Bazaar pull selected file - bazaar

In SVN we can update selected file:
svn up index.php
Can we do something like that in Bazaar?

No, you can't update just one file. But you can merge required changes for one file from another (or master) branch:
bzr merge /path/to/branch/index.php

As far as I know this is impossible. Bazaar operates at the repository level. You cannot checkout or update only a directory/file of the repository. Its always the whole thing.
But I could be wrong.


Storyboard got corrupted during a merge

In Xcode we pulled someone else's push and merged with local copy. However now the pulled copy has corrupted storyboard. The worst thing is we accidentally pushed those corrupted file to remote repo. Now is there any way I can solve this issue?
we are using SourceTree as our interface to Git.
One of our member has the last working copy as we haven't pulled any corrupted data from server to his copy.
Any potential solution for this situation? Thanks
Sorry but I'm not enough of a Git expert be be able to give you the exact commands, but there are git commands you can enter to revert a file to a specific revision/commit. If you hunt around the web you should be able to find them and revert the file.
You may have to use command line Git.
This may help Reset or revert a specific file to a specific revision using Git?
and this Rollback file to much earlier version using Git
A pull and merge is commited to the history like any other change so you just need to undo that commit. The git command to delete the last commit and restore your working tree to the previous commit is:
git reset --hard HEAD~1
(from Delete commits from a branch in Git)
This change could then be pushed back up to your server.

Do the entries in .gitignore get applied to the SVN repository when using git-svn?

If I tell git to ignore x amount of files and never add them to the repository, will those files also make it into the svn:ignore property? And if so, how can I keep .gitignore local to only my local git repository?
EDIT Sorry about the duplicate, I searched on here and couldn't find anything on it.
No, git will not do anything with svn:ignore.
From the documentation:
We ignore all SVN properties except svn:executable. Any unhandled properties are logged to $GIT_DIR/svn//unhandled.log
Also this other StackOverflow question is very similar.
If you want the .gitignore local to your repo, don't commit it.
Similar question:
How can you indicate files to ignore in svn when using git and the git-svn bridge
git-svn does neither .gitignore — svn:ignore, nor git attributes — svn properties conversion.
You may consider using SubGit instead. It does properly handle ignore, properties, merge-tracking data, etc. Among other things it works on a server-side, so one can use any Git client available to send changes to Subversion repository.
See documentation and comparison with git-svn.

Is there a way for Bazaar to automatically detect and apply changes made in a working directory?

Is there a way for Bazaar to be able to automatically detect changes (adds, removes, renames, etc.) made to part of the working directory and automatically apply them?
I have a directory tree in my repository which is generated by another process so I can't do all the bzr add, bzr delete, and bzr rename commands as the files are changing. Instead, I would like a way to have bzr notice all the changes and apply them after this process is run.
The only way I can think of doing this right now is running bzr status and then manually (or by writing a script) run bzr add and bzr delete on all the files listed. This will work but I am hoping there is an automated method that could also determine if a file was renamed (an added file has the same contents of a delete file).
You don't need to explicitly mark files as deleted. And bzr can detect renames (either with automv plugin or with builtin functionality):
bzr mv --auto
Note that if you moved the files to a new folder that you just created, you have to version it, but without adding its children (--no-recurse), othervise mv --auto might fail to detect renames:
bzr add --no-recurse newfolder
Then you need to add all files which are not part of renames:
bzr add subdir/
Could you just call bzr add * at the end of the process? Your subsequent commit should take care of all additions and removals. This will not detect if a file was renamed/moved by some process other than bzr mv (and I am unaware of any way to do so).
It looks like the automv plug-in will automatically detect renames and moves. This, along with bzr add * should do the trick.

