SQL To check if a set of dates fall within a specified range of dates - sql

I have a table which holds dates when a room is unavailable in the schema:
I need a sql query that checks if a room is available during between a range of two dates - some thing along the line of
Select All rooms that are constantly available between date 1 and date 2
or rather
select all rooms that don not have a date entered in the date unavailable table which falls between date 1 and date 2
I'm using php MySQL here.

The inner query finds the room that are not available, then we use a Not-exists left join to remove those dates from our results, leaving us with available rooms only.
FROM rooms r LEFT JOIN (
FROM tableName
) g ON r.ROOM_ID = g.ROOM_ID
Alternativly, if you have correct indexes in place, skipping the group may be faster:
FROM rooms r LEFT JOIN tableName g ON r.ROOM_ID = g.ROOM_ID

Provided you have another table, say rooms it can be something like this:
select * from rooms r where not exists
(select * from room_unavail u
where r.id = u.id and u.date_unavailable between date1 and date2)
You can not do this just with the one table you specified, since when the table is empty -- all rooms are available but you won't get any result.

Let myRoomId be the ID of given room, and dateStart and dateEnd be the beginning and ending dates of time interval. Than:
select count(*) from tblRooms
where date_unavailable>=dateStart and date_unavailable<=dateEnd
and room_id = myRoomId
given select returns 0 if room is available.


Selecting current valid record of historical Data with SQL

I have 2 tables
Table Customer
customer_shortcut (char)
Table CustomerData
customerID (ForeignKey to Customer)
customer_valid (Valid date for the record)
customer_name (char)
Table CustomerData can have multiple records for a customer, but with different valid dates, p.e.
I managed to get the last record for each customer using the query:
SELECT Customer.*
FROM Customer
FULL JOIN CustomerData ON (Customer.id = CustomerData."customerID_id")
FULL JOIN CustomerData CustomerData2 ON (Customer.id = CustomerData2."customerID_id"
AND (CustomerData.customer_valid < CustomerData2.customer_valid
OR CustomerData.customer_valid = CustomerData2.customer_valid
AND CustomerData.id < CustomerData2.id)
WHERE CustomerData2.id IS NULL
How do I get now the current valid record (in my example the record with customer_valid 01.01.2020)?
I tried to add "AND customer_valid <= '2020-05-05' on nearly every position within the query but never got the expected result.
If I understand you correctly you are looking for the highest "valid date" that is before "today" (or any given date). This can be achieved using a lateral join in Postgres:
SELECT c.*, cd.customer_name
FROM customer c
FROM customerdata cd
WHERE c.id = cd.customer_id
AND cd.customer_valid <= current_date
ORDER BY cd.customer_valid DESC
) cd on true
A more efficient option would be (in my opinion) to store the start and the end of the valid period in a daterange column:
create table customer_data
customer_id int not null references customer,
valid_during daterange not null,
customer_name text
Overlapping ranges can be prevented using an exclusion constraint
And the example ranges from your question would be stored as
The ) denotes that the right edge is excluded.
The query then becomes as simple as:
SELECT c.*, cd.customer_name
FROM customer c
JOIN customer_data cd
on c.id = cd.customer_id
AND cd.valid_during #> current_date;

