing FluentValidation's expression cache, which is a potential performance hit. It also iterates the collection multiple. This may or may not be an issue for you - you'll need to decide if this has any real-world impact on your application.
Option 2: Using a custom PropertyValidator.
This uses a custom custom validator which can differentiate the underlying type at runtime:
public WizardValidator : AbstractValidator<Wizard> {
public WizardValidator() {
RuleForEach(x => x.Steps).SetValidator(new PolymorphicValidator<Wizard, IWizardStep>()
.Add<WizardOne>(new WizardOneValidator())
.Add<WizardTwo>(new WizardTwoValidator())
Syntactically, this isn't quite as nice, but doesn't bypass the expression cache and doesn't iterate the collection multiple times. This is the code for the PolymorphicValidator:
public class PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> : ChildValidatorAdaptor<T, TInterface> {
readonly Dictionary<Type, IValidator> _derivedValidators = new Dictionary<Type, IValidator>();
// Need the base constructor call, even though we're just passing null.
public PolymorphicValidator() : base((IValidator<TInterface>)null, typeof(IValidator<TInterface>)) {
public PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> Add<TDerived>(IValidator<TDerived> derivedValidator) where TDerived : TInterface {
_derivedValidators[typeof(TDerived)] = derivedValidator;
return this;
public override IValidator<TInterface> GetValidator(PropertyValidatorContext context) {
// bail out if the current item is null
if (context.PropertyValue == null) return null;
if (_derivedValidators.TryGetValue(context.PropertyValue.GetType(), out var derivedValidator)) {
return new ValidatorWrapper(derivedValidator);
return null;
private class ValidatorWrapper : AbstractValidator<TInterface> {
private IValidator _innerValidator;
public ValidatorWrapper(IValidator innerValidator) {
_innerValidator = innerValidator;
public override ValidationResult Validate(ValidationContext<TInterface> context) {
return _innerValidator.Validate(context);
public override Task<ValidationResult> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext<TInterface> context, CancellationToken cancellation = new CancellationToken()) {
return _innerValidator.ValidateAsync(context, cancellation);
public override IValidatorDescriptor CreateDescriptor() {
return _innerValidator.CreateDescriptor();
This will probably be implemented in the library as a first class feature at some point in the future - you can track its development here if you're interested.

NInject IBindingGenerator and ToProvider

I've created this code:
public class AddonsModule : Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule
public override void Load()
this.Bind(b => b.FromAssembliesMatching("*")
.BindWith(new AddonBindingGenerator())
private class AddonBindingGenerator : IBindingGenerator
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax<object>> CreateBindings(System.Type type, Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot bindingRoot)
if (type.IsInterface || type.IsAbstract)
yield break;
yield return bindingRoot.Bind(type).ToProvider(typeof(UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon));
private class AddonProvider : IProvider<UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon>
public object Create(IContext context)
return null;
public Type Type
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
AddonProvider seems be avoided. This is never performed.
When I perform:
kernel.GetAll<UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon>(), AddonProvider.Create method is never performed.
Could you tell me what's wrong?
I'll appreciate a lot your help.
Thanks for all.
AddOnProvider is inheriting from IProvider<T> instead of UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon.
also, you may have issues binding to private inner classes. make AddOnProvider a public top level class.
You're binding a specific type which inherits from typeof(UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon) to a provider. For example, there could be a class Foo : UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon.
Now your convention binding translates to this:
Now, kernel.GetAll<UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon>() however is looking for bindings made like:
Fix It
So what you need to do is change the line
bindingRoot.Bind(type).ToProvider(new AddonProvider());
you're line object f = bindingRoot.Bind(type).ToProvider(new AddonProvider()); is never returning the binding (object f).
does UIExtensibility.AbstractAddon implement IProvider?
Thanks for your answer and comments.
I believe the trouble is on I'm not quite figuring out how this "generic" binding process works.
I'm going to try writing my brain steps process out:
I need to bind every AbstractAddon implementation inside addons assemblies folder. So, I think this code is right, but I'm not sure at all.
this.Bind(b => b.FromAssembliesMatching("*")
.BindWith(new AddonBindingGenerator())
My AbstractAddon is like:
public abstract class AbstractAddon : IAddon
private object configuration;
public AbstractAddon(object configuration)
this.configuration = configuration;
// IAddon interface
public abstract string PluginId { get; }
public abstract string PluginVersion { get; }
public abstract string getCaption(string key);
public abstract Type getConfigurationPanelType();
public abstract System.Windows.Forms.UserControl createConfigurationPanel();
I guess I need to:
foreach implementation of `AbstractAddon` found out,
I need to "inject" a configuration object ->
So, I guess I need to set a provider and provide this configuration object.
This would be my main way of thinking in order to solve this problem.
I've changed a bit my first approach. Instead of using a IBindingGenerator class, I've used the next:
public class AddonsModule : Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule
public override void Load()
this.Bind(b => b.FromAssembliesMatching("*")
.Configure(c => c.InSingletonScope())
So, My ConfigurationProvider is:
private class ConfigurationProvider : IProvider<object>
public object Create(IContext context)
return "configuration settings";
And now, my AbstractAddon constructor contains the parameter annotated with ConfigurationAttribute as:
public AbstractAddon([Configuration]object configuration)
this.configuration = configuration;
The problem now, NInject seems to ignore the configuration object provider. NInject generates a dump object, however, not perform ConfigurationProvider.Create method...
What I'm doing wrong, now?
Is this approach really better than the last one?
Thanks for all.

