Dynamic user ranks - sql

I have a basic karma/rep system that awards users based on their activities (questions, answers, etc..). I want to have user ranks (title) based on their points. Different ranks have different limitations and grant powers.
ranks table
id rankname points questions_per_day
1 beginner 150 10
2 advanced 300 30
I'm not sure if I need to have a lower and upper limit, but for the sake of simplicity I have only left a max points limit, that is, a user below 150 is a 'beginner' and below or higher than 300, he's an 'advanced'.
For example, Bob with 157 points would have an 'advanced' tag displayed by his username.
How can I determine and display the rank/title of an user? Do I loop through each row and compare values?
What problems might arise if I scale this to thousands of users having their rank calculated this way? Surely it will tax the system to query and loop each time a user's rank is requested, no?

You could better cache the rank and the score. If a user's score only changes when they do certain activities, you can put a trigger on that activity. When the score changes, you can recalculate the rank and save it in the users record. That way, retreiving the rank is trivial, you only need to calculate it when the score changes.
You can get the matching rank id like this; query the rank that is closest (but below or equal to) the user schore. Store this rank id in the user's record.
I added the pseudovariable {USERSCORE} because I don't know if you use parameters or any other way to enter values in a query.
select r.id
from ranks r
where r.points <= {USERSCORE}
order by r.points desc
limit 1

A little difficult without knowing your schema. Try:
SELECT user.id, MIN(ranks.id) AS rankid FROM user JOIN ranks ON (user.score <= ranks.points) GROUP BY user.id;
Now you know the ranks id.
This is non-trivial though (GROUP BY and MAX are pipeline breakers and so quite heavyweight operations), so GolezTrol advice is good; you should cache this information and update it only when a users score changes. A trigger sounds fine for this.


Microsoft Access query to retrieve random transactions with seemingly impossible criteria

I was asked to assist with developing a report to retrieve a 25% sample of random transactions within a specific date range. I am not a programmer but I was able to devise the following fairly quickly:
SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT account.CID, account.ACCT, account.NAME, log.DATE, log.action_txt, log.field_nm, log.from_data, log.to_data, log.tran_id, log.init
FROM account INNER JOIN log ON account.ACCT = log.ACCT
GROUP BY account.CID, account.ACCT, account.NAME, log.DATE, log.action_txt, log.field_nm, log.from_data, log.to_data, log.tran_id, log.init
HAVING (((log.DATE) Between #2/7/2018# And #6/15/2018#) AND ((log.action_txt)="mod" Or (log.action_txt)="del") AND ((log.init)="J1X"
ORDER BY log.tran_dt
This returns 25% of the records within the date range. Each record row is unique but each account number potentially has multiple records on each day. In some cases the records have the same date and tran_id as well.
Upon further discussion with the requester, he actually wants to see all of the transactions for 25% of the accounts that have activity on each day within the date range. Thus if there were 100 accounts on 3/1/2018 with records in this table, he wants to see all of the transactions for 25 of those accounts; if there were 60 accounts on 3/2/2018 with records in this table, he wants to see all of the transactions for 15 of those accounts; and so on.
I was thinking that an Access module would work best in this scenario as I believe there are multiple parts to this. I figured that I need a function to loop through the date range and for each day:
1. Count the account numbers only one time
2. Return all of the transactions for 25% of the total accounts
But as I mentioned, I am not a programmer and I am exhausted from searching possible solutions for the many parts.
I think the key to your question is that you only really need a pseudo random selection of results for your report. So you can force the Random number generator to reorder your results based on a value in the record and the current time.
Something like this should work - I assume your actiontxt field is a text field and pull out the length of each field and apply that to current date/time to create a pseudo random number that can be sorted.
All I really do is change your ORDER BY line
See if this works for you
account.CID, account.ACCT, account.NAME, log.DATE, log.action_txt, log.field_nm, log.from_data,
log.to_data, log.tran_id, log.init
FROM account
INNER JOIN log ON account.ACCT = log.ACCT
GROUP BY account.CID, account.ACCT, account.NAME, log.DATE, log.action_txt, log.field_nm, log.from_data, log.to_data, log.tran_id, log.init
HAVING (((log.DATE) Between #2/7/2018# And #6/15/2018#) AND ((log.action_txt)="mod" Or (log.action_txt)="del") AND ((log.init)="J1X"
ORDER BY Rnd(CLng(Now()*Len(log.action_txt))-(Now()*Len(log.action_txt)));
Modified similar idea from other StackOverflow question and response