Use query result

I´m having issues with the following query. I have two tables; Table Orderheader and table Bought. The first query I execute gives me, for example, two dates. Based on these two dates, I need to find Production data AND, based on the production data, I need to find the Bought data, and combine those data together. Lets say I do the following:
Select Lotdate From Orderheader where orhsysid = 1
This results in two rows: '2019-02-05' and '2019-02-04'. Now I need to do two things: I need two run two queries using this result set. The first one is easy; use the dates returned and get a sum of column A like this:
Select date, SUM(Amount) from Orderheader where date = Sales.date() [use the two dates here]
The second one is slighty more complicated, I need to find the last day where something has been bought based on the two dates. Production is everyday so Productiondate=Sales.date()-1. But Bought is derived from Productionday and is not everyday so for every Productionday it needs to find the last Boughtday. So I can't say where date = Orderheader.date. I need to do something like:
Select date, SUM(Amount)
FROM Bought
WHERE date = (
SELECT top 1 date
FROM Bought
WHERE date < Orderheader.date)
But twice, for both the dates I got.
This needs to result in 1 table giving me:
Bought.date, Bought.SUM(AMOUNT), Orderheader.date, Orderheader.SUM(AMOUNT)
All based on the, possible multiple, Lotdate(s) I got from the first query from Sales table.
I've been struggling with this for a moment now, using joins and nested queries but I can't seem to figure it out!
Example sample:
SELECT CONVERT(date,ORF.orfDate) as Productiedatum, SUM(orlQuantityRegistered) as 'Aantal'
FROM OrderHeader ORH
LEFT JOIN OrderFrame ORF ON ORH.orhFrameSysID = ORF.orfSysID
LEFT JOIN OrderLine ORL ON ORL.orhSysID = ORH.orhSysID
LEFT JOIN Item ON Item.itmSysID = ORL.orlitmSysID
where CONVERT(date,ORF.orfDate) IN
SELECT DISTINCT(CONVERT(date, Lot.lotproductiondate)) as Productiedatum
FROM OrderHeader ORH
LEFT JOIN Registration reg ON reg.regorhSysID = ORH.orhSysID
LEFT JOIN StockRegistration stcreg ON stcreg.stcregRegistrationSysID = reg.regSysID
LEFT JOIN Lot ON Lot.lotSysID = stcregSrclotSysID
WHERE ORH.orhSysID = 514955
AND regRevokeRegSysID IS NULL
AND stcregSrcitmSysID = 5103
AND ORL.orlitmSysID = 5103
AND orldirSysID = 2
AND NOT orlQuantityRegistered IS NULL
GROUP BY Orf.orfDate
Sample output:
Productiedatum Aantal
2019-02-05 20
2019-02-06 20
Here I used a nested subquery to get the results from 'Production' (orderheader) because I just can use date = date. I'm struggling with the Sales part where I need to find the last date(s) and use those dates in the Sales table to get the sum of that date.
Expected output:
Productiedatum Aantal Boughtdate Aantal
2019-02-04 20 2019-02-01 55
2019-02-05 20 2019-02-04 60
Try this.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Production') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Production
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Bought') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Bought
CREATE table #Production(R_NO int,ProductionDate datetime,ProductionAmount float)
CREATE table #Bought(R_NO int,Boughtdate datetime,Boughtamount float)
insert into #Production(ProductionDate,ProductionAmount,R_NO)
select p.date ProductionDate,sum(Amount) ProductionAmount,row_number()over (order by p.date) R_NO
from Production P
join Sales s on p.date=S.date-1
where orhsysid=1
group by p.date
declare #loop int,#ProdDate datetime
select #loop =max(R_NO) from #Production
while (1<=#loop)
select #ProdDate=ProductionDate from #Production where r_no=#loop
insert into #Bought(Boughtdate,Boughtamount,R_NO)
select Date,Sum(Amount),#loop R_NO from Bought where date=(
select max(date) from bought B
where B.Date<#ProdDate)
group by Date
set #loop=#loop-1
select ProductionDate,ProductionAmount,Boughtdate,Boughtamount from #Bought B
join #Production p on B.R_NO=P.R_NO

SQL: Checking whether dates are present in both tables

I have two tables
PayDateStart PayDateEnd
'2016-08-01' '2016-09-01'
I need to check whether all dates from the first table RejectionDate fall into periods stored in the other table PayDate.
Here is a way you can get a flag per row -- which I am guessing is the real intention of the question. Regardless of the database you are using:
select r.*,
(case when exists (select 1
from paydates pd
where r.rejectiondate between p.PayDateStart and p.PayDateEnd
then 1 else 0
end) as InRangeFlag
from rejections r;
Join them?
select rd.*
from RejectionDate rd
inner join PayDate pd
on rd.RejectionDate between pd.PayDateStart and pd.PayDateEnd
You can use a query like the following:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS all_dates, COUNT(t2.PayDateEnd) AS all_between_dates
FROM Rejections AS t1
LEFT JOIN PayDate AS t2 ON t1.RejectionDate BETWEEN t2.PayDateStart AND t2.PayDateEnd
The first COUNT returns the number of all records of the first table, whereas the second COUNT returns the number of all records of the first table that have a date that is between start/end date of the second table.
Demo here