Setting a readonly "Parent" property in child object from parent

I am trying to reproduce the behaviour found in some WinForms controls (such as DataGridView and DataGridViewColumn) where the child object has a property pointing to the parent. This property is normally readonly, but it somehow changes after the parent's Add() method has been called.
In my code I have two classes, DataGroup and DataEntry, with the latter being the child object.
If I simply implemented something like:
public class DataEntry
public DataGroup Parent { get; set; }
public class DataGroup
public List<DataEntry> DataEntries { get; set; }
public DataGroup()
DataEntries = new List<DataEntry>();
public void Add(DataEntry de)
// Check stuff here
// ...
de.Parent = this;
it would certainly work, but with one major drawback: DataEntry.Parent has a public setter, so the property could be modified from anywhere without any of the checks I designed in DataGroup.Add()
I could maybe do the following:
public class DataEntry
private DataGroup _parent;
public DataGroup Parent
get { return _parent; }
_parent = value;
public class DataGroup
public void Add(DataEntry de)
// Check stuff here
// ...
// de.Parent = this; Already set!
which would work fine in case I wanted to add the child by setting its parent property, but would not update DataEntry.Parent if I called DataGroup.Add()
As I already said, it is quite normal for WinForms controls not to be able to change the Parent property directly in the child, but the property is changed after the Add method is called from the parent.
I can't figure out the link, a way for the parent to modify a property in the child, unless that property is public or exposed through a method, both of which would grant a chance to bypass my checks and ultimately produce errors.
if you just want to hide the method from outside parties you could declare the method internal
internal void SetParent(DataGroup dg)
//code to set parent
I've never tried this but it might work also. I do it with private all the time.
public DataGroup Parent { get; internal set; }
Another option to hide it from yourself a little more is to have an Explicit Interface Implementation. and even combine it with internal to hide it from outside. When you Explicitly implement an interface the only way to call the method is to cast the object to the interface first. I think something like this would work
internal interface ISetParent
void SetParent(DataGroup dg);
public class DataEntry : ISetParent
void ISetParent.SetParent(DataGroup dg)
Parent = dg;
public DataGroup Parent { get; private set;}
public class DataGroup
public List<DataEntry> DataEntries { get; set; }
public DataGroup()
DataEntries = new List<DataEntry>();
public void Add(DataEntry de)
// Check stuff here
// ...

check that property setter was called

I have a class I am unit testing and all I want to do is to verify that the public setter gets called on the property. Any ideas on how to do this?
I don't want to check that a value was set to prove that it was called. I only want to ensure that the constructor is using the public setter . Note that this property data type is a primitive string
This is not the sort of scenario that mocking is designed for because you are trying to test an implementation detail. Now if this property was on a different class that the original class accessed via an interface, you would mock that interface and set an expectation with the IgnoreArguments syntax:
public interface IMyInterface
string MyString { get; set; }
public class MyClass
public MyClass(IMyInterface argument)
argument.MyString = "foo";
public class Tests
public void Test()
var mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyInterface>();
mock.Expect(m => m.MyString = "anything").IgnoreArguments();
new MyClass(mock);
There are 2 problems with what you are trying to do. The first is that you are trying to mock a concrete class, so you can only set expectations if the properties are virtual.
The second problem is the fact that the event that you want to test occurs in the constructor, and therefore occurs when you create the mock, and so occurs before you can set any expectations.
If the class is not sealed, and the property is virtual, you can test this without mocks by creating your own derived class to test with such as this:
public class RealClass
public virtual string RealString { get; set; }
public RealClass()
RealString = "blah";
public class Tests
private class MockClass : RealClass
public bool WasStringSet;
public override string RealString
set { WasStringSet = true; }
public void Test()
MockClass mockClass = new MockClass();