Select Average of Top 25% of Values in SQL

I'm currently writing a stored procedure for my client to populate some tables that will be used to generate SSRS reports later on. Some of the data is based on specific stock formulas that are run on each of their clients' quarterly data (sent to them by their clients). The other part of the data is generated by comparing those results against those from other, similar sized clients. One of the things that they want tracked in their reports is the average of the top 25% of formula results for that particular comparison group.
To give a better picture of it, imagine the following fields that I have in a temp table:
FormulaID int
Value decimal (18,6)
I want to do the following: Given a specific FormulaID return the average of the top 25% of Value.
I know how to take an average in SQL, but I don't know how to do it against only the top 25% of a specific group.
How would I write this query?
I guess you can do something like this...
SELECT AVG(Q.ColA) Avg25Prec
SELECT TOP 25 Percent ColA
FROM Table_Name
) Q
Here's what I did, given the table shown above:
select AVG(t.Value)
from (select top 25 percent Value
from #TempGroupTable
where FormulaID = #PassedInFormulaID
order by Value desc) as t
The desc must be there, because the percent command will not actually do comparisons. It will just simply grab the first x number of records, with x being equal to 25% of the count of records it's querying. Therefore, the order by Value desc line then will grab the top 25% records which have the highest Value, and then sends that info to be averaged.
As a side note to all of this, this also means that if you wanted to grab the bottom 25% instead, or if your formula results are like a golf score (i.e. lowest is the best), all you would need to do is remove the desc part and you would be good to go.

What is an unbounded query?

Is an unbounded query a query without a WHERE param = value statement?
Apologies for the simplicity of this one.
An unbounded query is one where the search criteria is not particularly specific, and is thus likely to return a very large result set. A query without a WHERE clause would certainly fall into this category, but let's consider for a moment some other possibilities. Let's say we have tables as follows:
Suppose that we want to pull in a specific transaction, and we know the ID of the sale:
In this case the query is bounded, and we can guarantee it's going to pull in either one or zero rows.
Another example of a bounded query, but with a large result set would be the one produced when the director of district 23 says "I want to see the total sales for each store in my district for every day last year", which would be something like
In this case the query should return 365 (or fewer, if stores are not open every day) rows for each store in district 23. If there's 25 stores in the district it'll return 9125 rows or fewer.
On the other hand, let's say our VP of Sales wants some data. He/she/it isn't quite certain what's wanted, but he/she/it is pretty sure that whatever it is happened in the first six months of the year...not quite sure about which year...and not sure about the location, either - probably in district 23 (he/she/it has had a running feud with the individual who runs district 23 for the past 6 years, ever since that golf tournament where...well, never mind...but if a problem can be hung on the door of district 23's director so be it!)...and of course he/she/it wants all the details, and have it on his/her/its desk toot sweet! And thus we get a query that looks something like
S.something, S.something_else, S.some_more_stuff
This is an example of an unbounded query. How many rows will it return? Good question - that depends on how business conditions were, how many location were open, how many days there were in February, etc.
Put more simply, if you can look at a query and have a pretty good idea of how many rows it's going to return (even though that number might be relatively large) the query is bounded. If you can't, it's unbounded.
Share and enjoy.
An unbounded result set is where a query is performed and does not explicitly limit the number of returned results from a query. Usually, this means that the application assumes that a query will always return only a few records. That works well in development and in testing, but it is a time bomb waiting to explode in production.
The query may suddenly start returning thousands upon thousands of rows, and in some cases, it may return millions of rows. This leads to more load on the database server, the application server, and the network. In many cases, it can grind the entire system to a halt, usually ending with the application servers crashing with out of memory errors.
Here is one example of a query that will trigger the unbounded result set warning:
var query = from post in blogDataContext.Posts
where post.Category == "Performance"
select post;
If the performance category has many posts, we are going to load all of them, which is probably not what was intended. This can be fixed fairly easily by using pagination by utilizing the Take() method:
var query = (from post in blogDataContext.Posts
where post.Category == "Performance"
select post)
Now we are assured that we only need to handle a predictable, small result set, and if we need to work with all of them, we can page through the records as needed. Paging is implemented using the Skip() method, which instructs Entity Framework to skip (at the database level) N number of records before taking the next page.
But there is another common occurrence of the unbounded result set problem from directly traversing the object graph, as in the following example:
var post = postRepository.Get(id);
foreach (var comment in post.Comments)
// do something interesting with the comment
Here, again, we are loading the entire set without regard for how big the result set may be. Entity Framework does not provide a good way of paging through a collection when traversing the object graph. It is recommended that you would issue a separate and explicit query for the contents of the collection, which will allow you to page through that collection without loading too much data into memory.