Unpivot date columns to a single column of a complex query in Oracle

Hi guys, I am stuck with a stubborn problem which I am unable to solve. Am trying to compile a report wherein all the dates coming from different tables would need to come into a single date field in the report. Ofcourse, the max or the most recent date from all these date columns needs to be added to the single date column for the report. I have multiple users of multiple branches/courses for whom the report would be generated.
There are multiple blogs and the latest date w.r.t to the blogtitle needs to be grouped, i.e. max(date_value) from the six date columns should give the greatest or latest date for that blogtitle.
Expected Result:
select u.batch_uid as ext_person_key, u.user_id, cm.batch_uid as ext_crs_key, cm.crs_id, ir.role_id as
insti_role, (CASE when b.JOURNAL_IND = 'N' then
'BLOG' else 'JOURNAL' end) as item_type, gm.title as item_name, gm.disp_title as ITEM_DISP_NAME, be.blog_pk1 as be_blogPk1, bc.blog_entry_pk1 as bc_blog_entry_pk1,bc.pk1,
b.ENTRY_mod_DATE as b_ENTRY_mod_DATE ,b.CMT_mod_DATE as BlogCmtModDate, be.CMT_mod_DATE as be_cmnt_mod_Date,
bc.creation_date as bc_creation_date,
be.CREATOR_USER_ID as be_CREATOR_USER_ID , bc.creator_user_id as bc_creator_user_id,
b.TITLE as BlogTitle, be.TITLE as be_TITLE,
FROM users u
INNER JOIN insti_roles ir on u.insti_roles_pk1 = ir.pk1
INNER JOIN crs_users cu ON u.pk1 = cu.users_pk1
INNER JOIN crs_mast cm on cu.crsmast_pk1 = cm.pk1
INNER JOIN blogs b on b.crsmast_pk1 = cm.pk1
INNER JOIN blog_entry be on b.pk1=be.blog_pk1 AND be.creator_user_id = cu.pk1
LEFT JOIN blog_CMT bc on be.pk1=bc.blog_entry_pk1 and bc.CREATOR_USER_ID=cu.pk1
JOIN gradeledger_mast gm ON gm.crsmast_pk1 = cm.pk1 and b.grade_handler = gm.linkId
AND u.available_ind ='Y' and cm.row_status='0' and and u.batch_uid='userA_157'
I am getting a resultset for the above query with multiple date columns which I want > > to input into a single columnn. The dates have to be the most recent, i.e. max of the dates in the date columns.
I have successfully done the Unpivot by using a view to store the above
resultset and put all the dates in one column. However, I do not
want to use a view or a table to store the resultset and then do
Unipivot simply because I cannot keep creating views for every user
one would query for.
The max(date_value) from the date columns need to be put in one single column. They are as follows:
* 1) b.entry_mod_date, 2) b.cmt_mod_date ,3) be.cmt_mod_date , 4) b.update_Date ,5) be.update_date, 6) bc.creation_date *
Apologies that I could not provide the desc of all the tables and the
fields being used.
Any help to get the above mentioned max of the dates from these
multiple date columns into a single column without using a view or a
table would be greatly appreciated.*
It is not clear what results you want, but the easiest solution is to use greatest().
with t as (
select t.*,
greatest(entry_mod_date, cmt_mod_date, cmt_mod_date, update_Date,
update_date, bc.creation_date
) as greatestdate
from t;
select <columns>,
when greatest (b_ENTRY_mod_DATE) >= greatest (BlogCmtModDate) and greatest(b_ENTRY_mod_DATE) >= greatest(BlogUpDate)
then greatest( b_ENTRY_mod_DATE )
--<same implementation to compare each time BlogCmtModDate and BlogUpDate separately to get the greatest then 'date'>
FROM table
<rest of the query>
Select <columns>,
when greatest (be_cmnt_mod_Date) >= greatest (be_UPDATE_DATE)
then greatest( be_cmnt_mod_Date )
when greatest (be_UPDATE_DATE) >= greatest (be_cmnt_mod_Date)
then greatest( be_UPDATE_DATE )
FROM table
<rest of the query>
Select <columns>,
FROM table
<rest of the query>