Adding State in Decorator Pattern

I wonder how to add state to the chain of decorators that will be available to the consumer. Given this simplified model:
abstract class AbstractPizza
public abstract print(...);
class Pizza : AbstractPizza
public int Size { get; set; }
public print(...);
abstract class AbstractPizzaDecorator
public Pizza:AbstractPizza;
public abstract print();
class HotPizzaDecorator : AbstractPizzaDecorator
public int Hotness { get; set; }
public print(...);
class CheesyPizzaDecorator : AbstractPizzaDecorator
public string Cheese { get; set; }
public print(...);
void Main()
BigPizza = new Pizza();
BigPizza.Size = 36;
HotBigPizza = new HotPizzaDecorator();
HotBigPizza.Pizza = BigPizza;
HotBigPizza.Hotness = 3;
HotBigCheesyPizza = new CheesyPizzaDecorator();
HotBigCheesyPizza.Pizza = HotBigPizza;
HotBigCheesyPizza.Cheese = "Blue";
HotBigCheesyPizza.size = 28; // ERRRRRR !
Now if they all implement the print method and propagate that though the chain, it's all good. But how does that work for the state? I can't access the size property on the HotBigCheesyPizza.
What's the part that I'm missing? Wrong pattern?
Thanks for helping!
The decorator pattern is for adding additional behavior to the decorated class without the client needing to adjust. Thus it is not intended for adding a new interface (e.g. hotness, cheese) to the thing being decorated.
A somewhat bad example of what it might be used for is where you want to change how size is calculated: you could create a MetricSizePizzaDecorator that converts the size to/from English/metric units. The client would not know the pizza has been decorated - it just calls getSize() and does whatever it needs to do with the result (for example, to calculate the price).
I would probably not use the decorator in my example, but the point is: it does not alter the interface. In fact, nearly all design patterns come down to that - adding variability to a design without changing interfaces.
one way of adding state is by using a self referential data structure (a list). but this uses the visitor pattern and does more than you probably want. this code is rewritten from A little Java, a few patterns
// a self referential data structure with different types of nodes
abstract class Pie
abstract Object accept(PieVisitor ask);
class Bottom extends Pie
Object accept(PieVisitor ask) { return ask.forBottom(this); }
public String toString() { return "crust"; }
class Topping extends Pie
Object topping;
Pie rest;
Topping(Object topping,Pie rest) { this.topping=topping;; }
Object accept(PieVisitor ask) { return ask.forTopping(this); }
public String toString() { return topping+" "+rest.toString(); }
//a class to manage the data structure
interface PieManager
int addTopping(Object t);
int removeTopping(Object t);
int substituteTopping(Object n,Object o);
int occursTopping(Object o);
class APieManager implements PieManager
Pie p=new Bottom();
// note: any object that implements a rational version of equal() will work
public int addTopping(Object t)
p=new Topping(t,p);
return occursTopping(t);
public int removeTopping(Object t)
p=(Pie)p.accept(new RemoveVisitor(t));
return occursTopping(t);
public int substituteTopping(Object n,Object o)
p=(Pie)p.accept(new SubstituteVisitor(n,o));
return occursTopping(n);
public int occursTopping(Object o)
return ((Integer)p.accept(new OccursVisitor(o))).intValue();
public String toString() { return p.toString(); }
//these are the visitors
interface PieVisitor
Object forBottom(Bottom that);
Object forTopping(Topping that);
class OccursVisitor implements PieVisitor
Object a;
OccursVisitor(Object a) { this.a=a; }
public Object forBottom(Bottom that) { return new Integer(0); }
public Object forTopping(Topping that)
return new Integer(((Integer)(;
else return;
class SubstituteVisitor implements PieVisitor
Object n,o;
SubstituteVisitor(Object n,Object o) { this.n=n; this.o=o; }
public Object forBottom(Bottom that) { return that; }
public Object forTopping(Topping that)
return that;
class RemoveVisitor implements PieVisitor
Object o;
RemoveVisitor(Object o) { this.o=o; }
public Object forBottom(Bottom that) { return new Bottom(); }
public Object forTopping(Topping that)
else return new Topping(that.topping,(Pie);
public class TestVisitor
public static void main(String[] args)
// make a PieManager
PieManager pieManager=new APieManager();
// add some toppings
pieManager.addTopping(new Float(1.2));
pieManager.addTopping(new String("cheese"));
pieManager.addTopping(new String("onions"));
pieManager.addTopping(new String("cheese"));
pieManager.addTopping(new String("onions"));
pieManager.addTopping(new String("peperoni"));
// substitute anchovies for onions
int n=pieManager.substituteTopping(new String("anchovies"),new String("onions"));
System.out.println(n+" pieManager="+pieManager);
// remove the 1.2's
n=pieManager.removeTopping(new Float(1.2));
System.out.println(n+" pieManager="+pieManager);
// how many anchovies do we have?
System.out.println(pieManager.occursTopping(new String("anchovies"))+" anchovies");
I believe your component Pizza and your abstract decorator PizzaDecorator are supposed to share the same interface, that way each instance of the decorator is capable of the same operations as the core component Pizza.