SQL Query Math Gymnastics

I have two tables of concern here: users and race_weeks. User has many race_weeks, and race_week belongs to User. Therefore, user_id is a fk in the race_weeks table.
I need to perform some challenging math on fields in the race_weeks table in order to return users with the most all-time points.
Here are the fields that we need to manipulate in the race_weeks table.
races_won (int)
races_lost (int)
races_tied (int)
points_won (int, pos or neg)
recordable_type(varchar, Robots can race, but we're only concerned about type 'User')
Just so that you fully understand the business logic at work here, over the course of a week a user can participate in many races. The race_week record represents the summary results of the user's races for that week. A user is considered active for the week if races_won, races_lost, or races_tied is greater than 0. Otherwise the user is inactive.
So here's what we need to do in our query in order to return users with the most points won (actually net_points_won):
Calculate each user's net_points_won (not a field in the DB).
To calculate net_points_won, you take (1000 * count_of_active_weeks) - sum(points__won). (Why 1000? Just imagine that every week the user is spotted a 1000 points to compete and enter races. We want to factor-out what we spot the user because the user could enter only one race for the week for 100 points, and be sitting on 900, which we would skew who actually EARNED the most points.)
This one is a little convoluted, so let me know if I can clarify further.
I believe that your business logic is incorrect: net_points should be the sum of points won for that user minus the number of points the user was spotted.
In addition, the check for active weeks should test races_won, races_lost, and races_tied against zero explicitly to give the system the opportunity to use indexes on those columns when the table becomes large.
SELECT user_id
, SUM(points_won) - 1000 * COUNT(*) AS net_points
FROM race_weeks
WHERE recordable_type = 'User'
AND (races_won > 0 OR races_lost > 0 OR races_tied > 0)
GROUP BY user_id
ORDER BY net_points DESC
SELECT user_id, 1000 * COUNT(*) - SUM(points_won) AS net_points
FROM race_weeks
WHERE races_won + races_lost + races_tied
AND recordable_type = 'User'
net_points DESC

minimizing runtime of calculating several ranks (based on grades) on large sql tables, how short can it get (ms access)