Tortoise SVN Repo-Browser

I was wondering if I right click on a file in the SVN repo browser, does it get permanently deleted? can it be recovered?
This question/answer from the SVN FAQ might interest you :
How do I completely remove a file from the repository's history?
There are special cases where you
might want to destroy all evidence of
a file or commit. (Perhaps somebody
accidentally committed a confidential
document.) This isn't so easy, because
Subversion is deliberately designed to
never lose information. Revisions are
immutable trees which build upon one
another. Removing a revision from
history would cause a domino effect,
creating chaos in all subsequent
revisions and possibly invalidating
all working copies.
The project has plans, however, to
someday implement an svnadmin obliterate command which would
accomplish the task of permanently
deleting information. (See issue 516.)
In the meantime, your only recourse is
to svnadmin dump your repository, then
pipe the dumpfile through
svndumpfilter (excluding the bad path)
into an svnadmin load command.
If it's that hard, there are little chances it can be done easily from Tortoise SVN...
(And it's not the goal of Source Control...)
You'll find that you can only delete from the Repo Browser when you are viewing the HEAD revision. This is identical to deleting a file from your working copy and then checking in the delete. In both cases, you'll be able to restore from the previous revision.
Deleting a file via the repo-browser context menu basically creates a new global revision where just that file was deleted, so it appears in the log as such - you can always revert to that revision to get the file back, or you can just pull it directly from the repository into your working copy.
No... Deleting a file (even using the repo browser) only affects working copies. It would be a pretty lousy revision control system if you couldn't recover a file from the past. It is actually pretty difficult to modify files in a committed revision, even if you have root access to the server.
Doesn't right-click just bring up some sort of menu? And with SVN is that you can always revert anyways.
I deleted a top level directory from Repo Browser by accident and the only way to get it back was the following:
Export the top level folder from a previous version history
Make a new folder in the repository to replace the one deleted.
Add the exported files back to the new directory (same name as previous)
Update the working copy, it will delete and then re-add the same files.
Its annoying but at least the working and repo will be back in sync. The "Revert Changes from this Revision" didnt work for undoing repo deletes, it only reverts in working directory not the "Undo" the delete to the repository.

How do I export the Bazaar history of a subfolder

I'm coding a framework along with a project which uses this framework. The project is a Bazaar repository, with the framework in a subfolder below the project.
I want to give the framework a Bazaar repository of its own. How do I do it?
You use the split command:
bzr split sub_folder
This creates an independant tree in the subfolder, which you can now export and work on separately.
Use fast-import plugin (
1) Export all your history to the stream:
bzr fast-export BRANCH >
2) Filter the history to produce new stream:
bzr fast-import-filter -i subfolder >
3) Recreate new branch with subfolder only:
bzr init-repo .
bzr fast-import
As far as I know, there is not a way to do this easily with bazaar. One possibility is to take the original project, branch it, and then remove everything unrelated to the framework. You can then move the files in the subdir to the main dir. It's quite a chore, but it is possible to preserve the history.
you will end up with something like:
branch project:
.. other files..
branch framework:
As far as I know, "nested" branches are not support by Bazaar yet. Git supports "submodules", which behave similar to Subversion externals.
I have tried doing this with bzr split, however, this does not work how I expect.
The resulting branch still contains the history of all files from all original directories, and a full checkout retrieves all the files. It appears the only thing that split does is convert the repository to a rich root repository so that this particular tree can be of a certain subdirectory only, but the repository still contains all other directories and other checkouts can still retrieve the whole tree.
I used the method in jamuraa's answer above, and this was much better for me as I didn't have to mess with converting to a new repository type. It also meant that full checkouts/branching from that repository only recreated the files I wanted to.
However, it still had the downside that the repository stored the history of all those 'deleted' files, which meant that it took up more space than necessary (and could be a privacy issue if you don't want people to be able to see older revisions of those 'other' directories).
So, more advice on chopping a Bazaar branch down to only one of its subdirectories while permanently removing history of everything else would be appreciated.
Do a
bzr init .
bzr add .
bzr commit
in the framework directory.
Then you can branch and merge to just that directory.
The bazaar higher up will ignore that directory until you do a join.
Bazaar understands when you do things like
bzr branch . mycopy
bzr branch . myothercopy
The current directories .bzr won't track those subdirectories changes.
It saves you from trying to find a place to put a branch.