NHibernate 3.0 search with substring - nhibernate

I'm making a search with NHibernate 3.0 IQueryOver, where I have a keyword for a search. I need to search in a string to see if it is part of the string,
Query().Where(e => e.Name.Contains(keyword)).List();
But this does not do the job as expected. How should such a search be performed?

I checked the NHibernate source and the ExpressionProcessor for the QueryOver string like you posted above does not support Contains. The operations it supports are IsLike and IsIn. You could either use IsLike or if you are keen on Contains, use Linq. For example :
(from user in db.Users
where names.Contains(user.Name)
select user);
query.Where(person.Name.IsLike("%test%")) //In QueryOver
I am guessing that you got an "Unrecognised method call" exception.

As far as I know (at least, for SQL Server, it doesn't seem to work with SQL Server Compact), NHibernate translates that IQueryable into a case insensitive "like '%keywork%'" where clause. Did you expect a case sensitive search?


IQueryable Extension to Generate Temporal Table "AS OF" Queries

Having failed to find a satisfying solution, let me post this here:
We're using NHibernate as our ORM and are just beginning to use Sql Server temporal tables. We therefore need some kind of extension to IQueryable (or the HQL Builder or an InterceptingProvider or something) that will allow us to add the "AS OF" clause to our queries, something like
var results = session.Query<Company>
.Where(c => c.Name == "FogCreek")
I've been struggling with it too and gave up as I lost too much time trying to find better approach...
So far I've injected FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF into SQL using custom HqlGeneratorForMethod but this gave me invalid SQL expression. So I had to fix it in OnPrepareStatement. This is hacky and not elegant solution but works for most simple cases.
Please look at my solution here and feel free to reply if you find better solution

Late evaluation with NHibernate QueryOver

NHibernate.Linq returns IQueryable giving me late evaluation. Can this also be done with QueryOver?
I will use it to define lots of queries where only a subset would be used. Therefor Future is not the solution, which would execute them all.
I like the IQueryable (IEnumerable) return type from NHibernate.Linq, that will never execute the query if never used.
Firstly, even QueryOver is just a set of definitions to be later converted to the SQL statement. So until you are working with a reference to a
IQueryOver<Entity, Entity> ab = session.QueryOver<Entity>();
and not calling List<Entity>() ... the execution is deferred. That's also how you can use the Detached queries 16.1. Structure of a Query
QueryOver<Cat> query = QueryOver.Of<Cat>()
.Where(c => c.Name == "Paddy");
Another powerful feature is Future. This represents a very easy way how to put few queries on the stack, and only when first of them is required... all are executed and passed to DB Server as a batch. Read here more: NHibernate Futures
They essentially function as a way to defer query execution to a later
date, at which point NHibernate will have more information about what
the application is supposed to do, and optimize for it accordingly
The biggest difference is that it cannot be returned as IQueryable when using QueryOver
EDIT: Extend on a question update
While IQueryable<TEntiy> could be returned only from a session.Query<TEntity>() and not when using QueryOver, ICriteria, HQL ... the same behavior could not be reached when using QueryOver.

Hibernate and dynamic SQL

do you know anything about Hibernate and its ability to generate dynamic sql queries with HQL?
I you have any links I would appreciate posting, I can't find nothing about it in Hibernate`s documentation.
Best regards
so maybe I will precise what I mean. I am wondering if some HQL code generates SQL queries which uses something like EXECUTE (for postgres)
Not sure what you're aiming for here? HQL in Hibernate will always generate SQL, and you can put your HQL together differently based on input. It will always generate new SQL for each permutation and run. You can make Hibernate precompile/cache queries but that's just a performance optimization and shouldn't be your first concern.
I would also consider looking into the Criteria API which lets you stay a lot more object oriented instead of working with tons of strings.
If you're talking about static queries using dynamic arguments, the syntax is
select f from Foo f where f.bar = ? and f.zim = ?
or, with named parameters
select f from Foo f where f.bar = :bar and f.zim = :zim
If you're talking about completely dynamically created queries based on a set of criteria, then the API to use is... the Criteria API.
Both are largely covered in the Hibernate reference documentation.

Linq to nhibernate string comparison

I have a question on linq to nhibernate. I need to create a query in which I could use string comparison:
.Where(u => String.Compare(u.Name, givenName) < 0)
Do I understand correctly that this is not supported in linq-to-nhibernate? Is there a way to use string comparison in linq-to-nhibernate?
The new integrated provider in NHibernate 3 allows extending it to support pretty much any construct you want.
Check http://fabiomaulo.blogspot.com/2010/07/nhibernate-linq-provider-extension.html for a full example.
Of course, you'll need to think of a reasonable HQL representation of that expression.
This is no longer needed. The lambda expression in the question is now supported.

Case-insensitive search using Hibernate

I'm using Hibernate for ORM of my Java app to an Oracle database (not that the database vendor matters, we may switch to another database one day), and I want to retrieve objects from the database according to user-provided strings. For example, when searching for people, if the user is looking for people who live in 'fran', I want to be able to give her people in San Francisco.
SQL is not my strong suit, and I prefer Hibernate's Criteria building code to hard-coded strings as it is. Can anyone point me in the right direction about how to do this in code, and if impossible, how the hard-coded SQL should look like?
Yuval =8-)
For the simple case you describe, look at Restrictions.ilike(), which does a case-insensitive search.
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.ilike('town', '%fran%');
List results = crit.list();
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.ilike('town', 'fran', MatchMode.ANYWHERE);
List results = crit.list();
If you use Spring's HibernateTemplate to interact with Hibernate, here is how you would do a case insensitive search on a user's email address:
getHibernateTemplate().find("from User where upper(email)=?", emailAddr.toUpperCase());
You also do not have to put in the '%' wildcards. You can pass MatchMode (docs for previous releases here) in to tell the search how to behave. START, ANYWHERE, EXACT, and END matches are the options.
The usual approach to ignoring case is to convert both the database values and the input value to upper or lower case - the resultant sql would have something like
select f.name from f where TO_UPPER(f.name) like '%FRAN%'
In hibernate criteria restrictions.like(...).ignoreCase()
I'm more familiar with Nhibernate so the syntax might not be 100% accurate
for some more info see pro hibernate 3 extract and hibernate docs 15.2. Narrowing the result set
This can also be done using the criterion Example, in the org.hibernate.criterion package.
public List findLike(Object entity, MatchMode matchMode) {
Example example = Example.create(entity);
return getSession().createCriteria(entity.getClass()).add(
Just another way that I find useful to accomplish the above.
Since Hibernate 5.2 session.createCriteria is deprecated. Below is solution using JPA 2 CriteriaBuilder. It uses like and upper:
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Person> criteria = builder.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> root = criteria.from(Person.class);
Expression<String> upper = builder.upper(root.get("town"));
criteria.where(builder.like(upper, "%FRAN%"));
Most default database collations are not case-sensitive, but in the SQL Server world it can be set at the instance, the database, and the column level.
You could look at using Compass a wrapper above lucene.
By adding a few annotations to your domain objects you get achieve this kind of thing.
Compass provides a simple API for working with Lucene. If you know how to use an ORM, then you will feel right at home with Compass with simple operations for save, and delete & query.
From the site itself.
"Building on top of Lucene, Compass simplifies common usage patterns of Lucene such as google-style search, index updates as well as more advanced concepts such as caching and index sharding (sub indexes). Compass also uses built in optimizations for concurrent commits and merges."
I have used this in the past and I find it great.