I've been stuck with the rather famous problem of ranking students by grade for a couple weeks now, and while I've learned much, I still haven't solved my problem (the ranks are generated, but the process is too slow):
I have a large table (320,000 rows) that contains the student codes (serves as an identifier, instead of their names), the students classroom, the test , the tests date, the subject, the question number and the students grade on that question. This table is the base for everything else that is calculated and its size makes all these calculations very very slow, to the point where I find me almost breaking everything here at work.
First, some intel on the school (very little info, required to understand the problem)
Here at the school we have weekly tests over several subjects. The school is also separated in classrooms with different purposes (one is focused on math, physics and chemistry, another one is focused on biology, and the last one focuses on history, Portuguese and geography). But they all do the same tests every week.
What we want to do is calculate the standard deviation for each question for everyone in the school (not per-classroom) and the average grade per question (also for everyone in the school), and then generate the following ranks (all of them per date):
-Rank per subject per classroom (with "raw" grades), Rank per subject considering the whole school (with "raw" grades) and Rank per subject considering the whole school (using normalized grades, with the standard deviation per question and the average grade per question information)
-The same ranks that were mentioned above, but not per Subject, considering instead all subjects
As you can see, after calculating the average grades and the standard deviations, we still need to calculate the sums of the grades on each question, and rank according to these sums (the actual subject/test grades). I've attacked this problem in a few ways:
Created two tables, one with the grades per student per subject (fields: Students code, Students classroom, Date of test, Subject, Grade, Normalized Grade, Rank in Classroom, Rank in School, Rank in School using normalized grades) and another with the grades per student per test (all subjects taken into account, fields: Students code, Students classroom, Date of test, Grade, Normalized Grade, Rank in Classroom, Rank in School, Rank in School using normalized grades).
The insertion of data in these tables takes about 50 seconds
Then, I tried using SQL to rank, however, I ran into some problems:
-Access has no ROW_NUMBER or RANK functions, and thus I have to use queries with COUNT, like (below is just a simplified version):
SELECT 1+(SELECT Count(*) FROM grades_table_per_subject t2 WHERE
t2.Grade > t1.Grade AND t1.Date=t2.Date AND t1.Subject=t2.Subject) AS [Global Rank],
1+(SELECT Count(*) FROM grades_table_per_subject t3 WHERE t3.Grade > t1.Grade AND
t3.Date=t1.Date AND t3.Subject=t1.Subject AND t3.Classroom=t1.Classroom) AS
[Rank in classroom] FROM grades_table_per_subject;
There still is the rank with the normalized grades in the query above, but I omitted it.
The table grades_table_per_subject has about 45,000 lines and this query takes more than 15 minutes here, even with indexing (tried many different index combinations, even some odd ones when I saw that the ones that should work didn't).
I also tried to ORDER BY Count() DESC the inner selects, but I hit ctrl+break after 7 minutes and no results.
Added the following fields to the tables above:
Rank in Classroom, Rank in School, Rank in School using normalized grades
Then I tried using VBA with DAO and manually update the Rank fields, running the following code (simplified version):
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Classroom, Date, Subject, Grade, [Rank in classroom] FROM
grades_table_per_subject ORDER BY Date, Classroom, Subject, Grade DESC;", dbOpenDynaset)
While Not rs.eof
'Verifies if there was a change on either one of Subject, Classroom, Date and if so:
i = 1
rs![Rank in classroom]=i
i = i + 1
This obviously builds only one of the ranks (in this case per subject per classroom), and it takes alone 3min 10sec.
I verified that it takes so long due to the writes on the table (rs.Edit and rs.Update are the culprits, commenting them makes the whole thing run in only 4 seconds), but I need the ranks written to the table to generate an access report later.
I could generate all the ranks once and make ways for the users to access all the data very quickly, but the idea is that everything should be calculated on-the-fly. The times we have achieved, however, make this impossible.
Overall, the question to be asked is the following:
-Is there a way to calculate the ranks shown above through an Access Query under 10 seconds, or to use VBA and calculate-insert these ranks to the table in a similar time considering the size of the tables used here?
Also, I would love to see a list of efficient ranking algorithms, so that even if I can't do everything quickly, I can improve it as much as possible.
I could generate all the ranks once and make ways for the users to access all the data very quickly, but the idea is that everything should be calculated on-the-fly.
Why bother regenerating the same data over and over? It's most likely preferable to generate these statistics when the data changes and just look them up every other time. Redoing work you've already done whenever somebody wants to check something is just silly.
I just saw you say ms access only
so ignore this answer -- or consider moving to a real DB if you want to be able to do this type of power processing.
original answer below
I don't have access to your test data, but how fast does this run?
SELECT RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY [Date],[Subject] ORDER BY Grade) AS [Global Rank],
RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY [Date],[Subject], Classroom ORDER BY Grade) AS [Rank in classroom]
FROM grades_table_per_subject
My guess is you are not going to be able to beat SQL Servers ranking speed in VBA, if this is not fast enough then you need to look in the profiler and see what indexes it suggests you make.