SQL Server 2008: Using Multiple dts Ranges to Build a Set of Dates

I'm trying to build a query for a medical database that counts the number of patients that were on at least one medication from a class of medications (the medications listed below in the FAST_MEDS CTE) and had either:
1) A diagnosis of myopathy (the list of diagnoses in the FAST_DX CTE)
2) A CPK lab value above 1000 (the lab value in the FAST_LABS CTE)
and this diagnosis or lab happened AFTER a patient was on a statin.
The query I've included below does that under the assumption that once a patient is on a statin, they're on a statin forever. The first CTE collects the ids of patients that were on a statin along with the first date of their diagnosis, the second those with a diagnosis, and the third those with a high lab value. After this I count those that match the above criteria.
What I would like to do is drop the assumption that once a patient is on a statin, they're on it for life. The table edw_dm.patient_medications has a column called start_dts and end_dts. This table has one row for each prescription written, with start_dts and end_dts denoting the start and end date of the prescription. End_dts could be null, which I'll take to assume that the patient is currently on this medication (it could be a missing record, but I can't do anything about this). If a patient is on two different statins, the start and ends dates can overlap, and there may be multiple records of the same medication for a patient, as in a record showing 3-11-2000 to 4-5-2003 and another for the same patient showing 5-6-2007 to 7-8-2009.
I would like to use these two columns to build a query where I'm only counting the patients that had a lab value or diagnosis done during a time when they were already on a statin, or in the first n (say 3) months after they stopped taking a statin. I'm really not sure how to go about rewriting the first CTE to get this information and how to do the comparison after the CTEs are built. I know this is a vague question, but I'm really stumped. Any ideas?
As always, thank you in advance.
Here's the current query:
select distinct
statins.mrd_pt_id, min(year(statins.order_dts)) as statin_yr
edw_dm.patient_medications as statins
inner join mrd.medications as mrd
on statins.mrd_med_id = mrd.mrd_med_id
WHERE mrd.generic_nm in (
'Lovastatin (9664708500)',
'Simvastatin (9678583966)',
'Aspirin Buffered-Pravastatin',
and YEAR(statins.order_dts) IS NOT NULL
and statins.mrd_pt_id IS NOT NULL
group by statins.mrd_pt_id
select *
into #meds
--return patients who had a diagnosis in the list and the year that
--diagnosis was given
SELECT pd.mrd_pt_id, YEAR(pd.init_noted_dts) as init_yr
FROM edw_dm.patient_diagnoses as pd
inner join mrd.diagnoses as mrd
on pd.mrd_dx_id = mrd.mrd_dx_id
and mrd.icd9_cd in
select *
into #dx
from FAST_DX;
--return patients who had a high cpk value along with the year the cpk
--value was taken
pl.mrd_pt_id, YEAR(pl.order_dts) as lab_yr
edw_dm.patient_labs as pl
inner join mrd.labs as mrd
on pl.mrd_lab_id = mrd.mrd_lab_id
and mrd.lab_nm = 'CK (CPK)'
pl.lab_val between 1000 AND 999998
select *
into #labs
-- count the number of patients who had a lab value or a medication
-- value taken sometime AFTER their initial statin diagnosis
count(distinct p.mrd_pt_id) as ct
mrd.patient_demographics as p
join #meds as m
on p.mrd_pt_id = m.mrd_pt_id
SELECT 'A' FROM #labs l WHERE p.mrd_pt_id = l.mrd_pt_id
and l.lab_yr >= m.statin_yr
SELECT 'A' FROM #dx d WHERE p.mrd_pt_id = d.mrd_pt_id
AND d.init_yr >= m.statin_yr
You probably don't need to select all of your CTE defined queries into temp tables.
I think that the query you're after has the form:
WITH FAST_MEDS(PatientID, StartDate, EndDate) AS
--your query for patients on statins, projecting the patient ID and the start/end date for the medication
FAST_DX(PatientID, Date) AS
--your query for patients with certain diagnosis, projecting the patient ID and the date
FAST_LABS(PatientID, Date) AS
--your query for patients with certain labs, projecting the patient ID and the date
WHERE PatientID IN (SELECT PatientID FROM FAST_DX WHERE Date BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate OR EndDate IS NULL AND StartDate < Date)
OR PatientID IN (SELECT PatientID FROM FAST_LABS WHERE Date BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate OR EndDate IS NULL AND StartDate < Date)