kohana ORM question - orm

i am using kohana ORM in order to get some results from the database. My problem is: even though i have consulted the documentation, i can't find a way to select only the column i am interested in. To be more explicit, i have:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
var dumping it, it selects me all the "SELECT product_type.* from product_type where etc".
But i want to select only the 'stock' field from the salestock table. doing find('stock') instead find_all() returns a weired object... Where am i wrong, and how can i actually select only the column 'stock' using kohana orm?
thank you!

ORM methods find() and find_all() always select all table columns, so there is two ways to get specified fields:
Load full table rows and get columns
from it:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
// get array of id=>stock values
$columns = $sale_stock->as_array('id', 'stock');
Create special method in model using
Query Builder:
// model Model_Product_Type
public function get_stocks($product_type_id)
return DB::select(array('stock'))
->where('product_type_id', '=', $product_type_id)

I realise this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I've pulled the following from the Kohana documentation ...
$articles = ORM::factory('article')->select_list('id', 'title');
foreach ($articles as $id => $title)
// Display a list of links
echo html::anchor('articles/'.$id, $title);
// Display a dropdown list
echo form::dropdown('articles', $articles);
You could think of it as a discount, two fields for the price of one.
It's common practice for ORMs to return a 'non-standard' object when partial model or merged model fields are requested. This prevents confusing operations using the original object (ie. how do you save an object when it contains only 2 of 8 fields, plus maybe some fields from another model?).
If you print_r the object, and give me an indication of how that looks ... it might be just what you want.

I know this is an old question, but i found maybe easier solution:
$sale_stock = ORM::factory('product_type')
->where( 'product_type_id','=', $id )


Compare two database fields in extbase repository

I am using TYPO3 8. In my extension I have a database table "company" in which I store for each company the total number of places (number_places) and the number of occupied places (occupied_places).
Now I want to limit the search to companies which have available places left.
In MySQL it would be like this:
SELECT * FROM company WHERE number_places > occupied_places;
How can I create this query in the extbase repository?
I tried to introduce the virtual property placesLeft in my model but it did not work.
I don't want to use a raw SQL statement as mentioned below, because I already have implemented a filter which uses plenty of different constraints.
Extbase query to compare two fields in same table
You can do it like this in your repository class, please note the comments inside the code:
class CompanyRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository
public function findWithAvailablePlaces(bool $returnRawQueryResult = false)
// Create a QueryBuilder instance
$queryBuilder = $this->objectManager->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool::class)
// Create the query
// Note: this string concatenation is needed, because TYPO3's
// QueryBuilder always escapes the value in the ExpressionBuilder's
// methods (eq(), lt(), gt(), ...) and thus render it impossible to
// compare against an identifier.
. \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Expression\ExpressionBuilder::GT
. $queryBuilder->quoteIdentifier('occupied_places')
// Execute the query
$result = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll();
// Note: this switch is not needed in fact. I just put it here, if you
// like to get the Company model objects instead of an array.
if ($returnRawQueryResult) {
$dataMapper = $this->objectManager->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Mapper\DataMapper::class);
return $dataMapper->map($this->objectType, $result);
return $result;
If you have lots of records to deal with, I would - for performance reasons - not use the data mapping feature and work with arrays.
If you want to use the fluid pagination widget, be sure you don't and build your own pagination. Because of the way this works (extbase-internally), you'd get a huge system load overhead when the table grows. Better add the support for limited db queries to the repository method, for example:
class CompanyRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository
public function findWithAvailablePlaces(
int $limit = 10,
int $offset = 0,
bool $returnRawQueryResult = false
) {
// ...
$result = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetchAll();
// ...
I think you cant do this using the default Extbase Query methods like equals() and so on. You may use the function $query->statement() for your specific queries like this.
You also can use the QueryBuilder since TYPO3 8 which has functions to compare fields to each other:
It's fine to use this QueryBuilder inside Extbase repositories. After this you can use the DataMapper to map the query results to Extbase models.
In case of using "statement()" be aware of escaping every value which may cause any kind of SQL injections.
Based on the current architecture of TYPO3, the data structure is such that comparing of two tables or, mixing results from two tables ought to be done from within the controller, by injecting the two repositories. Optionally, you can construct a Domain Service that can work on the data from the two repositories from within the action itself, in the case of a routine. The service will also have to be injected.
If you have a foreign relation defined in your table configuration, the results of that foreign relation will show in your defined table repository. So, there's that too.

