What does "/" do in PL/SQL? - sql

I reviewing some PL/SQL code and I came across the following in the scripts:
SHOW error
grant execute on someName1 to someName2;
SHOW error
Reviewing the documentation for PL/SQL I could not find an explanation what the /'s do.
Can anyone enlighten me?
Update: I opened the file that includes this script in SQL Developer for Mac. Compiling it gives the error "encountered the symbol '/'". Should these slashes be removed?

"/" executes the sql command in the current buffer. It similar to GO of SQL Server

The slash basically executes the latest command stored in the buffer.
It's kind of a clunky thing, but a lot of PL/SQL interpreters/engines like SQL Plus require you to enter a "/" after every complete statement to actually execute it and see the results.


How to resolve ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or is used out of proper order in SAS without restarting?

In SAS, when using PROC SQL, I receive the error message
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or is used out of proper order
relatively frequently due to missing out a semi colon in the PROC SQL statement. However, even if I fix the code, these errors are not resolved unless I quit the SAS application and restart it and rerun the fixed code.
Does anyone know of a way to resolve these errors that doesn't require having to restart SAS for the fix to work?
You might be able to recover by submitting an appropriate magic string, e.g.
i was using the format statement before the date was formated using input statement, once i corrected the order of the statement, resolved my issue.
/* format lstLirAprvDt date10.; */
lstLirAprvDt=input(lstLirAprvDt_dt, yymmdd10.);
format lstLirAprvDt date10.;

Oracle SQL Developer - Ctrl+Enter runs whole worksheet instead of current line

I am using Oracle SQL Developer, and since a few weeks, the shortcut Ctrl+Enter doesn't execute the current line or statement anymore, except for when I highlight it, but instead does run my whole worksheet. Using the green button on the top, which is supposed to only run the current line results in the same behaviour (except for when the line is highlighted). Hovering over the button still reveals the tooltip "Run Statement (Ctrl+Enter)". A colleague of mine does get this problem too.
I also looked into the Preferences->Shortcut Keys menu, but the shortcut set for running a statement is still Ctrl+Enter.
Anyone knows what's wrong with my SQL Developer?
Every SQL statement in SQL Developer should have semicolon ; otherwise ctrl+Enter would execute will execute entire worksheet.
Suppose for example I have two SQL statements:
1.select * from emp without semicolon ;
Then it will execute both statement simultaneously for that you should have semicolon after each SQL statement.
I faced it too. Usually you'll have PL/SQL block above the SQL code you are trying to execute. Comment out the PL/SQL block which is DECLARE, BEGIN without ending in semicolon creating this issue. So commenting the PL/SQL block in worksheet should solve your issue.
Thanks to the answer here: if it doesn't work even with a semicolon after the line like it didn't for me (Oracle SQL Developer, you need to put a '/' after each command if you want to execute them all independently, e.g.:
Think of the '/' as the real terminator/separator here.
I think I kinda solved it.
Since I'm not an administrator on the computers at work I couldn't install a new client, so I downloaded the SQL Developer in version a while ago and just ran it locally from my user directory.
Meanwhile the client is installed on the OS and when using this client I don't get this bug.
Thanks for the help though.

Syntax error on executing a script in Sybase database

I created a Sybase database emp_details using SQL Anywhere and Sybase Central. I had given emp/emp as dba username/password while creating.
The db got created and the files were generated in the given folder.
When I tried running the below script using Ineractive SQL:
use master
if exists (select 1 from master..sysdatabases where name='emp_details')
checkpoint emp_details
It threw the following exception
Could not execute statement.
Syntax error near 'checkpoint' on line 2
SQLCODE=-131, ODBC 3 State="42000"
Line 4, column 1
Haven't been able to figure out what exactly the syntax issue is and have been stuck up with this for a while.
Any ideas?
First of all, you may want to think about posting your SQL Anywhere questions to the http://sqlanywhere-forum.sap.com/ forum. It's a forum dedicated to the SQL Anywhere product line.
Is there any possibility that the two periods together might be causing your syntax issue?
Normally you're not going to get an exact area where the error is coming from. See if that helps. Also check out the other forum as well.

ant sql insert statement fails on '--' strings. workaround?

We're changing our install scripts to use ant's "sql" task and jdbc rather than proprietary sql clients sqlplus (oracle) and osql (msft).
Updated: added more context. Our "base data" (seed data) consists of a collection of .sql files containing "vendor-neutral"(i.e. works both in oracle and mssql) sql statements.
The Problem
The scripts run fine, with one exception:
This sql fails in Oracle. Specifically, something (ant or jdbc driver) treats the dashes/hyphens as "beginning of a comment"--even though they are embedded in a string. Note that the same sql works fine with ant/sql and microsoft's jdbc driver.
INSERT INTO email_client (email_client_id,generated_reply_text) VALUES(100002,'----- Original Message -----');
Related Bug
This ant bug appears to identify the problem. As it's still open (after 8 years), I'm not hoping for a fix soon. However, because the problem appears only in oracle, it may lie with the driver.
The oracle driver: jdbc thin driver, version
The Question
Does anyone have a workaround which works in both mssql and oracle? (e.g. changing the offending lines to define an escape character? I don't see an 'escape' on the 'insert' sql92 syntax)
After viewing the 'SQLExec' source and turning on verbose logging, I found a workaround:
if the sql statement includes a string containing '--', place the delimiter (semi-colon) on the next line.
This Fails
INSERT INTO email_client (email_client_id,generated_reply_text) VALUES(100002,'----- Original Message -----');
This Succeeds
Note that semi-colon is on a separate line
INSERT INTO email_client (email_client_id,generated_reply_text) VALUES(100002,'----- Original Message -----')
Turning on verbose logging, I saw that when Ant came across the offending sql statement, it actually passed three sql statements in at once to the jdbc driver. The offending statement, the next statement (which also included an embedded '--'), and the subsequent statement (which did not include an embedded '--').
I gave the Ant code a quick glance and didn't see any obvious errors. Since I wasn't planning to patch Ant, I looked for a workaround.
Tweaking with it I found that if I simply moved the delimiter (semicolon) to the next line for the statements with embedded '--', the scripts executed successfully.
thanks everyone for weighing in
You could try this:
INSERT INTO email_client (email_client_id,generated_reply_text)
VALUES(100002,LPAD('-',5,'-') || ' Original Message ' || LPAD('-',5,'-'));

How do i call a shell app from SQL storedprocedure?

Im trying to call a notepad or calculator from a stored procedure. can anyone help?
For what database will this be?
For MySql you can write a UDF (User Defined Function - See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/adding-udf.html) to to this or use the ready made one from the UDF repository guys. See http://www.mysqludf.org/lib_mysqludf_sys/index.php. See the sys_exec function and also the section labelled 'A Note of Caution' ;-)
For Microsoft SQL see the xp_cmdshell command here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa260689%28SQL.80%29.aspx
maybe xp_cmdshell be useful for you.
Executes a given command string as an
operating-system command shell and
returns any output as rows of text.
Grants nonadministrative users
permissions to execute xp_cmdshell.
There are ways to do it in Oracle's PL/SQL as well.
Oracle "External Procedures" or start here:
Oracle External Procedures
You end up calling to SHELL32.DLL and telling it to open Notepad.