Huge picturebox (16000x16000) -

Sometimes, my users will use a 16000x16000 picturebox (which is located in a Panel, for autoscroll).
The picturebox is used like a tiles map. On it, I draw tiles for making maps (yes, it is a map editor)...
But the mere idea of being able to create a picturebox that huge, is terrible for performance.
I am told to "only load the visible area", but, what do they mean by "load" on a picturebox? Can I control that?

You don't want to let the picturebox display complete images. Instead, you use the Paint event to draw the visible image portion yourself


Circular images

In my application, users are allowed to choose a picture they want and this picture shows up in a picturebox.
I want to know if there was a way so that this picture that they select becomes circular instead of a square?
I want all images they select to be circle shaped.
Is there anyway to do this? Doesn't even have to be a picturebox control, anything that can accomplish this is fine
I tried this with no luck -
Not the smartest way, but worked for me in similar task. If your picturebox is fixed size, you can create "mask" which will hide the corners.
Just draw an image in PNG with transparent circle in the middle and make the rest same color as your form. Use this image as Image propperty of each imagebox and set your image as "backgroundImage" property. This way, the image will look circle-shaped.
If you need imageboxes of different size, you can create the circle mask programmatically.
EDIT: If you will prepare a calculation of circle, you can also use it to "crop" the images to circle shape. It all depends on what you want to do with these images later.
Do you need to use them later in circle or rectangle shape?

Basic picturebox error

I want to add a .gif image to a picturebox.
I want user to choose image from a variety of images of different pixels.
if I use
picturebox1.image = image.fromfile("E:\ship1")
then there is no option available of imagelayout unlike backgroundimage.
because of different images pixel only half of image is displayed in my picturebox size.
I don't want to change my picturebox size because in the game that i am working on, it can cause problems.
If i use
picturebox.backgroundimage = image.fromfile("E:\ship1")
but then .gif would not show its animation.
Any suggestion for solution apart from changing size of picturebox cause that would be the last thing to do

Is there any analog of VB.NET's bitmap class for VB6?

I have a form and a custom scrollable PictureBox control (a very large PictureBox control inside another smaller PictureBox with 2 sliders to move large PictureBox inside smaller one). While scrolling large PictureBox inside smaller one the graphics that are drawn on large PictureBox get erased.
I would like to use a kind of off-screen buffer technique to cache all the drawing operations and to repaint the "dirty" parts of the view if necessary. There is an example of how to do this with Bitmap class in VB.NET.
Is there any analog of VB.NET's Bitmap class for Visual Basic 6?
I'm sure it's possible to do what you want, but I believe all you are looking for is the AutoRedraw property of the picturebox.

How can I show scrollbars on a PictureBox control?

Sometimes, I have a picturebox lets say 100x100. But the image it will display is actually 100x400.
I don't want to increase the size of the picturebox itself. Instead, I would like to create a vertical scrollbar (or horizontal if needed).
I could not find a scrollbar in the toolbox, so I guess I have to code it. But, how?
And I still wonder if I didn't make a mistake and didn't see the scrollbar in the toolbox. My apologies then :(
I suppose you could add separate scrollbar controls and sync their Scroll events up with the offset at which the picture in the PictureBox is drawn, but that sounds like actual work. There's a better way.
Add a Panel control to your form, and set its AutoScroll property to "True". This will cause the control to automatically show scrollbars when it contains content that lies outside of its currently visible bounds. The .NET Framework will take care of everything for you under the covers, without you having to write a single line of code.
Drag and drop your PictureBox control inside of the Panel control that you just added. The Panel control will then detect that one of its child controls is larger than its visible area and show scrollbars, thanks to the AutoScroll property. When the user moves the scrollbars, the portion of the image in your PictureBox that is visible will be automatically adjusted. Magic.
(The reason you have to use a Panel control as a container is because PictureBox does not inherit directly from the ScrollableControl base class, which is what provides the AutoScroll property.)
I tried this and it worked well. But I noted that if the picturebox is docked in the panel, the picturebox is automatically set to the size of the parent panel, and can't be set larger (at least not in any way I could find). This defeats the purpose of the technique. So -- put the picturebox on the panel, but don't dock it, and it will work perfectly.
There are no automatic scroll bars on a picture box, but you can add the VScrollBar (and HScrollBar) control to the form and handle the image scrolling manually by redrawing it at a different offset each time the Scroll event is fired.

VB.NET: label vs picturebox

What is more lightweight control, a label, or a picturebox? (label can contain image too).
I will have a form with 110 icons displayed in separate controls and I'm deciding if I should display them in pictureboxes, or a labels.
In VB6, there was an Imagebox control which was MUCH more lightweight than picturebox. What is the most similar control to Imagebox in VB.NET?
Thanks! :-)
Although I know it's not part of your question, the real problem it seems you are experiencing is the fact that you have 110 icons in a single form. I would take a look at the UI and see if there is a better way to lay it out or design it so you don't have to worry about whether or not to use one component vs the other.
I don't think you can compare them because fundamentally they are so different--VB6 controls versus .net framework controls that is.
Take a look at the class hierarchy in .net and you will see that both picturebox and label derive from the same set of classes.
While I didn't itemize the classes' properties and methods, I would guess that the only difference between a Label and a Picturebox is that there is a text property for a Label box thus alleviating you of rendering your own text if there were no Label control and all you had was a PictureBox.
Both a Label and a PictureBox can be assigned an Image object or work in conjunction with an ImageList. So if all you are looking to do is display images then the PictureBox should be just fine (not to mention the fact that it clearly conveys the control's purpose in life: PictureBox:Icons::Label:Text).