Output Laravel SQL Column as a link?

I have a Javascript table pulling data into it from a Laravel Json response, I have the column 'name' I wish to turn into a link when it is in the table? Is there anyway to do it like this:
"SELECT CONCAT('<a href=computer/?id=',id,'>',name,'</a>') as name,
I would rather use eloquent rather than straight SQL.
I really wouldn't advise building up HTML as part of your SQL query. Say you want to use that JSON feed somewhere else that doesn't support HTML in the field or you want to append a class to link you've got to change your code.
However there is nothing to wrong with building the link and passing that through you could consider using the Appending Values To JSON functionality of eloquent model.
So you could do something like
class Product extends Model
* The accessors to append to the model's array form.
* #var array
protected $appends = ['link'];
public function getLinkAttribute()
return route('routeName', ['id' => $this->id]);
If you really must pass back an anchor tag then you could use the link_to_route method which is part of the laravelcollective/html package.

combining query objects or get union of them

I have a few custom find queries and I would like to combine them.
For example findOwnedBy method returns a query object where a particular customer is owned by a user. findInGroups methods return an other query object where the customer belons to the given group.
I would need to combine these to queries.
I tried the following code
public function findAccessibleBy(Query $query, array $options)
$owned = $this->findOwnedBy($query, $options);
$accessViaGroups = $this->findInGroups($query, $options);
If I have only the first find I get the correct query in $owned. If I add the second one, than $owned will be empty.
I tried chaning them together and I tried make union of them, but none of these worked.
I am sure I am missing something simple but I do not know what.

How do I implement, for instance, "group membership" many-to-many in Parse.com REST Cloud Code?

A user can create groups
A group had to have created by a user
A user can belong to multiple groups
A group can have multiple users
I have something like the following:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('Group', function(request) {
var creator = request.user;
var group = request.object;
var wasGroupCreated = group.existed;
if(wasGroupCreated) {
var hasCreatedRelation = creator.relation('hasCreated');
var isAMemberOfRelation = creator.relation('isMemberOf');
Now when I GET user/me with include=isMemberOf,hasCreated, it returns me the user object but with the following:
hasCreated: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
isMemberOf: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
I'd like to have the group objects included in say, 'hasCreated' and 'isMemberOf' arrays. How do I pull that using the REST API?
More in general though, am I approaching this the right way? Thoughts? Help is much appreciated!
First off, existed is a function that returns true or false (in your case the wasGroupCreated variable is always going to be a reference to the function and will tis always evaluate to true). It probably isn't going to return what you expect anyway if you were using it correctly.
I think what you want is the isNew() function, though I would test if this works in the Parse.Cloud.afterSave() method as I haven't tried it there.
As for the second part of your question, you seem to want to use your Relations like Arrays. If you used an array instead (and the size was small enough), then you could just include the Group objects in the query (add include parameter set to isMemberOf for example in your REST query).
If you do want to stick to Relations, realise that you'll need to read up more in the documentation. In particular you'll need to query the Group object using a where expression that has a $relatedTo pointer for the user. To query in this manner, you will probably need a members property on the Group that is a relation to Users.
Something like this in your REST query might work (replace the objectId with the right User of course):

Linq order by with a field to retrieve dynamically in vb.net

I have a object Ob with several fields f1,..,fn (of different types).
Now a list of object is shown in a GridView and I need to implement the sorting method.
The real problem is:
how can I run
(from ob in Ob_list orderby ob.f1 ascending)
when the sorting field is represented by a string (i.e. "f1")?
Unfortunately I am not able to get it with the reflection (I am not able to do something like ob.GetType().GetField("f1"), this is not mapped into sql code).
I have several fields to possibly sort the rows, which is the best&fastest approach to this?
Thank you very much!
LINQ execution is deferred until you actually enumerate over the results or access the "count", etc. Because of this, you can build up your LINQ statement in stages.
The below code is done in C#, but I'm sure the equivalent is possible in VB.NET.
First setup your basic query:
var query = (from ob in Ob_list);
At this point, nothing has actually gone to the database due to deferred execution.
Next, conditionally add your order by components:
if (sortField == "f1")
query = query.OrderBy(o => o.f1);
else if (sortField == "f2")
query = query.OrderBy(o => o.f2);
And finally, collect your results
foreach (var item in query)
// Process the item
I've found this question: How do I specify the Linq OrderBy argument dynamically?
I'm using Entity Framework, so the first answer did not solved my problem. The second one however, worked great!
Hope it helps!